Realm Wars

Chapter 41: Battle in the Mountain of the Dead 4

Chapter 41: Battle in the Mountain of the Dead 4

Wielding Gawtar, Asad charged forward. His speed was incredible than before, and as his body was flecking left and right. Soon, there were six of them.


This was a trademark skill for every demon, and Ferris didn't know if he was underestimating her.

"Don't make me laugh." Ferris was about to summon her weapon when she was surprised by Asad's sudden burst of speed followed by hissing sounds like reptiles, as multiple Gawtars aimed her center.

Asad became one with his mirages and appeared in front of Ferris. "Die!"

Asad struck his word like a fallen mountain. The blow would surely burst Ferris apart.

But Ferris only grinned a smile that reached almost her eyes. Face warping maniacally, a sword appeared before her hand.

Her weapon's speed came as a surprise and struck Asad's hand. The blade was dull, and couldn't even cut his skin. All he felt was vibration then popped, his arms exploded.

Asad put distance between him and Ferris and was dumbfounded by the gaping wound on his arm. His whole arm was gone. Not even the bones remained.

"What is that." Asad eyed Ferris's weapon as his arms regenerated.

It was a sword that almost reached her height. It had raven wings on top and an eye like a universe on the center of its hilt. It didn't have a blade. It was like it was made of flesh and metal dark corrosive pumping flesh.

Ferris's slimy tongue slipped from her lips and licked her sword. "You're not the only one who possessed a demonic sword."

[Demonic Sword, Paradox]

Asad knew that it was not just an ordinary demonic sword. It avoided all defenses and attacked inside the body.

Asad's six-eye glint. He must have it!

Though artifact weapons chose their master's, the sword would acknowledge him as its rightful owner once he killed Ferris.

Cold, compressing air shrouded the surroundings, and Ferris found herself freezing. The atmosphere they were in seemed to be locked from the outside world, and she found her movement constricted.

[Ice Field]

Asad gained the ice element when he absorbed the monster. Now he had demonic and ice affinity.

Asad's sword was moving slow, but it snaked its way toward Ferris with a devastating force. Then Gawtar suddenly split the air, increasing in speed tenfold, and it arrived at Ferris in a blink.

Ferris's large sword, Paradox, was like a bird soaring in the sky. Its speed contended with Gawtar and blocked its attack.


The air shuddered as the two swords struck each other. Gawtar was vibrating, and Asad feared that anymore and even Gawtar would break.

"Tremble!" Ferris activated Paradox's demonic aura, and the entirety of the sword was covered with dark hazy light.


Asad was knocked meters away, and a terrifying aura enveloped him. It was like something was entering him, attacking his soul and mind.

The time when he was but a child, tortured and enslaved, kept replaying in his memory. The terror of being powerless even to speak up. He was transported in a time where all he ever knew was fear.

"Grr!" Asad suppressed the fear he felt, and thanks to Gawtar and his new body, he could withstand Paradox's demonic aura. But he could only utilize half his power. It was like Ferris's sword reduced its opponent's prowess by using fear.

Asad never wanted anything but to acquire that weapon! The Princess will have to wait.

He used the ultimate skill in his arsenal. Gawtar trembled and warped. It then split in six, and Asad's six arms welded the six Gawtars. The mirage shadows of swords cause a rift in space. In the blink of an eye, thousands and thousands of swords were in front of Ferris.

[Demon's Carnage]

Ferris didn't have time to block. She didn't have to.

As the thousands of swords were but a hair in front of her, everything stopped. The trees froze, the sounds ceased, and all succumbed to stillness and silence.

With a flick of her hand, the thousands of swords broke, and Gawtar spasmed before it shattered, and Asad was sent flying back, slamming into multiple trees and rocks before hitting the ground.

Asad crawled to his feet and stared at Ferris in disbelief. "Y-you. .. t-that. .. H-how?!"

Ferris diamond dilated eye burned crimson and her lips curved upward as she approached Asad.

Asad lost all demeanor and confidence he had. Before the demoness that was approaching him, he succumbed to terror and fear as he stammered, "D-demon. .. [Demonic Realm]."

Ferris's smile widened with her sharp teeth and fangs on display.

Asad looked over at Ferris, kneeling and trembling. "B-but. .. h-how? W-who. .. who are you?"

Ferris licked her lips and drew Paradox upward.

"Your Queen."

With the faintest touch of Paradox against Asad's head, all his innards trembled, and he burst into nothing but flesh and blood. His soul flew from his body, a dark, dense soul that would surely level up a Rank-B demon into an A.

Ferris took it away just in case she needed it.

"Well then." Ferris turned towards the dead trees and dense foliage. Her breasts jiggled as she tilted her hips. "When are you going to show yourself?"

Behind the tall trees, Valij was hiding, wishing, hoping in all hopes that no one would notice her. But despair came too quick. Before she could even flee, Ferris was beside her.

"Eavesdropping is not a very good hobby. But I like it nonetheless."

Valij went to her knees. She, a proud and arrogant mercenary, didn't care about honor and shame anymore. All she could think was to stay alive. She saw what Ferris did to the others and to that monster. She couldn't possibly hope of defeating her.

Valij wanted to flee while Ferris was fighting the monster, but she was afraid to drew their attention, and her legs went numb at the thought. At the same time, her mana was near empty. She couldn't possibly run so far.

"I-I. .. I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone what happened. I swear." Valij didn't dare look Ferris in the eyes.

Against this being, Valij was like a pebble she could crash in her palms. The gap in their strength was enormous.

"Hmm.. ." Ferris tapped a finger on her lips. "Only dead men don't tell secrets."

Valij gulped. Cold sweat soaked her clothes, and her body was about to cave in from the oppressing fear she felt.

"But I tell you what," Ferris chuckled. Her dilated pupils narrowed into diamond irises, "I'll give you a chance. I'll count to three. If you manage to run a hundred meters away from me, then I'll let you live."

Ferris's lips curved so wide it almost reached her crescent eyes. "You can manage that much, right?"

Valij body trembled. She was afraid she would cut her tongue if she spoke.

"One. . ."

But when Ferris started to count, Valij concentrated all her strength into her legs, and she shot from the ground and dashed towards the opposite direction.

She could do it! A hundred meters wasn't far. She could cross it in the blink of an eye. Valij gaze never strayed in her path.

Then the trees and the bushes turned upside down. Before she knew it, multiple blades shredded her legs, and she collapsed on the ground.

Valij almost fainted from the searing pain, but terror soon overpowered her pain as Ferris loomed above her with a twisted, perverted smile.

"Two. . ."

"W-wait. . ." Tears poured from Valij eyes and snot dripped from her nose as she crawled with all her might. "N-no. .. "

Before she could utter another word, Valij world turned upside down, and the last thing she saw was her shredded flesh and guts.

"Hm. .. a pure white soul. Not bad." Ferris stored away Valij soul. Though the souls wouldn't even dint her current level, it could still level up lower rank demons. It might have its use later.

"Now. . ." Ferris wings raffled and shot open. "Time to look for my little pup."

Turn back!

"Guk!" Ferris grabbed her head when that annoying voice rang in her head.

Turn back now! Someone is approaching!

"Heh. Do you think I care at this point?"

Unless you want to face the Asura, I suggest not killing his grandson.

".. ." Ferris clicked her tongue, and within a second, she was back in her little human form.

Not before long, hooves and neighs rattled the mountain, and majestic war horses and impressive cavalry unit, all with the crest of the Asura Empire, surrounded Ferris.

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