Realm Wars

Chapter 56: A New Journey

Chapter 56: A New Journey

"Make way! Make way!"

"Get off the track, you bloody vermin!"

"Potions every one! We have a nice set for all your scavenging needs!"

Seashell Port Town was the biggest port town in all of the mortal realm. It was also where the scavenger hunt began. Flocked with adventures, mercenaries, and nobles, the port was bustling as ever as this was the first day of the scavenger hunt.


Overwhelmed by the number of people, Ryu didn't know where to focus. The chaotic scenery, the people haggling, shouting, or the many ships docked in the sea.

It was a whole new world to him!

"Stay close," Cecily warned and led Ryu and Ferris into an ordinary ship at the far side. There weren't many people in that area, mainly because the ships docked in that port were privately owned.

Once they boarded the ship, Lucian greeted them. This time, his hair was no longer orange but blue, and any resemblance to the original Lucian was lost.

It was the effect of the Appearance Changing Potions. Their mission this time was top secret, and only a few knew of it. They needed to change their appearance so they wouldn't attract any attention being the legendary heroes' grandchildren and all.

Except for Ryu and Ferris, Lucian and Cecily changed their looks.

Now Ferris knew where those Appearance Changing Potions at Faux went. She did not doubt that the legendary heroes had access to the three taverns.

"How are you doing?" Lucian asked Cecily.

Cecily brushed a hair to the side of her ears. "I'm holding on somewhat." She flashed a sad smile before she shook her head and said with an optimistic tone that lacked enthusiasm. "But anyway, I still couldn't believe that you're to lead this mission. Your father and grandfather finally set you free?"

Lucian chuckled. "Not quite. You know that this is a critical mission. I'm only allowed to lead this expedition because I have a Space Crystal and a lifesaving item, just in case. And besides, it's not only our group who'll venture into this mission. There are others as well."

Ferris's ears perked, and Ryu's frowned deepened when Cecily and Lucian were so close to each other.

"Well, at least I'm glad that one of us is well protected," Cecily said bitterly with a laugh. Her father didn't even send her off. She'll be away for almost ninety days, and he didn't even as much as say anything to her.

Well, at least, her grandfather, Drago Byron, gifted her with a new rapier.

Lucian raffled Cecily's hair like he'd done when they were young. "Don't worry. If anything goes wrong, I'll protect you."

Ryu wanted to suppress his growl but failed miserably. Lucian didn't even give him any attention as he continued to brush Cecily's hair.

"Pardon me."

They were interrupted with a voice that was so cool to the ears. It was freezing and refreshing at the same time, like the finest Ale sliding in their throat.

Beside Lucian appeared a man. An ethereal man with white eyes and hair. His skin was luminescent, and his demeanor was nothing but elegant. Everyone who laid eyes at him had their breaths taken away by his good looks and effortless charms.

Cecily held a gasp. "Lucian. .. is this. . ."

"Ah.. ." Lucian sheepishly rubbed his nose. "Everyone, this is my grandfather's servant, Raphael. He is lent to me in our mission."

Ferris didn't even know how Raphael appeared without her knowing. He is definitely an. . .

"Angel," Cecily murmured.

No one had an angel servant. That was what they were made to believe. But here it was. .. face to face with them was an entity that they only heard in stories. And he was Lionell Azura's servant.

Raphael just spared Cecily the barest glance with a down curve mouth before he looked at Lucian. "The ship will be departing soon."

"Ah. . ." Lucian then shot Cecily an apologetic smile. "Sorry. Raphael isn't too friendly."

Ferris frowned. No one would if they were stripped of their freedom and forced to be a servant.

Ryu sniffed the air, but he found no scent from the Angel while his beast laid quiet. It was a first that his beast was backing to the side.

Cecily was in awe and didn't even mind the rude behavior of Raphael. It was her first time seeing an Angel. Though Raphael hid his wings, just his divine countenance alone would give his race away.

"Is it okay for him to walk alongside us?" Cecily asked Lucian. Raphael could easily attract attention even from miles away.

"Raphael would be invincible most of the time. He'll just come out if he sensed danger," Lucian said.

Lionell meant business this time that even his angel servant was lent to Lucian.

"But. .. will he be able to enter the beast realm with us?" Cecily asked. In truth, not all of them were sure if they could enter the beast realm because of the barriers that repelled high-ranking beings. That was why they formed many groups.

"Raphael is a four-winged Angel. If we convert him into a mercenary, he'd be a Rank-A," Lucian said and added under his breath, "I think."

Raphael's stoic face didn't move the slightest before he closed his eyes and disappeared in thin air.

"I wish I had an angel servant too. Even if it's just a two-winged one," Cecily mumbled.

Ryu's heart fell in the pit of his stomach. It hit him hard, and he looked at the ground. If only he could manipulate mana. .. then maybe. . .

"Too bad that you're too weak even to own a two-horned demon."

All eyes flickered to the newcomer. A woman with short black hair and a confident sharp look on her beautiful face. Her dress hugged her every curve, and her hips swayed at her every move.

Rosa Ruk (Pic)

Ryu took a whiff and coughed. Too much perfume!

Ferris was quiet since the Angel appeared and disappeared. There was so much going on with her head that she didn't have time to make acquaintances.

"Rosa," Lucian greeted, "I see that you haven't taken the Appearance Changing potion."

Rosa embraced Lucian, pressing her breasts against his chest before she kissed him on the cheek. "I miss you too, Lucian. Don't worry. I assure you that no one saw me. I just wanted to greet you with my original face-first, seeing that it has been years since we lost saw each other."

Rosa seductively licked her lips. "I thought that you might appreciate your childhood sweetheart's face."

Lucian cleared her throat and removed Rosa's hands from his neck. "That's childhood friends, and you're late. . ."

Rosa shrugged and faced Cecily and smirked. "I'm sorry about Dozla and Murok, but know that everything is your fault."

Cecily's face darkened, and Ryu wanted to bit away the smugness on Rosa's face if it weren't for Lucian, who barged between the two women.

"Rosa, you know that what happened is no one's fault."

Rosa scoffed and folded her arms. "And, of course, you protect her. Since young, all of you have done nothing but cuddled her. And look what she become?"

Rosa pointed at Cecily, sneering, "She became overconfident and arrogant. I've watched what happened before they died when my grandmother extracted their last memory. And believe me. .. it's Cecily's fault no matter how you look at it."

"Enough!" Lucian hissed, but Cecily stepped forward.

"You're right," Cecily said. Head high and voice low. There was determination in her eyes that Ryu and Ferris didn't saw before.

The death of Dozla and Murok had changed her. Her arrogant and overconfident demeanor was gone. Replaced by a maturity that they haven't seen before.

"It was my fault," Cecily admitted. She then flicked a hand, and a rapier appeared. It shone gold with thunder sprawling at its blade before it made a slicing sound.

"Cecily!" Ryu was shocked when Cecily's hair was cut short.

Ferris was shocked that even with short hair, Cecily was still breathtaking. Though she changed her looks, her hair would still be short if her real appearance came back. Any bruises and feutures alter would reflect on the original appearance.

"Cecily. .. what have you done? Why did you do that?" Lucian was stunned since Cecily valued her hair since she was a child. She didn't allow anyone to cut it too short.

Cecily held her hair, a bitter smile on her face. Her eyes shook like it would burst in tears. "I take responsibility for my past actions. And I swear that I won't grow my hair long before all the demon race is annihilated. That is my atonement for their death. I'll make sure that every demons' corpses will bow on their grave."



I'm still having a fever, but I want to publish this chapter this week 'cause next week this book is going premium, starting with this chapter.

I'm deeply grateful for all of you for supporting this book and I hope you continue to support it until its end.

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