Realm Wars

Chapter 78: Bloody Lagoon 2

Chapter 78: Bloody Lagoon 2

The group had a momentary sense of peace when they continued rowing, and no sign of the Rusalkas appearing. 

"Ryu, don't lean too much." Kai grabbed Ryu's clothes, afraid that a Rusalka would drag Ryu if he showed even an inch of his face on the water.

Ryu ignored him. His eyes were on the lake. He couldn't smell what was below, so he didn't know what to expect. But one thing was for sure. .. the rotten slimy smell was intensifying by the second.

A growl vibrated in his chest when he saw a shadow looming below their boats. It was huge, and whatever it was, it was following them.

"What the matter?" Kai asked when he saw Ryu's serious face.

Not hearing anything, Ryu focused all his senses on that massive shadow, and his eyes turned to slit when the lake rippled.

"Watch out!"

At Ryu's shout came the thundering blast of water, and what came after was a massive beast more than three meters from tip to tail. It stood in two enormous feet and its claws raised in the air as its wide mouth roared into the sky. Its sharp jagged teeth were coated with saliva, skin covered in scales, and its back was line with rocky spikes.


"A Dracodile!"

"W-what now?" Kai cried. He actually closed his eyes, not wanting to see what they were about to face again. It wasn't even an hour that the Rusalkas attacked them. Now, something came up again that was much more terrifying.

No wonder this lagoon was named Bloody lagoon. By the time light was extinguished, these waters would be drenched by their blood.


The temporary silence was shattered once more as the Dracodiles emerged from the lagoons and attacked the nearby boats. 

Dracodile were Rank-B beasts due to their massive body and strength. But when fighting it in water, their ranks increased.

"Now I know why they called it Bloody Lagoon," Rosa muttered and cast a spell. Since fire was weak against aquatic creatures and water spells didn't work against them, she could only rely on her wind and earth affinity while Fifi protected her if the enemies got too close.

"The terrain is already hard enough to fight! Now, this! Lucian shouted in his mind. He brandished his long sword and leaped into the air while Rosa supported him with a spell that let him hover in mid-air.

[Gravity Wind]

The same with Cecily. Even though Rosa didn't want to, this was not the time to be petty. To defeat the Dracodile fast, they must work together.

Casting the simple [Gravity Wind] spell didn't cause much mana, but keeping it for long periods of time consumed mana. That was why any flying magic wouldn't work in traversing the vast Nightmare Sea. Before they could even reach one-third of their destination, Rosa might already be exhausted dry of her mana.

Perhaps it would work if there were multiple mages in the party. 

"Don't fight it in open water." The Owner laughed while Athen and Athena left his side to hunt down the beasts. "Continue to row forward if you have the chance. These beasts are none ending."

The Owner was right. Lucian and Cecily wanted to clear the Dracodile so their boats could pass forward. They didn't want to waste time on these beasts if they didn't have to.

"Kai, freeze the lake so Ryu and the others can fight!" Lucian instructed.

"Damn it." Kai didn't know how long he could freeze the lagoon or at least a portion of it, but he did what Lucian asked.

Ryu didn't need the ice. With his agile body, he leaped from one Dracodile to the next, but the other mercenary could undoubtedly need the help.

Kai froze some portion of the lake that didn't hinder the boat's mobility. The mercs got off their boat and leaped from one ice to the next to confront the Dracodiles hindering their path.

With Rosa's spell and support, Lucian and Cecily each took one Dracodile for themselves. 

Lucian wanted to fight using his Azure skills, a unique skill that was only available to their bloodline, to make things easier and faster. But he was afraid that the Owner would notice and find out who he was. 

Lucian could only rely on his sword and his strength to cut the enemies in his path. He was sure that the toughest hide of the Dracodile was no match against the sharpest of his sword.


The Dracodile raised its massive claws, attempting to smash Lucian with one strike. Twice or even thrice his size, the Dracodile was intimidating, and the faint of heart would surely drop dead upon its menacing physique.

But Lucian wasn't the least bit intimidated as his swung ripped and tore the Dracodile's scales. He assaulted the Dracodile with a flurry of powerful strikes, breaking its defenses and imparting a gory memento.

Although the Dracodile fought back with desperate blows, Lucian just batted each one aside and decisively cut each limb of the giant croc.

On Cecily's side, with classic and elegant motions, she trusted her rapier and pierced the Dracodile's upper body. In one concentrated blow, she punctured the Dracodile's defenses and body.


The Dracodile was going berserk as it swiped its tail towards Cecily. One strike from its tail, and a human was mince paste.

With a leap of her foot, Cecily avoided the attack. The Dracodile opened its mouth, and droplets of water gathered inside its jaws before it was released in the form of a massive water torrent and blasted forth towards Cecily's direction.

[Water Breath]

Without avoiding the attack, Cecily performed a skill. She aimed her rapier forward, and a laser-like force shot from the tip of her rapier.

[Point Blank]

The wind hissed and the air distorted at the speed that it even pierced the water torrent and broke it into particles without effort. Then it went straight into the Dracodile core's and out to the next, leaving a hole in its path.

Rosa rolled her eyes. "Show off." 

Not wanting to lose to Cecily, Rosa cast a spell. 

Harden patches of corrupted air hovered on the Dracodiles, and they each dropped like rain upon them.

[Falling Sky]

It didn't do much damage on the Dracodiles, but it was enough to slow them for the mercenaries to finish them off.

Gradually, the boat advance when the Dracodiles dropped dead on the ice. 

The Owner nodded at this development. With Cecily's group joining them, traversing the Bloody Lagoon became much easier. 

The Owner flapped his fan and hid behind it a sly smile. "Now for the harder part."

Then the Owner caught a sight of Ryu fighting the Dracodiles at the side. "Oh, my pet has certainly grown."

Ryu was fighting the Dracodile with just his strength and agility. And the Owner knew that with Ryu's power alone, he could easily defeat a Rank-B beast.

Only. . .

The Owner's eyes narrowed when his gaze landed on Ryu's weapon. It was a gauntlet with claws at the front. Its metal body was enveloped with wild electricity.

The Owner knew at first glance that an extremely skilled master smithy made the weapon in Ryu's hands. Otherwise, it wouldn't have an affinity and lightning at that, one of the most complex elements to forge into a weapon. And with just one blow, it penetrated the Dracodile's defenses. 

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