Realm Wars

Chapter 81: Ancient Hydra 2

Chapter 81: Ancient Hydra 2

"What is he doing?" Lucian didn't know what to feel at the moment. 

"Rather, how did he even manage to get into the cave without that monster attacking him?" Kai and Lucian were at a loss.

The Serpent attacked everyone that attempted to move, but here came Ryu, who was leisurely strolling forward like he was invincible in the Hydra's eyes.

It was like the Serpent didn't even notice him.

"Is it a beast thing?" Kai wondered. 

Lucian didn't know if this was good news or bad news. He could only hope that the Owner overlooked Ryu.

"We don't have time to worry about him. We are in a more dangerous situation." Lucian readied his guard, for the monster was about to unleash something from its mouth again.


The Ancient Hydra let out furious roars and terrifying pressures. Everyone's legs grew soft, and they found it difficult to breathe like they were underwater. Their heart was squeezing tight but thumping hard like it would burst.

[Dragon's Fear]

However, the Ancient Hydra wasn't finished. A huge plume of vapor gathered from its four heads and shot forth towards Lucian and the others in the form of condensed boiling vapors of water.

[Hydra Plume]

Even from meters away, Lucian and the others felt the smoldering heat. One drop from that water and their flesh would melt.

"N-not good!" Fifi watched at the side with helpless eyes. She shots bolts of electricity against the vapors, but her attacks were no match against the beast. It just absorbed her electricity.

With every ounce of her strength, Rosa finished her spell just in time that the huge plume would hit them. Boulders and rocks broke from the earth and rumbled forward with a grinding roar. Stone ripped from everywhere around them to form a massive wall of spikes.

[Earth's Might]

The huge plume hit against the massive wall of rocks and scattered in all directions, leaving devastation where it dropped. 

Lucian and the others lived another day, but their respite was short as the Ancient Hydra slithered its tongue, and all its four heads simultaneously attacked.

Lucian was quick on his feet as he grabbed Rosa and avoided the attack. Kai also enhanced himself with his skill and tripled his speed to escape.

Athen teleported near Athena and grabbed her before reappearing in an area safe from the Hydra's clutches while Cecily emerged near the Ancient Hydra's head.

With the tip of her sword, she struck out her rapier, and a massive wave of force spanning tens of meters slashed outward into the skull of the Ancient Hydra.


Ear shattering sounds vibrated in all corners like metal hit against metal. The Ancient Hydra span over, its slit eyes focused on Cecily, and before Cecily could react, one of the Hydra's headshot her with concentrated boiling water.

"Cecily!" Lucian shouted.

It happened so fast that no one could move to save Cecily while the latter received the Hydra's attack head-on.

Cecily's skin was torn, and her flesh was burn as she smashed into the ground. Her bones shattered, and with just one attack from the Hydra, she was on the verge of death.


Lucian didn't have to remind twice. Rosa was already healing Cecily before she even hit the ground. It was also why Cecily was barely breathing because Rosa's spell protected her from complete annihilation. 

Kai was shaking, sweating buckets. "T-that. .. W-we are so doomed." Kai wanted to flee while the Ancient Hydra was occupied, but his debt with Ryu and Fifi kept him grounded.

"Quit yapping and help me here!" Lucian, Athen, and Ferris took over the vanguard while Cecily was being healed. Their support was Athena on the backlines, safe from the Hydra's reach.

Athen and Athena barely speak, but Lucian knew that they were strong. Else, they wouldn't have lasted up to now. Lucian could only hope that their few numbers wouldn't lessen more.

"Raphael," Lucian called in his mind as he battled the Hydra. 

"Calling me to fight, are you sure?" Raphael answered.

"Only if the situation requires it." And that situation was either they ran out of mana or that their life was in danger like what happened to Cecily. 

Raphael was silent for a moment and said, "As you wish."

Lucian grit his teeth. He couldn't afford to let that happen to Cecily or Rosa again. It was dangerous, and if not for Rosa, Cecily would have been mana particles by now with her soul floating in the air.

Lucian shuddered at the thought. Cecily and Rosa were like sisters to him, and he couldn't afford to make the same blunder again. He'd rather be exposed than let either one of them die.

While everyone was keeping the Ancient Hydra occupied, the Owner was hiding behind his Cloaked of Shadows. He was an assassin with a rare affinity to shadows.

He could hide and mask his trail as long as there were shadows present.

The truth was, the Owner and his group arrived yesterday in Deadman's Rock. He thought by bringing just two Rank-A level mercenaries, and everything would be fine.

After all, Rank-A mercs were strong. They could defeat Rank-A beasts in lock combat. He neither expected nor predicted that there would be a Rank-S beast lurking in a small, unheard island such as Deadman's Rock.

For the life of him, Rank-S beats shouldn't even exist nowadays. They were extremely rare, and the majority of them were in the beast Realm.

But when they stopped after they crossed the swamp to take a rest, he went ahead and checked the Bloody lagoon out of curiosity and to make sure that nothing monstrous would hinder their path.

Using the shadow of the trees, rocks, and even the bushes, he went deeper into the lagoon until he reached the cave. And when he attempted to went inside, multiple eyes reflected in the waters, and the Owner was flung back in the swamp.

It was a Rank-S beast. He was sure of it. And it could detect its [Cloak of Shadows]. 

In his many years in the Mortal Realm, it was the first time that the Owner felt fear once again. The only thing that kept him from losing his mind was that the beast didn't chase after him. It was like it was protecting that cave, which ironed his belief that the Lost Jewel of Tethyt's was indeed inside that cave.

He cursed his Mortal lineage. He needed that Jewel. With it, he would become an entity like the angels and demons. He would never age, and his youthful appearance would remain forever!

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