Realm Wars

Chapter 88: Ferris’s Last Words

Chapter 88: Ferris’s Last Words

The massive claws couldn't be stopped, and it was too late to evade.

Lucian gritted his teeth. "Raphael"

With the burst of golden light, Raphael appeared with its four wings and ethereal face. Everyone didn't have time to be shocked when a colossal pentagram appeared before Raphael.

A blazing halo surrounded his head and flared of godly powers flickered around him. With his arms outstretched towards the approaching threat, bolts of divine rage flashed forth and brought damnation onto the corrupt.

[Angelic Chorus]

As the golden strike met against the dark claws, a massive explosion caused the waters to hallow.


Everyone on the boat held on tight as the force from the explosion rocked them away. It was blinding for a whole minute before it ceased.

The ominous skeleton-like claws vanished at Raphael's might, but Raphael's mana was almost depleted in exchange. 

Raphael frowned. He didn't expect that he would be forced to use one of his devastating spells just to counter that ominous curse.

But since it already happened, Raphael looked at Lucian as he disappeared. "We are out of the rocks. Don't call me unless it's important."

And he vanished. Raphael was going to regain his mana, and he didn't want to be disturbed while doing so.

Lucian and the other breathed easy. Once they were completely out of trouble, they'd deal with the others on ship regarding an Angel being his servant. 

However, with a sharp whoosh, a raging bullet was diving towards them fast.

"Look out!" Before Lucian could react, the bullet was nearly meters from Cecily's head.

Ryu embraced Cecily in his arms without thinking of the consequences and shielded her from the bullet, aiming to take the bullet for himself.


But to everybody's surprised, Ferris jumped over and received the bullet head-on. The bullet buried into her skull, and she felt that her consciousness was fading fast and the bullet wound wouldn't heal even with her extraordinary healing abilities. 

It was a cursed item with an effect of instant death! No healing spells nor regeneration could work against it. If Ryu had been hit with it, he might have died. 

But since Ferris's body was already dead, the bullets curse didn't work on her. But her human body would surely disappear fast at this rate.

Ferris gritted her teeth. The Owner was becoming a pain! How many rare items does he own? 

With the last of her strength, she shot multiple dense shadows in the direction of Deadman's Rock. These shadows merged into one and formed one giant force that exploded upon contact on the island.

Hopefully, the Owner died with the blast, or at least it gave them time to get away from the Owner's range of attacks.


Ryu shouted when Ferris's body dropped on the floor like a lifeless doll. 

As her visions blurred, Ferris thought that love and mate things were garbage and shit. There was no advantage to it. Without it, she could have lived a carefree life without worrying about anyone but herself. He would be in the Demon Realm by now, collecting souls and beautiful men.

But now. . . After everything she did. .. Even if she sacrificed herself for him, he was holding another girl in his arms.

Ah. .. Damn this love thing. .. it was the truest and most despicable curse in the entire realms.

Ryu let go of Cecily and went into Ferris's side. He went on his knees, and unlike before, he held her body in the gentlest way he could. He was afraid with just a little force, he would snap a bone on her thin, lifeless form, and it would worsen her condition.

"Ferris!" Ryu shouted. Panic and fear washed over his face, and Ferris wanted to laugh.

Seeing Ryu's worried expression with his big dilated eyes that were about to melt, Ferris thought that it was all worth it, and she wanted to hit herself for feeling that way.

With the last of her strength, she croaked in whispers, making sure that it was only Ryu who heard her. "R-Ryu. .. you have to get. .. Queens Horns Mackerel. .. and give it to Faux. . ."

".. ."

Ferris wanted to cry when Ryu's face warped from worry to confusion. What should she say then? Words of I love you's? It was not like she would die. Only her mortal body would disappear.

And it was not like Ryu would reciprocate her feelings with Cecily in the way. She'd rather remind him of the debt with Rigulus. It was more important since she didn't know when she would wake up with her mortal body disappearing and all. She needed another medium, fast! Or else her demon would go on a rampage spree!

"Huh?" Ryu didn't know why Ferris was saying that at a time like this. "It's not important! We'll get you healed."

Ferris shook her head. "Promise me. .. before the three moons. . ."

Ferris's visions blurred, and the last thing she heard was her name in Ryu's mouth, which put a smile on her face. It's not so bad.

Even at a time like this, she was worried about him.

It was his name on the Seal of Promise with Rigulus, and she had to remind him about it, or else he might forget because he was busy in the Nightmare Sea or that he was overthinking about Cecily and the Seal of Promise would claim his life without him knowing.

That would be a pathetic way to end.

Her mortal body would surely disappear one of these days. The only thing that was keeping it from disappearing right now was the two souls inhabiting her body.

But when either one of those souls woke up, Ferris was sure that her body would disappear. She could only hope that the demon would find another body as soon as she could, or else everything would turn troublesome.

Rosa had her eyes on her. What's more, there were also the issues about the angel, Raphael. 

But Ferris's greatest worry. .. what would the demoness do once she took complete control?

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