Realm Wars

Chapter 93: A Moment of Peace

Chapter 93: A Moment of Peace

Cecily stretched her arms over her head and yawned. Taking a glance at her window, it was still a bit dark outside. Wanting to take in the cold and peaceful ocean before the warmth of the morning overshadowed the cold breeze, she changed into her armor and went out.

She had a peaceful sleep despite everything that happened.  It must be due to the nonstop adventure they had in Deadman's Rock. 

Going into the open deck, Cecily took in the cold breeze, clearing her head about the many problems she had. She was about to go into the railing when she spotted a familiar face snaking around like he was searching for something.


Lucian was checking to see if he could spot that beauty again at the same time on the boat but no such luck. He was even searching behind the sails and upper decks to check. Even went down the stairs in the bar and cafeteria.

Lucian took in a deep breath and released it slowly through his nose.

"What are you doing?"

Lucian almost screamed from his skin when Cecily surprised her with her curious face.

"I. .. ," Lucian squeaked and cleared his throat. Composing himself, he said in a serious voice, "Nothing. I'm just checking if everything is okay."

Cecily restrained to raise her brow. "Then why is your face flush?"

"I. . ." Lucian looked at the other side, "I've been training."

".. ." Cecily dissected Lucian under her scrutinizing gaze. 

Since they were young, Lucian was easy to read. If his face was sweaty, that meant he was in trouble. If his face was serious, that meant he already made up his mind about something. If his lips were quirking at the sides, that meant he was in a good mood. 

And if he can't meet your eyes, then that meant he was hiding something.

But Cecily let go of the topic. Lucian wouldn't tell her the more she poked about it. 

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Lucian asked back. Hoping Cecily wouldn't press about the reason why he was so early in the morning.

He'd rather die than admit that he was searching for the beautiful half demoness this entire time. He certainly wouldn't hear the end of it.

"I wanted to see the ocean and soaked in the cold breezed before the morning sets in," Cecily said and added, "I might train too. Do you want to spar?"

Lucian looked over the deck. There were some mercenaries already scattered everywhere, and not before long others will congregate too. Since the time that Raphael showed himself, the other's eyes constantly followed him. He didn't want to show any of his skills nor his fighting style in public.

And besides, Lucian found the deck lacking in size for proper sparring, and he was not in the mood for a fight. He was in the mood to find the beauty.

Lucian shook her head. "I'd rather drink something hot and enjoy the peaceful moment we have now."

Cecily's mouth parted. Did Lucian just refuse a spar? Something must really be occupying his attention enough for her training craze childhood friend to refuse.

Before Cecily could speak, however, Lucian already went his way down the stairs to grab something to drink.

Looking into the horizon, Cecily contemplated before going after Lucian. 

On another part of the boat, Cathy and Nash were paying close attention to Lucian's group. Since the time that they disembark at Deadman's rock for a quick stop, she was snooping for information about them.

They seemed special based on Skull's preferences towards them. She stopped her ship at Deadman's Rock just for Lucian and the others as well as helped them from whoever or whatever was pursuing their group.

"Why are you curious about them?" Nash asked and leaned on the railing. He closed his eyes and savored the biting wind gliding smoothly across his ace.

"Aren't you?" Cathy questioned back. "They seemed to be big shot mercs if the pirate captain is giving them special treatment."

"They probably just made a deal."

"True. But aren't you at least curious about that guy's Angel's servants?"

".. ." Nash didn't say anything.

"No record of mortal ever to acquire an angel servant. Until that man that is." Cathy hopped onto the railing and tiptoed on the wooden handrail.

"Makes you wonder who he is." Cathy giggled.

Nash restrained a smile. "We don't have the luxury of time to be curious about others." Then his face soured when he remembered his argument with Skull the other day.

"It was already bad enough that we stopped a day just for them," Nash argued about it with Skull why they'd stop on Deadman's rock without rhyme nor reason. But the pirate captain shot him up with a threat of throwing them in the Nightmare Sea.

The wooden handrail snapped at Nash's strength before it repaired itself. One day seemed minuscule a number, but for them, every second counts. 

Cathy's family might be out there gaining on them, and the one-day loss was a bit of a disadvantage on their part already. 

Looking at the sea, Nash's eyes slit. So far, they haven't come across another boat. The nightmare sea was vast, so it was expected, but once they reached the scavenger area. .. that's where the real dangers start.

Cathy poked the tightly knotted brows on Nash's head. "Stop worrying," she said, "We'll make it to the scavenger area and will definitely find that item."

Looking at his mistress, Nash couldn't believe that the once tiny babe would turn into a young woman of confidence. Her petite frame couldn't contain her bravery. Bravery to defy her family.

And the reason was because of him. 

Nash's eyes shook, and the hard lines of his face melted. If only he were a mortal, then maybe he could reciprocate Cathy's feeling for him. . .

But the reality was. .. his wish was to be free and find his mate, and he was taking advantage of Cathy's feelings for him to make that happen.

He was really. .. a monster.

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