Rebirth of the Heavenly Demon

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 – You Don’t Know (1)

After confirming that the Three Shadows had entered the brothel, I immediately began to move.

Cho Byeok had given them a large sum of money to play for a few days, so nothing would happen during that time.

This was precious time for me to devise a plan to eliminate them.

The one thing most needed to eliminate the Three Shadows and Cho Byeok was this:

An assassin.

Who would I have kill them?

In fact, I didn’t need to worry much about the Three Shadows. They were merely Cho Byeok’s henchmen, so no one would care if they died. The only person who would care would die with them.

The problem was Cho Byeok.

If Cho Byeok died, Sima Cheon would investigate who killed him.

At that time, there needed to be someone who could have killed him. And it had to be a villain. Because they might face retaliation from Sima Cheon.

Of course, the Sima Cheon I knew wasn’t the type to seek revenge. Would he shed even a single tear if Cho Byeok died? I don’t think so. To Sima Cheon, he was merely a disposable tool.

I requested additional investigation on Cho Byeok from the Wuhan branch of the Heaven’s Net Association. I wanted more detailed information than the previous investigation. I asked for even the most trivial things, focusing especially on his financial status.

He had casually handed out hundreds of nyang in notes to the Three Shadows. If this mission was canceled, that money probably didn’t come from Sima Cheon.

Then where did all that money come from?

Did he withdraw money he had saved in the bank? That’s unlikely.

I requested the information even faster than express delivery, and as a result, the cost tripled. More than half of the 10,000 nyang I received for selling the writing left by the Alliance Leader went back to the Heaven’s Net Association. As information flows back and forth, the same money flows back and forth.

I didn’t mind the cost. It was just travel money to send them to the underworld.

Of course, throughout this process, I wore a human skin mask. Except when going to the Wind Tavern or returning to the inn to sleep, I planned to wear the human skin mask from now on.

As I left the Heaven’s Net Association branch, I strongly felt the need for an information organization.

I couldn’t keep buying information with money forever. With an organization like the Heaven’s Net Association, I could trust them to keep client information confidential and request information without worry, but in this world, unexpected variables always arise.

To grow the clan and carry out my work in the future, an information organization was absolutely necessary.

Having closely watched Gal Sa-ryang operate the Righteous Thought Pavilion, I knew well how difficult it was.

First, most information organizations are filled with spies. Of course, managers were needed to compile their information and give orders. The soldiers of the Righteous Thought Pavilion were those managers.

Of course, in the case of the Righteous Thought Pavilion, they received military support from other organizations in the Martial Righteous Alliance, so they didn’t need it, but in our case, we need our own military support unit. We needed people to rescue spies if they got into danger in enemy territory.

Raising spies is much more difficult than raising warriors. Because they handle information, much more confidentiality is required. In other words, the required loyalty is much higher.

Moreover, we need to establish branches throughout the Central Plains, which requires enormous funds.

It was still a daunting task.

“You’re late today?”

Baek Pyo greeted me with unchanged hospitality.

“I was busy dealing with various things.”

“Being busy is good, isn’t it?”

“Is that so? I prefer being idle. I want to play all day.”

“Hahaha. That’s proof that you’re still young.”

I laughed along with Baek Pyo.

“So I sent word home and called for someone. It’s too boring playing alone.”

The person I called was Gwang-du.

Before coming here, after leaving the Heaven’s Net Association branch, I stopped by Yang Minor Faction’s contact point.

The contact point was where trained messenger birds and warriors managing them stayed, the very one we had set up earlier to connect Yang Minor Faction and our home in Shandong. Of course, considering appearances, we couldn’t place it inside the house, so it was set up externally.

I sent an urgent message to Jeong-yeo. Of course, I used the code words we had agreed upon before. I asked him for two things.

First, I asked him to send two trustworthy and skilled spies.

Not just for this matter, but I needed spies who could act as my hands and feet for other matters in the future.

Second, I asked him to send word to our home in Shandong to send Gwang-du and Gong Su-chan here.

I felt the need to stay here for a while after eliminating the four targets to see how things unfolded. I called Gwang-du here to hear about family matters and because I missed him.

I had a separate task for Gong Su-chan.

I plan to establish a base here in Wuhan. Since creating something related to the Byeok Clan Sword Manor would attract attention, I plan to have him set up a small trading company. It will earn money and also serve as a contact point.

If it were anywhere else, it might not be worth it, but this is Wuhan, where the Martial Righteous Alliance headquarters is located. This level of investment was certainly worthwhile.

Baek Pyo joked,

“If more people come, I’ll be able to earn more money.”

“And I’ll be much happier.”


I laughed happily along with Baek Pyo.

Yes, even if difficult tasks keep coming, this is how to handle them one by one while laughing.


At the same time, Ma Cheol-gun entered the Alliance Leader’s quarters.

He was Ma Bong-gi’s fifth son and currently held the position of interim sect leader of the Heavenly Blade Sect.

With his tall stature and handsome face, he had an appearance befitting the heir of a prestigious family, with an air of nobility flowing from him. Perhaps because of this, it was hard to believe he was in his forties.

Ma Bong-gi was sitting on the Grand Preceptor’s chair, watching Ma Cheol-gun walk towards him.

Ma Cheol-gun stopped about ten steps away from the Taishi chair. It was a bit far for a father and son reuniting after a long time.

“Have you been well?”

“You’ve come?”

“You look good.”

“You look good too.”

“How does it feel to be in the position above all others?”

“There’s just more work.”

Although the conversation flowed naturally, it somehow felt businesslike.

“I held Jeong-su’s funeral.”

This was the purpose of Ma Cheol-gun’s visit to Ma Bong-gi today. Although they were half-brothers, they were still of the same blood.

“You did well.”

“I informed all the other siblings, but… no one came.”

Ma Bong-gi silently nodded.

“I heard that the Night Market and Shandong Trading Company in Shandong were involved in Jeong-su’s death. Shouldn’t we send someone? If we leave it like this, everyone will look down on our sect.”

“I’ve already sent someone.”

“Who did you send?”

As if to say it’s none of your business, Ma Bong-gi didn’t answer.

“You must be tired from the long journey. Get some rest.”

Ma Cheol-gun didn’t ask again.

“Yes, I’ll take my leave then.”

As Ma Cheol-gun was about to turn around after politely greeting, Ma Bong-gi called him.



Ma Bong-gi was about to say something on his mind but swallowed his words.

“When do you plan to return?”

“Since I’ve come all this way, I plan to meet some people and take care of a few things before leaving.”

“I see.”

Ma Cheol-gun bowed again and withdrew.

A complex emotion filled Ma Bong-gi’s eyes as he watched his son’s retreating figure.

Sima Cheon entered the room.

Although he lacked the wisdom befitting a Commander-in-Chief, he had an uncanny ability to read people’s hearts. Especially Ma Bong-gi’s mood, he could tell just by the sound of his breathing.

“Would you like to have a drink in the palace?”

“Let’s do that.”

Ma Bong-gi stood up.

The two entered the secret passage behind the Taishi chair. It was a passage that only the Martial Righteous Alliance Leader could use.

After descending a spiral staircase, there was a large room underground.

It used to be Cheon Hajin’s secret training room, but now it had been remodeled differently.

Night-luminous pearls were embedded here and there, and it was decorated with luxurious furniture and ornaments. The bed in the center was large enough for ten people to lie down, and bright bedding with flower patterns was placed on it.

This was Ma Bong-gi’s pleasure palace.

The person who remodeled this place was Sima Cheon. From a young age, he had brought all sorts of women. After becoming Commander-in-Chief, the first thing Sima Cheon did was to create this place.

A table with alcohol was quickly set up.

“That boy is disrespecting me. He’s been like that since he was young.”

“How could that be?”

“Ungrateful bastard.”

Although he matched Ma Bong-gi’s mood better than anyone, he didn’t join in cursing. Even though he cursed like that, Sima Cheon knew well that Ma Cheol-gun was Ma Bong-gi’s favorite son.

Because he loved him so much, it caused all sorts of misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Objectively watching from the side, most of the reasons they fought were over trivial matters.

In fact, if Sima Cheon had actively intervened each time to clear up misunderstandings and soothe their hearts, the emotional distance between the two wouldn’t have grown this far.

But Sima Cheon didn’t do that. The lonelier Ma Bong-gi was, the more his presence was needed.

The door opened, and three beautiful women entered.

“At times like this, you should clear your mind and enjoy yourself.”

“You, you. Come here!”

Ma Bong-gi seated the women he liked on either side of him.

Watching Ma Bong-gi smile contentedly with women on both sides, Sima Cheon seated the remaining woman beside himself.

With a satisfied smile, as if one wing was enough for him, he raised his cup high.

Meanwhile, outside the Alliance Leader’s quarters, two people were waiting for Ma Cheol-gun.

One was Old Master No[1], who served as Ma Cheol-gun’s advisor. He was a figure who had been with Ma Cheol-gun for a long time and was also the person Ma Cheol-gun trusted the most.

The other man was someone sent down by Ma Bong-gi.

Number Seven had been sent to Ma Jeongsu, and this man was Number Three. While Ma Cheol-gun’s guard warriors were waiting outside the Alliance Leader’s quarters, Number Three was able to follow this far.

“Did you tell him?”

When Old Master No asked carefully, Ma Cheol-gun shook his head and answered,

“I couldn’t.”

“You must tell him before we return.”

Ma Cheol-gun nodded.

Although the moonlight was bright, his expression was extremely troubled.


I climbed the hill behind the inn to train before going to bed.

I started with physical training first. It was always important, but now it became even more crucial.

Since the Immortal Crane Secret Art was a martial art that used the entire body, basic physical strength played a much bigger role.

I still couldn’t understand the deep martial intent contained in the Immortal Crane Secret Art. It could be seen as mere imitation.

But even that alone was no ordinary power.

After moving vigorously using my whole body, I felt refreshed. I felt the freshness of the new martial art and the vitality that change brings.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I have any desire to change my unique martial art to the Immortal Crane Secret Art.

My aspiration is still to achieve the Realm of the Mind Sword.

There are two reasons for practicing this Immortal Crane Secret Art. The smaller reason is for practical help.

How often will there be moments when the sword falls from my hand? But there might come a time when I have to fight bare-handed. At that time, this Immortal Crane Secret Art will save my life.

The second reason is the main reason for learning the Immortal Crane Secret Art.

It’s because of the insight I gained through the conversation with Number Seven.

That day, Number Seven said:

The world’s greatest wouldn’t do that. They wouldn’t be bound by form. It was a response to my statement that sword techniques and fist techniques don’t match well.

That’s when I realized. Without knowing, I had been bound by something. I had become like a river that couldn’t reach the sea and was stagnant. I thought that maybe I had been living thinking the river was the sea.

I think this fighting technique, like fist techniques, doesn’t match well with sword techniques at all.

Rather, since it uses the whole body as a weapon, I thought it was even more so. It would require building unnecessary muscles all over the body instead of the smooth muscles needed for sword techniques, and as a result, movements would become sluggish.

But I’m trying to prove her words that the world’s greatest wouldn’t be bound by such things.

I had a feeling that the process of fusing these two martial arts would help in reaching the state of Realm of the Mind Sword.


My fist cut through the air, and my elbow struck an imaginary enemy fiercely. If it were real, their jaw would have been shattered as they fell.

Rolling on the ground, jumping up, rushing in with the knee, then spinning and kicking. The Immortal Crane Secret Art was truly free.


The next day, I stopped by the Heaven’s Net Association branch to receive information about Cho Byeok.

I could tell from the previous investigation that he had been involved in various incidents since his days as a wandering warrior.

As I was looking for someone to pin the crime on, I discovered a surprising fact. All the people who had been involved in incidents with him were already dead.

A few months later, or a few years later, they died in accidents, mysterious deaths, or suicides. Every single one of them was dead.

I could tell. He had set the Three Shadows loose and eliminated them all. He had erased all the past that could potentially harm him.

He was a devil of a man.

Secondly, I could learn new facts from the financial part that I had asked them to focus on.

His spending was not small. For example, when he drank at brothels, he drank at the most high-end ones, with the most famous courtesans by his side.

It was a level of spending that couldn’t be managed just as Sima Cheon’s right-hand man.

He had a source of money somewhere.

I had a feeling that if I could just find that, I might be able to resolve this matter cleanly.

When money is involved, there’s always a plausible story.

As I was walking through the marketplace after leaving the branch, a wind blew from somewhere. The wind was cold. I could feel that autumn was ending and winter was coming.

“It’s going to get cold soon.”

I want to live as a Sage King, but this martial world keeps trying to make me an Asura.

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