Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 46 Exile Exploration (2)

Before I could do anything to react to the message, a surge of energy coursed through my body, causing my vision to blur and my surroundings to dissolve.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself standing in an entirely different realm, a desolate landscape teeming with the malevolent inhabitants of the Exile. The land stretched far and wide, barren and lifeless, with jagged rocks scattered sporadically and volcanic mountains looming in the distance. The sky above was a haunting sight, painted in hues of blood-red, with a black moon hanging ominously overhead.


As I took in the desolation that surrounded me, Zephyr stood beside me, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. We exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of our situation.

But rather than my surrounding , my attention was drawn to the series of messages that materialized before me, hovering in the air like ethereal projections. 

[Demonic energy detected.]

[The artifact is reacting to the 'detached territory of the Forgotten God'!]

[The title <Apostle of the Forgotten God> is partially activated.]

[Your strength is temporarily increased by 2]

[Your stamina is temporarily increased by 2]

[Your Agility is temporarily increased by 2]

[Your Vitality is temporarily increased by 2]

[Your Perception is temporarily increased by 2]

[Your Magic power is temporarily increased by 2]

[The proficiency of all the skills, techniques and abilities are temporarily increased]

There was a long list of messages on display before me. Ans an unknow force filled my body; powering each fiber of my being.

I tried to understand what was happening but failed to do so, I had no idea why the artifact was reacting to the demonic energy nor anything about the forgotten god that was mentioned in the messages.

What's more the mention of a Forgotten God and the association of the Exile with their territory raised unsettling questions

Thinking about it, a very bad feeling arose in me. I was given the title of <Apostle of Forgotten god>,  Was this deity a benevolent force or one that brought harm to mortals? will I also be considered hostile to the humans? f*ck! what the hell was I am supposed to do now?

I didn't have any answer for those type of questions. The uncertainty gnawed at my mind, fueling a mix of frustration and determination.

But there was something that made me more happier than frustrated.

'This power....'


Name : Eren Pendragon

Titles : <Regressor> <Apostle of the Forgotten God>

Realm : 2-star knight (Nadir)


<Variable Stats>

[Strength -  6.92 + 2 ]

[Stamina - 6.68 + 2 ]

[Agility - 6.54 + 2 ]

[Perception -  7.40 + 2  ]

[Vitality - 6.85 + 2]

[Magic power - 4.53 + 2]

<Invariable Stats>

[Intelligence – 6/10]I think you should take a look at

[Perseverance – 7/10]

[Luck – 4/10]

[Charm – 5.1/10]




All my stats has been boosted for unknown reason and the proficiency of all the skills has gone up. Although it was said to be amplified temporarily, this feeling of foreign power was still exhilarating.

But I couldn't stand still thinking about that matter now.

I was currently inside an exile, letting my guard down here is akin to suicide, so Pushing aside those lingering doubts, I redirected my focus to the surroundings once more. 

The air was thick with a sickly miasma, a combination of sulfur and decay that assaulted my senses. Jagged rocks jutted out from the barren ground, their sharp edges reflecting the crimson glow that emanated from the cracked sky above. Eerie whispers echoed through the air, carried by unseen currents, as if the very fabric of this forsaken realm whispered secrets that no mortal should hear.

As I took cautious steps forward, each footfall disrupted the suffocating silence that clung to the atmosphere. Zephyr, a few paces ahead of me, muttered in awe, "So this is what Hell looks like?"

I paused, turning my gaze towards him, a glimmer of experience and somberness in my eyes.

As exiles are a part of Hell, detached due to unknown reasons, it was normal to think that the hell could be like this. but the truth wasn't far off.

"The real Hell is far worse," I said, the weight of past memories echoing in my voice.

Zephyr turned towards me, "How do you know?"

"Is that important now?"

What is important now is to find the exile owner and kill it to clear the exile. It was the only way to exit and clear the exile.


Professor Iris Peacefounder was diligently watering the vibrant array of flowers in her meticulously maintained garden. The sun cast a warm glow, highlighting the blooming petals as if they were dancing with delight. Just a few steps away, a sleek black cat lazily reclined on the intricately designed tea table, basking in the tranquility of the surroundings.

"Iris! Can you make me another cup of tea please~ Nyang~" The cat's voice interrupted the peaceful ambiance.

Professor Iris sighed and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. "Seriously! You don't have any work other than lazing around, do you?"

The cat's eyes narrowed playfully as it responded, "What? Do you even know how much work I do every day?"

Curiosity piqued, Professor Iris glanced over, raising an eyebrow. "You do?"

A mischievous grin spread across the cat's face. "Of course, who do you think protects this island night and day? It's me! I patrol the entire island, ensuring that no harm befalls it."

Slightly amused, Professor Iris teased, "Aren't you just walking around because you're bored?"

The cat tilted its head, its gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "Anyway, I want a glass of tea. Will you give it to me or not?"

With a resigned nod, Professor Iris chuckled softly. "Yes, yes~ I am coming-"

But before she could finish her sentence, Professor Iris froze in her tracks, her attention suddenly drawn to the dense black forest that loomed behind the academy.

"You noticed, huh?" The cat's voice now carried a hint of mystery.

Her eyes widened, Professor Iris turned to face the cat. "You... You knew it was there?"

A satisfied smirk curled on the cat's lips. "Of course, do you think there's anything on this island that escapes my notice?"

Puzzled, Professor Iris inquired further, "Then why?"

The cat's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Why? Perhaps I was too bored~ Nyang~"


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