Rebirth Of The Villainess: Young Master Lu's Wicked Wife

Chapter 285 - Impending Danger (3)

But how could Ye Mingyu possibly know that Cai Lin had developed such an obsession with her? In her previous life, she wasn't able to meet Cai Lin personally, however, Su Xiaofei did. For this reason, Su Xiaofei was aware of the impending danger, threatening to strike Ye Mingyu at any moment.

Su Xiaofei shut her eyes as Zhang Lan drove them home. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how things and events had dramatically changed since her rebirth. Song Yiran was able to live and avoid his death by staying in the country, while Cai Lin's family suffered demise way too early compared to the original timeline.

The more she thought about it, the more she started to feel nervous about Lu Qingfeng. It was almost time. She didn't want to overthink, but Su Xiaofei got a feeling based on their last conversation that Lu Qingfeng would be coming back to Qiying City very soon.

Zhang Ling glanced at the dashboard mirror and saw the grim expression on Su Xiaofei's face. She then looked at her elder sister, giving her an inquisitive look.

Zhang Lan only shook her head in response. She didn't have any idea what Su Xiaofei was currently thinking, or what problem she was dealing with right now either. If it was about her workload at Bluemedia, there was no pressing matter that required their attention at the moment.

"Zhang Ling, has Xiao Feng said anything about his return?" They heard Su Xiaofei suddenly ask.

Both siblings shot their brows up and realization dawned upon them. The reason behind Su Xiaofei's recent behavior was none other than their master.

"Sorry, Miss Su. We've not heard from him or from Mr. Nine so far." Zhang Ling replied with a small smile, while Zhang Lan remained silent behind the steering wheel.

Su Xiaofei nodded and fell silent again, returning her attention out the window of the car as if the scenery outside was more interesting than talking about Lu Qingfeng with the Zhang siblings.

As Zhang Ling continued to watch their young miss from the mirror, she wondered what made Su Xiaofei act like this. This was far from the longing expression she used to have. It was almost as if Su Xiaofei was afraid of something that involved their master.

"Miss?" Zhang Ling called. If Su Xiaofei could only tell them what was happening, then perhaps they would be able to do something to help her.

"It's nothing." Su Xiaofei lied. "I'm just wondering when he will be back."

She didn't have the courage to tell them about what had transpired in her previous life, as she knew that they wouldn't believe her. Who would believe that she was living her second life?

Even if she told them, how were they supposed to help Lu Qingfeng at this critical time? There was little to nothing that she knew about the assassination attempt on his life, as the Lu family had made it strictly confidential and hid Lu Qingfeng's condition from the public."

Right now, the only thing Su Xiaofei could do was to keep in touch with Lu Qingfeng and to keep track of his whereabouts.

Once she returned home, she immediately discarded her evening dress and stepped into the shower. She let the water fall over her entirety as her mind raced to think of a way to save Lu Qingfeng's life. She couldn't allow Lu Qingfeng to come back if danger was lurking, awaiting his return.

If Lu Qingfeng wouldn't be able to return, should she go and move to Shenjing instead to be with him? She pondered.

"No." Su Xiaofei told herself before pulling her white robe and wrapping her long hair in a towel.

Leaving her mother on her own wasn't an option she could choose right now. Not when Yun Qingrong's health was compromised by her illness.

As she pondered about her choices, she received Lu Qingfeng's call around the same time he always called. Su Xiaofei didn't dare to probe or ask him about his return this time, as Lu Qingfeng might suspect her of something. It wasn't like she was privy of sharing her thoughts like this to him.

"How come you never told me you are friends with Song Yiran now?" She questioned instead. "He made it sound like you two are really close."

"Is that what he told you? Quite persistent, isn't he?" Lu Qingfeng said in return, which made Su Xiaofei smile in amusement.

She knew Lu Qingfeng for a long time and was aware that he was keeping everyone at an arm's length, except for her. So for her to hear that he was starting to accept other people's company and friendship, such as Xi Qian and Song Yiran, made her happy.

Su Xiaofei didn't want to see him being lonely, refusing anyone's company like he did in her past life after she died. There might be things she wouldn't be able to change in this lifetime, but one thing was for sure. She would never allow Lu Qingfeng to suffer because of her again.

"Well, considering that he mentioned you just to convince me to accept his investment in Bluemedia's future projects, I think he's in a desperate situation." She answered.

She heard Lu Qingfeng heave a deep breath on the other end of the line, making her aware that her assumptions about Song Yiran was a valid one. Something must have happened that made Song Yiran proactively make a move to earn money.

As far as she knew, Song Yiran's position within their family business wasn't as high as his brother. She wouldn't be surprised if his uncle, the one responsible for Song Yiran's death, was obstructing his way to influence the board with his presence.

"Feifei, give him a chance. Song Yiran isn't a fool after all. Just think of it as a win-win situation between the two of you." Lu Qingfeng said.

"Heh. Did he really need my help, or are you the one who wants to help me?" She chuckled while checking her well manicured nails. "Don't think that I don't know that you were talking to Mama about buying some shares in Bluemedia."

"What's wrong with that? Wouldn't that help you secure your position at the company in the future?" He retorted. "I know that you are working hard to prove to everyone that you are worthy to succeed your mother, but I won't allow anyone there to bully you and obstruct your way."

Su Xiaofei knew that he was only trying to help her, but she couldn't help but feel like he was doting on her way too much by doing this. Regardless of what their current score is right now, she didn't want to be too reliant on him as people would surely doubt her more if they knew about it.

"You won't let me help you directly, so at least consider helping Song Yiran." He added.

She didn't say anything, as she didn't want to waste time by arguing with him. They only have a few minutes to talk to each other.

"Fine." She huffed. "But don't think I would let you off the hook so easily."

She heard a low laugh from the other end of the line.

"Well, you can surely do anything to me once I return." He said with amusement.

Being reminded of his situation, Su Xiaofei fell silent and fell into a deep thought.

'Should I stop him from coming back?' She asked herself.

Since he was the one who brought it up, she couldn't help but question him.

"Would you tell me when you would be able to return?"

"No." Lu Qingfeng's immediate reply startled her. "I'm still not certain when I will be able to complete my obligations here."

"I see…"

Su Xiaofei didn't know how to warn him about the danger that awaits his return. She didn't think she would be able to accept it if something bad happened to him. What was the point of being reborn if she wouldn't be able to protect him in this lifetime?


"Still here." She replied, not wanting him to worry about her. "I just want to remind you that I don't like surprises, so you better not plan one or else…"

Lu Qingfeng's laugh this time was louder than earlier.

"I'm not even allowed to surprise you?"

"There are so many things that could go wrong when you're pulling a surprise." She muttered under her breath, but was loud enough for Lu Qingfeng to hear.

"I don't need any surprises. I only want to be with you."

"Alright." Lu Qingfeng conceded.

He felt a little silly to think that he would be able to pull out a romantic surprise for her, while he was aware that she must be worried sick about him.. Since Nine had already leaked out the wrong day for his arrival, he only needed to make sure that Su Xiaofei would be safe upon his return.

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