Rebirth Of The Villainess: Young Master Lu's Wicked Wife

Chapter 384 The Search Is Over (2)

Yun Qingrong decided to rectify her mistakes and wanted her daughter to be reunited with her real family. She might not know how Bai Qingyue felt towards the daughter she abandoned years ago, but Yun Qingrong knew that Qiao Fengying was still hoping to find the daughter he had never been able to see nor touch since Feifei was born.

With Lu Qingfeng's help, she managed to have a private chat with Qiao Fengying in her hospital room through a video chat.

The man had been confused at first when Lu Qingfeng had asked him for just an hour to talk to Yun Qingrong. Qiao Fengying surmised that she might need some help, but he didn't have a clue as to what it might be.

"Miss Yun, Mr. Lu has asked me to talk to you today. He said it's important. May I know what this is about?"

Qiao Fengying tried to think of the possible requests she would make. Bluemedia and Qiao Tech were from two different industries, but if Yun Qingrong was going to ask her to guide Xiaofei in running the company, Qiao Fengying was more than willing to extend a hand and teach the young woman what he knew.

He didn't know why, but he had a good feeling when talking to Xiaofei. Perhaps it was because he was missing his own daughter immensely that he couldn't help but give the attention to Su Xiaofei.

Yun Qingrong looked uncomfortable for a moment, her eyes then sought her son-in-law, who was seated next to her.

Lu Qingfeng merely gave her a curt nod, assuring her that he was with her in this. He also thought that the reunion between father and daughter had been long overdue.

"President Qiao, I heard that you are looking for someone. A very important person at that." Yun Qingrong started. She could feel cold sweat forming on her palms as she waited for Qiao Fengying's answer.

The man was taken aback by her statement, clearly surprised that she was asking him this personal question. He remained silent for a moment, his eyes catching Lu Qingfeng on the screen.

The Lu family…

As Qiao Fengying thought of this, it didn't surprise him that Lu Qingfeng managed to find out such private details about him. The Lu family would thoroughly dig dirt they could use regardless if it was a business partner or not.

Since it had already come into this, there was no point in lying to Yun Qingrong.

"Yes. The person I'm looking for is my daughter. She is my eldest child, born from a previous girlfriend during my college years." He admitted.

"And that previous girlfriend is none other than Bai Qingyue, I assume."

Qiao Fengying sucked in a deep breath. It really felt like Yun Qingrong knew a lot about him, but he couldn't surmise her motive for even asking him these questions.


Seeing Bai Qingyue's face in television, in print ads and movies, Qiao Fengying couldn't let go of his resentment towards her. He partly blamed himself for not being good enough at the time she fell pregnant.

Maybe, just maybe… if he could give the world to Bai Qingyue at that time, she wouldn't abandon him and forsake their daughter.

"Miss Yun, no offense, but why do you ask me these questions?" He asked out of curiosity. Was this what Lu Qingfeng meant when he said that Yun Qingrong wanted to discuss something important with him?

"Because President Qiao… the truth is…" Yun Qingrong mustered all the courage she had in that moment, taking a deep breath. It was now or never.

She might not be able to give back all the time and opportunities between Qiao Fengying and Feifei, but if she were to die in the near future, she wanted to leave knowing that her daughter was surrounded by people who loved her.

With Lu Qingfeng by her daughter's side, she knew that she wouldn't have to worry about her daughter being alone, but Yun Qingrong also knew that her death could ruin her daughter in some way, and she didn't want Feifei to grieve for too long after her passing.

"... that my Feifei isn't my biological daughter. She's a child I adopted and took in from an orphanage more than two decades ago."

There, she said it. With her daughter's resemblance towards Bai Qingyue and circumstantial evidence, Yun Qingrong wanted to believe that her Feifei was the daughter Qiao Fengying was looking for.

It was Qiao Fengying's turn to fall silent from deep shock, clearly not expecting to hear these words from Yun Qingrong's mouth. He wasn't dumb not to understand and to connect the dots for her revelation today.

Although Su Xiaofei had changed her hairstyle and how she dressed over the past five years, Qiao Fengying would never forget the day he met her for the first time. Her resemblance with Bai Qingyue was uncanny, as if he was looking at the younger version of his ex-girlfriend.

He tried to say something in return, but no words came out of his mouth. What was he supposed to say? That the daughter he'd been looking for had been under his nose this whole time?

He ran both of his hands over his face and clasped them together, his elbows propped on the table. He blinked as he tried to force his tears away, but he couldn't stop his tears from rolling.

The society deemed men to be weak when they cry, but Qiao Fengying didn't give a damn what people thought of him at that moment. If Su Xiaofei was truly his daughter with Bai Qingyue, then his search for more than twenty years was finally over.

It made sense why he felt that odd sense of familiarity with Su Xiaofei. She was his child, the one he'd been searching for.

He wanted to immediately fly to Qiying City to confirm what Yun Qingrong had just said, but he also didn't know how Xiaofei would feel about it.

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