Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 434: 408 Not considered lying

Chapter 434: Chapter 408 Not considered lying

Before Rong Yuan left, he cried at Lone Wolf’s grave, holding Xiao Qian. He repeatedly mentioned a name, Hu Meijing, a woman who heartlessly married another man with Lone Wolf’s insurance money and never once visited Lone Wolf.

Xiao Qian previously had talked with Rong Yuan at Lone Wolf’s grave before he was about to leave.

Tough guy Rong Yuan shed heartbroken tears when reminiscing about the past, more so, he was furious at the heartless woman, Hu Meijing.

Were the brothers asking too much, even a single tear was considered a luxury?

Xiao Qian had promised, this woman would pay. She had taken half of Lone Wolf’s insurance money without fulfilling her duties as a widow. This caused great psychological trauma to the brothers. For the things that Rong Yuan did to Xiao Qian, she would naturally attribute them to Hu Meijing.

Xiao Qian had thought about settling scores with this woman named Hu Meijing. Rong Yuan provided her with some information. If she let Zheng Xu search, he would definitely find her. But recently, she had been too busy. After being busy with the engagement, the school started, and she didn’t have time to handle this matter. Unexpectedly, at this moment, she happened to meet a woman with the same name as the one she was looking for.

Since she promised Rong Yuan, she would definitely handle this matter. Though not to ruin Hu Meijing, she could teach her a lesson.

Because she was thinking about this, when she heard that the teacher’s goddaughter’s name was the same, Xiao Qian was slightly distracted.

The teacher’s older son was Lone Wolf, and she would not recognize this heartless woman as her goddaughter logically. And the teacher was a person with a strong logical mind and clear love and hate. Therefore, Xiao Qian judged this as a coincidence in names.

The world shouldn’t be so small that such a coincidence can occur.

The patient Chu Xuan, who Xiao Qian was going to treat, took the phone. Xiao Qian scheduled a meeting with him for the next day and chose the man’s home as the treatment location.

The treatment went well. Manic disorder has many classifications. As Xiao Qian expected, Chu Xuan’s was the mildest type. He was simply too energetic, slept only 3 hours a day, and still felt like he had endless strength. He felt himself to be very cheerful and sunny, but he felt very oppressed when he was calm. He liked buying unnecessary items to give away and regretted it after giving, but he was too proud to admit the regret.

He was not at the point of bipolar disorder yet. A bit of guidance combining with medication would solve the problem.

During the treatment process, Xiao Qian also observed Hu Meijing, who had the same name as the heartless woman. She felt that she was a rather gentle woman. She was a kindergarten teacher and had a good personality. She was completely different from the heartless woman that Rong Yuan told her about. In order to confirm, while treating Chu Xuan, Xiao Qian also gave Hu Meijing a set of psychological test questions. She was a very normal woman, an introverted woman with a bit of repression. She shouldn’t be able to do such thing.

So Xiao Qian was even more convinced that it was just a coincidence of names.

By the time the final treatment was completed, there was only one day left until Xiao Qiang would arrive.

Hu Meijing thanked Xiao Qian as she walked her to the door, “Thank you, Dr. Chen, his condition has improved a lot. He’s not buying things randomly anymore. I was so scared before because he always bought unnecessary things and then randomly gave them away. He always said he was very sunny, but I saw him being very lonely when he was alone.”

“Don’t worry, this is a typical reaction of manic disorder. His condition is not severe and has not reached the stage of having two souls. I have treated cases where the split into two souls has already occurred, and that’s harder to treat.”

“Two souls…” Hu Meijing paused and tilted her head slightly, looking puzzled.

“That’s just my analogy. Manic disorder has two stages of reactions. Extreme self-confidence and showiness, feeling oneself to be very sunny. They think they are an optimist. But when there’s nobody around, they feel very lonely and depressed. Over time, it’s as if they have two souls. Only when the two souls are unified can the illness be considered cured. But in your case, it’s not at the stage of having two souls.”

The topic of two souls seemed to touch Hu Meijing differently. It seemed that something appeared in her mind and flashed by.

“Dr. Chen, I admire you for understanding so much at such a young age.” Hu Meijing, pulling herself back from her thoughts, said admiringly to Xiao Qian.

“Your godmother is better than me.” Xiao Qian humbly said.

“My godmother treats me very well, she comes over every month.”

Xiao Qian saw her expression when mentioning her teacher, it looked very intimate. How could her teacher, with her unusual temperament, recognize such an ordinary woman as her goddaughter?

“May I ask, how did you meet my teacher?” In Xiao Qian’s heart, her teacher was like a modern version of Dugu Qiubai, who liked to be alone and had few people she liked.

“I was hospitalized for a while, and that’s when I met my godmother. She and I hit it off well, and she took good care of my work and life. She even helped find a job for my husband. Oh, Dr. Chen, do we need to reduce the medication?”

“Psychoactive drugs usually need to be used continuously. Even though his symptoms are improving, the medication should continue for a period of time. Never reduce the dosage without a doctor’s advice.”

Many people feel that these drugs stimulating the brain are bad for them, and they stop taking them as soon as they feel a little better, which is actually the most dangerous thing to do.

While Xiao Qian was chatting with Hu Meijing, her phone rang. She apologized to Hu Meijing and answered the call.

“Xiao Mei, are you busy?”


“I’ll be there on time tomorrow. Should I pick you up at school?”

“Okay.” When she heard his voice, Xiao Qian felt great.

“That… Do you want to go for a drive to see the maple leaves? Will your relatives go too?”

His serious tone of voice clearly reached Xiao Qian’s ears, making her cheeks warm.

This jerk, he must have been holding back for a long time, just waiting for a chance to ask her this, right?

“Relatives are still at home, and we can… ‘take a drive.'”

Both of them were saying coded words that only they understood, which made Xiao Qian’s face hot, but she still had to act calm.

“It’s a deal.”

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Qian calmed her mind. Just as she was about to remind Hu Meijing of a few things, Hu Meijing looked at Xiao Qian with envy on her face.

“Was it your lover who called?”

“Yes, my fiancé.”

“That’s nice. But why are you guys going to watch maple leaves now? There’s no maple leaves to watch this season, right?” Hu Meijing asked in confusion.

Xiao Qian’s face turned red. This was really awkward.

Of course, she couldn’t explain these sweet-nothings to others. Xiao Qian calmly shifted the topic.

“He is not from here and there are many places he hasn’t been to. I will take him around.”

That place, he indeed has never been to…

This is not lying, right?

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