Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 129: Connections and Support


« ... "An unknown mixed blood outside would soon change the course of history and if that happens, whether it will be their light or the darkness, who knows." ... »

According to the records of those who had witnessed that event, that's the last message coming from the seventeenth clan leader after he forfeited on the [trial] as he leave that place and left everyone wandering about what he said.

'An unknown mixed blood? Although the direct descendants from the lineage of the Clandestine's founder are now called mixed bloods since they never formed an inter-marriage within their distant relatives the moment they split off to the main household.'

So, who is this unknown mixed blood that the seventeenth clan leader talking about?

As one of the members of Arcanum De Fleur and one of the children who had grown up within the clan, Eden knew about the history of the clan she serves.

From the Clandestine's founder birth origin, their backgrounds and influence and most of all, their unique abilities that differs from the natives of the Cranus Continent.

'Unlike those pesky bloodline powers of the Cranus Continent people were proud off, they were nothing compared to the native people of Vertum Continent. I am just quite lucky that my origin isn't from this place though.'

Although most of the members of the clan are born and raised in this continent since the Clandestine founder settled within this place and his direct descendants, but their other significant partners where originally came from the Vertum Continent and none of them are from the Cranus Continent.

'Of course, even if the Clandestine founder had split off within his family back at the Cliffton Empire but from the records within their clan, the Clandestine founder still married the noble woman who were arranged for him since he was young and as a filial child to their parents, their founder obliged to its parent's decision.'

When Eden thought about the story of their Clandestine's founder and its significant partner, most of the members of the clan couldn't help but to admire their story and it became somewhat an inspiration for them to find their destined partner in the future.

The only thing that their founder didn't obey is that…. For him to participate in [that trial] since their founder didn't want to join the intrigues in its household.

Most of the members of Clandestine clan knew about [that trial] from the Cliffton Empire of Vertum Continent since the Clandestine's founder was originated from that place.

However, for almost centuries had passed, Eden knew that most of the direct lineage of Clandestine clan never participated in [those trials] no matter how much the Guardians of that household went over to this place and persuaded them.

'I truly don't understand why those people are desperate to force the Clandestine founder's direct descendants to participate in [that trial]. Sometimes, I doubt that they only have done this is only for formalities only, but I have a feeling that there is much more to it.'

From what Eden knew on the history records of their clan, the only one time that a direct lineage of Clandestine participated on [that trial], and it was none other than the seventeenth generational clan leader.

And that person is the one who withdrew from the [trial] and left that place with a message.

'There is no detailed records on why the seventeenth generational clan leader forfeited on [that trial] and the message that he left for that household, or more precisely, like a warning or advice, some sort of it.'

She wasn't sure about the whole details, but she knew a little bit about the [trial] that would take place in that household and there are certain rules that needs to be abided by the contestants of the [trial].

"Master, from what I know, there are some rules of [that trial], although there is no rule that forbids an outsider to participate on [that trial] however, those chosen outsiders would have a disadvantage since practically, they are outsiders without connections."

Eden said as she recalled some of the details about [that trial] and she didn't know if there were changes this time since in the records, for the passed centuries, there was no outsiders that had participated in [that trial].

However, right now, Eclipse might be the first person to ever participate in [that trial] as an outsider and only in this generation that Rheina Clandestine relinquish her [token] rights to Eclipse in order for him to participate in [that trial].

Eden got worried all of the sudden since her master relinquished her right to Eclipse for him to participate, he is an outsider without connections on that household and it will be a challenge for him this time.

Before, Eclipse is a young master from a prominent household in Stellarus Empire in this continent however, he no longer had the status of a noble since within the Empire, third young master Ezekiel Zephyr Chevalier is already proclaimed dead for three years.

'Since he doesn't have anything to him and he is now a common person without his noble status, I'm afraid that more challenges that would come to his way, but I believe that he will overcome those challenges.'

Rheina, on the other hand, just like Claire and the others, Eden was also worried about Eclipse, even if she didn't show it but her actions speaks louder than her words.

Out of all the members of Arcanum De Fleur, Eden is one of the senior members of the group and she is known for her cold and reserve nature amongst her fellow peers, a woman of few words, as they say.

But, even if that was the case then, Eden cared for her sisters-in-arms in the group, and she admired and respected Rheina as their Leader and their master.

'I could see beneath that frost-like expression of yours, Eden, that you were also worried for Eclipse's safety since he is now a participant in [that trial] as I had relinquished my rights to him.'

Rheina thought as she sighed and cleared her throat to catch the attention of her subordinate.

"It's true that in the upcoming [trial], Eclipse would be at disadvantage since he is an outsider and in the Cliffton Empire, he doesn't have any personal connections within that place. That's the fact that we all know about it."

She paused for a moment and then walked over towards the direction of the window in her office and leaned over with it and then looked outside as she continued.

"You don't have to worry about that part, Eden. Although this is partly my fault for doing such a reckless thing and just to relinquish my rights on the spot however, it doesn't mean that I would leave Sir Eclipse on his own devices."

After she said those words, Eden looked in the direction where her master was and then, she suddenly remembered the mysterious man who infiltrate their base, and the woman recalled his name coming from her master's mouth.

"M-master…. T-that man from earlier…. T-the guardian that you speak of…. I-is he…."

Her stuttered sentences were cut off when Rheina speak first.

"Actually, I didn't expect for that Guardian, Iason of the Void, to suddenly appeared in our base and since he is already here anyway, might as well to entrust the mission that I have given for him…. Well, more precisely, for him to evaluate Sir Eclipse in his own eyes and after that, I'll let him decide for himself then."

Rheina said for a moment and then, she diverted her attention away from the window and then looked at Eden with a smile.

"It is not only Iason, but there is also another person that I have arrange for Eclipse and that person holds the most influence within that household and I have faith that person would be a great help to Eclipse when the time comes."

Eden looked at her master when she said those words and the woman sighed in relief knowing that Eclipse would be fine, at least.

Since her master arranged some things for Sir Eclipse in order for him to participate in [that trial] equally, not only that the contestants have their respective [token]'s for participation but also, the participants should have their own power and authority to lead.

Rheina looked at Eden whose frost-like expression had melted because of what she said, and she knew that the members of Arcanum De Fleur were worried about their little brother figure that they had in those two years of his stay in their base.

When Rheina helped both Eclipse and his cousin Arico to forge some documents for them to, at least, passed the inspection in the Port as they entered the Cliffton Empire, the Lotus Killer didn't tell the both of them that they had already have legal documents and those documents were within that person's hands.

'I could bet that Sir Eclipse would be cursing me through his mind if he knew about those legal documents. Hihi! I'm looking forward to it!'


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