Reborn as a Demonic Tree

Chapter 197: Mystic Realm Discussion

Ashlock instructed Stella to summon all of the Redclaw Elders into the White Stone Palace's meeting room.

He hadn't used {Abyssal Whispers} on all of the Elders yet, nor did he wish to needlessly waste Mind Fortress pills, so he had Stella speak for him. It was almost nostalgic this way, and he felt the Elders respected Stella more now than they did in the past, so he was happy to let her handle the flow of discussion for the most part.

Even though the Elders were trustworthy, Stella kept her cloth mask on, likely to hide her facial expression and to calm her nerves.

"Stella, are you sure you don't want Diana to handle this meeting?" Ashlock asked within her mind.

"No, she is busy teaching Elaine stealth techniques, and I can handle the Redclaw Elders just fine," Stella replied mentally, "Also, this is a good chance for me to catch up with them before the Mystic Realm."

The door to the meeting room opened, and the last Elder arrived.

"I hope you dragged me from the forge for a good reason," Elder Mo grumbled and then sat down on a sofa beside Elder Margret, who quickly caught the old man up on the situation.

"You did what?!" Elder Mo shouted at Elder Brent, "I always knew you were a useless fool."

"Stella, you can begin the meeting," Ashlock said with a sigh, yet the Elders kept arguing for a while. Clearly, there was some lifelong beef between them.


"Ahem," Stella cleared her throat to draw everyone's attention, finally silencing the fighting, "To start, much like Elder Mo, the immortal is concerned and displeased with Elder Brent and his expedition management," Stella said as she lounged on the sofa and looked across the tea table at Elder Brent, who was paler than usual.

Elder Brent glared at Elder Mo, "Mistress, I apologize for not meeting his and the immortal's expectations. I alone was tasked with the youngster's safety, and I accept full responsibility for the disaster that took place under my supervision," Elder Brent said sincerely and gave a short bow to Stella.

"I want to know why it happened," Ashlock said in Stella's mind, "They shouldn't have gone that far or encountered anything outside Elder Brent's capabilities. So why were there so many injuries?"

Stella repeated what Ashlock said but in her own words.

Elder Brent sighed, "My negligence and inexperience certainly played a role, but there were far more monsters than I expected. I have hunted around those parts recently, and it was never like this. The number of monsters had tripled, and they were frenzied," Elder Brent explained, "Also... the youngsters have weakened from their prime a year ago. The fire Qi around this mountain peak is only adequate at best and detrimental at worst, and there was little fire Qi out in the wilderness for us to replenish our spent Qi from."

"Elder Brent," The Grand Elder snapped, "Are you pushing the blame of your failure onto the immortal and this nurturing environment he has provided us?"

"He's not entirely wrong, though," Elder Mo butted in, "For those of us that have been fortunate enough to venture into the Mystic Realm, cultivation has become a breeze, but for the youngsters, the only place with enough Qi to consider cultivating is out in the courtyard all huddled up together giving them no space to practice any new techniques. Furthermore, whenever someone tries to leave the palace, they risk disturbing the youngster's cultivation."

"Stella, take charge of the conversation and tell them about my evolved offspring, the groves, and the new spicy fire fruit," Ashlock said, "Then ask Elder Brent about the frenzied monsters."

"Okay, let's calm down," Stella said and was somewhat surprised at how her voice silenced everyone.

All the Elders turned to look at her. She took a deep breath and continued, "Yes, the environment around here is not perfect for fire Qi cultivators, but the surrounding scarlet forest has recently evolved. All of the demonic trees across the mountain range are now in the Soul Fire Realm, and the immortal has created groves of similar affinity trees to make perfect areas for cultivators of various affinities to meditate. Just travel the winding path through the mountain range, and you will find them."

"I did feel more Qi in the air recently during my walks, but I always steered clear of the scarlet forest and the area around Red Vine Peak," Elder Mo leaned back in his sofa and rubbed his chin, "But if there really are these groves, that's a step in the right direction. It will give the youngsters some peace and quiet away from here with all the construction work and mortal servants wanding around."

Stella nodded and then leaned over the tea table, "There are also these fruits packed with fire Qi that the immortal grew," Her spatial ring flashed with power as she mentally shifted through all the items stowed inside and found the mountains of fruit she had nabbed from Ashlock's branches. Grabbing the ones she wanted, a small pile of orange fruits materialized on the table.

"Take one and try it," Stella smiled behind her cloth mask as all the Elders reached forward and took one. Soon, their faces were pure bliss as they bit into the fruits. Any traces of anger or pent-up frustration vanished as the Elders cycled the dense fire Qi around their bodies.

"These fruits cost the immortals Qi to make, so he is unwilling to grow them by the hundreds or thousands and give them out for little reason," Stella quickly explained before they demanded more, "The plan was for these spicy fire fruits to be given as a reward to those from the sect that ventured out into the wilderness to get the immortal corpses or caught the immortal's attention. Basically, they are supposed to be rewards."

Elder Margret chuckled, "I wouldn't mind going out into the wilderness if I could have one of these delicious fruits daily."

"Same," Elder Mo muttered, "Would the immortal give me another if I enchanted a sword for him?"

"Would you?" Stella whispered to Ashlock in her mind.

"Maybe? The fruits aren't that Qi-intensive to grow. I just don't want to grow hundreds of them. Even so, I don't know if I want him to put his spirit in my swords..." Ashlock replied, and Stella saw the fog at the edge of her consciousness swirl around with unease, "Weren't you going to give him a sword to enchant to test his capabilities?"

"He told me to wait after the Mystic Realm so he could reach Star Core," Stella mentally replied, "Actually, now that I think about it, we have a lot of people on the cusp of ascending to Star Core, right? Diana and Elder Mo are in the peak stage, and Elder Margret and Brent are at the 8th stage."

"Indeed, this will be a pivotal Mystic Realm visit. If we are lucky, our sect's combat power might skyrocket!" Ashlock replied with a thousand cheerful voices, "I am especially curious about what Neptune wishes to show Diana in the Mystic Realm."

"Something to do with her bloodline, perhaps?" Stella suggested.

"I would hope so, as getting any information about bloodlines down here seems impossible," Ashlock sighed, "I just want Diana to be able to maintain control of herself while shifting between or staying in her demon form. I saw her strength during the merchant fight. Despite being an entire realm below, she could fend off Lucius momentarily. Just imagine what she can do at the Star Core Realm."

Stella felt a smile tugging at the corner of her lips and a warm feeling hearing Ashlock praise Diana. She used to be jealous of Diana's bloodline, but now she was just grateful it had given her the strength to survive being stomped on by Lucius.

Also, my bloodline is more powerful than I first thought. Stella mulled. It hasn't even fully awakened yet. I can tell this is just the start. I will be the strongest once I uncover its secrets and learn how to wield its strength fully! Diana can come in a close second, I suppose. I'll allow that...

"What nonsense are you daydreaming about," Ashlock chuckled, "Get on with the questions. Ask Elder Brent about the frenzied monsters."

"Oh, um, Elder Brent," Stella cursed as she stumbled a little over her words, but the Elders didn't seem fazed as they were in a good mood from the fruits.

"Yes, Mistress?" Elder Brent said respectfully.

"You mentioned earlier there were three times more monsters than you anticipated, and they were all in a frenzy? Could you elaborate on that?"

"Certainly. The monsters all seemed to be charging from the northeast as if they were fleeing from something," Elder Brent explained as he motioned out their path on the tea table with his finger, "It could be that a powerful monster has made the northeastern area it's home and forced the weaker ones out or..."

He fell silent, and so did all the other Elders.

"Or?" Stella pressed.

"It's the start of the cataclysmic beast tide," The Grand Elder murmured.

Silence returned.

"According to the latest estimations from the Nightrose family that were issued some time ago, the peak of the beast tide should hit this area in over three years," Elder Margret, who looked many decades younger than the other Elders due to the truffle, drummed her fingers on the armrest of the sofa, "Although it is possible we are witnessing the earliest waves of the beast tide I still doubt it as those usually come within a year of the peak."

"What do you mean by peak?" Stella asked.

"The beast tide comes in waves with the weakest at the start and the strongest at the peak," Elder Margret explained, "The peak is usually the wave right before the strongest monster makes its move. This monster at the peak is the one the Blood Lotus Sect's Patriarch fears the most, and if speculations are to be believed, it might be in the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm."

"So I have three years to reach that level of power," Ashlock's voice rang in Stella's mind, "Doable, but as my cultivation progresses into higher realms, so will the corpses I need to consume to ascend further. There's a good chance I will have to rely on the monsters from the beast tide waves to reach that realm of power in time."

"You could always have a feast on the bodies of the noble families," Stella mentally replied, "I'm sure some roasted Voidmind leg or a Skyrend pie could be delicious for your cultivation!"

"Perhaps..." Ashlock's insidious tone made Stella shudder as the fog surrounding her consciousness flashed dark red, and she saw visions of twisted roots rising up and—

Stella downed another Mind Fortress pill and distracted herself, "Thank you for the explanation, Elder Margret."

"Of course, as I previously mentioned, the more likely cause is that a strong monster has made the northeast its territory," Elder Brent reiterated, "I think we should investigate."

"Not until after the Mystic Realm," Ashlock said, "I can't send my Ents or anyone strong enough to investigate right now."

"The immortal says that investigation can wait until after the Mystic Realm," Stella told the room.

"Makes sense," The Grand Elder nodded, "On that note, who will be entering the Mystic Realm this time?"

Stella looked up at the ceiling as she felt Ashlock deep in thought.

"All of the Redclaw Elders and Amber, as she is also a few stages below Star Core. Also, everyone from the Ashfallen Sect, including Elaine and Douglas, will go. However, Larry and the Ents will remain behind to protect the sect. Now the question is, should we allow the younger Redclaws in?"

Stella relayed the question, and the room fell into a brief silence as the Elders mulled over their thoughts.

"I would say no," The Grand Elder sighed, "They aren't ready physically and emotionally to brave the Mystic Realm, even if the pocket realms adapt to their cultivation level. What if they stumble upon an inheritance? Will they have the maturity to let another seize the reward, or will they butcher each other for it?"

Elder Brent nodded, "I agree. I admit I was negligent, but their fighting standards are below par. Their training has been neglected recently, and they needed more outings into the wilderness to prepare themselves."

"However..." Elder Margret said, "We need to consider if this rise in monsters in the wilderness is due to the beast tide coming sooner and harder than expected. If so, we need to act now. They may be too weak to contribute much with us around, but in a war against endless waves of beasts, we need as many people as possible to fight in shifts. We should increase their cultivation as soon as possible."

"Some may die," Elder Brent said as he shook his head, "One Soul Fire Lurkshadow variant could injure ten youngsters while I tried to kill it. Their battle sense against something strong was hopeless. It would have gone better if they grouped up and didn't run in different directions."

"I propose we spend this Mystic Realm on increasing our personal power to a satisfactory level," Elder Mo declared, "Then, when we return, I can make everyone spirit fire weapons, and we can take groups of youngsters to the wilderness and train them up against the beast hordes while also investigating the source of their frenzied state. After a month of training and eating truffles and whatnot that I hope the immortal will graciously provide, they should be combat-ready for the next Mystic Realm and only require some supervision from us to minimize casualties."

The Grand Elder hummed in agreement, "I like this plan. Even if it is the beast tide, a month's delay won't change much in the grand scheme of things, especially with these new spicy fire fruits and Qi-rich groves for the youngsters to cultivate in."

"Then it's decided, and this meeting is concluded," Ashlock decreed in Stella's mind, "Get the corpses off Elder Brent and then return to Red Vine Peak. I have already brought Sol back."

Stella stood and clapped her hands, "Very well, Elders, that is what we will do. Elder Brent, hand me the corpses you gathered for the immortal, and then I will be on my way."

Elder Brent obliged by pulling free a silver ring from his finger and pushing it across the table.

Stella picked it up, quickly shattered the spiritual lock, delved inside the pocket space, and confirmed a mountain of Qi Realm and Soul Fire corpses.

These will serve as good snacks for Tree! Stella thought gleefully as she withdrew her consciousness from the spatial ring.

"Oh, immortal, if you are still listening," The Grand Elder said to the ceiling, "Douglas requested that you populate the center of each courtyard in the new White Stone Pavilion with a demonic tree so it may provide the Redclaws with fire Qi as they practice and cultivate."

"White Stone Pavilion? I will go take a look," Ashlock said, and then Stella felt him withdraw from her mind, and his intense focus shifted elsewhere.

"He said he will look into it," Stella said casually as she snapped her fingers, and a portal manifested, "I will be off now. See you all in three days for the Mystic Realm."

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