Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 205 Reunion... Part-2.

Chapter 205 Reunion... Part-2.

Walt Mansion, Garden Area.

Under the shade of a large tree, several chairs were placed around a small table.

The maids brought hand-made tea and served it to all of the students who were sitting on the chairs, several sweets and pastries were also placed on the table for the students to enjoy.

Yet, no one had a smile on their face and no one was in the mood to enjoy the sweets either.

"I see... so Zach didn't survive that demon attack..." (Anna)

A Complicated look appeared on Anna's face.

She had arrived at Oaklum via teleportation, yesterday night. Thus, she had no idea about what happened in Oaklum.

The original plan was that Jin was going to take her with him and they both would have arrived at Oaklum via a private airplane.

But then Jin had to hurry towards Oaklum due to the emergency situation caused by Alverto's attack, thus Anna was escorted by the maids only after the situation in Oaklum had already settled down.

Just a few minutes ago, Jin went back to do some unfinished work, thus leaving Anna and the students alone.

Anna asked her maids to set up tables and chairs in the garden as she wanted to sit in the garden to get some fresh air.

If not for the fact that Liam accidentally spilled the news about Zach's unfortunate death, she would have not known about this incident.

Anna shook her head and sighed in regret:

"Sigh... I taught that kid for two years, he stood out a lot among his peers... always ranking first and getting good results..." (Anna)

"He had a cheerful personality... he had a bright future ahead of him... he had the talent to reach the peak of S rank... but to think it would all end, just like this...." (Anna)

Anna had seen several of her comrades die over time, but all of them were grown-up people, it was still a very regretful thing that someone like Zach who could have reached S-rank in the future, ended up dying in total obscurity.

Talking about Zach, even Riya lost her appetite, even she felt that those sweets didn't seem as fragrant as they always used to be.

Ever since the day she was not able to save Zach with her healing magic, Riya has been under constant stress.

She may look like the same carefree girl from the outside, but she had been thinking hard all this time.

She knew that if Alverto's target was not Zach but Link, she would have not been able to save him either.

Ever since she found out about the existence of 'Corruption', she has been trying to think of a way to counter it, but nothing comes to mind.

(Don't forget that she is the most talented healer of this century, even though she is currently at peak B rank, her healing is still as effective as a pseudo-S rank healer....)

Unless she finds a way to counter that 'corruption' she won't be able to get rid of this constant pressure and stress.

This is not about being dumb or carefree, this is about her pride as a healer, one person already lost his life right under her hand, and this was already a big stain in her career as a healer.

Similarly, all the other students clenched their fists, they all remembered just how powerless they were in front of Alverto.

From the beginning till the end of that fight, they didn't stand a chance against him. No, in fact, it would be wrong to call it a fight in the first place, it was basically a one-sided slaughter.

Noticing the grim looks on the faces of all the children, Anna decided to change the topic.

"What about that girl, Riko Embeth... didn't she always used to stay around Zach, where is she now?" (Anna)

Anna wanted to make them forget about this matter, but the effect was totally opposite.

When she mentioned Riko, the atmosphere became even grimmer.

"She left..." (Lia)

"Yesterday night, she confronted me and said that she will look for clues and hunt down that demon..." (Rio)

"W-what!?" (Anna)

"That's such a risky thing to do! Didn't Jin stop her from leaving!?" (Anna)

"She had already made up her mind, it was impossible to stop her from leaving... if we had used force then it would have escalated things even further..." (Lia)

Hearing all this, Anna shook her head in regret.

"Sigh... although that girl doesn't have as much talent as Zach... but she is not a weak kid either... her personality has always been stubborn, once she made up her mind, she won't stop no matter what..." (Anna)

"Now that she has already decided to pursue that demon, it's indeed too late to change her mind now..." (Anna)

Anna then glanced at the clear blue sky and said in a sad tone.

"But.... It's nearly impossible that she would be able to get any results... tracking down a demon that can escape under the nose of an SS-ranker... that's a nearly impossible task..." (Anna)

"She will return empty-handed I think... but with her personality, if she can't achieve this goal, she will likely suffer a big mental blow... sigh..." (Anna)

Anna knew that it was impossible for Riko to actually track down Alverto, and sooner or later, Riko would realize this fact. At that time, it would be very hard for her to recover from such a severe mental blow.

Then Anna glanced at the kids around her, and she thought to herself.

'Luckily, there are these kids to help her, once she returns back empty-handed, at least she will have her friends to console her…' (Anna)

Anyone who would have heard about Riko's determination to track down Alverto would have arrived at the same conclusion that it was impossible.

No one in their right mind will think that Riko will be able to achieve this goal. (Or will she achieve it?)

After a few minutes of sadness, everyone finally calmed down and slowly started to eat the food prepared for them. It was not a good thing to waste food after all.

"I am quite surprised though…I never thought that you would be able to reach rank B too, Fade…" (Anna)

Hearing Praise from Anna, Fade puffed up his chest and a grin appeared on his face.

"hehe, I have worked hard to achieve these results…" (Fade)

"On the first day of the class, your fire magic was so weak that it looked no different than the flame of a lighter, but now, your aura tells me that you progressed a lot…" (Anna)

"You used to get failing grades and your magical abilities didn't progress at all for three months straight… but now you seem like a totally different person…" (Anna)

"Time sure flies fast…" (Anna)

As a teacher, Anna didn't discriminate among her students, she was happy that even a sloppy person like Fade was also able to show some talent.

Hearing praise from Anna's mouth, Fade felt so proud that he smiled from ear to ear.

"Not only that, now that Zach and Riko are out of the equation, I will be the one who will go to the meeting of gods!" (Fade)

"Is that so?" (Anna)

Anna looked at Kira with a doubtful look on her face, Kira nodded her head and replied.

"Yes, it's quite unfortunate that something like that happened to Zach Senpai, moreover, Riko Senpai has declared that she won't go to the meeting either…" (Kira)

"Thus, Fade is the only candidate left who is qualified to go…" (Kira)

Hearing Kira's words, Liam clicked his tongue and said:

"This trash failed all three of the tests, yet we have to bring him along with us to the 'Meeting of gods', tch!" (Liam)

"Hah, what did you say? Do you think I will not beat you right now!?" (Fade)

Liam totally ignored Fade's provoking and continued to say.

"If not for this unfortunate incident, we would not have to take this guy with us, tch! Such bad luck!" (Liam)

"What bad luck! It's my great luck that has brought me this opportunity, don't forget that Luck is also part of someone's ability! You are the one who is incompetent!" (Fade)

"You lost to that measly demon if it was me, I would have won easily!" (Fade)

Hearing Fade's arrogant words, everyone else didn't even bother to speak to him anymore.

They all knew that those were all empty words, whenever the situation became dire, Fade would be the first to collapse.

"Okay, okay, everyone stop fighting…. Calm down, from now on you all have to work as a team, you are all comrades, don't end up losing the reputation of the human race in front of others when you go to that meeting…" (Anna)

If Anna was still strong and powerful, she would have used her aura to suppress these noisy kids, but now that her mana circuits were all destroyed, she could only use her words to make them all calm down.

'Sigh, it's such a hassle to deal with children without my strength… I just want to recover faster, only then will I be able to rest peacefully…' (Anna)

Author's Notes.

Yo! It's your beloved author here! It seems even Anna was surprised at how lucky Fade actually was, he got the opportunity to go to the meeting without even passing any of the three exams!!

Question of the day.

Do you guys also think that Fade's luck is a bit too high?

1.Yes (Bro has put all his stat points into luck… even the int points are perhaps being put into luck instead…)

2. No (The plot armor is protecting him)

3.Other (D*mn you author! How dare you give such unbelievable luck to this trashy guy!?)

By the way, don't forget to use those power stones and also leave a review if you like the story. Comment your opinion about the chapter. Your support is my motivation.

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