Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 229 The Meeting of Gods! Part-1.

Chapter 229 The Meeting of Gods! Part-1.

Elven Empire, capital city, The day of the meeting.

A hidden underground hall.

Around a massive roundtable representatives of all races sat in silence.

No one talked and no one whispered.

Each of them being an SS-ranker, they all had a reputation to protect.

The members of several races could be seen sitting around the table, elves, humans, dwarves, Orcs, Ogre, etc.

Aside from the SS-rankers, those races who don't have SS-rankers to represent them are being represented by their strongest S-rankers and are only allowed to stand and listen from the sideline.

They didn't even have the right to speak in this meeting, all they could do was stand near the walls and listen.

But none of them dared to disagree with this arrangement.

They might be strongest in their races, but in front of so many SS-rankers, they were worth nothing.

It was already fortunate that the alliance is graceful and provides benefits to them too even though they don't have SS-rankers among them.

Weaker races like Goblins, kobolds, etc. aren't even qualified to attend this meeting as they don't even have S-rankers among them.

The appearance of an A-ranker is already a big deal for weak races like them, not to mention rank S.

Looking around in total, you could see at least 25 SS-rankers gathered here including Ryul, Syvis, Ashtel, and Jin.

The races who had conflicts with each other were seated far away from each other and those who had better interracial relations were seated near each other.

This was all arranged by Ryul on purpose, he didn't want any conflict to happen in his own empire after all.

Hosting such a massive meeting and making so many SS rankers obey rules is a really difficult task.

Even the slightest bit of mistake could cause massive problems.

Although the Elven race is not afraid of any other race as they have four SS-rankers on their side, it's always good to keep a friendly relationship.

The reason why everyone has chosen the Elven kingdom to hold this meeting is also because everyone is more likely to trust the Elves as they have maintained good relations with nearly all of the races

Currently, only Elves and Humans are the two races strong enough to hold a meeting of such a massive scale, if this many SS-rankers suddenly came to the territory of a weaker race, it may cause unpredictable chaos.

Moreover, other races are well informed about how cunning and shrewd the humans are, thus they have put their trust in Elves.

The thinking is simple, Humans and Elves have a great cooperative international relationship, thus if anyone can influence the policies of the human empire, then it is the Elves.

To keep the immense power of the human race's advanced technologies in check, other races have voted to elect the Elves as the head of the whole Alliance.

The rumor that Elves are a benevolent race is not really wrong entirely, they are at least more trustworthy than the shrewd humans.

(Originally, fairies were the ones who were given the position of the head of the whole Alliance... but now that position is in Ryul's hand.)

And the decision taken by the members of the alliance was not entirely wrong either, from time to time, Elves have helped many races from facing extinction, thus they have good relations with nearly every member of the Alliance.

Moreover, Elves have the only SS-rank healer available in the world. (That water dragon doesn't even stay on the planet much, so her being an SS-rank healer is irrelevant...)

No one wants to offend the Elves because of the presence of Syvis Leocaryn. If one day she got offended by a race, then it would be a great loss to the entire race.

Other races will start isolating them.

That's why, Syvis is not only a healer but a tactical weapon to keep all races in check.


Once everyone arrived at the underground hall, all gates were shut tight and an SS-rank magic circle, which was carved all over the walls of the hall started to operate.

It could isolate any disturbance from the outside.

Now it was time to finally start the 'Meeting of Gods'.


"First of all, I welcome all of you once again, I am pleased to see that no one is absent from the meeting and everyone has arrived on time..." (Ryul)

Ryul started his speech in a confident and happy tone.

Hearing Ryul's words, nearly everyone nodded their head to show that they had accepted his hospitality.

"Now that we have all finally gathered here to discuss important matters, let's not waste time and go straight to the main topic first!" (Ryul)

The smile on Ryul's face faded away and his face became solemn instantly, everyone was a bit confused by this sudden change of atmosphere, but they didn't object to anything.

Ryul tapped the table in front of him and a massive hologram appeared in the middle area of the table.

"I suppose you all know that we use, 'Solace' to calculate major problems right and with the near-accurate calculating abilities of that advanced mind..." (Ryul)

Although some of the races present here are very bad at technology, nearly every SS-ranker has heard about 'Solace' more or less.

They all know that it was once created by the legendary 'King Allen von Reinhart' and thus they have no doubt about its accuracy.

Its main brain is located in the human empire but none of the races doubts Solace's credibility.

"This is the data we got from Solace…" (Ryul)

A massive bar graph with simple comparisons appeared on the hologram.

Although it was just mere data and the hologram itself did not have much of an impact, the numbers and the information shown by the bar graph were something extremely shocking.

"W-what the!?"


"H-how is this possible!?"

SS-rankers generally never lose their cool, but today, when they looked at the data on this bar graph, they all instantly became shocked.

Even the S-rankers who were standing silently in the background couldn't help but widen their eyes in shock while looking at this data.

The representative of the Orc race suddenly got up from his seat in shock and questioned Ryul directly in a shocked voice.

"Is this some kind of Joke!? There can't be such an insane change in just the past ten years right!?"

Although the Orc was questioning in a very loud voice, no one had the luxury to reprimand his rude behavior, all of them were just as bewildered as him.

Ryul tapped the table two times with his hand.

Everyone then went silent all of a sudden, even the orc representative sat down and calmed a bit. (It was a signal to sit and listen first…)

Ryul's tone turned extremely serious at this moment, he was definitely not in the mood to joke.

Even the atmosphere in the hall became heavy.

"Everyone, I know that you all are confused and surprised, in fact even I was just as surprised by this data… but this is the exact data provided by 'Solace' there's no doubt about its authenticity…." (Ryul)

Then Ryul glanced at Ashtel as if giving him the signal to talk.

At that moment, Ashtel immediately nodded his head and said in a serious tone.

"Everyone, this data was calculated under my presence, I have kept my eyes on it from the start to the end, there's no falsification in it, I can vouch for it myself…" (Ashtel)

Hearing Ashtel's words, everyone went silent, no one dared to take the words of the 'Strongest' lightly.

They all understood the seriousness of this matter.

"According to the data collected…. 'corruption' has started to increase at a speed hundred times faster in the past ten years…" (Ryul)

"No, it would be more accurate to say, the sudden increase in the spread of 'corruption' came seven years ago from now… the starting three years of the past decade were normal…" (Ryul)

Hearing Ryul's words, some of the representatives stared blankly at the hologram, some clutched their heads in frustration and some even gritted their teeth.

The S-rankers standing nearby were even more frustrated, hearing this devastating news they all felt like their world was shaking.

"And we all know what the increase in the spread of corruption means… a massive increase in the population of 'demons'…" (Ryul)

"More and more high-level dungeon gates will start to open and the density of mana will increase with them, if left unattended dungeon waves will happen…" (Ryul)

"All this combined with the massive boost to the population of the demons… it would be a very devastating situation…" (Ryul)

Ryul waved his hand and a different bar graph appeared beside the previous one.

"This is the data recorded by 'Solace Model 1' and if you look closely… this data is very similar to what we are seeing right now…" (Ryul)

"The data 'solace 1' collected was during its first decade, it was during the starting years of the great thousand-year war… and the data we have today coincides with that…" (Ryul)

Hearing Ryul's words, all of the SS-rankers present felt extremely frustrated, some of them even started to deny reality at this point.

"This can't be, this can't be… just tell me this is all just a big joke!"

Ryul simply shook his head solemnly.

"I wish it was just a joke, but it's all real data… the density of Mana, Miasma, and corruption all have started to increase extremely fast since seven years ago…" (Ryul)

"And this is extremely bad news…" (Ryul)

Author's Notes.

Yo! It's your beloved author here! Finally, we have arrived at the meeting of gods after such a long wait! Let's see what mysteries this world holds!

Question of the day.

What do you think could be the reason for this massive change in the world?

(Tell me in the comments.)

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