Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 504

Chapter 88. The more the better (4).

It is said that when the wind blows in a fully grown wheat field, waves come.

The expression on his face was so excited as he explained that it is difficult to find such a spectacle on land, and I wondered how someone who does not know how to make things up or exaggerate would say such a thing after seeing a windy wheat field.

That’s why I was curious about what a wave in a wheat field would look like. Is it a powerful wave that threatens to turn everything in the world upside down, like the sight I first encountered, or is it a calm and peaceful wave, like the last time I saw it when I returned to Whitlin?

I was good at thinking and drawing conclusions, but I wasn’t good at imagining things, so I couldn’t figure it out. So, should I ask my younger brother who is so excited one more time? While I was thinking about that.

If just thinking about it makes you so excited and makes a face that already captures the wind of the wheat fields in those red eyes, then of course it must be calm and peaceful waves. Because I had to answer like this, I couldn’t ask anything in particular.

‘The Sereia territory will be harvesting wheat soon. I heard that the planting season is earlier than whitlin.’

Moreover, because Calian continued talking like this, I even put the question aside. It is said that all of Sereia’s wheat would have been ripe by now, so if you are curious, you can check it out yourself and find the answer when you go there. That’s all I thought.

So what about Fabian’s wheat?

Suddenly, a new question arises.

-……Many angles!

Thanks to the power of Danu, which allows wheat to grow well anywhere, regardless of whether it is spring wheat or autumn wheat, each territory of Kairis has been sowing and harvesting wheat at the time when it is most needed. So, how much does Fabian’s wheat grow at this time? If everyone grew up, would we be able to see those amazing waves? For a moment, I became curious about such trivial things.

Whether grapes and lemons grow well or barley or rye grow well. Regardless of which region is most famous, isn’t wheat something that most estates grow to some extent? Aside from being famous for its freshwater pearls, Plants’ territory Sereia also has a number of wheat fields in case it is difficult to supply wheat from outside the territory.

– Multi-faceted, multi-faceted!

So there was definitely some wheat farming in Fabian. I didn’t know about it yet because I didn’t pay much attention, but I would be able to check it out if I went there in person. Whether the wheat there has grown enough to make waves or, like Whitlin, not far from each other, it still has more years to grow. About an extremely trivial question.

– Many, many, many… Tap, tap, tap!

– Tap, tap, tap!

As I sat on the horse and filled my mind with unusual thoughts, I felt the sound of the horses’ hooves gradually becoming faster as they walked.

You must have left the outer walls of Whitlin and entered the wide path leading to the moving magic circle.

‘Are you so worried that your room is in chaos?’

‘I didn’t come to see you because I don’t know where my room is.’

‘If that’s the case. what brings you here.’

‘Wizard… Marquis Alan Manasil is going to the Great Desert.’

‘If only the magician’s energy had permeated me again.’

‘Something happened a little while ago while I was meeting Whitlin in the dungeon.’

‘I guess I’m glad that the anger isn’t directed at this place.’

There was nothing special to do until we arrived at the moving magic circle. All I had to do was keep my mouth shut and run as fast as I could.

Therefore, while taking the form of running with Calian’s knight and his betrothed behind, I kept thinking about the conversation between the residents of the same building that had occurred a little while ago.

‘Did you bother to come here to tell me that? ‘To tell you about my trip to the dungeon to meet that elf.’

‘no. I came to tell you that I have something to pay you back.’


‘yes. ‘Brother.’

‘To whom.’

‘Is there anyone else besides Calian?’

‘You never know.’

‘There may be more. I don’t know.’

‘Is that so?’

‘That’s right.’

What kind of expression did you make when I told you to pay back?

What kind of face did you make when you heard that there was no one else to pay back?

I tried to remember it for a while, but nothing came to mind, it was just a transient thing.

“Hello, Vice Commander.”

“Vice Commander, are you here again?”

Without knowing that I had already arrived at the moving magic circle, I stayed still and received these greetings.

I can see wizards with smiles of joy on their faces, as if they have forgotten all the formalities and etiquette towards royalty.

They were not the magicians who originally worked here, but the magicians from Balkan who had followed them from the royal palace to Whitlin. I remember the story that after the battle with Zeon, security guards were stationed here to prepare for any unexpected situation.

I nodded, received their greetings, and then looked to the side. Then Kirie, the Calian knight who had been riding silently until now, got off his horse. And I started talking to one of them.

“I’m here to use the magic circle.”

“Yes, Lord Bern. I will get ready right away. Where are you going?”

A smile appears on the wizard’s face again, whether he is glad for the guest he met while on guard duty or the three people who have just arrived. While I was sitting on the horse and looking down at that face, I heard Kirie’s answer.

“I would like to go back to Siegfried.”

“Are you talking about Siegfried?”

“Yes. Right…”


I cut those words off.

The gazes of Kirie, Demirea, and the various wizards present were all focused at once. I ignored it again and opened my mouth.

“I’m not going to Siegfried’s command.”

“Isn’t it Siegfried? Then where are you going?”

‘If I pay it back this time. Shall I no longer have to repay my youngest?’

‘Probably not.’

‘Is that so?’

‘From now on, you can just help me instead of paying me back.’

‘…… okay.’

‘Are you going to do it? ‘I don’t have time.’

‘Talk to me. What and how are you being asked to repay?’

‘Take it. It’s probably something you’ve seen often.’

‘It wasn’t just a disguise.’

‘you’re right.’

‘Because. ‘Whose appearance are you asking me to take?’

“… Fabian. I’m trying to go to my ‘brother’s’ territory.”

‘It’s me.’

‘… I am you.’

‘yes. That’s right.’

“Are you talking about Fabian territory, Vice Commander?”


“I understand. I will prepare right away. By the way, Vice Commander, is something bad going on?”

“Never mind”

“Time is running out. We must hurry.”

The answer I was giving to the wizard standing in front of me was interrupted in the middle. It was Kirie.

The wizard, who realized that I wasted time because of my curiosity, smiled humbly and took a step back. He then pointed to the direction where the moving magic circle was and said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll pick you up right away, so please come this way.”

Planz No.

‘Randel disguised as Plantz’ nodded and got off the horse. And then I followed the wizard and went inside.

It is a moving magic circle that I have already experienced many times. Therefore, I was already used to the fact that my vision became brighter shortly after I stood on top of the magic circle, that my vision became very shaken, and that after a while, I heard a slightly different smell than before.

So everything else was fine.

‘If you don’t like it.’

‘I’ve endured a lot of things I don’t like, so it won’t be difficult to endure. Rather… it must be very irritating.’

‘Would it be any different for me?’

‘It’s fortunate. They say it’s the same.’

‘It’s very fortunate.’

Except for the annoying bright emerald hair that shimmers before my eyes.

‘Are you putting me in your place to hide your disappearance from Whitlin?’

‘It’s similar, but the place you need to deceive is not here, but Fabian. Fabian has something for you to do by pretending to be me.’

‘Why are you entrusting me with that role?’

‘The only person who can imitate me and not be suspicious even if I go into a room and don’t come out for a few days is my brother. Even if Fabian finds out that it was someone else and not me, the only person who won’t have a problem is you. As I said, I’m not asking because I like it too.’

I would have to remain like this until the real Plants rescued Calian, sorted out Whitlin’s affairs, and came to Fabian, but I decided to endure it for now.

– ……Saaaaa!


Calm and peaceful.

Because I saw golden waves blowing across the wide wheat fields.

Even after leaving the sea, I can once again see the wind moving, so I guess I can tolerate the unfamiliar light of hair that dries up before my eyes for a while.

“The crew always asks what bad happened.”

Kirie’s voice can be heard through the sound of the wind.

“It was like that.”

“Yes, I did. It was because I was worried that your face was always expressionless. So, if something like this happens again in the future and someone in the Balkans asks you the same thing, you can just answer ‘there was nothing’ without adding another word.” “You always answered that way.”

He was explaining why he blocked the answer to the wizard’s question before moving through space.

I’ve seen Plants treat Calian and Kyrie a lot recently, but I’ve never seen him treat Vulkan, so I almost got caught right away. Only then did I realize this and turned my head. Kirie, who was looking directly into the light green eyes with eyes of different light, continued speaking.

“Prince Randel.”

Demirea’s head turned when she heard this.

Plantz’s words come to mind again.

‘The Duke won’t notice because he hasn’t seen me and you in a particularly long time, but Lord Verne will immediately notice that you are in disguise. However, please do not announce this in advance as you never know where listening ears will be within Whitlin. Once you leave Whitlin, you may inform the Duke and Lord Bern of the truth.’

Plantz’s prediction came true.

“… Ah. Then.”

Demirea, who had been looking at Plantz’s face for a while to understand the situation, opened her mouth.

“Can I talk now? They told me that if I open my mouth, I’ll get caught, so I have to keep my mouth shut until I get here.”

Then he said this.

With the face of Demirea, wearing Demirea’s clothes, wearing Demirea’s armor, and wearing Demirea’s sword. Demirea spoke in a tone she would never say.

I knew it as soon as I heard it. The fact that the person who followed him on that huge black horse was not Siegfried’s Duke.

‘And there is one more thing. You’ll find out as soon as we get there.’

Alan Manasil went to the Great Desert to find the missing Calian. The people who left Whitlin and went to Siegfried to stop Alan.

…… The three people who first came to Fabian in the name of arresting Rashid Brissen as soon as possible. The three people left separately to prevent other problems from being further delayed due to Kalian’s incident.

Kyrie, Plantz and Demirea.

no. Kirie, Randel and one more person. A person followed with a disguise necklace taken from Whitlin around his neck instead of the bell that Whitlin had given him.

It was Siona Hill.

So, three people including Siona.

The three fell silent for a moment and looked at each other’s situation.

– Saaaaa…….

Among the truly calm and peaceful golden winds.

* * *

– Are you here?

I hear the voice again.

Maybe the reason I don’t open my mouth to speak is because I’m too tired to open my mouth. Or maybe it was because I had to move my body to block my teacher and brother from the man with long blonde hair who was standing next to me.

I couldn’t tell it, but I heard the voice again. Whatever the reason, it is clear that it is not the sound of the seal of the oath bound to the heart being loosened, so it is okay if it is.

– Your companion is gorgeous.

– If I’m going to fight anyway, I think it’s better if I have too much power.

There is no need to conserve strength when fighting.

The more power I have, the better.

That way I don’t get hurt. As long as I don’t get hurt, the sharp knife won’t reach the person behind me. but.

– but. you’re right. Whatever it is, if it’s something that can be controlled by one’s own hands, the more excess the better.


As that guy said, that’s only true for things that can be governed.

– Then, brother, you will learn magic now.

– I’m not learning.

– If you learn magic, you too will become very strong. Why aren’t you learning?

– When you think less. at that time.

This answer brings laughter.

– It’s good. Such an answer.

I only noticed it after hearing it.

He didn’t ask because he really wanted Calian to learn magic, but because he was afraid he might try to learn magic to become stronger.

– Are you thinking of trying to teach me again in front of the dragon of the great desert?

– I lift it. You are the only great wizard on the continent, and you even brought a sea dragon that brings rain wherever you go, so why should you choose to be afraid? By the way, you have already come looking for Arnaizel. As expected, my brother is very capable.

A small oasis somewhere in the southern desert.

A small sand tomb grew next to it.

A low hill that is very similar to the numerous sand tombs lined up here and there surrounding the oasis, but is noticeably smaller in size. There was a Silestian nest underground.

After receiving an explanation from Whitlin and confirming the facts from Arsene and Euria, Alan took action immediately. Of course

, it doesn’t matter if Sispanian doesn’t come. ‘I’ll come back.’

‘Go together.’

I didn’t come alone.

‘It’s not your job to be stubborn, sir.’

‘Wizard. It’s not me who’s being stubborn right now. Adelia said that Cylestian would hate you very much. ‘You know.’

‘I don’t know that. Still, there won’t be any trouble.’

‘I will. together. I’m going. If I were there, Cylestian wouldn’t be so angry at you, the wizard, so why?’

‘Isn’t it dangerous to stop you? I’ll take care of the fight, so you can stay here.’


It is known that he escaped from Whitlin alone, but in reality, he left together, unable to separate from ‘the crown prince, who insisted on going with his great blood and would never back down’. And after warping around the great desert for quite some time, I finally found the place that Whitlin had described.

As soon as he discovered the place believed to be the Silestian’s nest, magical energy gathered at the tips of Alan’s fingers. You can see how enormous that power was by looking at the particularly tired face of Plantz, who followed along.

In any case, just before the power gathered like that leaves Alan’s hand,

‘I can’t even touch the Celestian nest with that.’

An unfamiliar voice was heard.

– Shoot…!

And then it rained.

‘Cispanian can’t come this far now. You can’t go this far and leave Serenti behind. It’s okay for Silestian to be angry. If Silestian gets angry, Cispanian must stop him. Then Serenti will feel anxious. Cylestian won’t do anything bad to that human. So just go back. huh? huh?’

It’s been a long time since I saw welcome rain.

Who in the Great Desert could not welcome the rain pouring down in such a scorching heat, but for Alan and Plants, there was probably no rain more welcome than that.

‘I will take you by my hand.’

Alan bowed his head deeply to show respect to Arneizel, who was so happy to see him, and said this.

‘I will take you out quietly and return, so please open the door.’

Arnaizel, considering that it was the best ‘mediation’, eventually nodded. And this is how we came together.

– How did you bring Arnaizel?

Calian asked after catching a glimpse of Alan’s pure white flame that illuminated the entire dark cave. I looked at Arnaizel for a moment, who followed in with the intention of stopping it immediately if the flame ever reached Cylestian.

– It just so happened. What happened?

– If you were scared to come alone, you would have just done your job and waited. If you’re bored, you’ve become very close with Brother Randel, so we can eat together or play chess…

– Bark.

– It’s nice to meet you. Because he has grown up again.

– …the body.

– I’m sleepy. I’m hungry too.

Plantz frowned.

And I glared at the top of Cylestian’s golden head, which was obscured by Calian and not easily visible.

My brother said something else before he was hungry.

What kind of person is my younger brother, and how badly he treats his child that he wants to sleep instead of eating meat. So, will I be angry now or not?

– go back. Go sleep.

– yes.

Calian responded briefly and returned his gaze.

Then he looked at the Silestian standing in front of him and opened his mouth.

“If you have anything to ask, ask now.”

Cylestian, who seemed to be having a separate conversation with Arnigel, who suddenly came to visit, turned his head. Calian continued speaking while looking into Silestian’s golden eyes.

“Apologize first. Then.”

Now I am stronger.

So, I have to get what I get.

This is what it means.

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