Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 27 - Duan Xiaolou’s first expression of his love

Chapter 27 Duan Xiaolou’s first expression of his love

Although He Danggui was a little astonished, she hid her shock with calm expression. Lu Jiangbei stopped for a moment and looked at her, so as to get some information from her eyes. But he only felt that the girl’s eyes were very different from those of others. Her eyes were as clear and deep as the water in the well under the moonlight. However, there were some cold things in her eyes, so he couldn’t see that clearly.

Lu Jiangbei had to continue, “My name is Lu Jiangbei, and I work as an imperial guard. In September, 27th year of Hongwu Period, I was entrusted by Duan Xiaolou to seek a marriage alliance to Miss He. Childe Duan is the Childe of Earl Anning Ruting Mansion, and his military rank is the Deputy Fifth-Grade Military General. He also works as an imperial guard now... He was born in January, Gengxu year (4th year of Hongwu Period), and is 23 years old. His Chinese zodiac is dog. He... is young and promising, adept with both the pen and the sword, handsome and strong, and he has no bad habits (except for taking in strange women to his home). His age ranks seventh among the nine of us, but his official grade ranks third... Duan’s Family is a hereditary Earl, and he is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Duan. He only has a few cousins who live together in the Earl Mansion. His mother also has a good personality, which can be seen from Childe Duan because he follows his mother’s personality. He is also warmhearted, enthusiastic and righteous (taking in strange women to his home). The most important thing is that among the nine of us, he is the only one who doesn’t have a wife. If you marry him, you will be the hostess of Duan’s Family. What do you think of it?”

Lu Jiangbei had always tortured the criminals for confessions, but never acted as a matchmaker. He didn’t know if it was appropriate to say this, so he became more and more unconfident, and his voice became lower and lower. Moreover, since Childe Duan asked him to be a matchmaker last night, he was depressed as if his chest was stuffed with cotton. He vaguely understood what it meant, but he was afraid of thinking about this. There were thousands of beautiful women in the world, so he didn’t have to love her, and he shouldn’t love her.

After listening his words, He Danggui paused for a while. Suddenly, she covered her mouth and tittered.

Lu Jiangbei looked at He Danggui confusedly, while He Danggui also looked at him. Then she apologized with a smile, “I’m sorry. I thought of something else just now and laughed absently.” Lu Jiangbei’s truthful words reminded her of that she had acted as a matchmaker in her previous life. She also spoke hurriedly and incoherently for fear of screwing the marriage up. In the end, she found that the family of being proposed was actually very satisfied with this marriage. But she had not given others a chance to speak, so both sides were nervous for half a day.

Lu Jiangbei was more confused. As a girl, when she suddenly knew that someone proposed to her directly, she should be not shy or embarrassed, but even absentminded while listening to it. And she was laughing when she came to her sense. Why was there such a strange thing in the world? Or had she already found her love? In this case, she didn’t care about others proposing to her?

Thinking of this, Lu Jiangbei felt more depressed and said sadly, “Miss He, you...”

He Danggui also looked up at the same time and said, “Master Lu, I...”

They looked at each other and smiled. Then Lu Jiangbei looked away and said, “Please go ahead. I will tell Childe Duan truthfully.”

He Danggui shook her head and said, “Sorry, I can’t accept the bride-price and I’m also opposed to the marriage.”

Lu Jiangbei first sighed with a relief, then he held a breath and asked quickly, “Why? Do you already have an engagement? Or you’ve fallen in love with someone?”

He Danggui shook her hands to stop his supposition. She lightly looked at the withered locust tree over the window with her clear eyes, and said, “Please tell Childe Duan. First, I’m not equal to him in social status; second, a marriage should follow the parents’ order and matchmaker’s word, so I’m not the proper person he should ask; third, I’m so grateful to him, but it’s just gratitude... I’m unwilling to marry him.”

Hearing that she refused straightforwardly, Lu Jiangbei was very astonished in his heart. He always thought He Danggui had a little affection for Childe Duan. In addition, with Childe Duan’s extraction and moral quality, as long as she didn’t know the 100 “women in trouble” in his house, it was certain that she would not refuse him.

Besides, Childe Duan, Childe Liao and Lu Jiangbei had already known that Miss He had a sad life according to the spy’s information a few days ago. They also knew her parents had divorced when she was a baby. Her mother took her to Luo’s Family, but she was abandoned on the farm for a few years by them. Then, she came back to Luo’s Family again but died for no clear reason within half a year. In Lu Jiangbei’s opinion, Miss He should be willing to get out of that family. Duan’s Family was a good harbor for her. Even she didn’t like Childe Duan, she should not refuse it directly. She could consider this marriage, and leave a way open for the future. Why didn’t she do that?

Anyway, Lu Jiangbei always thought he knew a little about girls’ characters. In general, a girl who was liked and proposed by a handsome Childe would be happy at least. But looking at He Danggui’s exquisite and clam face, Lu Jiangbei doubted in his heart, “Is she hiding too deep or is she really heartless?”

He sighed in his heart but said gently, “Miss He, please consider it clearly before replying to Childe Duan. He is really serious, and he doesn’t ask your mother first because he respects you. He wants to obtain your agreement, and then he will seek the marriage alliance to Luo’s Family with Sanmei Liupin, for fear that you’re overwhelmed or don’t know how to do. In addition, although Childe Duan wants to make an engagement with you these days, he is willing to wait for you two or three years until you accept him and grow up. As for these cheques and title deeds…”

Lu Jiangbei continued to handle his responsibility as a matchmaker, pushing the box on the table to He Danggui with his fair and powerful hands, “Childe Duan went down the mountain yesterday, and urged people to prepare these things. Of course, they can’t be called as the formal bride-price. But please take them, Miss He. In the future, Duan’s Family will seek the marriage alliance to Luo’s Family. Whatever the result is, they belong to you.”

He Danggui chuckled. She experienced two lives, but she never knew a person could get unearned silver.

Lu Jiangbei was in confusion, looking at her and waiting for a clearer answer. What kind of girl could decisively refuse Childe Duan’s proposal and then his silver?

They looked at each other. He Danggui suddenly stopped smiling and looked cold, “You mean I can take the presents worth about 6,000 liang silver no matter how the proposal goes? Oh, how extravagant! Whatever Childe Duan’s meaning is, I can’t accept his affection. Master Lu, please take care of those things and get back. And I don’t see you off.” Then she stood up and went out quickly.

Lu Jiangbei was a little anxious. He stopped her quickly and asked, “What are you doing? Did I say something wrong and make you unhappy? How do I explain to Xiaolou if you drive me away like this?”

“I made it very clear that I wasn’t a good match for Childe Duan. Duan’s Family is out of the league of both my father’s and mother’s family, not to mention I was abandoned by these two families. And I’ve obviously refused the proposal, but you still insisted on giving me the silver and said that I can take the silver even if I refuse the proposal. Master Lu, you really treat me as a kid.” He Danggui sneered, with pressing fierceness in her eyes, “May I ask you if I take them, how can I marry the other person? How can I explain those silver to my future husband? When I meet Childe Duan in the future, how should I treat a person who saved me, loved me and gave me the silver?”

Lu Jiangbei was silent for a while and sighed, “So, Miss He really don’t have any affection to Xiaolou…”

He Danggui said coldly, “Although I am an inferior girl, I’m still grateful for other people’s kindness. Childe Duan helped me deliver the letter to my mother. And last night, he and all you generals made the Taoist temple a hell to help me find my gold lock that I cherished as my life. I will remember all the things in my mind. I can’t return these in two or three years; but in four or five year, maybe I can be useful to you. Then, I will not decline your requirements when all you generals need me.”

Lu Jiangbei was speechless. At this moment, he firmly believed her without any reason. He looked at her and her calm and clear eyes, feeling that his heart seemed to be pressed by something heavy.

“Tell me, what kind of man will you fall in love with?” Lu Jiangbei asked slightly.

He Danggui answered softly, “I am heartless.”

They looked at each other silently. As the clouds became thicker and thicker, a flash of lightning split the sky and it was pouring with freezing rain. He Danggui had not completely recovered. Now her head and shoulders had been drenched in freezing rain. Her lips immediately became bloodless, and her body shivered spontaneously.

Lu Jiangbei hastily drew her into the room and asked solicitously, “Miss He, what’s the matter with you? You look so pale these days.”

He Danggui shook her head and sat on the head of the bed beside the stove. She gave an irrelevant answer, “Sorry, I don’t have an umbrella. Do you want to stay to take shelter from the rain or go now?” It was raining hard but Lu Jiangbei could fly back to the West Wing-room quickly.

“You don’t have an umbrella. Then... could you lend me your hands?”

His voice was low but she felt close at hand.

He Danggui looked back in surprise and found that Lu Jiangbei was close to her. He sat beside the bed too. They were so close that they could hear breaths and heartbeats of each other.

She raised her eyebrows gently, wondering his meaning. Several minutes earlier, he was a matchmaker for Duan Xiaolou. Thinking of his gentle and polite image, she didn’t know how to face Lu Jiangbei who was slightly “flirtatious” now.

Lu Jiangbei also thought that he might not be able to “borrow” her hands so he “grabbed” her cold and small hands and held them firmly. When He Danggui frowned and was about to say something, she felt a trickle like warm and comfortable hot spring from her hands grabbed by Lu Jiangbei to her body. Then her cold body warmed up gradually.

He Danggui was surprised, “Is this... Zhenqi?”

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