Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 92 - Would he spit blood?

Chapter 92 Would he spit blood?

Mammy Tang felt it was improper to ask Third Miss to deliver the medicine. Although Third Miss was young and veiled, she should not do the errand work of delivering things to men. Then Mammy Tang forced herself to her feet and said, “I’ll deliver the medicine, and you should wait in the gharry, Third Miss.”

“Since Mammy Tang’s ankle is sprained, I’ll do it!” He Danggui picked up the small wooden box, stood up and said, “But the three dray horses of our gharry look sick. You see, they are heavy breathing, and their eyes are a bit red. Mammy Tang, you get off and wait. I’ll ask Gui Banjiao to bring my gharry here. You and Grandma should also go home by Ren Dongteng’s gharry!” After she said that and jumped off the gharry firstly, she also enjoined Gui Banjiao the same thing.

On this side, Madam Luo was still lobbying hard, “... Well, my good boy, come home with me?” It sounded like a trafficker trying to kidnap a child.

Feng Yang thought for a moment, then nodded and laughed, “If so, I will trouble you. But my friend is sick and the doctor said that his illness calls for rest. And he can’t meet strangers. So, I wonder if there is any secluded place in your mansion?”

“Yes, yes. What kind of place can’t be found in Luo’s Mansion?” Seeing that he finally nodded and was willing to follow her back to Luo’s Mansion, Madam Luo finally loosened Feng Yang’s sleeve, squinting and smiling, “Let’s hurry up!” As if she was afraid that the next moment he would suddenly hold back his word. After all, Jiugu was looking forward to meeting him at home.

“Here’s your medicine, Grandma.” A flat voice alerted Madam Luo to her presence. Madam Luo turned around to take over the wooden box, and then handed it to Feng Yang, saying with a smile, “Take this medicine directly. It’s cool and refreshing. As soon as he eats it, he would wake up. You will see the effect immediately. It won’t fail you even after one hundred times’ tests!”

He Danggui lowered her head and secretly curled her mouth. She thought to herself, “Hey, even as the maker of this medicine, I dare not make such a promise. How can you be so sure, Grandma? Didn’t you just say you were going to throw this away? Besides, your great grandson Zhu’s life is hard to tell now, but you are here, pulling the sleeve of another teenager now. Is it proper for you to do so? After all, now Luo’s Mansion must be in a mess for the mice-killing thing. Perhaps it is livelier than the vegetable market. Where can you find any ‘secluded place’ now?”

The look of curling mouth to the ground was caught by Feng Yang. Although the girl was wearing a thick veil, there was a sneer in her eyes that Feng Yang happened to feel. Feng Yang leaned his head out, shook the medicine box in his hand to He Danggui, who was behind Madam Luo, and thanked her with a smile, “Thank you for the medicine, little girl!”

“Oh, you’re welcome.”

He Danggui thought, “This Puxi Pill is gentle. Compared with treating vertigo, it’s more appropriate to say it is good for supplementing Qi and blood. If people with stomach and heart problems eat it, they will vomit blood... Grandma also has knowledge of medicine. How could she make this so-called “one medicine for all diseases” mistake? Perhaps because of Feng Yang, the nephew of Jiugu, she felt so happy that her brain was confused. I, as the maker of the medicine, was supposed to tell the nature of the medicine and the symptoms of its application to them. But once I did so, would Grandma think I know too much and keep asking questions?”

After a quick thought, He Danggui decided to keep quiet. Well, vomiting blood wouldn’t hurt, either. In fact, once people got inflamed, vomiting blood was one of the special methods of neutralizing Qi and blood. If there was any accident, she could just put the blame of this “pharmaceutical mistake” to Master Tai Chen who had been sent to the capital city for trial, and then others would blame Tai Chen instead...

Then, He Danggui looked up and said to Madam Luo, “Grandma, I think the horses of your gharry are not acting normally, and it is not safe to ride that, so I have asked Mr. Gui to call my gharry at the back. Let’s get in the gharry and go home. Most of your retinues were went back earlier. If you keep them waiting for you for a long time, the family will be worried later.”

“Ah!” Madam Luo finally realized the situation and repented. She remembered that she had just lost a great grandson yesterday. The smile on her face suddenly disappeared, “I’m going back to see Zhu.”

On the other side, Feng Yang turned and handed the medicine box to the manservant in the gharry. He remembered how the three horses had gone mad and galloped, so he was about to ask what they had eaten before. However, at this time, from the other side of the street, there came a great red-maned horse, running crazier than the other three. The man on the horse rode much better than the stableman in the accident, and did not let his horse break the barrier on either side of the road. But it was too dangerous to run so fast in such a busy street!

“Madam Luo, you take shelter by the wayside, and I’ll stop that horse... Hey, you!”

Feng Yang watched in surprise as the little thin person standing behind Madam Luo suddenly ran away. He froze for a moment, then saw that she was running toward a young child in the middle of the road not far away. He understood roughly what she was about to do. It was really reckless. How could a little girl with small feet and short legs pretend to be a hero to save people?

While Feng Yang was considering whether he should stop the crazy horse first or ask the people in the middle of the road to separate and clear a road—

“Oh, my god!” Madam Luo shouted since she had also seen this. She stamped her foot anxiously, “My Yi! She’s going to die!” The shrill voice made the face of Feng Yang turn green. Wow, Madam Luo was full of energy.

After a delay like this, Feng Yang had no time to make a choice. For though Madam Luo’s “Yi” had succeeded in holding the kid in her arms, she was only a few steps away from the galloping red-maned horse, and was at the edge of death.

Just now, having heard the sound of hooves closer and closer, He Danggui was about to pull Madam Luo to take refuge. When she turned her head, she found a little child with thin and yellow hair, crawling on his hands and knees in the middle of the road and playing with a “yo-yo”. But none of the adults standing around noticed him. The thin yellow hair of her daughter Tian suddenly flashed in her mind. The next moment, her legs won her brain, and she ran quickly to hold the child. At that moment, there came the closing clop of hooves behind her ears and the yell of the gharry rider...

At that moment, though she still couldn’t remember what the hell was the first sentence of the formula of the first-class arts of lightness in the part two of the third volume of Xiao Yao Wei Dang, she suddenly felt that she could fly!

As He Danggui thought of that, she actually tapped her toes on the floor, finding the exact rhythm of her body leaving the ground like she did in her previous life. Getting off the ground on her toes — Even if doing so would make others find that she knew kung fu, there was no other choice. Now the only thing mattered was to save her life, and then her body flew up.




“My god! Yi is dead!” Madam Luo watched her granddaughter falling backward on the ground, then suddenly rolling over to protect the little boy. And then the horse’s hooves trampled over her delicate back, leaving a fist-sized gray hoof mark on her white gauze dress.

“Oh, my god, help! The horse has trampled Yi to death! Hong Jiang and Ji, go get a doctor! Oh, I’m a doctor, too!” “Yi,” Madam Luo stood on tiptoe, running totteringly to the motionless granddaughter and cried, “you died so tragically. How can I explain to your mother?”

“Hey, are you okay?” Feng Yang was very worried. He snatched up the weak girl who was lying on the ground, and shook her back and forth several times, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to get you to death. I, I didn’t know you were going to jump to this side. Actually, I was coming to save...Guan Bai? It’s you!”

A young man, with many blood drops splashing on his hands and white clothes, strode over, lifted the front of his robe, and then half crouched down, asking anxiously, “Is she all right? Is she still alive?” He looked at Feng Yang and his tone was apologetic, “Feng Yang... What is her relationship with you? Is she your sister?” It was said that Feng Yang’s father successively got 18 daughters in order to get a son... Did it mean one of these 18 people was trampled to death by his own horse just now?! That was not good. With such a thing happened, how could Feng’s Family make it easy for him? The cooperation between Guan’s Family and Feng’s Family was about to end, wasn’t it? Oh, what an accident! His own horse suddenly went mad!

Although it was no use to explain too much, Guan Bai still said sincerely, “Bro Feng, I’m sorry. I’ll go home with you now and apologize to your father. I can accept any punishment! What happened today also has something to do with bad luck. My horse Wu Ti has always been docile. I don’t know why it went mad after we got on this street. Look, now its legs has been broken, but it’s still struggling on the ground!” Guan Bai was angry and sad. The horse was a gentle one and had followed him for 5 or 6 years. How could it suddenly turn like this?

Feng Yang frowned and looked into the distance. In the street not far off, the fat and red-maned horse lay on its back, whining miserably. The part above one of its front hooves was bent unnaturally. Blood was dripping from the bend part, and the ground around it was red. In order to stop the horse, Guan Bai broke one of its front legs directly!

Indeed, as Guan Bai said, the red-maned horse with the broken leg was still red in the eyes, and it kept kicking on the other three uninjured legs, as if it wanted to get up and continue running. It was a strange thing that a normal horse suddenly went mad, which worked for both Madam Luo’s horses and Guan Bai’s horse.

Madam Luo came to He Danggui, crying, “My child, you died so miserably. If I had foreseen this, I would not have gone to pick you up. And this would not have happened! Oh, my god, you were trampled to death by a horse, right on the street! You are only 10 years old. What a short life you have!”

Guan Bai turned his head surprisingly, then found Madam Luo of Luo’s Mansion was also here. Listening to her words again, Guan Bai was suddenly surprised, and he stammered, “Madam...Luo! This dead one is your ... child?”

Then a woman in grey rushed up from the other side and cried, “My child, mother lost sight of you in a little while, and then you died. Within such a blink, you were run over by a horse! What a naughty and disobedient child you are! My poor boy, you died miserably, leaving mother in this world alone! Hey, who killed my baby? How cruel you are! He’s only 2 years old!” A heart-rending cry made Guan Bai more puzzled. There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. He couldn’t figure out how many people he had killed along the way. Why didn’t he notice?

In this bad and disorderly environment, He Danggui who was held and shook in Feng Yang’s hands suddenly opened her eyes, and glanced at the woman in gray with bad attitude. She sarcastically said, “Children are born naughty. However, you, as his mother, are not careful to take care of him but let him run on the street. You are not cruel?” As she said that, she picked up the kid who was kicked to the other side by the two men’s four big feet, and gave the kid back to the woman. Then, she seriously enjoined her, “You must take good care of him and follow him closely in the future!”


Madam Luo, with tears in her eyes, grabbed her hands and asked, “Yi, are you still alive? What happened? How do you feel now?”

He Danggui slowly stood up with the help of Madam Luo’s arm. She was about to explain that she had not been kicked very hard, but she suddenly felt something fishy and sweet in her throat. She quickly turned her head away from Madam Luo, the one standing in front of her, but spat the blood to Guan Bai, who was still in a daze in the wayside, half squatting on the ground. Combined with her blood, a red flower appeared in the white robe that had been stained with a lot of blood before, which looked particularly shocking.

The burning pain on her back became stabbing pain as she breathed. Being tortured, she produced a forced smile from her heart and thought, “Just now I malevolently cursed the man who would take the pills I made will spit blood. But I did not expect that I vomited blood immediately. The retribution comes so quick!”

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