Record of a Demon's Cultivation

Chapter 131: The Traitor

Chapter 131: The Traitor

Translator: Cinder Translations


With Shi Shou's death, the threat hanging over Song Wen was lifted, and he now revealed his cultivation at the Qi Refinement Sixth Layer.

At the Qi Refinement Sixth Layer, using the flying technique, it took Song Wen a quarter of an hour to reach the Outer Affairs Hall.

Seeing that the Outer Affairs Hall's large doors were still open, Song Wen's face brightened, and he hurried inside.

Inside the hall, there was still a steward, who was tidying up the desk, apparently preparing to leave his post.

This steward was an older male cultivator with a cultivation at the Qi Refinement Eighth Layer.

"Steward, I am a disciple of the Outer Sect, Ji Yin. Here is my disciple token. I've come to receive this year's sect missions for going outside."

Song Wen respectfully handed the disciple token to the old man.

The old man did not take the disciple token from Song Wen, nor did he even raise his eyes. It seemed that having someone come to handle affairs at the end of his shift annoyed him, and his tone was somewhat impatient.

"Go away. All the sect's external missions have been canceled. There are no external missions this year."

"All external missions canceled! How is that possible?"

Song Wen gasped in surprise, seemingly unable to believe the old man's words.

Then, his face showed a hint of joy as he continued,

"In that case, doesn't this mean that those of us who haven't completed our external missions for this year get a big benefit?"

The old man finally finished tidying up the desk, looked up at Song Wen, and a smile appeared on his face as well.

"Not having to undertake sect external missions is indeed a blessing. I didn't have any missions to do this year either. Every time I carried out an external mission, it was fraught with danger. Staying in the sect is much safer."

Seeing that the old man was engaging in conversation, Song Wen took the opportunity to ask,

"Senior brother, do you know why the sect suddenly canceled all external missions?"

The old man shook his head and replied with a sneer, "How would I know? Such major sect matters are only within the knowledge of Foundation Establishment elders at least."

After chatting a bit, Song Wen took his leave.

He could now be certain that something significant was about to happen in the Corpse Demon Sect.

The cancellation of external missions corroborated Chen Feihe's warning.

Song Wen descended the mountain and headed straight for the market.

Since the regular channels to leave the sect were blocked, Song Wen planned to see if he could leave privately.

Since Chen Feihe said that loose cultivators still had a chance to leave the Corpse Demon Sect's territory, mingling among loose cultivators might allow him to exit the sect.

Upon entering the market, Song Wen noticed that the patrols had increased several times, and there were even Foundation Establishment cultivators among the guards.

The market still had many loose cultivators coming and going, and these loose cultivators were not obstructed from leaving the market.

Song Wen stood not far from the market exit, his expression fluctuating.

He was uncertain whether to leave the sect at this moment.

While he was hesitating, he suddenly received a sect message.

"From now on, all disciples are forbidden from leaving the sect. Disciples outside must return to the sect immediately. Those who do not comply will be treated as traitors and dealt with as such."

Seeing the sect's message, Song Wen immediately gave up on the idea of leaving the sect.

Leaving the sect would be considered treason; he wasn't going to challenge the sect's authority at this time.

With chaos impending, the Corpse Demon Sect needed to establish its authority, and he did not want to be the sacrificial example.

As soon as Song Wen received this sect message, other disciples of the Corpse Demon Sect also received it at the same time.

Immediately, disciples in the market began to discuss in small groups.

Most of them had worried expressions on their faces.

Some perceptive individuals had already started heading to various shops for talismans, elixirs, and magical tools.

Song Wen immediately went into a store that sold cultivation resources.

"Friend, how much is the Yin Fiend Dew?"

"Esteemed Senior, it's nine hundred spirit stones per bottle!"

The storekeeper was a middle-aged cultivator with a well-maintained appearance, at the Qi Refinement Eighth Layer. Hearing Song Wen's inquiry, he responded.

Although Song Wen was currently disguising his cultivation as Qi Refinement Seventh Layer, which was lower than the storekeeper's level, the storekeeper judged that Song Wen was likely a Foundation Establishment cultivator hiding his aura because he was asking about Yin Fiend Dew, a resource used by Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Even if Song Wen hadn't hidden his aura, using the term "Senior" would still be beneficial, as long as the deal could be made.

"So expensive? I bought it for eight hundred spirit stones just yesterday," Song Wen complained.


The storekeeper gave a dry smile and replied,

"Senior, don't think it's too expensive. Within an hour, the price is going to go up."

Song Wen cursed inwardly, "Scam!"

Clearly, the storekeeper was aware of the Corpse Demon Sect's restriction on disciples leaving and the recall of all external disciples.

With major events about to unfold in the Corpse Demon Sect, the storekeeper was taking advantage of the situation to hike prices and make a profit.

"I'll take three bottles!"

Hearing this, the storekeeper's face revealed a knowing smile, which made Song Wen want to punch him.

"I also need some Geng Gold Stones and Silver Bright Stones. Give me ten of each."

"We have both. Please wait a moment, Senior."

The storekeeper, smiling with delight, turned to the back of the shop to get the materials for Song Wen.

After leaving the shop, Song Wen entered another store and sold ten bottles of blood essence.

Next, he went to a pharmacy to purchase the upper-grade medicinal pills for Foundation Establishment cultivators and other pills for healing and replenishing spirit energy.

Then, he visited a talisman shop...

Song Wen spent a full quarter of an hour, wandering through over twenty shops, buying various cultivation medicines and materials, and selling ten more bottles of blood essence.

Selling the blood essence earned him nearly seven thousand spirit stones, while buying various materials and medicines cost him over twenty thousand spirit stones. This used up all the spirit stones he had on hand.

Spending such a large amount of spirit stones to buy materials ensured that he would not run out of cultivation resources for the coming year.

Song Wen also noticed that the talisman shops were very busy. Remembering the various magical tools he had acquired in the secret realm, he decided that it was the perfect time to sell them amid the chaos.

Upon returning to his cave residence, Song Wen took out two storage rings from the Corpse Demon Well's stone compartments.

Inside the two storage rings were thirty thousand spirit stones, one hundred and twenty bottles of blood essence, various Qi Refinement cultivation medicines, magical tools, talismans, and countless spiritual herbs.

Song Wen decided not to sell the blood essence for the time being, as he had already sold a considerable amount recently. He was concerned that an influx of blood essence in the market might attract unwanted attention.

He sorted and stored the items he didn't need into six different storage bags.

With the storage bags in hand, Song Wen returned to the market.

In the market, many cultivators were buying supplies, and just as many were selling. After all, most cultivators lived tightly within their means and had to sell resources to afford what they needed.

Song Wen blended in with these people, moving between various shops, and began to sell off his various treasures.

He changed his appearance nearly ten times and visited no fewer than thirty shops before finally converting all his resources into spirit stones.

He ended up with an amount of spirit stones far exceeding his expectations, nearly a hundred thousand.

To put it in perspective, this was after the shops had desperately lowered their prices. If he had bought these items at full price, it would have cost him at least two hundred thousand spirit stones.

With the large sum of money, Song Wen returned to his cave residence.

(End of the Chapter)


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