Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: The Blossoming Ceremony (1) >

At that moment.

Theo was organizing the messages that kept appearing before his eyes.

[Many people have shown deep interest in your outstanding performance.]


[‘Robert Ragnar’ is closely watching you.]

[‘Osa Ragnar Prunus’ wants to take you as their disciple.]

[‘Julius Ragnar’ is displeased with the attention you are receiving.]

[Your luck has greatly increased.]

‘Now that my luck has been restored, gaining recognition from others has become much smoother. It seems I’ll become famous far quicker than I expected with this Blossoming Ceremony.’

What pleased Theo the most was realizing that he had begun to attract the attention of various members of the Nine Dragons.

Among them, two individuals stood out.

First was Robert Ragnar.

Although the name may appear ordinary, it was, in fact, the hidden ‘true name’ of the Black Dragon.

He hadn’t been in the audience, so Theo assumed he was away on some other mission.

Was he watching from somewhere else?

In this life, Theo had no connection with the intelligence agency.

Still, having once been deeply involved with them and now possessing the Moon-White Sword, which had once belonged to the Black Dragon’s treasured blade, he couldn’t help but feel a certain awareness toward him.

‘Of course, I have no intention of getting entangled with him again.’

Dealing with Black Snow once in his previous life had been more than enough.

The second was Osa Prunus.

The best swordsman in the North.

Also known as the Mistress of Plum Blossom Palace, this was the true name of the First Lady.

She wanted to take him as her disciple.

This was an unexpected response for Theo.

‘In my past life, wasn’t it two or three years from now that she first took on two disciples? Both died during the Great War.’

Looking back now, there were suspicious elements surrounding the deaths of Plum Blossom Palace’s disciples.

Perhaps, like himself, they were assassinated after being swept into the succession disputes.

At the time, many were mindful of the disciples of the Mistress of Plum Blossom Palace.

Inheriting the First Lady’s techniques was bound to have a major impact on Ragnar’s political landscape.

If he became her disciple, he could easily be drawn into such dangers.

However, being taught by someone so skilled that even Kyle acknowledged her talent would be a tremendous opportunity.

Moreover, it would solidify his position as an heir, a significant advantage.

Everything had its pros and cons.


More than the recognition from these members of the Nine Dragons, there was something that made Theo even happier.

[‘Hilda Ragnar’ has taken an interest in you.]

It was the fact that he had earned the recognition of the former Head of the House.

In fact, this was what he most wanted to achieve during the Blossoming Ceremony.

Hilda was a legend within Ragnar.

Earning her interest alone could provide a huge advantage.

‘Especially if I could obtain Garuda’s Heart… the one Hilda possesses.’

With it, he could overcome the fatal weakness inherent in Ragnar’s Dragon Body (Yongche).

Of course, Hilda wouldn’t give away such a reward so easily.

But Theo was already satisfied with the fact that Hilda had become aware of his presence.

If he continued to show impressive performances in the second and third phases of the Blossoming Ceremony, she might eventually react in some way.

As he enjoyed the attention from various people and refined his plans further—

“Wellington Narcio, step forward!”

Wellington’s name was finally called.

He was the last to go.

Theo watched as Wellington slowly ascended the platform. His expression was unusually stiff, which made Theo wonder if something was wrong.

And so, the final trial began.


-Another monster has appeared…

-Is this generation truly different from the rest?

The other examinees, who witnessed the mark Wellington left behind, were shocked.

While his mark was slightly less impressive than Theo Ragnar’s, it was still overwhelming compared to the others.

“Wellington Narcio.”

The judge thoroughly inspected the results and then declared:



Wellington quietly sheathed his sword and stepped down from the platform, as if it were the most natural outcome.

* * *

“We will now announce the rankings!”

After all the tests had concluded.

The examinees’ eyes burned with intensity as they looked toward the judge.

Some of them watched with hopeful thoughts of ‘Maybe…?’

“The top scorer is Theo Ragnar!”

But most, as expected, sighed in resignation.


-In the end, the Flash Tiger took it…

-How on earth did the ‘Cripple of the Rose Palace’ manage this? How did he leave those sword marks?

“Quiet down, everyone! Any further disruptions during the announcement of the results will lead to disqualification.”

The area below the platform instantly fell silent.

“Theo Ragnar’s score is a perfect 10. His technique, magic power, control, and speed—all were flawless. Even the depth of his sword marks was so similar to those of Lord Torkel that many examiners were astonished.”

-Wow! A perfect 10!

“Even as much as Lord Torkel…?
Was it really that incredible?”

“…The Black Iron Cavalry will be in an uproar.”

The reactions from the examinees were far more shocked than before.

Torkel Ragnar.

He was one of the ‘Top Five Candidates’ currently considered closest to inheriting the family leadership.

His talents were said to surpass even those of Kyle in his youth.

Moreover, he was now the leader of the Black Iron Cavalry, a force often compared to the White Armored Dragon Cavalry.

Given that Theo’s achievement was comparable to what Torkel had shown in his own Blossoming Ceremony, it was only natural for people to be astonished.

The judges’ gazes toward Theo had also changed significantly compared to earlier.

“Although the depth did not reach his level, it is indeed impressive. Do not become arrogant, and strive to display the same level of skill in the second Blossoming Ceremony.”

Theo responded with a nod.

Now, the other examinees regarded Theo as their primary competitor.

“The runner-up is Wellington Narcio. He also scored a perfect 10, but was classified as second due to the shorter length of his sword marks compared to Theo Ragnar.”

The second perfect scorer.

The audience could no longer remain quiet.

“Third place goes to Axion Ragnar. Fourth place to Ray Ragnar. Fifth to Holcus Ranke. Sixth is…!”

Those who received news of their passing cheered, while those classified as failures collapsed to their knees in despair.

After the storm of chaos had swept through—

“The second phase of the Blossoming Ceremony will be held in three days. Check your equipment and manage your condition carefully until then. Dismissed.”

The judge declared the end of the first phase of the Blossoming Ceremony.

* * *

“Hurry up! We can’t let others snatch them first. Move quickly!”

Pandemonium ensued.

The emergence of a perfect scorer for the first time in decades, and a competitor whose abilities rivaled Torkel’s.

Naturally, various military units and organizations were eager to recruit them, and as soon as the announcement of the ceremony’s end was made, many of the officers in the audience rushed to take action.

Some hurried to contact their leaders in distant lands.

Others moved to investigate whether these top scorers had any hidden backers.

* * *

“To Lord Theo and Lord Wellington, for their continued success as top scorers!”



The , which had now become a regular haunt for Theo and his followers, was livelier than ever today.

Theo and Wellington had swept the top two positions in the first phase of the Blossoming Ceremony.

“Wow! It’s amazing enough that both of you took first and second place, but to score perfect tens? Is that even possible?”

“I’m telling you, it’s truly incredible.”

“This is the strength of our Fourth Training Hall!”

What excited their followers the most was the pair’s scores.

Who could have predicted that the notoriously strict judges and examiners of the Blossoming Ceremony would award perfect 10s?

Even Evelyn seemed to be enjoying the moment.

‘It’s nice to see everyone so happy.’

Theo sipped his orange juice through a straw, glancing at Wellington out of the corner of his eye.

‘Is something really bothering him?’

Since the start of the first phase of the Blossoming Ceremony, Wellington hadn’t spoken more than ten words.

Even when Theo or the others tried to engage him, he only gave brief responses, saying he was fine.

Because of that, they couldn’t ask him for more details.

By the time the gathering ended, Wellington had remained silent throughout.

“…Lord Theo.”

Later that night, as they walked back to the dormitories together, Wellington suddenly called out to Theo while they quietly strolled through the night.

“We’re friends, right?”

A completely out-of-the-blue question.

But Theo, without hesitation, nodded calmly in agreement.

Wellington let out a deep sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Then, with a much more relaxed expression than before, he said:

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I’ve sorted out everything that was troubling me. I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care on your way back.”

Theo silently watched Wellington’s back as he entered the dormitory.

‘Whatever it was, it seems like he’s found peace. That’s a relief.’

The second phase of the Blossoming Ceremony wasn’t going to be so forgiving that they could afford to be distracted.

It was a perilous test site where even the slightest mistake could cost someone their life.

‘And in the winter mountains… there’s something there that I absolutely must obtain, no matter what.’

With a sigh of relief, Theo turned to head back toward the Camellia Palace.


Suddenly, Theo swiftly drew the plain sword he kept on hand and swung it in the opposite direction.


A clear metallic sound rang out, and the seemingly empty space trembled as someone was knocked out of hiding.

The person’s face showed disbelief, as if they hadn’t expected to be discovered.

Without hesitation, Theo swung his sword again.

He was ready to draw the Moon-White Sword if necessary.

“W-Wait! Please stop! I’m not a suspicious person!”

“Not suspicious? After secretly trailing me this whole time? Don’t spout nonsense.”

Theo snorted and was about to bring his sword down toward the back of the man’s neck when the stranger hastily retreated, shouting.

“It’s true! I can prove my identity!”

Only then did Theo pause his attack.

“Whew…! I was just curious to see if your skills were as good as they seemed, but if I try that again, my life won’t be spared.”

“Enough with the useless talk. Didn’t you say you could prove your identity?”

“Understood. Ahem! I am Gatsby Yotan, a member of the Gale Sword Unit.”

The man gave a slight cough and pulled out his identification.

Theo’s eyes widened slightly.

Gale Sword Unit. One of Ragnar’s elite strike forces.

A group composed of highly skilled swordsmen.

In particular, the leader of this unit was Kyle’s cousin, a person with considerable influence.

Now that Gatsby seemed to think he had piqued Theo’s interest, he smiled confidently.

“Our unit commander was quite impressed with the performance you showed at the Blossoming Ceremony, Lord Theo, and sent me personally.”

In simple terms, he was here to scout Theo.

‘I expected offers would come, but not this soon.’

Theo clicked his tongue inwardly.

It hadn’t even been a day since the first phase of the Blossoming Ceremony had ended. Quite fast indeed.

“He said that ‘if’ Lord Theo wishes, we would grant you the opportunity to take the qualification test to join our unit.”

But something about the offer seemed off.

“So, it’s not an invitation, but rather an opportunity to take a test?”

“Exactly. You must have heard of the reputation of the Gale Sword Unit. Just being given the chance should make you proud.”

Gatsby sounded confident.

He fully expected Theo to shed tears of gratitude any moment now.

‘Hah! This is a direct offer from the unit commander to a mere illegitimate son. Naturally, he should be groveling in acceptance.’

In truth, the commander of the Gale Sword Unit had never mentioned any qualification test to Theo.

In fact, the commander had urgently requested that, as long as it wasn’t for the position of commander itself, they make any possible offer to bring Theo into the unit.

However, Gatsby was deeply displeased with the idea.

No matter how well Theo had performed, it was only the first phase of the ceremony. How could he already be receiving such preferential treatment?

Jealousy burned within him.

So, he decided to alter the message.

To put Theo in his place.

But then…

“Pahahaha! What kind of foolery is this? Testing for entry when they should be begging on their knees… A qualification test? Really?”

“Who goes there?!”

Gatsby frowned deeply at the mocking voice and turned his head, only to be utterly shocked.

“T-The Flame Goblin…?”

“Huh? You know who I am, yet you dare address me like that?”


Gatsby hurriedly covered his mouth with both hands.

A woman emerged from the alley, wearing large dangling earrings on one ear, and carrying an enormous black axe strapped to her back.

Theo couldn’t help but wear a strange expression.

He also knew exactly who she was.

The Flame Goblin, Ayan Sosori.

The vice-commander of the Black Iron Cavalry.

Known for her fiery temper, she had earned her reputation by skewering enemies like they were on a spit, leaving flames in her wake. Her fearsome reputation spread even within Ragnar.

Naturally, Gatsby didn’t even compare to her.

“Theo Ragnar,” she said, addressing him directly, “unlike these idiots, our commander would like to invite you to join the Black Iron Cavalry immediately. Are you interested?”

Gatsby paled in shock.

The Black Iron Cavalry was known for its exclusivity. They were so selective that they often recruited only one person per year from the Blossoming Ceremony, if at all.

On top of that, their probation period lasted at least five years, with most recruits notoriously failing during that time. Their harsh standards were widely feared.

But to be called as a full-fledged member from the start?

It was an unprecedented and shocking event.

‘I… I… it took me a full ten years to be officially recognized as a member of the Gale Sword Unit! How can this even happen…?’

And that wasn’t the only issue.

Suddenly, from seemingly out of nowhere, a flood of scouts appeared, as if they had been lying in wait.

“Greetings. I’m from the Black Sword Unit. In three years, we will offer you the position of squad leader, Lord Theo…”

“We’re from the Judgment Hall. The Chief has personally promised to give you direct swordsmanship guidance…”

“We represent the Security Bureau. Whatever support you need to secure top scores in future exams, we’re ready to provide it…”

The scene around them instantly turned into utter chaos.

“Where did all these people come from? Cutting in line all of a sudden! Can’t you wait your turn?”

“What turn? You get in line!”

“It’s first come, first served! Whoever takes him gets to keep him, so back off…!”

Eventually, it devolved into a situation where they even grabbed each other by the collars, all vying to recruit Theo.

Gatsby was left utterly stunned, frozen in disbelief. The entire situation, all caused by just one person, seemed too surreal.

‘If I stay here, this is going to turn into a real mess.’

Meanwhile, Theo let out a faint laugh as he tried to find a way to slip out of the situation.

But then—

“If I recklessly step into the fray where everyone’s attention is focused, I’ll surely be criticized for being overambitious… But one must endure such disgrace to win the favor of a truly exceptional talent.”

A voice suddenly boomed from above, loud and resonant, yet clear as a bell. The mere sound of it carried such an air of authority that it made everyone instinctively bow their heads.

The people who had been fighting over Theo hastily looked up, shocked.

“L-Lady of Plum Blossom…?”

“Why is the First Lady personally showing up in a place like this…?”

Far off in the distance, atop a rooftop silhouetted against the moon, stood the Mistress of Plum Blossom Palace, gazing down upon the scene below with a faint smile on her lips.

“What else would bring me here? Like all of you, I’ve come out for a stroll to observe young Theo Ragnar.”




“So, I’m sorry to ask, but I hope you’ll all take a step back and yield this time.”

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