Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: The Blossoming Ceremony (3) >

“It’s cold.”

“Indeed it is.”

Theo gave a light chuckle as he watched Wellington shiver despite being fully armed in fur clothing.

Even for the people of Ragnar, the cold of the winter mountains was tough to endure.

For the young master of the Narcio family, which was located relatively farther south among the Six Snow Families of the North, it must have been particularly difficult.

The second Blossoming Ceremony had begun.

Theo and Wellington had already arrived at the second test site, the winter mountain range, under the guidance of the Judgment Knights and the examiners.

“Lord Theo… Are you really alright? I feel bad for saying this, but the clothes you’re wearing seem far too thin.”

Ever since the question about whether Theo considered him a friend, Wellington had returned to his usual relaxed manner when speaking to him.

“I’m used to this kind of cold.”

“Used to it… you say? Have you experienced this before?”

Theo merely smiled in response.

How could he possibly explain that, in his previous life, he had traveled across the world as a member of the Black Snow unit?

Wellington, now accustomed to Theo’s cryptic nature, didn’t press the matter further.

“Still, what kind of test do they expect us to take in a place like this…?”

Wellington frowned as he looked at the mountain slopes, where visibility was poor due to the fierce snowstorm.

Even though they had unlocked their magic powers, they were all still novices, only three days into their training.

Attempting anything in such treacherous terrain was a reckless and dangerous endeavor.

But Ragnar was not the sort to consider such things in the first place.

“We shall now commence the second Blossoming Ceremony-!”

The examiner’s voice, imbued with magic, echoed loudly throughout the mountainside.

Despite the howling wind that drowned out most sounds, the voice reached the ears of all the candidates clearly.

The gazes of all 57 participants, including Theo and Wellington, turned in that direction.

“As you all know, these winter mountains stretch far and wide, from Winterer to the Demonic Sea.”

A flicker of fear passed through the eyes of some of the candidates.

The Demonic Sea .

That cursed land beyond the Great Wall, teeming with all manner of monsters and demons.

For over a thousand years, Ragnar had protected humanity from the dangers of the Demonic Sea.

Those who joined Ragnar were also destined to inherit that responsibility one day.

“However, as mere trainee knights, you are not yet permitted to enter the Demonic Sea. The test site will be limited to within the Great Wall.”

A collective sigh of relief could be heard from some.

“While the Judgment Knights, the Black Iron Cavalry, and the White Armored Dragon Cavalry will be conducting regular inspections, there is always the chance that something might go wrong. Be careful not to accidentally cross beyond the boundary. Understood?”



“Their responses are quite loud. Now, I’ll explain the content of the test.”

Theo focused on the judge’s lips.

If his predictions were correct, this second test would be rather difficult.

“There are various monsters around here, ranging from Class 9 beasts to Class 5 creatures. And hanging from their necks will be these bells.”


The judge held up a bell, small enough to fit in his palm.

Due to the wind, the sound of the bell could barely be heard.

“Your goal is to collect those bells.”

The judge continued, making eye contact with each of the candidates.

“There are a total of seven bell colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The later the color in that sequence, the higher the score it carries. Needless to say, the higher the score, the stronger the creature wearing that bell. Especially the violet bell—it’s so powerful that, with your current abilities, you’d never be able to capture it, not even if you died and came back to life.”


Someone swallowed dryly.

“You can hunt however you like. Form a team for group hunting, or, if you have the skills, you can move on your own. Traps, ambushes, tactics, strategies—anything is allowed. Or… well, you probably already know what I’m implying, don’t you?”

The candidates glanced nervously at each other.

No one here was foolish enough to miss the true meaning of those words as a Ragnar examiner.


It wasn’t just acceptable to steal the prey that others had already captured—acts of ‘betrayal’ were allowed as well.

‘They’re outright encouraging discord,’ Theo clicked his tongue.

However, this was a test that perfectly suited Ragnar’s way of thinking.

‘Whether you crush that discord with strength or overwhelm the group with charisma and take control, it’s up to you.’

If the first Blossoming Ceremony tested talent in swordsmanship and magic, the second ceremony evaluated leadership, adaptability, and tactical acumen.

—The way to seize victory.

That was the true “strength” Ragnar revered.

“And in certain areas, you’ll find totems that look like this. These totems are equipped with special magic devices that prevent monsters from entering a radius of about 50 meters. However, each area has a limit to the number of people who can enter, and various supplies essential for the test are buried in those areas, so take note.”

These totems marked the few safe zones in the winter mountain range, where monsters could appear at any moment.

Places where they could rest and resupply.

“The duration is a total of fifteen days. The test will end exactly at this time in fifteen days, so make sure to return by then. There will be penalties for being late. Now, disperse—!”

Whish, whish—

The moment the judge finished speaking, several candidates rushed off without hesitation.

They were eager to scout the surrounding terrain and locate the areas with totems.

“Looks like everyone’s in a hurry, probably because they don’t know how many supplies will be available,” Wellington observed.

“Since we’ll need plenty of resources to keep moving over the span of fifteen days, it’s only natural,” Theo replied, stepping forward and signaling Wellington to follow.

“Let’s move too. We need to secure a position before things get even more competitive.”

From the moment they arrived in the winter mountains, Theo had sensed numerous gazes fixed on him and Wellington.

Most notably, Axion and the members of the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons openly radiated hostility.

They seemed ready to stab him in the back the moment an opportunity presented itself.

Before fully engaging in the second Blossoming Ceremony, Theo knew there was something crucial he needed to acquire in the winter mountains.

He intended to find a location where they could avoid interference, but—

“No. Leave me behind.”

Wellington remained firmly rooted in place, not moving an inch.

Theo turned back to look at him.


“Lord Theo, do you remember what I told you three days ago?”

Wellington’s voice was serious.

Theo’s expression also darkened as he realized the shift in tone.

“You said we were friends.”

“That’s right. I genuinely believe that, Lord Theo. In fact, I think of you as more than that. If you asked me for my heart, I wouldn’t hesitate to give it to you.”


“But at the same time, I also think of you as my rival.”

‘So, this is it. This was what he was struggling with before the first Blossoming Ceremony.’

Being both a friend and a rival.

Those two roles were inherently difficult to reconcile.

If you’re a friend, you might feel inclined to yield the top spot. But if you’re a rival, you’d want to claim that position for yourself.

And with that struggle often came jealousy, something hard to manage.

What Theo had noticed about Wellington so far was how kind-hearted he was—perhaps too much so.

He opened up easily, almost to the point where you wondered if that was really okay. And when he didn’t receive as much as he gave, he was hurt.

It had been like that during the Gathering of the Hidden Dragons, and it was the same with how he treated Theo.

Because of that, it was inevitable that he would experience a conflict between being a friend and being a rival.

‘And considering Narcio’s tradition of pursuing a dominant, autocratic nature… it must have made the conflict even worse.’

“So, over the past three days, I’ve thought about it deeply. And I’ve developed a desire. A desire to truly surpass you, Lord Theo.”


“Can you understand how I feel?”

In his past life, Wellington had been a mirage, something Theo could never reach.

But in this life, it seemed their positions had reversed.

Theo nodded in response.

“I understand. I also see you as my rival, Welly.”

“Do you, now? Haha! I was worried I might have been the only one who thought that. I’m relieved.”



“For that very reason, I can’t let go of this position.”


A fierce wave of energy radiated from Theo, forming concentric circles around him.

His long hair fluttered in the wind.

Thump, thump, thump, thump!

His heart pounded violently.

Wellington’s eyes widened slightly as he took in the scene.

Theo had only recently unlocked his magic power, yet he was already capable of generating Magical Wind.

Even in just the past three days, Theo had grown stronger.

However, this display of power only ignited a spark in the deepest part of Wellington’s heart—a competitive urge that had long lain dormant.

Thump, thump, thump, thump—

Wellington’s heart began to beat in sync with Theo’s, just as fiercely.

A corner of his mouth lifted in a grin.

“I decline your offer. That position is only valuable if it’s taken by force.”

“You’re absolutely right. It’s a position that must be kept by strength.”

Theo and Wellington exchanged amused glances, their gazes clashing mid-air.


In an instant, they swung their swords at each other as if they hadn’t just shared a moment of camaraderie.


* * *

After a brief clash, Theo had left, and only Wellington remained.

“Phew! I feel much better now.”

The smile on Wellington’s lips was genuine.

He had finally let go of the knot that had been festering in his heart.

Ever since their first sword fight in the Fourth Training Hall…

Theo had been like a mirage to Wellington—an unreachable, distant figure.

The closer he tried to get, the farther Theo seemed. And whenever he thought he was close, Theo would disappear as if he had never been there.

But now, it was different.

Theo had become a wall—one that had to be overcome, either by breaking through or leaping over it.

“You fool. I’ve told you countless times, a lion isn’t meant to chase others—it’s meant to make others follow.”

At that moment, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared beside Wellington.

Dressed in examiner attire, the man was Timothy Narcio, the deputy head of the Narcio family who had been specially dispatched for this event.

He was the only younger brother of the current head of the family and Wellington’s uncle, one of the key figures, alongside the butler Ralph, who had long clouded Wellington’s mind with their influence.

“Just when I thought you were improving, you show this pathetic side again. And the person you choose to associate with is that illegitimate brat. I suppose it’s the inferiority of your blood drawing you to someone equally worthless—”


Timothy’s tirade was abruptly cut off by Wellington.

“Shut your mouth.”

“…What did you say?”

“If you continue to insult my friend, I will not stand by. I’ve delayed it for long enough, but I’ll accept the position of heir immediately and then cut off your head.”


“If you don’t want your so-called worthless neck to be displayed for all to see in the middle of the marketplace, keep your mouth shut. I will no longer tolerate your rudeness.”


Rage flickered in Timothy’s eyes.

At this moment, the nephew he had disregarded for so long was standing up to him.

He recalled the words people used when speaking of Wellington.

The Judge.

That nickname was far from unearned.

In this moment, Timothy could see a reflection of his elder brother, the current head of the family who was bedridden, overlapping with Wellington.

“See? How much better things are when you remain quiet. I hope you continue to behave this way from now on, as the deputy head of the family, and here, as an examiner.”


“Do I make myself clear?”

“…Yes. I understand.”

“Then I’ll be going.”

Without waiting for Timothy’s response, Wellington turned and swiftly walked away, disappearing from sight.


Timothy ground his teeth together until they threatened to shatter.

“…How dare that lowborn brat.”

* * *


Meanwhile, Theo was swiftly climbing a steep, icy slope.

The ground was frozen solid and slippery, but such conditions posed no difficulty for him.

‘The best thing about unlocking the Aura Hall is being able to use body techniques like this.’

The Flutter of the Skylark’s Wings.

It was a technique he had learned during his time with the Black Snow unit.

It allowed his body to become light, like a skylark, enabling him to move quickly—ideal for long-distance travel.

‘As long as I add a few unconventional variations, even the Black Snow unit wouldn’t be able to detect me easily.’

By now, the examiners who had been watching him were probably in a frenzy, wondering how he had suddenly disappeared from their sight.

What Theo was about to do needed to be done in complete secrecy.

The Dragon’s Lair… He had checked the map several times, and this was the right location.

During his investigations, Theo had dedicated much effort to uncovering the secrets behind the message he received, and he had finally found some crucial clues.

The Relic of the Ancient Dragon.

Theo had discovered two relics so far.

The dungeon.

And the Moon-White Sword.

Both of these relics were guarded by dragonkin, much like the old legend that said, “Dragons love treasure.”

A Lesser Drake.

And a Griffin.

Theo didn’t believe these facts were mere coincidences.

He still didn’t know the exact connection between the message he received and the relics of the Ancient Dragon.

However, he was certain that as he continued to find more of these relics, the mystery would eventually unravel.

So then, where could the next relic of the Ancient Dragon be?

‘It must be in a place guarded by dragonkin.’

Fortunately, Theo knew of one such place that matched this description.

A place that would be ‘accidentally’ discovered by the Black Snow unit six years from now.

The Hatchling’s Lair.

And that lair was right here in the winter mountain range.


Theo came to a stop.

Before him was a precarious cliff, with a dangerous crevasse running along the edge.

The harsh wind whipped around him, threatening to throw him off balance and send him tumbling below.

Theo looked down toward the base of the cliff.

At that moment—


Through the thick snowstorm, barely visible in the distance, was a faint blue light emanating from somewhere in the middle of the cliff face.

At the same time—

Wuuuung, wuuuuung!

The Moon-White Sword, strapped to his left waist, began to glow faintly and tremble slightly.

‘I’ve found it.’

A spark of determination flashed in Theo’s eyes.


Rattle, rattle—

The Zweihander on his back, a sword crafted for him personally by Majang Kirsion of the Tao Tie Crest, also began to resonate.

As if it, too, had found something significant.

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