Regressor’s Life After Retirement

Chapter 41


[I have a lot of money]

A vacation can take place in the blink of an eye. After finishing, we returned to our daily lives.


The ogre that came out of the gate roared and swung its club. The guy’s club was a telephone pole that had just been pulled out of the road.


Before the electric pole that swung through the air and shattered the three-story building, I threw the kingfisher at the ogre.

“Team leader T! Wait a minute… ahhh-!”

Wang Guho, who flew away, turned into a rock in the air.


Wang Guho, who turned into a huge rock, broke the electric pole and crashed into the ogre.

Whoa whoa!

Ogre, who collided with Wang Guho and flew like a bowling pin, immediately got up and rushed at Wang Guho.

It seemed like his pride was very damaged.


On the other hand, Wang Guhao slowly got up. The guy muttered in a sad voice.


In the meantime, I arrived next to Wang Guho and hit the guy on the hard back of the head and said.

“Get your tanking right, man! “More monsters are coming.”

Two ogres and 10 one-eyed goblins jumped out of the gate.

As Wang Guho walked towards them, the rocks on his entire body multiplied.


Wang Guho was about a head taller than the average ogre, which was 2 meters and 50 centimeters tall.

This was thanks to continuing special training even during the vacation period.

Wang Guho stamped his foot loudly on the floor.


As the floor trembled, the hostility of the monsters all turned towards Wang Guho. Monsters running towards me screaming. Wang Guhao did not dodge but walked straight ahead.


The ogre that rushed in first swung its fist at Wang Guho.


The ogres and one-eyed goblins that rushed in one after another attacked Wangguho at the same time, but Wangguho withstood the barrage of attacks without hesitation.

I crossed my arms and looked at the sight happily.

“Now it’s a bit more useful.”

It was all thanks to 5 meals a day of mana nutrition and hard training from a great instructor.

Even so, to be honest, Wang Guho’s growth rate was faster than I expected.

If I did well, I felt like I could do a great job even in the first disaster.

I cheered for Wang Guho to cheer up.

“Wang Guho! Don’t fight back, just take a little more hit! “It’s all training!”

“You…what…are you…”

While Wang Guho was holding the monsters like that, I could not escape and shouted at the people hiding in the building.

“Why don’t we hurry up and evacuate! “We are not responsible if you get hurt while watching!”

Citizens inside the building rushed out and ran away.

After confirming that everyone had left the building without exception, I took out a stopwatch from my pocket.

And then I spoke to the little boy who had been standing next to me with a solemn expression on his face.

“kid. “What was today’s training menu?”

“French fries!”

“What is the time limit?”

“1 min!”

“good. Let’s begin.”


As soon as I pressed the stopwatch, numerous fireworks began to appear in the air.



The flames changed into long, angled square pillars.

I’d like to call it something cool like [Fire Spear] or [Spear of Crimson Flame], but in reality, it was made to imitate French fries.

This was the training method I developed to perfectly match the child’s mental age.

“Even if you go to Moro, all you have to do is go to Seoul.”

Hundreds of flame french fries embroidered in the air, all heading toward the ground.


When the startled monsters looked up into the sky, burning French fries were already falling to the ground.

Puff, puff, puff!


Monsters stabbed by French fries screamed. The French fries were not enough to pierce the monster’s body, causing an explosion inside the monster.


After a while, the corpses of monsters that had turned into black charcoal were lying on the ground at the scene.

The little boy who created that scene came running towards me.

“It’s all done! Buy me the Monster Burger E set!”

Unlike Wang Guho, there was always a promise of reward in the kid’s training menu.

But I am a strict instructor.

He showed the stopwatch to the little boy and said.

“It’s a shame. “It’s time over.”

Time stopped at [01:05.38].


“Since you are 5 seconds late, the reward will be changed to Monster Burger Set C.”


The little boy fell to his knees like a hero who narrowly failed to prevent the destruction of the world.

“Lies… this is a lie!”

“The truth is sometimes cruel.”

The difference between Monster Burger E Set and C Set was that big.

Because there are two more patties.

“no! “Just give me 5 seconds off!”

While the little boy was clinging to my arm and clinking, Wang Guho untied his rock paintings and walked towards us.


He looked proud, as if he thought he had done a good job as a tank.

“I’ll join you for dinner today…!”

At that moment, my expression hardened and I rushed at Wang Guho.

“hey! Move!”


I grabbed Wang Guho’s oblivious face and pushed him to the side.

Wang Guho was pushed to the side, and the shadow goblin that had been following him hiding in the shadows jumped out.


The shadow goblin that was discovered by me screamed and swung its scythe.

“…I wondered why I couldn’t see it.”

I took out the sword from my waist and swung it. The shadow goblin’s scythe and my sword collided.

If it had been a few days ago, the moment of collision would have been “Kyaang!” The sound would be better, but

not anymore.


My sword easily cut off the shadow goblin’s scythe and cut its body cleanly in half.


My sword, which did not have a single drop of blood on it, had bluish sword energy on it.

I have regained most of my skills before regression.

His muscles were still lacking compared to the body he had trained for 20 years, but his mana reserves and movements were almost the same as before.

In particular, I felt like my movements were faster than before the regression, when I lived with a broken knee.

“I think I’ll get stronger if I train harder…”

I didn’t really think I needed to do that.

When I turned around after dealing with the shadow goblin, I saw Wang Guho looking at me with a blank expression.

He looked quite shocked.

“What’s for dinner? There’s a monster hiding behind my back. “Aren’t you going to come to your senses?”

At that moment, Wang Guhu lowered his head and spoke in a serious voice.

“sorry. I will go back and eat mana nutrition food. “We will also provide additional training.”

“…hmm. okay.”

I was about to add a few more words, but Wang Guhao’s attitude seemed quite serious, so I just nodded.

It’s difficult to form a style that doesn’t suit your child.

I spoke into the ear microphone.

“Support team. “Please clean up the scene.”

The field support team leaders responded simultaneously.


I left the remaining cleaning up to the on-site support team and walked to where my private vehicle was waiting.

“mister! “There’s a rainbow!”


As I followed the little boy’s fingers and turned my gaze, I saw a rainbow of disaster with only five colors remaining.

The red and orange colors of the rainbow had long since disappeared, and even the yellow had faded a few days ago.


That yellow color has just completely disappeared as well.

There are now 4 colors left: green, blue, indigo, and purple.

I looked at the remaining rainbow and tried to gauge the remaining time.

“If you hold it tight, about two weeks….”

Two weeks.

The time was either long or short depending on how you used it.




When I opened the car door, Baek Young-hee closed the laptop she had been busy tapping on and looked at me.

“manager. Thanks for your efforts.”

“What’s going on here?”

When I asked curiously as I was getting into the car, Baek Young-hee sighed and said.

“For some reason. Wherever you go these days, it’s hard to even see your face. “I thought he didn’t come to the office again today and was leaving work right away, so I came to visit him personally.”

As soon as the little boy got into the car, he was secretly reaching for the snack box.

I asked Baek Young-hee while blocking her hand without looking.

“Anything to report?”

Baek Young-hee nodded. She took out a file from a large folder and handed it to me.

“First, let me tell you about potion making. “The prototype will be released tomorrow, and the potion will be distributed on the market within this week.”

I asked a polite question.

“What are the procedures for obtaining approval from the Food and Drug Administration?”

Baek Young-hee smiled.

“When did that become meaningless? If the effect is certain, beginners will be lining up to buy it. First, we will send 5 samples to every guild in Seoul, and then we will begin full-scale sales. “The price was set as written there. What do you think?”

I confirmed only the important parts and nodded.

“Good. “The quantity sold per person is set, and it is sold more expensively to beginners.”

“I tried to meet most of the team leader’s requests.”

Being part of a guild is really convenient in times like this. They take care of all the complicated stuff.

Baek Young-hee said, taking out another file from the folder.

“And this is a document analyzed by the equipment workshop about the iron golem.”

I skimmed through the papers and set them aside.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Engineers from various fields sent reports using code that only they knew.

“Just tell me the main point. “Can I move again?”

Baek Young-hee also showed an expression of not knowing.

“Well… others say you can’t, but Jang Young-shin says you can wake that child up. “From what I heard, he’s been stuck next to the golem for several days and barely even eats.”

I nodded. I thought so too.

“Then that’s it. “I leave everything else to her.”

If you become Jang Young-shin, that’s okay. There was no need to listen to what other people said.

It would be quite helpful if we could reawaken the Iron Golem before the disaster begins…

I decided to give Jang Young-shin some solid motivation.

“Tell this to Youngshin. “If you wake up the golem and make it on our side within 15 days, I will take you to the zoo later.”

“What zoo? I don’t think she’ll like that…”

Baek Young-hee looked at me strangely. I pointed at the little boy with my chin.

The little boy was munching on the jelly I had brought out for him as a gift.

“They say the kid and I are going together.”

Everyone in the guild already knew that Jang Young-shin liked kids.

Baek Young-hee looked at me with an expression that asked if a person could possibly do that.

“Team leader, you were really mean….”

“Hmm? “Is there a problem with going out with friends?”

Baek Young-hee shook her head and handed me the last document.

“This is a document related to those who requested location information.”

I turned over the documents handed to me one by one. The day before

Yang Sang-tae ,



cheol, and Lee Eon-joo returned, the names of friends who were with me on my retirement ceremony were written there.

Just because these guys survived the disaster before I returned, there was no guarantee that they would survive this time as well.

My intervention will change the future to a large extent, but it will not always flow in a positive direction for everyone.

I closed the document and set it next to me.

“I’ll take this.”

“yes. Is there anything else you need?”

“I need it…”

I looked out the window in silence for a while.

A week of vacation and until the last few days.

I walked around the restricted area with the little boy and collected various items.

As of yesterday, I’ve gathered everything I need, and what’s left depends on how I use it over the next two weeks.

Oh, I almost forgot one thing.


Driver Park Young-bae, who was quietly holding the steering wheel, answered my call.

“yes. manager. Even if it’s uncomfortable somewhere?”

“How long does it take to commute from where you live now?”

The driver thought for a moment and answered.

“It will take a little more than an hour.”

I nodded and said.

“It must be difficult to go to work.”

“no. “What am I…”

“Now, please move to the apartment near the guild. “With my family.”

The driver asked back as if he had heard wrong.


I looked at Baek Young-hee and said.

“Mr. Younghee. Driver, I will prepare an apartment for you. A space where the whole family can live together. ASAP. “I will pay all the costs.”

Baek Young-hee looked like she couldn’t understand, but she nodded when she saw my expression.

“yes. All right.”

“Hey, team leader? “What are you talking about all of a sudden…”

I waved my hand at driver Park Young-bae, who was embarrassed, as if it was no big deal.

“I’m doing this to make it easier for you. Instead, go to work an hour early.”

I liked this old driver. His smooth driving skills and his quiet presence as if he were not there.

So I wanted him to be my driver for as long as possible.

Money is going to be plentiful in the future just by selling potions.

There was nothing to worry about.

“Suddenly, it’s too much to say… If it’s near the guild, the price of the apartment is also…”

“I have a lot of money. “Just take it.”

“But how can I…”

“If I don’t accept it, I’ll fire you?”

The driver responded to my abuse by breaking into a cold sweat.

“Oh yes… thank you.”

“And if you’re sick, go to the guild in my name and get a potion.”

“Hehe… I wonder if this is a dream or if he is alive…”

I leaned back comfortably on the seat, leaving behind the driver’s voice muttering absentmindedly.

And along the way, we stopped briefly in front of a hamburger restaurant.

The little boy got off quickly, ran to the store clerk, and shouted clearly.

“Monster Burger E Set! main. please!”

I grabbed the kid by the back and threw him behind me and asked the embarrassed clerk to correct my order.

“Please give me 5 sets of C.”

No matter how much money I had, I couldn’t buy everything.

[I have a lot of money] End

ⓒ Ganjjajang

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