Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 27: Wilhelmshaven Pretzel

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 27: Wilhelmshaven Pretzel

Rosa and Mary arrived in Wilhelmshaven with enough fanfare befitting a well-regarded ally of their stature. Yuki was there to welcome them before extending an official invitation for them. One that pertained for them to join the award ceremony for the crews of RMS Bismarck and RMS Prinz Eugen. Of course, they accepted without hesitation. After all, they were briefed on the occasion while they were still in the air. What the Reformist envoy hadn't accounted for though was that just how grand the whole ceremony was.

The ceremony attracted thousands upon thousands of spectators with even many more watching the occasion live from elsewhere. Banners, flags, and coats of arms were hung everywhere with streams of people watching the procession of military bands and units parading all over the coastal city. Proudly on display along Wilhelmshaven's coast were the Reichsmarine's major spoils of war, the HMS King George V and HMS Ark Royal, attracting most of the curious and excited Belkan citizens. And when it's time to award the men and women who made the capture of these warships possible, you better believe that a window or two had been cracked due to the citizens' shout full of fervor.

The atmosphere back then was like it had been ignited by a spiritual flame. But with Yuki feeling mischievous, she kicked it up a notch, adding fuel to the fire. When the ceremony was over, Yuki announced an impromptu festival with free food and drinks. She even went as far as collaborating with "The Brightest Star" and "Miss Pink Elf♪" to make a commemorative song about Bismarck for the military band to play. It's being performed on the stage right now, enrapturing the spectators in the beats as they bob their heads up and down.

Currently, Rosa and Mary are boarding the HMS Devonshire, the heavy cruiser that had been captured alongside HMS Fiji when the attack on Ark Royal happened. Right now, the two cruisers are berthed in a restricted area of Wilhelmshaven, far away from the bustling activities but still offer a good view of the entire proceeding. Soon, Rosa and Mary are guided to the bow of the Devonshire where a coffee table has already been laid out. There, the pair are welcomed by Yuki personally as she steps in, hooking her arms with Rosa and Mary. With a cheery smile on her face, Yuki says.

"I hope you two have been enjoying the day as much as I do." The trio then heads for the table. "The music surely was a bit of a surprise but it seems fitting, don't you think?" Yuki pointed at the city from which Rosa could hear the music blasting.

"From the mist, a shape, a ship, is taking form

And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm

Sign of power, show of force!

Raise the anchor, battleship's plotting its course..."

Rosa giggles as she and Yuki take a seat, with Mary taking the chance to pour them coffee. "Believe me, each trip to Belka has always been an experience, Yuki. I would dare say that Belka, as a country, is changing day by day. Thus keeping it fresh for Mary and I who are toiling away in Luxembourg."

Hearing that, Yuki raises an eyebrow at Mary who is putting down a coffee pot. The maid in question just chuckles. "She is just jesting, Yuki. With all the funds you provided for us, we are living a lifestyle befitting of a royalty." The maid then presents the coffee for the two princesses, with milk of course. "But it has come to my mind that despite all the amenities Luxembourg has to offer, it's still not as glorious as Berlin. A matter that Rosa has been hard at work to remedy."

Rosa raises her mug at that. "But of course, I can't fall behind Belka now. That would make me lose all face as an ally, no?"

Yuki smiles, nodding at that assertion before turning over behind her shoulder. "Hey Erika, Lola! Want to join us?"

Yuki's bodyguards for this trip, and also her friends for years now, shake their heads. "Maybe another time, Yuki. This space is a bit too open for our liking."

Yuki nods understandingly. "Just give me a shout if you want a coffee." Ever since what happened in Arash, Yuki's guards are much stricter with her protection whenever they can. It's why Yuki always treats them well.

Facing Rosa and Mary, who is standing behind her Ustian counterpart, Yuki gestures to the snacks on the table while sipping her iced milk coffee. "You should try some pretzels, there are many flavors to choose from. Oh, and I heard from a little birdie that Rosa here knows how to bake now. I reckon that it had been an endeavor to teach her the way of a pastry chef, Mary?"

While Rosa flinches, Mary just laughs much to her chagrin. "You have no idea, Yuki. I am surprised that she hasn't blown up her fourth oven yet."

"Can we please move on to something else?" Rosa interjected, not wanting to lose her dignity in front of Yuki.

"Well then, what can you give us to buy our silence on the matter?" Yuki asked back with a smirk.

"How about I make you all and Ningyo something when I get to the kitchen?" Rosa offered.

"Sold." Mary and Yuki nod, smiling at the promise of free sweets. Well, they're also morbidly curious whether Rosa will fail at any step of the way.  It will be good blackmail materials if nothing else, they share the thought amusedly through their eyes.

"Oh right Yuki, I have been meaning to ask this. Despite you presenting a medal to Admiral Tallulah, why was she so... frightened? It's as if she was heading for a gallow instead." Rosa asked while taking a bite of a chocolate pretzel before holding it over her shoulder for Mary to try too.

Yuki, hearing the honest question, giggles. "Well, let's just say that although she racked enough merits to warrant an award, Tallulah also committed one of the taboos in an officer's career. Her being a scared kitten was due to her remembering my punishment for such a failing. I docked her six months of salary and guaranteed her a seat back in the Naval Academy."

Both Rosa and Mary drop their jaws at the answer. "Wow... I pity the Admiral now."

"You shouldn't be," Yuki added with a small smile. "The Admiral considers the punishments as an opportunity to better herself."

"I see. With you having underlings with that mindset, no wonder Belka is growing strong." Rosa commented

"Oh? Is that flattering that I see?" Yuki smirked before saying. "Having said that though, it's about time I address the main topic for this little outing."

"Oh? Do say, Yuki." Rosa urged, her curiosity piqued as she leaned forward while sipping her mug with two hands.

Yuki reaches down, pulling out some documents from a briefcase resting by the legs of her chair. Holding them up, Yuki says. "These are the documents about the eventual transfer of ownership of the cruiser Fiji," Yuki hands over the paperwork to Mary before patting the steel plating of the A-turret behind her. "And the cruiser Devonshire to the Ustian Reformists."

Rosa, who is receiving the papers from Mary, freezes up. "Wait, what?"

Nodding, Yuki reiterates. "You heard that right, I am authorizing the procedure of giving you these warships, for free. Soon enough, Rosa, you will have a proper Navy under your name. It will no doubt give you much more weight on any negotiation table."

Rosa looks at Yuki as if she has grown a second head with her jaws dropping. Mary, with a giggle, closes it, prompting Rosa to act sheepish, bowing her head at Yuki. "Sorry about that. I was just pleasantly stunned. Yuki... I don't know what to say. Thanks, truly. By having a Navy, I can do more than just negotiate, you know?"

Yuki smiles. "I know, with a Navy, you can pull more support from the Colonies. They will treat your words with the necessary gravitas and all that. As an addendum, we also have custody of a few Ustian destroyers. They will also be given to you to form a proper flotilla."

Smiling, Rosa stands up before walking over to Yuki, leaning down into a hug. "Thank you, my Marshal." The Ustian princess then lightly pecks Yuki's lips, casting a smile on the Marshal. Mary just watches the proceeding with a heartwarming smile.

Yuki, on her part, chuckles with a rosy tint on her cheeks. "You're Belka's ally, it would be unsightly if our ally is not up to par."

Rosa laughs, following along. "Figured there's another motive for gifting me with free stuff. You're just slowly tightening your hold over me, hah."

Yuki smiles before kissing Rosa lightly. "Aren't I always? Sooner or later, our two nations will be one big family. And that also includes you and Mary."

"Well, I sure like the sound of that." Mary interjected from the side, causing Rosa and Yuki to chuckle.

Rosa then moves back to her seat and Yuki lets her and Mary take an overview of the documents she handed over. Around ten minutes and two emptied mugs later, Rosa puts down the documents, massaging the bridge of her nose, and is dizzied by the paperwork. "OK, as much as I am enthusiasted by the new toys. This is clearly above my know-how."

Yuki giggles, offering a way out for Rosa. "I can help you with some advice now. After that, the matter should be left for your Minister Francis and my people to iron out."

Yuki wipes her fingers clean with a tablecloth before raising two fingers. "Right now, you have two options in how to outfit your budding Navy. One is to immediately commission them and sail them around whenever you need. I reckon that there are a few coastal towns that would love some friendly faces protecting them. But in my opinion, this is ill-advised."

"How so?" Rosa straightened up, taking Yuki's words very seriously.

"The issue is that you will be facing logistical problems down the line. Without modification, your fleet, which consumed materials sourced from Ustian and Erusean shipyards, will be falling apart in a year. Sailing in this day and age is resource-consuming, and while you can reap the immediate benefits now in the Months of Demons, you will be left without a ship once we're done with it." Yuki explained concisely.

"I see now why that would be unwanted for the both of us." Rosa nodded.

"Good, then we will no doubt go with the second option. It will involve our spared naval yards taking in the cruisers and destroyers, and refitting them to our export specifications, much like what we are doing for the Long Dynasty. While we're doing that, we will start training the ship crews that you pick on how to operate these new vessels. Since when we're done, you will have to rethink your naval doctrine. I have put forth the name of the one to be in charge of training your sailors. It will no doubt be a familiar face, with you having just seen him on the stage earlier." Yuki gestured at the documents.

"Really?" Rosa raised an eyebrow while skimming the papers once again. She then comes across a name and a picture. "Oh! I see! It's Captain Raymond of the Prinz Eugen! No wonder you asked me to award him the medal instead of you."

Yuki nods. "Considering that you will soon be working together, it's better for you to know the man first. He's a talented cruiser Captain and one that specializes in fleet coordination. As you would have seen from his effort alongside the Bismarck. The man will no doubt bring the few vessels that you have into a force to be reckoned with. Especially with the upgrade package we are considering installing on your ships."

Rosa smiles, glad that the trip here has borne her unexpected fruits. "While I would like to know more, I don't think I will understand most of them. I will just leave that in your capable hands, Yuki."

"In fact, why don't we just enjoy the rest of the day? I would like to show you my baking skills later with the rest of your family."

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