Reincarnated as A Bamboo

Chapter 38: Climbing Up The Ranks

Chapter 38: Climbing Up The Ranks

The valley was in an uproar.

The spiritual aura that had been floating above the valley started to whirl with the mutated bamboo as its center.

Like fog or a delicate aurora, the spiritual aura was constantly revolving and condensing.

As its particles continued to collide and merge, they were becoming denser.

If one were to look at it from above, this whirlpool of luminescent spiritual aura resembled a magnificent nebula!

Below the nebula, a series of explosions reverberated from underground!

As he evolved, Lin Ming felt a flurry of comfortable warmth that traversed from the ends of his roots, from every branch, and every bamboo leaf on his body. He was utterly immersed in this sensation.

The spiritual aura transformed into Evolution Points and consequently, those Evolution Points served as his surging energy!

This overpowering energy washed over every cell in his body, destroying them and reforming them into stronger and sturdier cells.

The abundant spiritual aura filled the gaps between the cells, causing Lin Ming's body to undergo a tremendous change!

Countless bamboo roots proliferated at a maniacal speed.

As the roots extended into the soil, it churned the soil like swimming dragons, producing deafening quakes as they went.

Originally located within three hundred meters, numerous bamboo roots now extended further ahead. They constantly drilled in and out of the soil as they ventured into every corner of the valley!

Several main bamboo roots continued to extend further down, passing through the underground Spirit River. They broke through the hard rocks and reached nearly four hundred meters underground before stopping.

At this time, the cells in Lin Ming's culm underwent constant reformation as they expanded in diameter and extended in length.

At the same time, the thickness of the outer wall of his culm was also increasing. Every node of the bamboo was flooded with spiritual fluid!

That boundless energy quickly surged from the bamboo roots, branches, leaves, and culm into the red rhombus located at the center of the culm. It sent out dazzling rays of light even in the daytime!

This crimson light suddenly infused countless blood-like threads into Lin Ming's culm, covering the dark green bamboo in a blood-red sheen.

The blood-like threads seeped into every bamboo branch, embedding every bamboo leaf with a crimson outline.

The red rhombus on the culm was pulsating like a beating heart, adding a demonic glow to this mutated bamboo.

"It seems that I've caused quite a ruckus this time," Lin Ming lamented as the mutation continued for nearly half an hour. He was savoring all the different states that his evolution put him through.

The tremors caused by the spreading of his bamboo roots were still resounding throughout the valley. Meanwhile, the spiritual aura that was revolving like a nebula in the sky gradually dispersed and returned to how it was.

The bamboo was now nearly two meters in diameter and sixty meters tall!

Looking at his drastic changes, Lin Ming was convinced that he was evolving at a visible rate.

He was now officially Rank-2.

He could also sense that his strength had improved tremendously.

The abundant spiritual aura, the strength that was stronger than before, and even the feeling of being able to control the entire valley made Lin Ming understand that his status as the overlord of this valley was completely unshakeable.

Right now, he had complete control over the life and death of all living creatures in this valley!

Every single strand of his bamboo roots in the thousands could move according to his will, and his spiritual aura detection ability allowed him to grasp the movements of all living creatures.

It would be accurate to say that if Lin Ming wished so, the life and death of all living beings depended on his whim.

However, after accumulating Evolution Points for so long, he understood one thing.

He would obtain fewer Evolution Points when he killed mutated beings of a lower stage. Meanwhile, the higher the stage of the mutants, the more Evolution Points he would get.

For example, an Unranked Grade-1 carp in the Spirit Lake would give him 10 Evolution Points after killing it while an Unranked Grade-3 elaphure would grant him 50.

So, what about killing an Unranked Grade-9 creature? Or a mutated creature that broke through into Rank-1?

The Evolution Points obtained would probably be quite impressive, right?

After all, the spiritual aura in the surroundings was getting denser and denser. That inevitably led to the mutated beings in the valley rising up in stages faster and faster.

If he killed all of those low-grade creatures, then the Evolution Points he obtained could only satisfy his short-term needs for a while.

Furthermore, if he did that, Lil One and the rest of his subordinates would also starve. The gains would not make up for the losses.

Destroying the ecosystem was not a good thing.

Previously, he had killed all the mutated creatures that he could reach. That caused the mutated creatures in the other valleys afraid to approach this area that spanned three hundred meters in diameter under his control. At the same time, it caused his process of acquiring Evolution Points to be stagnant for a long while now, forcing him into desperation.

It was extremely unbearable back then.

If he did not come up with a way that let Lil One and the others hunt, evolving himself might remain an unrealized dream right now.

Maintaining the balance between mutated creatures might prove to be difficult for humans but Lin Ming was a whole different story.

He could sense the movement of all creatures in the valley. Thus, it was easy enough for him to detect a mutated being that was powerful enough to affect the entire valley.

Killing it or forcing it into submission would only take Lin Ming a second upon making the decision.

As for his subordinates, Lin Ming could completely restrain them from slaughtering the entire valley.

As for the so-called sustainable development, Lin Ming managed to understand everything and raised all his branches.

With his current position as the overlord of the valley, he could easily grasp the number of Evolution Points within the three hundred meters of his land.

"Next, I'll accumulate Evolution Points and start evolving each of my various abilities!"

Lin Ming had many ideas on what to do next.

However, in the overall sense, he must continue strengthening his own capabilities and his subordinates' power.

Now that he reached Rank-2, other than Lil One and the other two that had broken through to Rank-1, the rest of his subordinates were still Unranked.

Lin Ming could not help but feel that it was far from sufficient.

Those humans that they encountered in the past merely ventured into the valley to test the waters, but they managed to injure Lil Six and Lil Seven.

What if they adopted an offensive strategy with a large army?

What if they sent stronger transcendent beings much unlike the useless mob last time?

Humans were absolutely hostile toward the spiritual realm.

After all, humans who had long warmed the seat on the top of the food chain would never allow anything stronger than them to be born and grown.

Being kind to the enemy was being cruel to oneself.

This valley, the mutated creatures in this valley, as well as the mutated bamboo, Lin Ming, had yet to be taken seriously by humanity. To humans, their existence would never be allowed to exist on earth.

Humans and mutated creatures would never achieve anything called 'understanding' between the two races.

Humans could not understand each other, let alone the mutated creatures that posed a threat to their survival.

The struggle between the strong and the weak, and the fight to the death, was an eternal topic in the long streams of human history.

Unless, in the future, Lin Ming became so strong that no humans could threaten him.

Otherwise, this bamboo would face endless attacks from humans.

As a mutated bamboo, it was not Lin Ming's wish to harbor any hope for humanity, but to become the ultimate strong being that could cause pain, helplessness, and even despair in humanity.

If a battle of life and death really did occur, Lin Ming would not sacrifice himself.

Who would not be selfish when their survival was threatened?

As his contemplation continued to brew, Lin Ming stared at the spiritual aura floating in the sky.

Now, Lil One and the rest had already returned. Next, it was time

It was at this moment that Lin Ming suddenly detected an extremely dense amount of spiritual aura accumulating outside the valley. Not just that, it seemed like they were increasing in numbers rapidly!

Among them, there was the familiar red spiritual aura that belonged to humans!

'I haven't been expecting them so quickly. However, is today the day that I show them what 'not to mess with' means?"

Lin Ming's heart overflowed with murderous intent!

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