Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 306: – A Certain Noble’s Tyranny 3 (side Tolman)

Chapter 306

306 – A Certain Noble’s Tyranny 3 (side Tolman)

“Gu, guu… That, that dragon…! It injured my, my shoulder… Guu!”

Supporting my body on Azalea, I ride the flying dragon away from the battlefield .

It shot a cowardly long range attack from my blind spot… For one with such a large body, it sure fights dirty . As the guardian deity of uncivilised monkeys, perhaps such behaviour is appropriate .

“Hey, Azalea! Hurry up and cast [High Rest] on my shoulder!”

“I understand your feelings of wanting to hurry, but my concentration is slightly lacking . Please bear with me until we meet up with the fourth battalion that was left behind . I cannot apologise enough that my lack of skill is causing your medical treatment to be delayed . ”

“Wh… Y-you intend to fall back that far!? I can still fight once my wound is healed! Why would you…”

I am curious . Why did Azalea choose to produce his flying dragon and withdraw from the battlefield? As it is Azalea, there must be some reasoning behind his actions, but surely there is no need to hurry that much…?

As things are, the extermination of the barbarians will be left entirely to Alan . I carefully selected my weapons for this day, but it will come to naught . My feelings of restlessness cannot settle down .

“Turn around at once, Azalea! I am going to kill that dragon! If we don’t return quickly, Alan will have already destroyed it! He is talented, but a complete idiot! It is unlikely he would think to leave any prey for me . ”

Alan is a descendent of the endangered race of giants, and is known as Big Lump Alan . He has enough strength to subdue an average solitary dragon by himself, and in a plain strength contest among the entirety of the 『Starved Hunters』, he would be win by a large margin .

“…I am aware this is most rude, however…”

“What is it?”

“For one such as Alan, there will be nothing he can do . He is insufficient even as a rear guard . At best, he is no more than a small pebble in its path . That is why I am flying away without landing . The first, second, and third battalions that entered the village with us… It would be best to consider them destroyed, I expect . A few of the other battalions should be safe… . ”


For a moment, I am unable to understand the meaning of his words . The third battalion is a bit lacking in adaptability, but in pure power it is the best of all the battalions . The first battalion is filled with fearless fighters coordinated under Azalea’s leadership . For them to be destroyed… What is he saying?

“That speed, range, power… It is incomparable to any monster I have seen so far . While I was in the service of Gobia-danshaku[1], I took part in the subjugation of a living mound, but I can only imagine that it is far and away superior to it . I have pride in my broad knowledge of monsters, but… I cannot determine what that dragon was . It was far too unfamiliar…”

A living mound… They have been called small mountains come to life, lumps of earth covered in ivy . They are feared as B-rank threats, but… As they stay hidden in their mountain homes and rarely descend, occasions when a country must intervene are rare . Gobia-danshaku’s family had owned a mine for generations, but due to the living mound, could not operate it properly .

The one who led the effort to subjugate it was none other than Azalea . That was the event that caused Azalea to catch my eye, so I know it well . The dragon was far stronger than that . . ?

“D-don’t say something so preposterous! Stronger than the B-rank living mound… Why, why would a monster like that be supporting the Lithovars!?”

“This time…let us withdraw . Reporting this to the country is a concern . ”

“R-ridiculous… There’s no way we could do such a thing! What’s more, if I were to lose the upper echelons of the 『Starved Hunters』at this time… My path to the throne will be cut! Are you saying I should let this perfect opportunity pass before my eyes?!”

“No! As long as you are alive, any number of chances will present themselves . I will continue to support you with all I have, so please make a wise judgement here . This is no place for one such as yourself to risk their life!”

“Gu, gu… Gu, gu…”

Even if he says that, it is highly unlikely that such a perfect opportunity will come round a second time . And even though he says that dragon is stronger than the living mound, his equipment and subordinates, as well as his own abilities, should be far greater than back then .

Gobia-danshaku was said to have feared Azalea’s power, and used acts similar to torture to snuff out any rebelious intent from him . Originally, Azalea was the survivor of a priest in Gobia-danshaku’s domain, who performed heretical techniques on orphans . When the church was raided by royal soldiers and the priest arrested, Azalea was found in the basement along with the scattered remains of orphans the church was supposed to be raising . His high physical abilities and ability to handle flare magic beyond what the normal capability of a huma may be related to such a background .

That is why Gobia-danshaku feared the abnormal Azalea . His excellent swordsmanship was beyond that which can be handled by a third-rate swordsman . Since becoming my subordinate, his talent has had far more opportunities to bloom .

That dragon, if Azalea were to put in his full effort, could he truly not handle it somehow…? By no means, is he so scared of dying that he would threaten my life to forcibly retreat? This ungrateful bastard… He’s pushing his luck…!

I look back suddenly, as I spot multiple cavalrymen running through the forest . That bright red hair… Is that the commander of the second battalion, Grodel? Looking closer, it appears he is accompanied by ten soldiers from various units . It makes me question what happened to his direct subordinates .

That bastard… He’s fled from his battalion . If it’s like this, then… Then the units who entered the Lithovars’ den may truly have been destroyed . But them meeting up with him like this is fortunate .

“Hey Azalea, is that not Grodel down there? Let us descend for now! We can talk after that!”

“However… We are close to the fourth battalion, so please…”

Normally I would hear an immediate reply, but his response is awfully delayed . Even though I am already so frustrated by him! I had thought he was quick-witted, but when a crisis approaches me, is this all he can do?!

“Do you not see? My wound is deep! If only you had dealt with it better, I wouldn’t have had to bear such an injury! At this rate, my famed arm as the Sword Lord will endure lasting damage! Hurry up and descend! This is an order, do you understand!?”

“…Yes, I cannot apologise enough . ”

The flying dragon tilts to the side, lowering our altitude and bringing us near Grodel . As we draw close to the ground, I notice that the soldiers accompanying Grodel are carrying a Lithovar brat with them .

“Heheh… Tolman-samaa! I caught one of their brats! Please listen! They know about the carbuncle!”

Grodel shouts to me, a strained smile on his face . It seems he’s asking me to overlook his desertion .

Because of this idiot, the battle in the village is as good as lost… But, let us put that to the side . Information about the carbuncle is certainly fortunate . Bringing it is worthy of praise . At worst… If I can at least retrieve the carbuncle, I may still have a faint path to the throne .

“Cheh… I shall have to settle for second best! Perhaps I shall use that brat to vent my frustration . ”

“That is most good, Tolman-sama! If you hollow out their eyeballs and bend their limbs to expose the bones, it will feel more refreshing than anything!”

Hmm, his tastes are as horrible as ever . Well, as for myself… I do not dislike watching small fry succumb to their irritation and anger .


Silent, Azalea glares at Grodel .

“What’s wrong, Azalea?”

“…It could work, maybe . ”


“After the information has been extracted… Would you mind leaving me the barbarian child? With it… I may be able to trap the dragon and render it powerless . Assuming the dragon truly is supporting the Lithovars, that is . ”

“I-Is that so!? Well said! As expected of Azalea!”

It seems he is back to his usual self .

“If you were to lend me the fourth battalion as well as the remnants of the other units… Against a monster, Nell of the fourth battalion will be able to fight to his heart’s content . I understand your disdain for him, but if he were to fight at his strongest, he is a far superior soldier to Alan .

“I will leave you to it . Take whatever you judge that you will need . ”

“As we are lacking in information, it is a risky proposition, however . Please leave his forest for now . This area is far more dangerous than we anticipated . If by any chance you were to lose your life, it would be a grave loss to Ardesia . ”

“…Very well . I shall leave everything here to you, Azalea . ”

I feel dissatisfied, but… It is rare for Azalea to say this much . From that, I can understand that it is such a dangerous dragon . I shall believe in his words, step back, and await good news .

“Argh! H-hey, stop!”

Suddenly Grodel screams while pulling on his horse’s reins . His horse slows, then stops as though it bumping into something . It’s not just Grodel, but the others too . Once the horses stop, they quiver as though tied by invisible ropes .

“Wh… Wh-what is happening!?”

“A monster, it seems . Since I plan on fighting that dragon later, I want to avoid wasting magic power…”

Azalea says, jumping off the flying dragon . He lands near Grodel and draws his sword, brandishing it towards the surroundings . Just as he does, Grodel’s horse struggles, throwing him to the ground .

A moment later, the flying dragon that I’m riding on drops to the ground . From how Azalea handles it, I spot a thread meant to seal his movements… It seems it’s a spider monster that we’re facing .

Did we stumble into a spider nest…? Well, low-rank monsters are no match for us . Immediately after I dismount, a dense fog starts spreading out throughout the area .

“Wh-what is this…?”

While I am taken aback, I hear a scream from a short distance away .

“M-monster! It’s a monster! Help, help me!”

What are they doing, being scared of a low-rank monster… I wonder, but in the next instant, I hear the sound of something being forcefully crushed . Looking towards the source, I make out the faint outline of a small woman . However… One arm alone is strangely large . It’s far too eerie a silhouette .

“Wh, wh… wh…”

My sword falls from my hand . His expression grim, Azalea shouts .

“It’s an undead! It will take some time to take it down . Grodel! To be safe, take Tolman-kakka and retreat on the flying dragon towards the fourth battalion! The rest of you, abandon your horses and flee in the same direction, taking the child with you! Make sure to not lose the child! Understand what will happen if you flee empty-handed! Hans and Jade, with me . We aim to stop the undead and the spider and subjugate them! But as I earlier, for the sake of the future battle, I cannot use magic here! Keep that in mind as you fight! In case this battle drags on, once you meet up with the fourth battalion, send reinforcements!”

O-one after the other… What is up with this forest?

[1] Danshaku – a baron, the lowest noble rank .

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