Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 229 A Good Omen

Chapter 229 A Good Omen

May 20th, 1801.

Napoleon sat at his desk within his office, engrossed in the contents of a letter penned by Toussaint Louverture. It had been a week since their meeting and now, he had to go back to his homeland to share the news of the Republic of France's decision over the fate of Saint-Domingue.

The letter read:

[Dear Napoleon Bonaparte,

I extend my sincere gratitude for the discussions we shared during my time in Paris. Your commitment to the principles of liberty and equality resonates with my aspirations for Saint-Domingue.

As I prepare to return, I am resolute in my purpose to foster understanding and unity among our people. Your willingness to explore autonomy for Saint-Domingue and abolish slavery has kindled hope.

I hold your trust in high regard and will endeavor to ensure our shared vision flourishes.

With respect,

Toussaint Louverture]

Napoleon placed the letter down on his desk, his gaze lingering on the words. Another history altered. Should he have followed Napoleon's footsteps in real history, Saint-Domingue would become a battlefield to which a lot of Frenchmen would have died from yellow fever.

Napoleon didn't want that to happen, Saint-Domingue was a strategic country that he couldn't lose, especially at the time when he was planning on expanding France's sphere of influence in North America.

He grabbed another letter from his desk. He checked the sender, it was from the Minister of War, Berthier. Curiosity piqued, he broke the seal to read its contents.

The letter from Berthier reported that the French fleet had successfully outmaneuvered a British ship in the Atlantic Ocean and was now swiftly making its way towards the English Channel. The French naval forces stationed in the Mediterranean were also converging in the Bay of Biscay to join the Atlantic fleet. The estimated time of arrival for the combined fleet was projected to be five days.

"What…" Napoleon's eyes widened after reading the letter. It was the news that he had been waiting for since the diversionary plan. His hands trembled as he couldn't contain the excitement at the prospect of invading the island of the United Kingdom.

"I have to prepare immediately," Napoleon mumbled to himself, his tone urgent and focused. He had come to the realization that it was time to depart for the staging point of the impending invasion of Great Britain.

Napoleon gathered the documents and papers that remained strewn across his desk. Those that he hadn't yet had the chance to review would have to wait. He slid them into his leather briefcase, which he would bring along with him to Boulogne and finish it there.

With the briefcase firmly in hand, he rose from his seat, ready to leave his office. But just before he could reach the door, Beaumont suddenly entered.

"Your Excellency?" Beaumont spoke, his eyes scanning him up and down. "Are you perhaps going somewhere?"

"Perfect timing, Beaumont," Napoleon said. "Yes, I have to be somewhere within this day. Please prepare my luggage. And also, have you seen my wife?"

The moment he asked that, a voice sounded from behind the doorsteps.

"Where are you going, darling?"

Ciela asked as she entered Napoleon's office.

"Uhm…Your Excellency, the reason I entered your office is to announce to you that your wife wanted to see you," Beaumont chuckled nervously. "Anyways, you wanted me to prepare your luggage?"

"No, Beaumont," Ciela interceded. "You are to leave this office and give us the room."

Beaumont's eyes widened in slight embarrassment as he quickly made his exit, leaving Napoleon and Ciela alone in the office.

Napoleon turned his attention to his wife, a smile gracing his lips. "Ciela, my love, I didn't expect to see you here."

Ciela crossed the room and stood before him. "Your tone, it sounded like you are in a hurry. What's the matter?"

"Well, you see," He took a moment to steady himself, realizing the importance of sharing this news with her. "I've just received some news from Berthier, the Minister of War. It's regarding the fleet and our plans."

Ciela's brow furrowed with concern. "Okay, what is it?"

Napoleon's eyes brightened as started revealing it to her.

"The French fleet has successfully maneuvered against the British in the Atlantic. They're now making their way towards the English Channel, which will be joined by a Mediterranean fleet converging in the Bay of Biscay. You know what this means right?"

"It means that the plan of yours to outmaneuver the British in the Atlantic worked…and with the French Navy heading towards the English Channel to reinforce our fleet in the English Channel, we will have a numerical advantage over the British, which would make the crossing of the English Channel possible—We can now invade Great Britain?!"

Napoleon's excitement surged, and he couldn't resist confirming it with action. He placed his hands on Ciela's shoulders and gave her a gentle shake, a joyful smile spreading across his face.

"Exactly! Our moment is drawing near. The opportunity I have been strategizing and waiting for is finally within reach. That's why I am in a state of hurry because I have to be at Boulogne so I can start debriefing my generals who were already there. It's the reason why I asked Beaumont if he had seen you. To tell you that I have to leave."

"Is that so?" Ciela stammered. "Well…I'm happy for you darling. I truly do."

'Thank you, darling," Napoleon said as he pressed his lips on Ciela's forehead.

As they shared this tender moment, a sudden realization dawned upon Napoleon. He pulled back slightly, his expression shifting to one of curiosity.

"But wait, why did you come to my office in the first place?"

Ciela's cheeks flushed slightly, and she cleared her throat. "Oh, well, it's just that...I wanted to discuss something with you."

Napoleon's brows lifted in interest. "Discuss something? About what?"

Ciela took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. This was a moment she had been both excited and nervous about. She looked directly into Napoleon's eyes, her gaze unwavering.

"About us," she said.

Napoleon's expression softened, and he stepped closer to her. "Us? What's on your mind, my love?"

Ciela's fingers unconsciously brushed over her abdomen before she took another breath, her resolve firm. She had to say it, now more than ever.

"Napoleon," she began, "I'm...I'm pregnant."

The words hung in the air for a moment, the weight of the revelation sinking in. Napoleon's eyes widened in shock, and then they filled with joy. He blinked as if trying to process what he had just heard.

"Pregnant?" he finally managed to say.

Ciela nodded, a tear of happiness escaping from the corner of her eye. "Yes, pregnant."

Napoleon's emotions swirled, a flood of feelings rushing through him. He stepped even closer to Ciela, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek.

"Are you...Are you certain?"

Ciela nodded again, a radiant smile gracing her lips. "Yes, I am. Napoleon, we're going to have a child."

With that confirmation, Napoleon was overwhelmed with emotion. A rush of happiness, pride, and love surged within him. Without a second thought, he enveloped Ciela in a tight, heartfelt hug, holding her as if he never wanted to let go.

"Oh Ciela," he whispered. "You've given me another greatest gift."

Tears welled up in Ciela's eyes as she nestled against him, her arms wrapping around him just as tightly.

"I'm so glad you're happy, Napoleon," she murmured.

Napoleon leaned back slightly, his hands framing her face as he looked into her eyes. "Happy doesn't even begin to describe it, my dear. The news given to me by my Minister of War and your news…this is a good omen. Did you tell Francis and Aveline about this?"

Ciela shook her head. "No, only you."

"I see…let's tell them later that they are going to have another sibling okay?"

Ciela smiled warmly at Napoleon's suggestion. "Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea. They'll be thrilled."

Napoleon couldn't hold himself again and kissed her on the lips.

'This is a good omen indeed' he thought to himself.

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