Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 171 Napoleon's Relief

In the Palace of Versailles, the hands of the clock pointed to half-past six in the evening. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through Napoleon's office, Beaumont, entered Napoleon's office and respectfully announced the arrival of the Minister of Police.

Napoleon, fully absorbed in the task of rewriting a crucial document, looked up from his work to see Fouche, the Minister of Police, making his way towards the desk.

"Your Excellency," Fouche called out as he approached.

Acknowledging the minister's presence, Napoleon set the document he was working on aside and steepled his fingers, his piercing gaze locking onto Fouche.

"Ah, Fouche," Napoleon greeted with a hint of intrigue in his voice. "Have you come here and told me that you successfully arrested those royalists?"

Fouche nodded solemnly. "Yes, Your Excellency. They are being detained currently at the Square du Temple."

"So, the anonymous tip that was given to me turned out to be correct huh?" Napoleon mused, feigning ignorance.

"That seems to be the case, Your Excellency. In their whereabouts, we have found evidence that suggests their intention to carry out an assassination attempt against you," Fouche confirmed.

Napoleon breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Fouche. With that, my family and I can enjoy the evening in peace."

"If you are going to thank someone, Your Excellency, it must be that anonymous person who tipped you that information. Without him, I'm afraid that the royalists could have succeeded in their nefarious plot," Fouche remarked.

"That's the first thing I'm going to do if he ever shows up again," Napoleon said.

Fouche smiled. "That would be all, Your Majesty. May you have a pleasant Christmas Eve and a restful night."

Napoleon returned the smile. "And the same to you, Fouche."

With a final nod of mutual respect, Fouche turned to leave the office. As he reached the door, he paused and glanced back at Napoleon.

"Your Excellency, there is one more thing."

Napoleon raised an eyebrow, curious. "Go on."

"While investigating the detained conspirators, we came across documents and letters hinting at the involvement of a broader network of royalists. It seems that this plot was not isolated," Fouche revealed.

Napoleon's expression turned serious, "A broader network, you say? We cannot afford to underestimate their capabilities. I want you to extend your investigation and uncover the extent of this conspiracy. Report back to me once you find something conclusive."

"Consider it done, Your Excellency," Fouche affirmed.

Just as Fouche was about to leave Napoleon's office, there was a young girl who blocked his way.

"Ahh~! You must be Fo–Fo–Fouche?" Aveline, Napoleon's young daughter, exclaimed with a cute stutter, her big curious eyes fixed on the Minister of Police.

Fouche, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected encounter, smiled warmly down at the little girl. He had seen Aveline around the palace before but had never had a direct interaction with her.

"That's right, my dear. I am Joseph Fouche, the Minister of Police," he replied, crouching down to be at eye level with her.

He scanned her appearance, she was dressed in a gown adorned with delicate lace and ribbons, and her lustrous hair was tied with a silk ribbon, styled in a charming updo that showcased her cute and angelic face.

"So, what are you doing in Papa's office, Monsieur Fouche?" Aveline asked innocently.

Fouche's heart tightened with conflicting emotions as he looked into Aveline's innocent eyes. He imagined if the royalists were to be able to carry out their nefarious plot, this little girl…will…he doesn't even want to imagine it.

"I came to your papa's office to discuss some important matters, my dear," Fouche replied gently, deciding to tread carefully with his words.

Aveline tilted her head, her curiosity piqued. "Important matters? Like what?"

Fouche smiled softly.

"Oh, just grown-up stuff, you know. Things that can be quite boring for a little princess like yourself."

Aveline giggled, covering her mouth with her hand as she did so. "Papa is always dealing with serious stuff…"

"Indeed, your papa has many important responsibilities as the First Consul of France," Fouche replied, relieved that Aveline seemed content with his response. "Oh, I forgot, I shall head home now."I think you should take a look at

Fouche stood up and stroked Aveline's hair gently. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Aveline."

With that, Fouche left the office. Aveline entered and rushed up to her father.

"Papa! Look at my dress!" Aveline enthusiastically said, and twirled her gown around, showing him the dress

Napoleon's eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched his daughter twirl in her beautiful gown.

"Ah, Aveline, you look absolutely stunning! Like a true princess."


"Absolutely!" Napoleon beamed with pride as he watched his daughter's face light up with joy. "You are my little princess, and you always look radiant in whatever you wear."

Aveline's cheeks flushed with happiness, and she curtsied playfully before her father. "Thank you, Papa!"

"So, are you excited for the opera tonight?" Napoleon asked.

"Yes papa, I am excited to hear the music written by Joseph Haydn!"

"Ah, you know about Joseph Haydn? That's wonderful, my dear!"

Aveline beamed proudly, thrilled that her father was pleased. "Yes, Papa! I've been reading about him in the books you gave me. He's a famous composer in Austria right?"

"You are absolutely right, Aveline," Napoleon confirmed.

"But…what is oratorio papa?"

"Well, An oratorio is like a musical story or drama, but instead of being acted out on a stage, it's sung by a choir and soloists, accompanied by an orchestra. Tonight, we will hear one of Haydn's most famous oratorios called 'The Creation.' It tells the story of the creation of the world as described in the Bible."

"That sounds amazing, Papa!" Aveline exclaimed, her excitement growing. "I can't wait to hear the beautiful music."

As they were exchanging wholesome conversation, Ciela and Francis entered his office, both of them looking formal in dress and suit.

"It seems like everyone is ready for the opera tonight," Napoleon remarked.

"We are indeed ready, darling," Ciela said, looking elegant in her red gown.

"We'll leave in thirty minutes," Napoleon said, looking over at Francis.

Napoleon observed Francis for a moment, noticing his son's reserved demeanor.

"Francis, my boy," he began, "I see you're not as excited about the opera as the rest of us. Is something on your mind?"

Francis glanced at his father, his expression calm yet thoughtful. "Well, Father, that's because I know nothing about opera, but I'll probably enjoy it."

Napoleon chuckled, understanding his son's uncertainty. "There's no need to worry, my son. You'll definitely like it."


Thirty minutes later, outside the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon and his family boarded the opulent carriage. They were not the only ones attending the opera. Napoleon's Generals, such as Lannes, Bessieres, Murat, La Harpe, and Dumas, accompanied them, along with his little sister Caroline, who came along with Murat.

It was a convoy, escorted by cavalrymen under the command of Bessierres who will be protecting the First Consul and his family, and the Generals.

"Are we all settled?" Napoleon asked, glancing at Francis and Aveline.

They nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

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