Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 184 Making Friends

Inside the palace, Aveline and Francis gazed in awe at the opulence surrounding them. The grand halls were filled with elegantly dressed people, chatting and laughing as they held glasses of champagne.

"Wow," Aveline whispered, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Yeah," Francis replied, his voice hushed in amazement.

They stood there for a moment, taking in the sight before them. The palace was everything they had imagined it to be – a place of luxury and grandeur.

"Come on," Ciela said with a smile, leading them further into the crowd. "Monsieur Louis is going to show his daughter."

As they walked through the crowd, they soon caught sight of a young lady who stood out among the guests. Her name was Marie, the daughter of Louis de La Rochefoucauld. She was wearing a striking gown of pale pink, adorned with delicate lace and pearls that shimmered under the soft glow of the chandeliers. Her dark hair was elegantly styled with a few curls cascading down her shoulders, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity and warmth.

Marie noticed their approach and greeted them with a graceful smile. "Bonjour," she said, her voice soft and inviting.

"Bonjour," Francis replied shyly.

"Who are they, father?" Marie looked up to her father, Louis, who walked along with them.

"Marie, this lady there is the wife of the First Consul, Ciela Bonaparte," Louis introduced, gesturing to Ciela.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, and happy birthday," Ciela waved a hand and smiled warmly.

"Thank you," Marie replied, her cheeks blushing slightly at the kind words.

"And these are her children, Aveline and Francis," Louis continued, introducing Aveline and Francis to Marie.

Aveline curtsied gracefully, while Francis gave a polite nod. "Nice to meet you," Aveline said with a friendly smile.

"Likewise...hmm?" Marie tilted her head to the side as Francis extended his hand, as if wanting her to place her hand on his.

Louis leaned over and whispered to her daughter, "Francis is going to plant a kiss on your hand as a gesture of respect."

Marie nodded, understanding the gesture. She offered her hand, palm facing up. With a gentle smile, Francis leaned in and pressed a polite kiss on the back of her hand.

Marie blushed slightly, feeling a mix of surprise and flattery at the chivalrous act. She quickly composed herself and smiled back at Francis, acknowledging the gesture.

"A pleasure to meet you, Marie," Francis said, his voice politely.

Marie returned the gesture with a curtsy. "The pleasure is mine, Francis,"

As the introductions seemed complete, Francis smiled warmly at Marie. "Marie, for your special day, Aveline and I have prepared something for you," he said, nodding to his sister.

Aveline stepped forward, holding a beautifully adorned presentation box. The box was crafted from fine, embossed paper, tied with a silk ribbon that matched the color of the dress Marie had been eyeing at the boutique earlier that day.

"For you," Aveline said with a friendly smile, offering the presentation box to Marie.

Marie's eyes widened with surprise as she accepted the gift. "Oh, thank you, Aveline, Francis," she said, her cheeks blushing with delight.

"We thought you'd love it," Aveline replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Marie carefully untied the silk ribbon and opened the box, revealing the exquisite dress nestled within. It was even more stunning than she had remembered, with delicate lace and intricate embroidery adorning the bodice and skirt.

"It's absolutely beautiful," Marie exclaimed, genuinely touched by the thoughtful gift.

"We're delighted that you like it," Francis said, his smile reflecting his happiness at her reaction.

Ciela and Louis, who had been observing the wholesome scene before them, exchanged smiles. And then—

"Now that you are all acquainted, why don't you show them to your friends, Marie?" Louis interrupted, looking pleased with the introduction.

Marie nodded and turned to Aveline and Francis. "Sure, come with me. I have some friends I want you to meet," she said, leading the way through the crowd.

Aveline and Francis followed Marie as she weaved through the crowd of elegantly dressed guests. They entered a room where Marie's closest friends were gathered. The room was beautifully decorated with lavish furnishings and soft candlelight

Marie's friends, all girls around Aveline's age, turned their attention to the newcomers. They were dressed in equally stunning gowns, and their eyes lit up with curiosity as they saw Francis among them.

"Hello," one of the girls said, stepping forward with a friendly smile. "I'm Isabelle."

Another girl introduced herself as Louise, followed by Marguerite, and then Camille. They were all eager to know who Aveline and Francis were and where they came from.

Marie chuckled and said, "This is Aveline and her brother Francis. They are the children of Madame Ciela Bonaparte."

"Oh, the First Consul's wife? How marvelous!" Isabelle exclaimed, her eyes darting between Aveline and Francis. "You both look stunning! I love your dress, Aveline, and Francis, your jacket is so dashing."

Francis blushed slightly at the attention but managed a polite nod. He felt a bit out of place being the only boy in the group, but the girls were welcoming, and their compliments made him feel more at ease.

"Thank you," Aveline replied with a grateful smile. "Your gowns are all so beautiful too."

Marie led them further into the room, where they found a cozy seating area. They all settled down, and the girls continued to chat excitedly, asking Aveline and Francis about their life at the palace and what they liked to do for fun.

"I love reading books," Aveline began. "And playing musical instruments."

"Really? Impressive!" the girls exclaimed. "How about you, Francis?"

Upon asking that question, all the girls leaned forward, intrigued to hear Francis's response. Francis cleared his throat, feeling a little nervous under the girls' focused attention.

"I, um, I like reading books, but different from the ones my little sister is reading."

"What do you mean?" Isabelle asked. I think you should take a look at

"Uh, I mean, I enjoy reading books about sciences and mathematics, you know, that kind of stuff," Francis clarified. "And, well, most of my time is spent in the library."

"My brother does that all the time," Aveline added. "And he is good at math!"

"Really? That's amazing!" Isabelle praised, followed by every other girl around him.

Francis chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his head. "Thank you, it's just something I find fascinating."

"So, what kind of books do you read, Aveline? Love stories?" Camille asked Aveline, the attention quickly shifting from Francis to Aveline.

"Mostly romances, like Romeo and Juliet," Aveline answered, smiling. "But I also enjoy adventure stories and mysteries. Oh, and there's this series about a brave pirate captain that I can't get enough of!"

Camille's eyes lit up. "A pirate captain? That sounds thrilling! I'd love to borrow those books sometime."

"Sure, I'd be happy to lend them to you," Aveline replied warmly.

"I read Romeo and Juliet too," Marie chimed in, excitedly. "It's such a classic, right? The tragic love story, the feuding families, it's so romantic!"

"Absolutely," Aveline replied with a smile. "I always get so invested in their love story, even though I know how it ends."

"How about this, Aveline. Why don't we come to your palace and read and have a snack together?" Marie suggested, and everyone in the group agreed, nodding enthusiastically.

"That sounds like so much fun!" Aveline exclaimed. "I'd love to show you my favorite books and play some music together."

"But isn't Aveline and Francis' palace the Palace of Versailles?" Louise said.

"Yes, because their father is the First Consul of Paris," Marie said, nodding in agreement with Louise. "I'm sure Aveline and Francis' parents are going to agree,"

"I'll talk to my father to make it happen," Francis offered.

"You'd do that?"

All the girls' gaze landed on Francis, and he nodded with a smile. "Of course! My parents are usually open to welcoming guests, especially when it comes to making new friends. I'm sure they'll be delighted to have all of you over."

The girls cheered in excitement, thrilled at the prospect of visiting the Palace of Versailles and spending time with Aveline and Francis again.

Marguerite turned to Aveline, "Your brother is really nice. You're lucky to have him."

Aveline smiled proudly. "Yes, I am. Francis is the best brother anyone could ask for."

"I can see that," Marie added. "He's a gentleman too, with that whole hand-kissing thing. Very charming."

Aveline blushed slightly, feeling proud of her brother's chivalrous nature. "He can be a bit shy, but he's always polite and caring."

As the evening continued, the girls chatted and laughed, sharing stories and discovering common interests. Aveline and Francis were happy to have found such wonderful friends, and Marie and her friends were equally grateful for the warm welcome they received.

Ciela and Louis entered the room where they found Francis discussing mathematics with the girls seated next to him, engrossed by it.

"It seems like your son is well-liked by the ladies," Louis commented.

"I can see that," Ciela said, smiling proudly.

Aveline noticed her mother's presence and informed Francis.

"Brother…mother is here."

Francis looked up to see her mother and Monsieur Louis.

"Francis, Aveline, it's time to go," Ciela announced.

"Aww..!" The girls groaned in disappointment, not wanting the fun evening to end so soon.

"I'm sorry," Ciela said, addressing the girls with a warm smile. "But it's getting late, and we have to return home."

Marie pouted playfully. "Can't we stay a little longer?"

Louis chuckled, joining in the playful banter. "As much as I'd love to keep you all here, it's time for everyone to bid farewell."

The girls reluctantly stood up, saying their goodbyes to Aveline and Francis. They exchanged promises to meet again soon.

"We'll write to each other," Marguerite said, hugging Aveline tightly.

"Absolutely," Aveline replied, returning the hug.


Thirty minutes later, in the carriage. Ciela glanced at the two, grinning as they looked out of the window. It seemed that they enjoyed themselves.

"Francis, I saw you were surrounded by girls of your age, they must have liked you," Ciela commented.

"I think…so," Francis said softly. "Mother, is it possible for them to come over to our house?"

"Of course, Francis," Ciela replied with a smile. "I'm sure they would be more than welcome to visit our home.

Aveline leaned in excitedly, "We could show them around the palace, take them to the palace grounds, and maybe even have a small picnic."

Ciela found herself smiling again, her children interacting with children of their age. It's like one of the missions of her being a mother is accomplished. Napoleon would be pleased to hear the development.

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