Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 190 The Improvement

Late in the evening at the Palace of Versailles, Napoleon stood by the window, awaiting his wife's arrival. Five minutes later, he spotted the carriage entering the palace grounds.

As Napoleon reached the entrance, he could hear the clattering of hooves and the carriage coming to a halt outside. The door swung open, and there she was—Ciela, stepping out of the carriage with grace.

"Welcome back, my dear," Napoleon said with a warm smile, offering his hand to help her down. Ciela took his hand, and they exchanged a tender look.

"Oh my, I didn't expect you would come out of your office to greet me," Ciela said with a hint of surprise, her voice carrying affection. It was true as usually it was Ciela who would come by his office and tell him that she was back.

"Why is it illegal?" Napoleon asked.

"I didn't say anything, dummy," Ciela pouted.

"Right…how was your day my love?" Napoleon inquired as they entered the palace.

Ciela let out a tired sigh. "Always the same, overseeing the track laying in the future Gare-de-Nord station. And then visited our arms manufacturing enterprise and informed them of the possibility of mass-production of bolt-action rifles that would equip all troops in France. By the way, you still haven't modernized or reformed the military, why is that?"

"I'm more focused on stabilizing our country's domestic affairs first," Napoleon replied and continued. "Once we have a strong foundation, then we can tackle the military."

"How about legal reforms?" Ciela asked as they were walking down the hallway towards Napoleon's office.

"You mean the Napoleonic code?" Napoleon raised a brow. "Don't worry, I'll start working on it after the Austrians sign the peace treaty. I can't do everything at once, you know."

Ciela giggled as she nodded. "Right."

As they reached Napoleon's office, he opened the door for Ciela and gestured for her to enter first. She walked in, and he followed, closing the door behind them.

"You know, I always find comfort in your office. It's like a safe haven," she said, leaning against the desk.

Napoleon smiled fondly. "I'm glad you feel that way, my dear. You know I can make you feel more comfortable," he said as he approached Ciela.

"How?" Ciela asked, daring Napoleon. 

Napoleon effortlessly lifted Ciela, gently placing her on the edge of his desk. He leaned in closer, whispering, "Like this," before pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss. Ciela responded eagerly, her arms wrapping around his neck, drawing him closer.

And just as their intimate moment was about to heat up, there was a knock on the door.

"Your Excellency."

The two immediately recognized the voice—it was Beaumont.

"One moment," Napoleon said as he planted a trail of kisses down Ciela's neck before pulling away reluctantly.

Ciela giggled, trying to catch her breath. "Looks like we'll have to continue this later."

Napoleon smirked. "Definitely."

He straightened his clothes and opened the door. Beaumont stood there with a polite expression, trying to hide any embarrassment at interrupting the First Consul's private moment.

"What is it, Beaumont?" Napoleon asked, trying to sound as composed as possible.

"My apologies for the interruption, but I was reminded to inform you that when Madame Bonaparte arrives, you wanted me to call for Mademoiselle Audrey. 

Napoleon nodded, appreciating the reminder. "Thank you, Beaumont. Please go ahead and bring Mademoiselle Audrey in."

Beaumont nodded and stepped aside to usher Audrey into the room. Audrey entered with a respectful nod towards Napoleon and a warm smile for Ciela.

"Good evening, Your Excellency, Madame Bonaparte," Audrey greeted them. 

"So, you are the new caretaker huh?" Ciela mused as she scanned her up and down.  I think you should take a look at

"I will officially start tomorrow, Madame Bonaparte," Audrey replied with a composed demeanor.

Ciela nodded in acknowledgment. "Good. I hope you can handle our babies," she said, casting a playful glance at Napoleon. "They are kind of unique."

Audrey let out a chuckle. "You couldn't be more wrong, Madame Bonaparte, as I have witnessed it myself. Francis is a precocious child, and Aveline is a spirited one, but I'm confident that I can handle them just fine."

Ciela nodded. "Well, the reason why Napoleon summoned you here is that I wanted to see you in person. Now that I saw you, you may now retire for the night."

Audrey smiled warmly. "Thank you, Your Excellency, Madame Bonaparte. I appreciate the opportunity to meet you both. I will retire and prepare for my duties tomorrow."

Napoleon nodded. "Rest well, Audrey. Tomorrow is a new day, and we look forward to your service."

With a respectful bow, Audrey exited the room, leaving Napoleon and Ciela alone again.

Ciela let out a contented sigh and turned to Napoleon. "Darling, I must say, she has a striking appearance."

"So what of it?" Napoleon replied, a puzzled expression crossing his face.

"Well, I just... I don't know," Ciela stammered, trying to find the right words. "I mean, she's going to be spending a lot of time here, and she seems nice and all, but I can't help but feel a little... threatened, I guess?"

Napoleon raised an eyebrow and repeated. "Threatened? Ahh…you mean that I might fall for that woman?" he scoffed. "Why would I when I have the most beautiful woman in the world as my wife?" 

Ciela's cheeks flushed slightly. "There you go again with your words." 

Napoleon gently cupped Ciela's face in his hands, looking into her eyes with utmost sincerity. "I'm telling the truth, I believe I told you this when we were on the bed after I returned from the Middle East."

"You did," Ciela replied with a soft smile, her heart fluttering at the memory. 

"So, forget about it and resume where we left," Napoleon said softly to the point it caressed Ciela's heart, skipped a beat, and a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes. "You're right," she said playfully, wrapping her arms around Napoleon's neck. "Why waste time worrying when we can make the most of this moment?"

Napoleon grinned, leaning in to kiss her once more. 

Outside, Beaumont was standing by the door and he would hear occasional moans accompanied by a thudding sound. It seems that Napoleon and Ciela are doing what a husband and wife would do. And so, he left his post, giving them the privacy they deserved. 


A day later, Audrey began her work as the official caretaker of Francis and Aveline. Her duties were to ensure that they were well taken care of and received proper education and training befitting their status as the children of the First Consul.

In the mornings, Audrey would find Francis in the library, surrounded by books. The young boy had a voracious appetite for knowledge and would spend hours absorbed in his studies. Audrey admired his thirst for learning and would engage in discussions with him about science, mathematics, history, and various subjects that piqued his interest. She was impressed by his intelligence and maturity beyond his years.

During one of their conversations, Francis confided in Audrey, "I love spending time in the library because I believe this is the tool for me to become like my Father. Father is good at everything, from the military to science, and he was adored by the people of France."

As for Aveline, Audrey found the young girl to be a lively and talented child. She had a natural inclination towards music and would spend her afternoons in the drawing room, playing various musical instruments with ease and enthusiasm. Audrey would often sit with her, enjoying the melodic tunes.

Aveline was a quick learner, and Audrey noticed her potential. She decided to take it upon herself to teach Aveline not just music but also the proper etiquette and manners befitting a young lady of her station. Audrey believed that cultivating these qualities would help Aveline grow into a gracious and respected noblewoman.

Audrey taught Aveline about proper posture, how to carry herself in public, and the art of polite conversation. She also introduced her to the intricacies of courtly behavior, preparing her for the social expectations that lay ahead.

Aveline embraced the lessons with enthusiasm, finding joy in acquiring new skills. Audrey's guidance and encouragement helped the young girl blossom into a well-mannered and poised young lady. 


February 9th, 1801. 

Napoleon was in his office, awaiting news from Joseph Bonaparte. There was a peace treaty currently being discussed at Luneville.

"This is it," Napoleon muttered under his breath. 

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