Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 643 Timeline Break

Zoemi was riding on the back of Kaaraal, the wind dragon, continuously using the law of Virgo so that Alan's state would improve.

"Daddy, what happened?"

Kaaraal asked, so worried that she forgot to act rebellious.

"The plan didn't work. Not only my talk with the Heavenly Star Warrior was interrupted by two Heavenly Guardians who were set on killing us all but also the Heavenly Star Warrior took their side. Could you believe that? Those two blew up the cemetery and loudly spoke about how they wanted to kill him, but that guy was acting as if they were innocent children trying to pull a prank on him! The audacity!"

Zoemi explained, full of disappointment, leaning slightly to the side to look at his dragon daughter's profile.


Surprisingly, he got no answer – Kaaraal looked as if she was so stunned that she froze in place without even blinking.



It wasn't like Kaaraal was simply stunned – she literally stopped moving!

"What the hell?!"

Zoemi gasped, looking around in utter shock.

The wind wasn't blowing, clouds didn't move, and the sun seemed to only be painted on the canvas of the sky.

Something was horribly, horribly wrong with the world.

"Alan, sorry for not giving you full medical attention but..."

Zoemi apologized to the young man in his arms and released the law of Libra, cutting off his access to the law of Virgo, and instead giving his all into activating the law of Aries.

Nothing changed.

To make things more disturbing, the black-haired man spotted some monsters and martial artists in the middle of the battle down below.

Frozen in place, looking like statues in the art museum.

One of the martial artists was using the law of Sagittarius and shooting the concentrated star power at the deer-like monster that was spitting poison in retaliation.

Even so, both attacks stopped mid-air before either could reach its target.

"...time magic...? PRESENCE!"

Zoemi's eyes widened in realization and he exclaimed before standing up on the dragon's back and widely looking around in search of the silhouette of a young platinum-haired girl.

But what he found instead was...

"...I'm... sorry..."

A tall, imposing-looking woman whom Zoemi did meet before...

"Bell... Bellcephora...?! What is going on...? Wait...! What is happening to you...?!"

The black-haired man gasped in disbelief.

He was shocked to see the proxy of the presence right in the middle of the territory with no mana whatsoever, but he was far more concerned seeing the state she was in.

Even when fighting with Horeo the imposing woman never looked so miserable – it looked like something was devouring her from the inside, she was pale and skinny, with sunken cheeks and hollow eyes.

Her long hair was in the middle of turning jet-black and as she opened her mouth to speak a black-ink-like substance pured out of the corners of her lips.

"I'm... sorry... I... should... have... asked... for... help... He... he is too strong...!"

Bellcephora cried out and black liquid poured out of her eyes like some gruesome tears.

"He...?! Cherro?! No! Impossible! He is only gathering his strength trying to take over the core of the planet! He can only take over weak or wounded monsters and pollute them with...!"

For a moment Zoemi felt as if he was a young boy getting beaten half-to-death by Edung, his insides felt as if they were pierced by an icicle, and he shook his head trying to use arguments and logic to oppose the facts that were too ridiculous to be true.


But Bellcephora was unable to calm him down, not to mention too weak to try to shout over him – yet what she did was even more effective.

She merely whispered, shaking her head to the sides while clenching her own stomach.

"Cherro's actions in the land of star power were a mere diversion... he knew that you were transported here and created a plan to keep you away..."

Mustering all of her remaining strength Bellcpehora explained more and more black liquid pouted from her mouth while her hair and eyes were darkening with each seecond.

The world was frozen but the darkness would not stop taking over her...!

"He... he knows that I still hold on to a fragment of my master's power.... he wants me to use it to bring her back... But... I'd rather die and take him with me... But... this timeline will be destroyed in the process...!"

The woman took a deep breath and revealed as her eyes shone with a powerful resolution.

"Wait! It doesn't have to be this way! That's why you showed up in front of me, right? The princess from the white tower and I are working together to get rid of Cherro! We...!"

"It's too late."

Zoemi clenched his fists and called out desperately – but it was all to naught, Bellcephora showed him a sad smile and shook her head.

"I will not let that scum get his filthy hands on my master ever again... I showed up in front of you to apologize... What I'm about to do will surely mess up your plans...But... my master is more important than anyone..."

Bellcpheora added.

"That messed up toy sacrificed itself for her and now you want to sacrifice the entire world to do the same even though she abandoned you!"

Zoemi shouted in helpless anger.

"Your soul spawned out of his – I know that you understand..."

"Why are you even telling me all of that?!"

Bellcpehora smiled which caused Zoemi to howl in fury.

" master wished for you to live a fulfilling life... but because of her, me, and her protector, it was all taken away from you... That's why... I want you to... do your best to live for yourself... this time around... GHU-UGH...!"

The woman didn't stop smiling, but then a spasm of pain bent her in half and forced her to vomit a ridiculous amount of the inky-black liquid.



She added, raising her head and pleadingly smiling at the powerless black-haired man.


The decision was made – before Zoemi could finish his sentence, the reality shattered apart and one of the countless timelines was erased from existence.

Then, just as easily as the last one disappeared, a brand new one spawned into existence...

Whether by design or mistake, the memories of Zoemi from the destroyed timeline found their way into the body of his incarnation in the new one...

"The shipwreck that we hid almost ten years ago has a special artifact called Star Chart. If my son doesn't awaken to magic until he is ten, lead it to it. He must touch it and say the phrase – Keeper of the stars, Guide, away from their home, this lost child seeks your help – Understand?"


Zoemi regain his consciousness, startled awake by an urgent voice that he never heard before – but he couldn't look around to see who was speaking as his view was obstructed by a blanket.

"Lord Neramis... What are you saying?! The house of Banemor will not fall!"

Another voice responded to the first one – but unlike the first one, Zoemi recognized it even though he was much more used to hearing it in his head...

|...Ludier... Galamroze...? Wait...! Did he just say lord Neramis...?! Wasn't that my father's name...?!|

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