Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 686 238 - Knight Training (Part 12)

Zoemi returned to the Perserios territory in a record time. The thing was, he didn't go right back to the Perserios castle and instead spent some time hanging out in its closest village.

The black-haired boy wasn't hiding, not really, but whenever someone looked at him as if he recognized him, the child would simply get out of their sight.

Still, Zoemi was accompanied by the large brown wolf which wasn't nearly common enough to make him conspicuous.

The black-haired boy did have a certain plan in mind, but honestly, he did most of that out of anger.

Each day when going to rest he would put the laws of Sagittarius, Leo, and Cancer active and listen in for the new assailants coming in for him.

One day he received a secret note sent from Devios – the blue-haired boy was inquiring him about what was going on, but the Zoemi did not give him any answer whatsoever, didn't think much about it, and decided to just tell explain him everything at a better time...


Not bothering with burning the note, Zoemi simply chewed on the paper and swallowed it to get rid of the evidence about to move to his other side and rest.

Another day had passed without the group of knight trainees returning to the territory and the black-haired boy was getting kind of annoyed already.

It was the night of the new moon and Cat wasn't there with him as she was doing her own thing, hunting down the potentially dangerous monsters around the human settlement – which was both useful for the humans and served as a solo training for her.

Another day and night without contact from Miriette...

|She doesn't have to be that stubborn, I don't care if she finds something out about the whole situation or not. I just want to hear her voice...|


Zoemi breathed out cleaning his mind from the bothersome thoughts and closed his eyes.

It took him no time at all to fall into a light sleep where his mind remained cautious for the slightest sound and smell around and his body was more sensitive to vibrations than ever before.

*whooom* *clench*


That's why, half an hour later a puddle of inky-black darkness spilled under him and two pairs of arms burst forth, coiling around his neck and legs to pull him down into the spell, he was shocked but not early enough to lose his head.

Zoemi was slowly sinking into the puddle of darkness, but it was not nearly as fast as it should be for someone without a drop of mana in him.

The reason for that was of course all the spiritual energy fueling the star powers that he had already active.

Things weren't working out too well for whoever was after him, but neither of the two attackers seemed keen on giving up and leaving.

|Your loss! Law of Aries, law of Taurus!|


Zoemi thought and began standing up despite the constraint, feeling – but not hearing – the panic spreading through the arms of the darkness magician holding his neck.

Because of how the black-haired boy was standing up, the person pulling him down and strangling him was the first one to get forcibly fished out of the puddle of darkness they thought for their own territory.

Unfortunately, Zoemi was also helping them abduct him a little bit – every action had a reaction and while the boy was getting up pulling one of the darkness magicians with him, he was causing the one holding his legs to have an easier time getting him to sink.

That could not stay like that.

|Fuck it, I don't care who you people are!|


Despite being choked, the black-haired boy wheezed the name of the star power that spread outwardly from his body, encasing him in a protective sphere.

A sphere that once coming in contact with mana, would cleanse – that meaning erase – all traces of it within that area.


*thump* *thump*

As the shadow gate disappeared into the darkness, everything that was still within the spell got separated from what sticking outside.

Long and bloody story short – the magician holding onto Zoemi's legs lost their arms as they fell on the floor of the room the black-haired boy was staying in, while their more unfortunate comrade who got pulled out a bit more got bisected.


Their body took a bit longer to fall down as it was still hanging onto Zoemi for a few moments before it realized it was dead and slumped limply to the floor.

"Yeah... I imagined it would be obvious to have darkness attribute wielding assassins."

Zoemi breathed out, pressing one hand to his neck.

In their dying moments, the magician whose one-third of the body was spread next to the black-haired boy activated his darkness blade and tried to slit the child's throat.

Thankfully, the spell only nicked the skin, because otherwise, it would be over.

It would be over if the attackers used that spell from the beginning... Why didn't they do that, then...?


Zoemi furrowed his brows in concern, crouching by the body of the masked magician.

"...? And who is that supposed to be...?"

For some reason, Zoemi expected to recognize the assassin, but after removing the cloth covering their face, the black-haired boy found himself looking at some unknown man he never encountered in the previous timeline.

"Well, can't do anything now. Hope that Cat won't mind a late-night snack after she comes back."

Zoemi shrugged his shoulders sitting back down next to the mutilated corpse and closing his eyes.

"Law of Virgo."

He said aiding his body in closing the wound on his neck and healing it up.

Still, there like most mana-induced injuries, even a small wound like that would leave a scar on the body of a martial artist like Zoemi.

The night continued but wasn't exactly calm.

One other event happened to mess up the peacefulness of the resting time for most humans.

While Zoemi was keeping his eyes closed, focused on meditation, the fragment of the body of the unknown darkness magician started moving...

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