Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 685 Liegan’s Battle II

Chapter 685 Liegan’s Battle II

"...Long story short, Surrender."


Though Aldric remained silent, the man could feel the gazes of all the nearby soldiers within earshot turn towards him.

"You are soldiers obligated to defend your nation, and you have orders to do so as well. I understand that.

However, my offer is not meant to make you disobey your orders, but to prevent unnecessary deaths. A certain Hero doesn't want us killing 'too much' you see…"

The man spoke with a wry smile and hearing that last line, Governor Doulton remembered the GEE Emperor's speech where he had stated that they had the support of current generation Heroes.

'Those Heroes are all just children! What do they know about war!'

Beluar could predict the Governor's thoughts by seeing his expression and he was sure that the Governor would not be saying that when one said Heroes visited them later in the day.

'I wonder what is it that he has to discuss with His Majesty?'

"So? What say you, General Aldric?"

The Imperial General questioned the Republican General and a tense silence filled the area as all ears stretched to hear his reply.

"General Sarxina. You may speak of annexation and governmental changes, but that does nothing to change the fact that Wolfen would never surrender its sovereignty without a fight

The Republic of Wolfen will resist your invasion with every ounce of strength we possess."

Aldric's voice rang out, echoing his defiance against the Imperial General's ultimatum. His words ignited a spark of hope within the hearts of his soldiers, reaffirming their commitment to the cause despite the daunting odds.

Beluar regarded Aldric with a calm gaze, nodding in affirmation as he spoke.

"Very well, General Aldric."

The Imperial General turned around after those short words, but suddenly, a fireball was launched from amongst the Liegan Army's ranks, streaking straight towards the airborne General.

However, it never reached its mark as Beluar simply turned in its direction and a wormhole appeared in front of him, swallowing the fireball.

A similar wormhole manifested right beside the head of the soldier who launched it and his attack came out and blasted him in the head, knocking him down to the ground.

"And here I had a high opinion of your military discipline."

Beluar's disappointed words rang long after the man had teleported back to his soldiers' ranks to give them orders. His orders were crisp and decisive, echoing across the battlefield as his soldiers fell into formation with practised precision.

Immediately, a battalion of elite soldiers took to the skies on the backs of winged serpents, clad in armour and wielding powerful artifacts.

Aldric gave orders and the Liegan mages ascended to face them and the sky was soon ablaze with fire and lightning as the aerial combatants clashed with each other.

Spells flew back and forth between the flying warriors, illuminating the sky with bursts of colourful energy.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the melee fighting began after both armies charged towards one another. The Liegan soldiers clashed with the Imperial forces in a brutal and intense struggle for supremacy.

Swords clashed against shields, axes cleaved through armour, and spears found their marks with deadly precision.

General Aldric surveyed the scene with a practised eye, his mind racing as he formulated strategies to counter the enemy's advance. He knew that the key to victory lay in exploiting the terrain and coordinating his forces.

'If only we had time to set traps…'

Such a thought crossed his mind but he knew that they would not have had this leeway. A part of his mind figured that Beluar launched his attack very quickly to prevent them from having any opportunity to prepare any traps.

Aldric barked out orders to his archers and they obliged, directing their aim at the enemy's flanks and launching volleys of arrows that arced through the air at breakneck speed.

Over half of the arrows found their marks amidst the chaos of the battle, but even if their arrows were laced with explosives, it wasn't enough to fell the elite Master Level soldiers.

On Beluar's side of things, the man displayed the keen tactical mind that had earned him his General title, his orders cutting through the din of combat with efficiency.

He directed his calvary to outflank the Liegan lines while his infantry pressed forward relentlessly, driving a wedge into the enemy's defences.

As they closed in, a volley of arrows soared through the air from behind them, raining down upon the Liegan ranks like a deadly hailstorm. The defenders responded in kind, unleashing volleys of arrows and bolts from their crossbows, their aim true and deadly.

The ground shook beneath the thundering hooves of charging cavalry, while mages on both sides unleashed torrents of fire and lightning, illuminating the sky with bursts of magical energy.

The battle raged on, the sound of steel upon steel drowning out all other noise. The fallowing farmlands had now been painted red with the blood of the fallen as the defenders fought desperately to hold their ground.

But the soldiers under a division of one of the GEE's strongest Generals was not one to fall easily.

Despite their valiant efforts and superior numbers, the defenders of Liegan soon found themselves overwhelmed by the enemy's greater overall strength and superior tactics.

Beluar's strategic brilliance and elite soldiers proved to be more than a match for Liegan's soldiers and one by one, their lines began to falter under the relentless charges.

As the battle wore on, Major General Aldric realized that victory was slipping from his grasp. He barked out commands, trying desperately to rally his men, but it was no use. The Imperial forces pressed their advantage, driving the Liegan troops back with relentless force.

Swords clashed, arrows flew, and spells crackled through the air as the two sides clashed in a chaotic melee whose scales were tipping very quickly.

Eventually, Aldric could not hold it anymore and drew his sword, filling it with his aura as he charged into the battlefield. His actions raised the dwindling morale, but there was no way that Beluar would let Aldric run free on the battlefield.

The man hadn't gotten too far on his horse when he sensed danger and quickly jumped up, barely in time to avoid the invisible slash that severed the horse's legs.

A second slash came down and the warhorse was easily split into two halves. A level 200 beast, dead in a mere two strikes.

Looking up, he saw the figure of the floating Beluar who had his hands crossed behind his back as always.

"Let me see the might of an Imperial General."

Aldric could tell that he and Beluar were intermediate grandmasters; even if the latter was a nonstandard, he refused to believe the gap between them was that much.

He kicked off the ground and charged into the sky, unleashing a devastating slash that parted the clouds but Beluar teleported to avoid it, before appearing behind him and swinging his hand down.


Aldric reflexively turned back and coated his sword with aura, raising it in front of his chest to block the mass of spatial magic that cleaved the space and collided with his blade.

The force behind it knocked him down to the ground and before he could even get back to his feet, two more slashes landed on his sword, shattering the blade to pieces.

He jumped to the side to avoid the next spatial slash but a wormhole appeared mid-air and he fell right into it. Beluar then generated another wormhole high above the clouds, which vomited the General's body.

By the time Aldric's brain could reorient itself in response to the sudden changes, Beluar had already finished casting his spell.

A dozen bolts of compressed spatial magic power crashed into Aldric's back, ignoring his defences and causing his blood to splatter.

He turned around and launched a lightning magic spell but Beluar carved out the space the lightning magic occupied before using spatial pressure on Aldric.

Aldric plummeted earthward with a resounding boom, his impact carving out a deep crater in the ground below. Immediately, Beluar teleported right in front of him and held out his hand coated in spatial magic to the General's neck.

"Move, and your head rolls."


General Aldric's defeat caused the morale of the Liegan troops to plummet down to the negatives, and the Imperial Soldiers charged forward with even more ferocity.

Seeing this, Governor Doulton knew that defeat was inevitable. With a heavy heart, he ordered a retreat, knowing that they could not hold out against the might of the Imperial army any longer.

As the Liegan troops fell back beyond their borders, the Imperial forces advanced, their victory assured.

Beluar surveyed the field with satisfaction, his eyes cold and calculating.

'Hopefully, this sends a message to the rest of them…'

Capturing 6 states in one day? The leaders of Wolfen would see the message even if they were blind!

Back in Liegan, Governor Doulton reluctantly raised the white flag of surrender, signalling the state's capitulation to the victorious Imperial army.

Aldric was also forced to order his troops to lay down their arms and surrender. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but he knew that further resistance would only lead to more bloodshed.

And so, with heads held low and hearts heavy with defeat, the defenders of Liegan surrendered to the might of the Imperial army.

Beluar got to work very quickly, summoning his Brigadier Generals and having them begin to establish dominance over the state.

There were other smaller Military bases scattered all over and they hadn't truly captured Liegan until they had all been subjugated.

Even the Southern Garrison had around 5000 soldiers left behind to defend in case of a pincer on the state and so they needed to subdue those as well, in case the Commanding officers there refused to heed Governor Doulton's orders.

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