Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 68: Impact

Chapter 68: Impact

Razel: No one dares to make fun of my harem.

Rudel: Making a girl cry is unforgivable!

Ixion: Says the man who always makes them cry...

It was evening and an engagement party was being held in one of the great halls reserved only for the imperial family.

"It is a great honor for me to officially announce the engagement between Larry the 77th prince and Cleo, the youngest daughter of the Beinz family."

"Give them a big round of applause for this beautiful couple."

Everyone present was divided into relatives of the bride and relatives of the imperial family, meaning princes and princesses.

The total number of guests was more than 500, where 300 of them were the total number of sons and daughters of the emperor.

From the youngest prince and the princess with the lowest status among their brothers and sisters.

This was a mandatory event in which they had to attend.

One of the guests was Blake, who by order of rank in the line of succession they were to go and greet the couple.

"Congratulations Larry, I'm sure you will have a good future."

"Thank you very much Blake nii-sama."

"You too Cleo, welcome to the imperial family."

"Your words are appreciated, Blake nii-sama."

It was a formality the greeting, so only the individuals recognized whether it was false or true their honest wishes.

When Blake finished greeting, a person behind him called out to him.

"Blake nii-sama, please wait a moment."

That person was Cid, who quickly finished his greetings.

"What do you want from me, Cid?"

Blake was looking at Cid in a threatening manner, but that was normally how his gaze was, so Cid could recognize whether or not it was hostile.

"Brother please desist from your statement against the Rosenbergs."

Blake didn't even close his eyes or sigh because of the request he had predicted.


"Brother please! Razel and Elize are my friends, I've known them since the beginning of school and I know they're not bad people."

"You know what happened to their family from years ago and I'm sure you researched Razel's family background, none of them plan anything bad against the empire or you."

"Cid... there's no turning back."

"But brother!"

"Cid, the evidence is on our side. The Rosenbergs have not only raised their hand against the imperial family by attacking me. They have shown hints of rebellion."

"But brother!"

"No buts, this discussion is over."

Blake walked out of the room so as not to be disturbed.

Watching his brother leave, and helpless, Cid squeezed hard and cursed his situation.

"If I had better social skills, maybe I could convince him..."

"Even if you did, you wouldn't have accomplished anything, Blake will always be willful and stubborn in front of others."

Cid turned to see who told him that, he was surprised to see who it was.

"I am surprised that you would say that, Regulux."

Prince Regulux finished greeting his brother.

The other princes and princesses went to greet then for the bride's family to come.

Regulux and Cid went to sit at a nearby table.

"You tried to convince Blake? Precisely you?"

"Why do you say that like it's the weirdest thing in the world, huh?"

"Because it's weird that after what you did months ago you're now coming to the defense of the Rosenbergs.

Regulux's mouth twisted into a knot.

(That was since I was an idiot back then. I'm really sorry for ruining everything.)

"I was a fool back then, I'm sorry for what I did."

Cid looked a little doubtfully at his brother, but then said.

"I was a little doubtful about Razel and Elize's kindness too, but then I understood that I was very distrustful."

"Let's say I believe you for now, can't you think of anything?"

"Sorry, but no, I told Sirius if he can convince him, but he's out chatting with the others so we can only wait."

Cid remembered something, he didn't want to tell Regulux, but seeing that he showed remorse for his actions he told him.

"Hey, I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but I'll tell you."

"Livie's been looking for you ever since she found out you came."

Regulux's worried expression slowly faded to one of panic and cold sweat.

"L-L-Livie you say?!"

"She's here!!?"

Regulux stood up as he looked from side to side.

"I must run away before she kills me dues Elize!"

"Do it!"

Regulux ran out of the place.

On one of the balconies of the palace, the party was still going on, Blake was with his arms resting on a railing.

He was looking up at the moon in the starry sky.

He enjoyed that as it was all he could do on the day his mother became seriously ill.

The former Empress Annabel was a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, Blake inherited those features.

As a child, both, he and his older brother spent time playing with her in the palace garden.

His greatest childhood memory had to do with his mother.

While Sirius caught bugs, Blake rested on his mother's lap.

His mother always told him the same thing.

"You are a very aware child for a very little boy, I'm sure you will do great things one day. I hope you can support your big brother."

"Yes! I'll show you that I'll help Sirius nii-sama improve the country! Okaa-sama will be proud of us!"

His mother smiled at him despite coughing.

One day, she simply fell into bed, and after a while, the same way. The empress passed away.

It devastated Blake so much that he realized her died because she was weak-bodied.

(If my mother's body was strong. She would still be alive, but she was not.)

(That's why I understood that day that weakness is an enemy. If I had the same kind of body, I would have died because even the best healers in the empire could not heal her.)

(Throughout my education in the palace I was able to learn what the reality of society and managing a country is like. That is why I am sure that someone as kind and clueless as my older brother is not worthy of being emperor.)

Being so focused he couldn't hear someone's footsteps.

"Nice night isn't it, Blake-kun."

"Sirius nii-sama..."

Blake's sharp gaze was directed at a very handsome young man, his long blond hair reached to his hips and his red eyes gave him a friendly feeling.

Crown Prince Sirius came to visit him.

He walked over and rested his back against the railing.

"It's nice to have quiet in this place."

"Says the one who takes naps all day."

"Hahaha, it's just that it's really nice to take breaks, you should take one."

"No thanks, I'm working hard for my future."

"Blake-kun is a very straightforward guy."

"I am. I'll be the next emperor."

"You have a chance, I'll give you that, but..."

Sirius turned his kind eyes to Blake, what he said was his kind way too.

"I'll be one too. It's the only way I'll be able to protect my family. You're my precious little brother."


"I'm not a child anymore. Besides, you worry me more than anyone else. I still remember how you used to pee yourself when there were storms."

"And I remember the way you'd break into the kitchen to steal cookies, the cooks would just ignore you so your invisible cloak game would be real."

Blake blushed at that memory of his childhood.

"Don't remind me of that please."

"But it's a pleasant memory for me. Since it's been a long time since Blake-kun stopped smiling for real."

Blake looked sadly at the lights of the capital. The sound of cars and buildings being built could be heard.

"I will smile again the day I end the weakness of this country, no matter who my enemy is, I will achieve my goal to show our mother that she was right to believe in me. I do not intend to fail her."

"Does destroying the Rosenberg Duchy have to do with that dream as well?"

"... All those who are my enemies must be destroyed, so I hope you never will be. I wouldn't want to harm my own blood."

Blake said that and left inside the party.

Sirius looked at him in a sad way as he replied to Blake who left...

"Mom doesn't want you to suffer Blake. She wants you to smile like you used to, she asked me to take care of you before she died for a reason."

And just like that, the night was over.

A few days later came the official declaration of war between the Rosenberg duchy and the second prince.

"Hey, did you hear the news?"

"About the duchy, right?"

At a bar in Rosenberg territory, some men were drinking uneasily.

"Yes. I heard that today the duchess and her family members would go to the palace to have the press conference about the date of the battle."

"It's true! Aren't you an official of the duchess?"

"I am. That's why I'm scared, today will be a scary affair."

The man sipped his drink and then slammed it hard on the table.

"Damn it, why is this happening?"

"Can't you quit?"

"I'm afraid not. From the moment the declaration of war was made, no one belonging to the duchy, whether part of their faction or vassal working for them can leave."


"It is considered betrayal from the side of the one declaring war, abandoning your faction is a crime of possible conspirators. If you try to get fired it's even worse."

"I really fear for us. Fighting against the second prince is the same as being an enemy of the palace."

The bar had a very disturbing air of concern.

"Today we are meeting to give the date when the war game between Rosenberg Household and His Highness Prince Blake will take place."

A large hall similar to the conferences of boxing matches was the place where the meeting was held to decide the date.

On one side we, Barbara, Eli and I were at the table.

The expression on Barbara's face was identical to that of a noh mask. I could see her sinister aura and horns sticking out of her head.

While on the other end of the table were two figures, one of them was Prince Blake who had a serious look on his face and next to him was someone I had to kill sooner or later, but I left it for later.

That mistake was serious indeed.

It was Minister Olgren and from what that guy told me months ago, he was someone important in the Black Crows.

(This is why the black crows are a pain in the ass. I'd like to know who they all are so I can kill them all on the same day and avoid these problems).

I sighed as they said more things about the battle.

Like that the location would be a place called Tola Mountains, a place located in an area with no noble's territory and has become a mana zone.

Another detail is that the objective of the "game" is to take down the flagship which will have the representative of both sides.

That means that everything will end when one of the two is conquered or knocked down.

So far it is just like the game, which is horrible.

Eli informed me that the presenter finished speaking, now will come the press conference.

Different newspaper reporters and the Empire's only newscast came to ask questions.

"Is this really a final decision!"

"Why would the Rosenberg Duchy mess with the imperial family?"

"Isn't this betrayal on your side, Duchess?"

Barbara didn't say anything, she just stared straight ahead with that demonic mask.

Eli was the one answering each question.

"Yes, it is a final decision."

"We didn't do anything wrong, in fact, we even protested since it was wrong, but in the end it turned out that way."

"We are not traitors, Rosenberg Household is a duchy that is part of the empire, we gain nothing by attacking the imperial family."

"Or so they want us to believe."

Suddenly someone spoke, that comment made everyone in the room go silent, Eli who was with a serious face, showed her displeasure at the statement of that little man who laughed in a weird way.

"Gorororo, I'm so sorry. I accidentally let that comment slip out, I beg your forgiveness."

That man with the face of a sly fox was Olgren. The one I'm sure must be responsible for this.

"If what you say is true, retract it in front of everyone."

Olgren smiled like any blood-sucking businessman.

"I did, I recanted. Didn't you hear me?"

"That wasn't an apology! You're making fun of us minister!"

"I'm sorry to tell you that you're wrong miss. I'm not making fun, I just blurted out a comment I thought and I took it back. No need to make a fuss about it."

"The way you say it is as if you are despising me! I am the daughter of the Duchess and I deserve respect as such!"

"No one is despise you miss, I'm just saying that your conduct is exaggerated."

"You're the one who provoked me in the first place! If I'm really sorry, then stop talking!"

"I'm only responding to your offensive remarks that you blurt out towards me."

"Then stop insisting on wanting to make me look bad!"

"You saying so is a bit embarrassing even for me, gororo."

I couldn't take this anymore, so I stood up.

Not only me, the prince stood up too.

I moved a little closer and stood in front of him.

He was taller than me, and scary, he reminded me of those boys who bullied me when I was entering school and took me to the bathroom to choke me.

But this time it's different. I'm the one who will watch from above even if he's taller than me.

"Let's end this now, I want to leave."

"Same here."

"As you heard, the battle will be in a week's time, get ready because it's impossible for you to win against the imperial family."

When I heard that superiority comment, a sinister laugh appeared on my ugly face, I'm sure it must be a very nasty smile.

"Lose? Us? Aren't you jumping to conclusions?"

Razel approached Blake and placed his finger on his chest.

In a threatening manner, Razel stated something that left everyone gasping.

"Rosenberg Household will win, and as a prize, we will take everything you own, not only your property, also your faction."

Blake felt a slight displeasure at that tone, then became angrier when Razel said...

"If we lose, only if we lose, not only will Rosenberg Household and its territory be yours, I will kill myself for offending a spoiled little prince."

"... You're a haughty brat, aren't you?"

"At least I'm not an idiot who is manipulated by that bald guy, by the way..."

Razel declared in front of everyone present that the prince was a puppet, but the next thing he did was just as worse.

He grabbed the glass of water that was on Olgren's side and then poured it on his head.

"I'm sorry, but this is intentional."

"So you can learn not to want to make fun of my girl"

Razel flashed a slight smile, which had a hidden message.

"Only crows should be the only vermin targeting beautiful girls, not weird, bald old men."

Olgren's eyes widened like plates, and he muttered as several veins bulged on his forehead.

"You fucking brat! Did you!?"

Razel turned around and grabbed Eli and Barbara's hand to get the hell out of there.

Glenn was behind them.

Blake's face was one of irritation while Olgren's was red as hell.

(... Does that little bastard even know it?)

(No. He can't. If so he should be part of us and in an important position, there's no way he knows... unless...)

"Well, have you thought about what you did?"

"Yes. I apologize."

When we left the conference, Eli didn't say anything, but when we got home.

"Razel you're stupiiiiiiiiiiiiid!"

He punched me hard like those comedy animes where you go flying.

Which happened and I crashed into the wall.

"Do you know what you did!!!?"

"You were definitely cool and awesome how you stood up for me and declared in front of everyone that you would defeat them, but it was still very stupid and manly, but stupid!"

"You make me fall more in love with you, but you were so stupiiiiiiiiiiid!"

Eli was upset about what I did.

To all this, even I was surprised.

I never thought in my life to do that, but I did it now. Won't this be a thing of what Astraea did to me?

I feel like I could rule the world if I told Amy, my lover, the former witch of calamity, to take over the palace.

An epic fight between Amy and the sword saints would happen, but I don't want to. That's being a traitor.

I rethought what I said as they put restraining spells on my body.

"I'm sorry."

"There's no use being sorry."

"I'm really sorry."

"... Just because you make that face, doesn't mean I forgive you. Hmph!"

Eli started behaving like a spoiled rich girl, or a tsundere.

She placed her arms under her large breasts and puffed out her cheeks as she looked away.

I apologized more and more and she turned away.

She kept saying "Hmph." Every time I asked for forgiveness.

I used my secret weapon.

"I guess I'll go sleep at my parents' house since I messed up."


Eli quickly turned around and grabbed my hand.

"I-It's not like you made me feel guilty for what you said. I-I just think you're overreacting, you deserved punishment and you got it."

"Yeah, I learned my lesson, I'm sorry."

"Good, now let's go eat and get some rest so tomorrow we can start getting everything ready."

(Eli I'm sorry, but you get swayed by your emotions, still, you're very cute.)

With that thought, I went to shower and then eat.

At Olgren's mansion, he was sitting in his armchair in his sitting room while drinking a glass of aged wine.

It was a very expensive and old wine, a collector's rarity, but that didn't matter now.

Olgren picked it up and threw it against the floor.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"That fucking braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!"

The veins in his forehead seemed to want to burst.

"Not only did he dare to humiliate me, he also confessed to me that he knew I manipulated the idiot prince and furthermore that I'm part of the crows!"

Olgren's teeth gnashed loudly and began to bleed due to his anger.

"If the leader ever finds out that someone discovered my identity, he'll kill me without even explaining anything!"

"I don't know how he found out, but this is not good. No, wait a minute."

Olgren stopped being angry and then thought of something.

"Come to think of it, wasn't it that boy who first reported Licht?"

"He was also the one who described him, and how he dressed."

Sweat beaded on Olgren's forehead.

"If I'm not mistaken, he and the third prince fought that huge monster we brought in years ago but he was asleep and we could never use magic to brainwash it."

Apparently it was Olgren who was responsible for bringing Xerxes from the demon continent to the empire. This was never revealed to be part of the event.

"Also, the day we attacked the academy it was Licht who was there, there was no way he knew that since we thought of it at the last minute."

"He was also present in the lawless city with the third prince..."

Sweat dripped more and more from his forehead.

"... The Lautreamont war had a winner which we never foresaw, where that boy defeated a dark knight..."

Olgren stood up.

"No kidding!"

And he revealed something very important.

"That kid!"

Which was wrong.

"Does he know who Licht is!?"

"Everything involving him has to do with him! There's no other solution, he knows Licht!"

Olgren was wrong, if he had thought it through better, he would have deduced that Razel was Licht.

"... That explains that confidence, he plans to tell Licht about us so he'll come kill us, the bastard is very cunning."

"I should inform the leader, but he said not to call him unless it's to tell him the Rosenbergs' heads are cut off."

Olgren bit his thumb as he paced in circles in his break room.

"I must eliminate him before he tells Litch to assassinate us. Yes, I must be the one to move the chips."

"Gorororo, you won't get away with this you snotty little shit."

"Making a mockery of me, the last right hand of the leader of the black crows will cost you dearly."

"Gororo! Gororo!"

Olgren laughed like a madman as he looked at the sky, then went to the phone to make a call.

On that night, a call was made with only one goal.

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