Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 79: Ruins

Chapter 79: Ruins


We were barely two hours into our journey, we were hungry so we ordered something to eat.

We chatted about things at the academy, among it came up a curiosity about beastmen that Evelyn told.

Apparently beastmen can relate in a physical way with humans, that is to say have hybrid children.

Just because they are a demi-human does not make them a kind of mutant human.

Leila comes from a clan where everyone except her is dead. The reason she has no sexual desire or urge to reproduce is due to two reasons.

The first is that she needs to be in her mating season, which makes her look like a dog. But she doesn't have one yet because of the second reason.

She hasn't matured enough, her mind is still that of a child or maybe she's too stupid to think about it, is what Evelyn was saying.

Looking at Yukihime, I've already done it with her, but she didn't need to be in mating season to do it. You mean she has more human DNA than mystic fox ones?

I say this because Yukihime told me that she comes from a lineage that is supposed to no longer exist, apparently her ancestors could become big foxes under the moonlight.

She can't since she doesn't seem to feel that need. Which implies that her genes are mixed with others.

Or so I think, I am very curious to see her become a giant nine-tailed fox. She would certainly make a powerful ally.

"Here's your food."

"I appreciate it."

In the next wagon they seem to have ordered luxurious food.

Over ten carts of food come out. Where the hell is the kitchen? And how the hell do they eat so much?

Looking at Christina, did those huge breasts grow from eating so much?

Since Lily eats so much too, should I see if she can grow her cleavage that size?

While eating my chicken burger, a certain curiosity came to my mind as I looked at Christina's face.

Doesn't she look a lot like Amy?

They almost look like sisters.

Elves must all be similar or related perhaps.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of the imperial capital were two people making an unexpected excursion.

One of them was a young, handsome boy with a face like cool personality just like his blue-green eyes. His silky ash-gray hair reached to his shoulders with a braid tied behind his ears.

He was one of the capture targets of this otome game. The candidate of choice to be the next sword saint, Lambert von Attley.

"I'm surprised you decided to join me. Thank you very much."

"There's nothing to thank. After all, what you said that night wasn't something to avoid not hearing."

"Still, thank you very much."

Beside him stood a beautiful older woman, her age hovering around 24th. The color of her hair was silver like the moon, reaching to her hips and a braid down the middle. Her eyes were a beautiful blue-green, but her cold, serious expression made her seem like a difficult woman to approach.

She was his aunt, Clarice von Attley.

Two days ago, at the classic Attley family dinner.

Clarice after finishing dinner said.

"Tomorrow I will go to the newly discovered ruins just outside the capital. I'll be back before school starts."

Her older brother, Bernard the head of the house, always treated Clarice like a child as did his father. They didn't want anything to happen to her, for the simple fact that she was a woman.

"Don't talk nonsense Clarice!"

"I heard that all the investigators are gathered now looking for that vermin Olgren who murdered the second prince. You think I'll let you go alone? You don't even know how to use a sword!"

She was annoyed.

"Nii-sama. I'm a grown woman, I'm of age and you're under no obligation to order me around like father did."

"I worry about you because I'm your older brother. What if there are monsters in that place? Haven't you ever thought about what would happen if you got trapped inside?"

As rude as it sounded, her older brother was right.

Clarice herself knew it, but her desire was to investigate those newly discovered ruins.

It was her duty as a former member of the Ministry of Magic to make sure that whatever was inside would not be risky or harmful to the capital.

Her sister-in-law said to her.

"Clarice-san, can't you take knights with you?"

"I'm very sorry sister-in-law. But I can't. Everyone is busy now."

Her sister-in-law put her hand to her cheek, she said to her husband.

"Darling, you know she is foolish like you, what shall we do?"

He annoyed said.

"Obviously I won't allow it. I won't risk my sister's life for her hobby."

"I'll go. I have nothing to do."

The eyes of all the relatives at the table focused on someone who normally doesn't speak. Even the servants were surprised by that fact.

It was Lambert who said it while wiping his mouth.

"It was delicious."

"Lambert, what did you say?"

"As you heard father. If no one can accompany Aunt Clarice, in that case I will go."

"I am certified for it. I am recognized by the palace as a knight and have even been in a dungeon before."

Clarice in surprise said to her nephew.

"B-But Lambert. Dungeons are different from ruins."

"Dungeons are nests of monsters where there are magic stones and lost items. While ruins are historical places that hold who knows what inside."

"They even say there may be weapons from ancient civilizations inside or even a virus that could annihilate mankind."

"Auntie, you make your situation with my father worse. You should shut your mouth."

Clarice didn't realize her nephew was helping her, in fact, no one did since Lambert usually ignores people.

In the end, the head of the house gave them a time limit of five days. If they did not return by that date or an hour ahead of schedule, he would go inside with the knights of the territory.

Both, she and he were dressed in custom-made clothes, the cloth is woven with spider queen web, which generates resistance to attacks with poison, fire, sharp objects and even reduces damage by 5%.

After leaving the imperial capital they headed to a forest area where there is no noble in charge, it is a specialized area for hunting monsters and gathering herbs for adventurers.

About three kilometers away, two weeks ago some adventurers found a strange twisted tree, there should not be anything strange about it, the strange thing was when entering through the ground, they found a passage that led to a strange metal door.

They immediately informed the capital and some court magicians went to investigate.

They came to the conclusion that they were ruins.

In the game, ruins were events where they could gather experience in large quantities due to fighting strange lizard-like monsters.

It was detailed in their description that they were bases of lizard people, but they never delved deeper than that.

But what they were seeing was clearly not something a fantasy game should have.

Covered by roots, moss and insects... lay a research laboratory of an ancient humankind.

According to Astraea the first humans came from the stars and she years later destroyed that civilization.

This is probably the remains that were left behind.

Clarice shone a light on the place as she was fascinated.

"It's amazing, this place."

"No matter where I look, it's all something I've never seen before in my life."

Lambert left his aunt for a moment and went to touch the wall out of curiosity.

(It's cold, but at the same time it doesn't freeze me. It's like touching a sword.)

(Besides, everything in this place is something I've never seen before.)

He kept touching things carefully.

(There are certain items that are similar to what I've seen in alchemy class, but these are definitely different.)

His hands were now touching a keyboard of a huge computer. It had a hole in the monitor.

(What could this thing be?)

Clarice on the other hand was fascinated by a strange giant tube she found.

They were covered in dust, she used her hand to wipe the dust off one of the containers and when she shined a light on it she let out a big scream.


It was a scream too adorable to be of an older woman.

"What's wrong"

Lambert was speechless as he saw what was reflected in that giant tube.

It was a huge cocoon which had the head of a human being inside.

Clarice covered her mouth in horror.

Lambert used the flashlight and began to clean the other tubes.

"D-Don't joke..."

In each of those huge cylinders filled with a strange glowing green liquid similar to a nuclear glow, were various mutant life forms.

A human being in the shape of a fish.

A human being in the shape of seaweed.

A human being with horns, claws and the underside of a horse.

"W-what are these things?"

To top it off, here was the same monster from the game, a lizard, but this lizard had a human face.

Clarice was terrified. Lambert took her hand and they kept walking.

They didn't know how much time had passed, but they were hungry and a little sleepy.

Clarice said she would sleep a little to stand guard later, but Lambert told her no, to rest.

They built a fire after making sure there was nothing that could generate an explosion.

"Thank you."

"There's nothing to thank, it's normal for me to do so since you're my aunt."

"No, thank you for that day."

Clarice smiled at him in a very warm, motherly way.

"I was surprised that you stood up for me."

"I feel like you've opened up more to people, I'm so glad you've changed. You used to be cold and didn't care about anything other than His Highness Regulux."

Lambert looked at her as he threw more notebooks with notes into the campfire.

"There's nothing to be thankful for. I just thought it would be annoying to have nothing to do. His Highness and the others are busy."

Lambert remembered what the other capture targets were doing.

Starting with the goofiest of them all, Jake said "I'll use this time to give modifications to my super-secret weapon".

The most idiotic and muscular of them all, Bellange exclaimed "I didn't do anything during what happened in the War Game. I'll train hard to make up for lost time!".

The female-faced magic expert, Oscar added "I wasn't much help during the fight on board. That's why I'll use this time off to practice my magic".

And finally, the main capture target, Regulux added "Sorry Lambert, I have the flu, I stayed up too late and now I caught a cold, I'll be in bed for a long time."

If Razel had heard that, no doubt he would have said "What a useless prince you are".

But, even so, Lambert thought only of himself.

"I want to better myself. I don't want to lose again."

Clarice saw a fire of determination in his eyes, she smiled and said to him.

"Ufufu. Who did you lose against to be this determined?"

"It was against Razel Bartlet, the future Duke of Rosenberg Household."

Clarice's smile erased and her expression turned serious, she was a bit shocked.

"... Huh? R-Razel... you say?"

"That's right. That's the man who beat me up on the day of the duel. After that I saw him in the lawless city fighting someone who generated tremors, even on the day of the school festival I could see a monstrous shadow on him."

"He is not someone normal. I thought he was just a background character because he doesn't give the feeling of standing out, but now I know he pretends to be one."

"That guy certainly hides his powers. I can say without exaggeration that what Bellange told about him defeating those shadows sent by Olgren is undoubtedly real."

"Even the current sword saints I don't have a lock on them like I have on him."

"If I want to one day ask him for revenge to regain the confidence in my abilities that I lost, I must be stronger than him."

"... Aunt? What's wrong with you, is your face red?"

Clarice hearing Razel's name made her blush as she remembered the obscene things she has done.

She was a well-groomed woman with her chastity intact but her mouth and eyes have been contaminated in such a way that she generated a desire for male contact.

Even her plain underwear has been changed into the clothes of a grown woman who is not afraid to expose herself.

In the evenings, from time to time, she likes to touch a certain place while remembering what she did with her mouth.

The verbal, auditory and visual stimulation of what she saw that day only generated a desire in her that will not be quenched.

Clarice wanted no, craved to have sex.

And the man she most wanted to do it with was Razel.

She didn't want to remember that, so she said to Lambert.

"G-G-Good night!"

She covered herself and turned around.

Lambert looked at her and didn't think anything of it.

The only thing he did give his full attention to was a strange drawing.

He couldn't read the written language, but the signs and shapes that it was dangerous were obvious.

It was in the shape of a strange worm, looking amorphous, with small, long arms that twisted all the way to the ground.

With a mouth tilted to one side, with many spiny membranes around it.

Despite not knowing what it was saying, Lambert could see that it meant fear.

If he could read what it said, there, they would have run away instantly, and the text translated into their language read.

"Danger imminent."

"Destroy at all costs."

"Escaped from secret facility and is extremely dangerous."

So they didn't need to be alert.

The next morning, they resumed their journey.

Of course, Lambert had to rest, Clarice told him to do so.

Seeing her nephew sleeping peacefully, she used that opportunity to touch a bean.

She couldn't hold it in.

(I want to get this over with now.)

Clarice deep down, she had already fallen for Razel, it was only a matter of time before she exploded.

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