Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Short Story: Mother’s Day: Little Barbara

Short Story: Mother’s Day: Little Barbara

In a small feast hall of a certain mansion, a little girl was attracting more attention than any other young lady.

It was a debut party for the young children of many noble houses.

In the center of a group of adults, a beautiful little girl with blonde hair and bright red eyes was singing a melody that only in operas could they hear.

The adults murmured to each other in a low tone so as not to interrupt.

"Her voice is beautiful."

"Even the best singers can't make a singing tone as pure as she does."

"It's really touching."

The little girl finished singing. The adults clapped their hands in glee.

Everyone was moved, the only ones who were not were the group of children who watched as their parents praised the girl.

"Look at her, she thinks she's the big deal just because those old men praise her."

"Who does she think she is? She must be from a very stuck-up poor family."

"I bet she's just looking for attention."

Those hurtful voices were aimed at that little girl.

Her name was Barbara, the youngest daughter in the Fitzenhagen family.

When she got home, Barbara ran to her mother.

"Mother, I did spectacular. Like you said, I wowed everyone in the room."

A woman with blonde hair and red eyes, but a wrinkled face saw her.

"So? Why did you come to tell me? It's normal for me to go out like that."

"Or are you saying it wasn't going to turn out that way?"

Barbara looked down the moment she noticed she was seeing her mother's face.

"No. It turned out fine, I just wanted to tell you."

"That's irrelevant. Go take a bath and then go study."

"Yes. Good night mother."

Barbara left the room, but not before sending a sad look into her eyes.

After bathing, she began to study.

"I'm sorry mother. I'll be a bad girl today."

Or so she led the maid who was taking care of her to believe.

Barbara had long ago bought a book, her maid did, since no one checked the contents of the book she was able to go unnoticed.

That book was a romantic fantasy book.

It was about a princess with the same color hair and eyes as her.

Barbara's smile grew as she read that book.

Before she knew it she let out a big "Kyah!" of joy. The maid noticed her, but thought it was a cry of frustration.

"I love it when Prince Oslow rescues Princess Hilde after defeating the hideous witch holding her prisoner."

Shuffling her feet rhythmically due to her cheek-to-cheek smile, she said.

"I wish I had someone like that."

"I'll be going to meet young Alvin of the Rosenberg Household in a little while, I wonder what he'll be like? I'm very excited."

The years had passed.

Now Barbara was a whole woman and she also became a mother.

In her arms she held the fruit of her love from her husband. It was her newborn daughter, Elize.

Barbara was crying at the sight of little baby Elize.

She touched her cheeks as she said to her.

"Mommy will always be there for you."

"Mommy will always be your ally remember that."

"I want you to be happier than anyone else. My little Elize... Eli."

A mother was born that day, she has her own story to tell to explain why she wanted to be a mother so badly, but that will be for another time.

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