Reincarnated in the Astral World

Chapter 134: Just a Dealer

The musical notes flow through the air, lively and dancing alongside Eliza's musicians; the hall is buzzing with nobles eating, drinking, and chatting. It might seem like an innocuous gala to anyone, but the exchanged glances among the nobles reveal all kinds of intentions, especially the looks directed at Eliza and the mysterious woman beside her.

Most of the nobles try to disguise their curious glances while whispering questions and making spiteful comments, but Arthur holds no opinion of the woman beyond pure curiosity and looks at her directly without any intention of hiding it.

The woman acts like a typical noble, holding a large fan, which she uses to partially cover her face while her sharp eyes analyze the nobles in the hall, just as they scrutinize her. There's a lot of disdain in her gaze, but it doesn't seem like the usual false sense of superiority nobles display; it's something that makes her certain she is extremely different from everyone there.

Then, something different flashes in her blue eyes: surprise. It happens when her eyes meet Arthur's from across the hall.

His vision is enhanced due to cultivation and the Astral Resonance with his girls, but he still can't see as well as that woman, who seems to see through his body and soul.

For a second, the woman lowers her high and arrogant posture; only curiosity remains, making her no different from the others who are curious about herself.

Arthur can see that the woman is interested in him, which makes his lips curve slightly in a subtle and proud smile. It's good to know the interest is mutual, but since he knows nothing about the mysterious woman, he has to be extra cautious.

Well, that's what his rational side thinks, begging him to look away, but… 'Why does she seem so… there's something in her eyes, something very similar…' He thinks, not about the light blue color they share, but about a dark and sad gleam, deeply rooted in both.

The woman seems to think the same since that gleam grows stronger in her eyes while everything around seems to lose importance. The music and the nobles' chatter grow fainter until she feels a light touch on her shoulder.

"Huh?" She looks to the side and sees Eliza staring at her with an inquisitive expression.

"Madam Renard?" Eliza asks in a calm tone.

The woman ignores Eliza and looks back toward Arthur, but he is no longer there, camouflaged among the many nobles around.

Eliza follows the woman's gaze to where Arthur was and a jealous, possessive, and hostile gleam appears in her brown eyes. She directs that look straight at the woman, her tone turning cold. "Did something catch your attention?"

The mysterious woman's eyes shine with various emotions, and she smiles confidently. "Perhaps."

Eliza finds it increasingly difficult to hide the bitterness in her heart, but she still manages to keep a friendly face. "Come, I'll find you a table—"

"You have some very interesting guests here," The woman ignores Eliza's words and glances at the Drummond table, particularly at Aria, making her eyes gleam with curiosity again.

"Don't mess with my guests," Eliza drops her gentle act and speaks in a low, threatening tone.

"Calm down, Your Grace," the woman responds with a smile and a tone as friendly and fake as Eliza's. "I didn't come here to cause trouble; in fact, it's quite the opposite..."

Eliza glances at a young woman a few meters away and, right behind her, the captain of the Lakeview guard. Then she looks back at the mysterious woman. "I don't blame the captain; he was confused and afraid that my father would come here and flay him alive..."

A confident gleam appears in Eliza's eyes as she continues. "But I am a very reasonable person, and I am taking control of the situation, so your services are no longer required."

"Oh dear," the woman's voice is melodic like a bird's song but venomous like a serpent's fluids. "A contract with my organization cannot be undone once signed."

Eliza's lips tremble for a second as if she's holding her tongue. She glances at the captain again. "You can do whatever you want with him, but I don't need your... help."

The woman continues to look into Eliza's eyes. "My apprentice will undoubtedly find some use for him, but I am more interested in gaining your friendship... let me make it clear that my help is something few people on this whole continent can obtain."

"I will pass," Eliza smiles with a mocking expression.

"No, no, dear," the woman shakes her head, still with a confident expression. "Let's say that what I have to offer, you would never want to deny."

The woman's excessive confidence awakens Eliza's curiosity. "And what might that be?"

"Information," the woman responds quickly. "It's one of my most valuable currencies."

Eliza thinks for a second and quickly gives her answer by shaking her head. "If it's about Emilio's death, I don't need help; given some time and resources, I can find out what happened by myself."

"Of course you can," the woman comments casually. "But it's not about that, although I already have an idea about it..."

"Then what is it about?" Eliza has a strange feeling about what trump card the woman might have up her sleeve.

"Something that could save your life today," the woman whispers even lower. "Or not save it... it all depends on your next choice."

Eliza's expression changes from curiosity to hostility. "Threats from an old fox? You must know what will happen if you touch me or my family, right?"

"Fufufu~" The woman giggles charmingly. "You seem to know a lot about me, what a smart girl... but if you are truly intelligent, you should know that I don't make threats or start wars; after all, I am just a dealer."

Eliza likes the woman less and less, but her words don't seem like lies. "How can I be sure that the information you have is really valuable?"

"Seller's guarantee?" The woman smiles sarcastically. "Alright... let's be clear, I can tell you where your closest enemies are now, and what I ask in return is little."

"Like what?"

"Well, you just have to ignore me for the rest of the night," she explains. "Let me enjoy your banquet and talk to your guests in peace."

"Any guest in particular?"

"You know the answer."

The hostile gleam returns to Eliza's eyes. "You're going after him, aren't you?"

"Don't worry, dear," the woman continues to smile. "I don't want to steal your future husband; after all, I am just—"

"A dealer," Eliza completes, and the woman nods. She thinks a bit more and then nods as well. "We have a deal."

"Good," the woman approaches Eliza and whispers something in her ear. It's something certainly important because the young lady's usually calm face completely changes to shock, anger, and then more hostility.

"You must be kidding me?!" Eliza loses her composure and ends up saying something.

The woman keeps a gentle smile for the people around and then pulls Eliza to a corner of the hall, where she takes an object from her magic ring, a seal similar to the one her apprentice used to make the magical contract with the captain of the guard.

"You know what comes next, right, dear?" She shows the seal to Eliza.

Eliza hesitates for a second, and the woman notices it. "Do you really want to ignore such a problem? Maybe you'll survive, but what about your special guests? Do you really want to put your protégé's life at risk?"

"I..." A determined gleam appears in Eliza's eyes, and she extends her hand without thinking twice. "This better be worth it, old fox!"

"Fufufu~" She giggles happily. "I guarantee it will be very beneficial..."

'At least for me,'

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