Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 9 - Chapter 471 - Jumpscare fest!

"Alright, it seems like our turn has come!"

"Let's gooo!"

In response to my announcement, <Magic Swordsman> Sachi of Harmonic Trio respond with a cheerful reply. Now that's what I call true highschool girl energy!

But if there was light as energetic as her, there was also two people releasing miasma of darkness.

"...So it is time. We can only do our best here."

"But I don't think there's anything for me to work hard here. Brave-kun, It's not too late yet, how about you all go ahead without me?"

"Relax. I am sure you will have fun by tagging with us."

"...............Oh the goodness, is there no salvation for this old soul."

Sierra seemed like she was ready to confront her fear, however Nico was thoroughly exuding a despondent aura.

Sachi, who was by her side, suddenly pulled her into a huge.

"I will also be coming with you, Nicocchi! Let's do our best and look for treasure, alright? You also like them, don't you?"

"Of course, treasures are my oasis! ......Hngh, in that case I will walk with that shield in front of me. I wouldn't be able to see ahead so you take the lead, Sachi."

"Uwaa, that's so low, Nicocchi."

"Shut up!"

Alright, it seemed like Nico was also ready to face her fear with the help of Sachi. Though it sounds like a false bravado.

Speaking of, our members sure were packing with shield huh.

Sierra was holding a mace and shield, Nico was carrying a gun and a shield, meanwhile Sachi and I had the combination of sword and shield.

Sachi's equipment was a light armour fashioned after a red party dress which made them stand out like princess equipment. Hmm, that was indeed a befitting equipment of the party leader of <We want to become princess>.

Well, she wouldn't be able to use her unique skill this time, but I guess that would hardly matter with Sierra and my presence.

"Alright, we will let's depart once you get your feelings ready as well!"

"My heart would never be ready to tackle this challenge just so you know though......"

"How about I hold your hand then, Nicocchi? I think that will abate some of your nervousness."

"......Then I am counting on you for that. Take care of me."

Nico put up a feeble response as Sachi grabbed her hand.

Sachi on the other hand had put away her shield while switching the one-hand sword to her other hand to comfortably hold Nico's hand. She looked quite cool doing that honestly.

Then I was about to give a signal when I noticed Sierra looking at Nico and Sachi's hand holding with an intense look.


"What's the matter, Sierra?"

"Say, Zephyr. Can I ask you to do...that?"


Her gaze was pointing at Nico and Sachi's handholding. Then she also suddenly put away her mace and held out her hand with slight nervousness.

"Can you?"

"Of course! Leave it to me!"

It was dark so I couldn't see Sierra's expression but I think her face must be flushed now. Whoops, wasn't this the absolute template in a test of courage!?

Alright, time to change my job to one-handed swordsman as well! I also put away my shield and took Sierra's hand.

I remember we had done this before as well, but somehow, I could feel redness unwittingly creeping up to me. Kuh, was it because of the situation?

"Ah, nice move, Sierrachi! Hmm-mm, I do want to hold hands with Zephyr-san too later."

Just then, Sachi directed her envious stare at us.

Ahaha, how to put it, I guess I am quite in demand huh?

Oh, yes. Since we have fallen into this situation, I guess it’s time to gear toward the most important aspect of the test of courage—to showcase my dependable nature!

"Ah, well alright, you ca---oooah! S-Sierra?"

I was about to reply to Sachi when my <Intuition> suddenly flared up, and at the same time, I felt the grip holding my left hand suddenly tighten, causing a pain to run through it.

I glanced at Sierra, who silently averted her face.

"Anyway, let's hurry up. We only have 30 minutes left."

"A-Alright. Everyone, time to go~."

I somehow felt saying anything anymore would just spell trouble so I followed after Sierra and signalled to start our onboarding of the ghost ship.

The ghost ship was a galleon-type wood ship. The sail was thoroughly in rugged shape, the ropes were cut here and there and even wood seemed rotten in some places.

We first moved to the deck from the tattered anchorage. There were no monsters in sight, nor could we see any of our members.

"There really is no monster left......"

Sachi, who had been scouting the area, said in a slightly disappointing tone.

"Hmm, the members earlier must have slayed them all. Well, it's just to my liking though."

"Oh my, what's this, we have a skeleton guest!"

"Kyaaaaaa!? What kind of sadist these monsters are to first give hope and then appear to dash them!!"

Nico's cute scream echoed. Man, that scream sure sounded nice to hear...of course I didn't say it out loud.

I followed the gaze and saw two skeletons just popping out. Oh boy, would it make for a terrific spooky sight in the previous world. A perfect scene, appearing out of nowhere, to give jumpscare.

The skeletons were completely made of, well, bones. They were equipped with <Bone Sword> or <Bone Cutlass> . The rattling sound coming from their bones was further contributing to the enigmatic spooky atmosphere of the Ghost Ship.


I felt Sierra's hold on my hand tightening.

"Kyaaa, don't come here, don't come here! You must not come here, go back!"

Nico, on the other hand, fell into a state of confusion as she went wild with her gun.

"Get a grip on yourself, Nico-chan! You're not hitting any enemy at all! How can I step up if you keep firing!"

"I guess only I can take action huh. <Shine Lightning>!"


Nico, our long range attacker, was out of option so I used my spell to sweep the board. A normal <Skeleton> like them was weak to magic. And with our level difference, it instantly plummeted their HP to zero as they dispersed amidst the light particles.

"It's all okay now."

"Huff......hufff...... I think I might have lost some good years from my lifespan......"

"Ahahaha, now you're exaggerating this, Nicocchi~."

"Hey, I am being completely serious though......"

Uh-huh, I guess I underestimated how much Nico was scared of ghost type.

"Are you alright, Sierra?"

"......Yeah. I'm fine."


Well, compared to what her mouth was saying, her hands were being more honest. Her grasp on my hand had still not loosened.

Honestly, what's with the situation?! Now I was feeling a bit nervous. Wait, was it nervousness, or perhaps...embarrassment? Nah, nay, no way. There's no way I would be embarrassed---.

Ah, right. I am sure it's just the excitement from the test of courage that's getting into my head. Definitely!

Perhaps I had let my guard down in my mental debate that I overlooked the sudden appearance of it.




A ghost suddenly popped up next to Sierra and latched itself to Sierra's arm, which obviously elicited an adorable squeal from her. My <Intuition> was also ringing non-stop.

"Y-You damned ghost. How dare you scare our Sierra! Damn, nice, you! <Lightning Burst>!"

I pointed my sword at the ghost and based it with my magic!

Huh, there was something amiss in my scream just now!? Ahaha, it must be just their imagination.

I finished the battle---thought I doubt that was any different than swatting a fly, so maybe battle wasn't the correct word for here---and picked up <Mana Stone (Small)>. Afterward, I urged members to move on.

"Ahem, let's take that door everyone."

"Whaaa, are we really going to explore this battered ship? But my legs are saying I shouldn't go any further......"

"Geez, I am telling you there's nothing to be scared of with my presence, Nicocchi."

"Ah, don't pull my hand please. It was a failure to rely on it."

I knew Nico's legs were trembling like a newborn fawn, but that's where the fun actually was! Well, I would have considered stopping if it was truly a hopeless situation, but she still seemed to have some energy left to quibble so I guess it's alright for now.

I was quite curious about Sierra's situation as well as she wasn't speaking as much on the way. I guess the ghosts must have scared her as well.

"Hmmm!? A Skeleton pops up!"

"Nice, I will do it this time! <Magic Sword - Holy Strike>!"

"Alright, then I will support you. Sierra, I'm removing my hand."


This time, Sachi took the stage in taking the monster. I was worried she might not be alone enough so I removed the hand of a reluctant Sierra and headed forward. I was about to move forward so I didn't notice what she said. Did she want to say something?

Ultimately, Sachi took down all three <Skeleton> and one <Purple Ghost> with the sword skill of holy attribute, ghost weakness. I had supported her a bit...but It seemed that was uncalled for.

"Alright, let's resume our exploration."


Afterward, I took Sierra's hand once again---I somehow felt like that's what I must do---and resumed our search for treasure.

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