Reincarnated Lord’s Unwanted S*xual Technique

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Baron Desmond Damwead,

the third son of the newly-risen regional noble Damwead Viscount's family.

In his younger days, he was known as a prodigy of magic, but as he grew up, he lost the ability to use any "conventional" magic. He became a maverick who used noble magic, which was usually reserved for the privileged, to make the lives of commoners better. However, his concepts and effectiveness are undeniable.

Due to the danger he posed and his unbecoming behavior as a noble, he was exiled to the barren and remote land of Aldora, known for its ferocious magical beasts. At the same time, he was given Charlotte Terrace, the second daughter of the Terrace family, who was a sterile woman.

This arrangement prevented him from producing an heir to inherit his blood and made it unseemly for him to take a noblewoman as a concubine, as it might appear disrespectful to the Terrace family.

For a mere third son of a regional viscount, it would have been easier to find some pretext and pass punishment rather than take such a convoluted approach. Nevertheless, some people benefited from his use of magic for the improvement of commoners' lives, particularly the impoverished noble families in the surrounding territory. Desmond's "powers" led to an enhancement of their lives and an increase in tax revenue through improved production.

Despite any negative feelings some might have about their action towards him, there are many "righteous" nobles among the powerful and influential. As a result, they naturally choose to remain silent on the matter. The fact that they went through all the trouble just to seal the "Heretic of Damwead" in Aldora meant that some high-ranking nobles were interested in him.

Yet, eight long years had passed since Desmond's confinement in Aldora, and not a single noble made any effort to help him. Not the weak-minded nobles who feared the higher-ups or those who were interested in him...

Thus, eight years passed.

Eight years have passed with nothing of particular interest. Except for the fact that the "Grey Hound" remained with the Damwead family. The insider details of Aldora didn't seem to circulate widely, but perhaps that's because there was nothing noteworthy to mention ――After all, who would have thought the parliamentary official in that place is actually from the fancy Bergamot family despite being a woman. Cast away from the capital, she now finds herself in Aldora. Nevertheless, there were talks about her biting at anyone and everyone, so it appears she sank into obscurity and desolation in this barren territory.

If she withers away in Aldora, that would be for the best.

And If he manages to survive in some disgraceful manner, some will eventually send in a child of some 'proper' noble as his adopted heir. That way, Desmond's legacy will gradually fade away.

That was the evaluation of Desmond Damwead, as well as the evaluation of Aldora.

――Or what should have been. Then――

Charlotte, who was thought to be unable to have children, is now pregnant.

Her ex-husband, Peter Swift, who tried to cover up the pregnancy, was met with a counterattack. ――It was a literal counterattack (physical, with magic involved).

There were those who shamelessly referred to him as "undignified." "a disgrace to the nobility." or "the weakest in all factions." However, when Desmond sent him flying, creating a huge hole in his house, and then was attacked by the "Platinum Breaker." and had his mansion burnt down by his own former wife's sister, all while dragons roamed in his territory. They all fell silent, their eyes bulging.

Despite being adversaries with the faction, Peter received an invitation from the "Platinum Mercenary Victims Association." Moreover, his former father-in-law Daddy Dandy (James Terrace), granted him a reprieve to return the rights he had taken away. Peter finally realized the kindness in the world, or so he said.

However, Daddy Dandy seems adamant about reclaiming everything he had taken away (at least what had been deprived of). As a result, the Swift family was disowned by their former faction, and their status as Marquess was significantly reduced within the nobility. From now on, it was expected that various factions would emerge, aiming for his territory and privileges, making him pay for the debts he had incurred. Actually, they have already shown up, and he's pushing himself, whipping his body and grinding his bones to dust. No time for regrets or feeling sorry, he must continue moving without taking a break.

And by the way, even though their third son, Desmond, was abducted by the "Platinum Breaker" along with a dragon, Desmond's family of birth immediately fled from the party venue. Strangely enough, they are now seen as a point of contact for the hard-to-reach Aldora, and they are receiving various approaches and love calls from different nobles. It's unclear whether they are perplexed or lamenting about this situation, or perhaps there's something else...

Furthermore, the "Platinum Mercenaries." ahem, the "Platinum Knights" under the leadership of "Platinum Breaker." now pledged their loyalty to Desmond and adopted the name "Aldora Knights." and were apparently receiving his seed every day and night. It was rumored that many girls had already been impregnated. The information came from a mysterious letter from Aldora delivered to the parents of the runaway daughter who had joined the "Platinum Knights", containing eerie handwriting full of resentment, and it is believed to be genuine due to the magical power imbued within it, which matches that of their daughter. However, there is no way to confirm its authenticity for certain. If it is, then what those parents would do? Will they unite across factions, treating him as a common enemy? Or would they consider it a political marriage in exchange for ties to Aldora?

There were no known movements against Desmond thus far. Either they were all struggling to come up with a plan or there was something they didn't want to reveal.


"Desmond Damwead...Who is he exactly?"

In a lovely garden, the wind blew gracefully. A lady sat at the table, she picked up some documents and flicked them around with such grace and elegance. Even such casual gestures seemed sophisticated when done by her.

Perhaps this is a royal veil.


Princess Silvia, the renowned beauty of the Kingdom sighed, looking troubled. At first glance, she resembled a love-struck maiden. However, despite being a celebrated beauty, she was treated no differently as a woman among the royal family. ――In fact, royal women have another important role to fulfill.

She continued to ponder deeply.

"Very well, yes, I shall go to Aldora."

Then, with a huff.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I will not permit it."

"Oh, did I say something out loud?"

With composure intact, she subtly adjusts her appearance and gives a look to the maid.

"My apologies but yes, you did. You mentioned going to that rumored Aldora." The maid seemed to think for a moment, "If you go there, you may find yourself with a child in your belly."

These were words that Desmond would likely faint upon hearing. And this phrase would soon spread in the social circles, all thanks to the maid.

Sylvia chuckled at the maid's words, her smile is so delicate that it could make flowers feel shy.

"Well, if it's the person who can impregnate the so-called 'barren woman,'. I might also end up getting impregnated with just one encounter. If that happens, then―"

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew through the royal garden,

and her words were carried away and scattered like mist.

All that lingered in the air were the melodious giggles of the princess, akin to the laughter of a fairy. The maid, visibly exasperated, heaved a sigh, her eyes betraying a hint of icy detachment.

――But perhaps that's for the best. The royal family truly is a troublesome bunch.

"U-um, sorry for being late."

The slightly panicked voice called out, and when they turned, they saw a cute but slightly awkward girl, looking all embarrassed. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes that caught the attention.

The princess smiled at her, a smile that even the same sex might find enchanting.

"No, you're not late at all. I said you could come at any time."

"But, um, but I made the princess wait..."



Sylvia smiled gently at her. "I know you're not of noble birth, but at the moment, you're like a saint, right? It wouldn't be good for you to be so humble in front of the princess."

"I-I understand, but..." With suppressed voice, Christina flinched again.

"This isn't an official setting. You can call me Sylvia in private."

Understanding what the princess wanted to convey, Christina nodded and swallowed nervously.

"Alright, Sylv... Sylvia."

"Good." the princess replied with a flowery smile.

Christina blushed slightly, her inner thigh fidgeting.

"Oh, did I arouse you?"

"N-No! I-I'm attracted to men!"

"A man-loving saint, huh?"

"N-No, that's not..."

Christina saw Sylvia's teasing eyes. "Uuu... ughhh~"

Giggling, the princess extended her hand, inviting the saint.

"Come, Christina. We were just talking about your favorite "man"."

"T-That's not!" Christina blushed and moved briskly to the princess's table. Immediately, the maid prepared tea for her.

"Thank you very much," Christina said shyly but didn't forget to express her gratitude. To that, Sylvia asked.

"A man who impregnates women who shouldn't be able to get pregnant then impregnates one noble girl after another, aren't you interested?"

"..... .... Yes."

Blushing up to her ears, the saint replied with a bashful tone.

"That's how it should be."

The princess grinned mischievously,

The carriage rattled on the uneven road, causing discomfort.

"Ahh!...Ouch... My butt hurts... uuuu..."

Vivian, with her hair tied back tightly and round glasses, rubbed her big butt with teary eyes. Her work usually involves sitting for long periods, so she's been worried about her rear end lately, and she hopes this doesn't make it worse.

However, if she doesn't endure this journey, she might lose her job altogether.

――Come on, you can do this. I'm Vivianne-sensei after all. One or two sore butts are nothing!

She clenched her fist tightly, muttering to herself and her mouth curls into a smile. She heard from the wife of a noble she was interviewing that the lord of Aldora, who has been causing a stir in the noble circles, seems like a dream-like romance novel protagonist.

She was the author of a romance novel, and now, she's in a slump. The deadline for the next volume is approaching, she knows, but she can't come up with anything.

――That's why this interview needs to happen.

It's not like she's running away from her pestering editor who keeps asking, "Still haven't written it? Do you know that ○○-sensei's editor has never had to remind them about deadlines?" And she didn't come because she was irresistibly drawn to the delicious food of Aldora, which is whispered about like an urban legend.

――I heard that Aldora was supposed to be a barren territory, but recently, rumors about the current lord have made those rumors more credible. And most importantly, my writer's sense is tingling!

Unfortunately, that sense hasn't been elevated to a skill.

Unlike a certain lord that she's going to interview.

――That's why――


"Ah! My butt! My butt feels like it's splitting into two!"

"Hey, Mama, aren't butts already split in two?"

"Shh, don't look!"

*...Whisper, whisper...*

Be careful about talking to yourself in a shared carriage.


――I'm a veteran single woman! With my well-aged, rich imagination, I indulge in my fantasies shamelessly!... My shame..... doesn't exist!

Vivian's fist curled up tightly, determined to endure the journey to Aldora.

As Aldora gained attention due to the lord's success(?), various new players flocked to the place.

Of course, one of them was...

"Ah, Teresa-chan and Charlotte-chan. Fufu, even Katherine-chan is looking so good now. I'm coming, Desmond-sama...Ufufufufu."

――I brought some souvenirs for you.

◯◯ Attack. ――Mother-in-law Attack.

To be continued...

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