Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

The journey to Mang-ryang’s was long and arduous. Understandably so, as Mang-ryang lived near Jinrang Valley near Luoyang; to get there from the village I was living in, I had to cross mountains and rivers dozens of times. I got by with a meager 50 silver coins for travel expenses and walked on monotonously every day.

With nothing much to entertain me, I practiced the Thunder Dragon Breath Technique during my free time. Perhaps due to taking the spiritual elixir twice, I felt electric rays bursting from all over my body even with just circulating Qi through the microcosmic orbit.


A thunderous sound erupted. It wasn’t just a feeling; others could sense it too. Whenever I finished my Qi cultivation, the innkeeper would run in, startled.

“What’s going on?”


“But I saw a flickering light…”

Pretending to know nothing, I watched the innkeeper shake his head and leave.

‘Hmm. Practicing Qi cultivation is becoming burdensome.’

Was it due to the elixir’s effect? Whenever I channeled Thunder Dragon Breath Technique, electric Qi naturally surged around me. Its effects could be seen spreading like sparks for nearly ten paces around me. Although I was curious as to why, what was clear was that it wasn’t harmful to me.

This is because over time I realized that my inner energy never diminished despite using it like pouring water from a bucket. Initially, after taking the Millennium Snow Ginseng, I felt like I was riding a swift horse. Now, it felt like I was soaring the skies on a dragon’s back.

Only then did I realize what had happened to my body.

The elixir had forcibly led me to reach the essence of Thunder Dragon Breath Technique!

Probably, the stage where I emitted electric Qi every time I used Thunder Dragon Breath Technique was something that would appear after hundreds of years of cultivation. The natural energy that poured into my body when I took the elixir for the second time seemed to forcibly drag me to the next stage of Thunder Dragon Breath Technique.

Now, even I don’t know the level of my Qi.



What was certain was that my running was now much faster than any ordinary horse, and I could sprint for 20 li without getting tired at all. It was such a waste of money to hire a horse that I simply bought new straw shoes and ran.

Looking at the geography of the area, crossing mountains in a straight line was faster than winding through the common roads. So, I was running up the mountains. It took less than half an hour to climb over a mountain.


I leapt over a giant cliff rock in two strides and reached the mountain’s peak. The view from the mountain top brought a different emotion. It felt as though the vitality for my future life was being engraved into my body, while the reality that I had gained superhuman physical abilities was sinking in.

‘Right. Let’s forget about that massacre. Now, I should only focus on moving forward.’

In another two days, I would reach Jinrang Valley where Mang-ryang lived. It’s been at least 5 years since I first met him, so I wasn’t sure if he still lived there. However, whether or not I met Mang-ryang, what mattered was that I had a goal and was moving towards it.

It was while I was standing on a rock at the mountain’s peak.

[Hey, you seem skilled. Who are you?]

Suddenly, I heard a voice transmission. Standing with my arms crossed on the rock, feeling all cool and such, I was startled by the unexpected voice. I never expected that a supreme expert would strike up a conversation with me in such a place.

‘Where is he?’

Confused, I focused my senses to locate the person. However, I never had formal training in sensing Qi; I relied merely on instinct. Therefore, I couldn’t locate the person who was clearly hiding their presence.

“I also don’t know how to use a voice transmission talisman. So, I shouted loudly from atop the rocky mountain.”

“I am Baek-woong!”


Although I merely shouted with mingled energy, it became a “Lion’s Roar” that shook the entire mountain. Even though I didn’t know how to do it, the roar seemed to reach as far as the nearby village. The invisible sound waves visibly spread out.

Suddenly, the rock beneath me cracked like an egg and shattered. I landed using my Lightness Skill just in time to hear another confused voice transmission.

[Ugh…! Using Lion’s Roar in a place like this?]

I knew that he could hear my voice without the need for a Lion’s Roar. However, I used it to keep him in check. I spoke coldly to not appear weak.

“I’ve told you who I am, as you wanted. I don’t wish to quarrel with you, so let’s part ways.”

The other party has likely mistaken me as a pinnacle expert after seeing my Lightness Skill. Whether he is aggressive or simply curious, I find his skill level rather unnerving. Picking a fight or underestimating him would not bode well for me. Thus, I intend to leave coldly after suppressing him with the Lion’s Roar.


Then, the person who sent the voice transmission emerged from the bushes three lengths away. It seems he thought voice transmission wouldn’t work anymore.

“Baek-woong. I didn’t approach you with bad intentions.”

I finally got a good look at him.

A Taoist!

A legitimate Taoist, not some charlatan. He was in his late years (around 40 years) and appeared to be a Taoist scholar. He was slightly emaciated but carried an air of dignity and kindness, even his Taoist hat was neat. Above all, the energy emanating from him was pure, so I knew he was a true and virtuous expert.

I spoke cautiously.

“I don’t care about your intentions. I’ll be leaving now, so don’t bother me.”

“Why the hurry? I just wanted to talk.”

“There’s no guarantee that talking with you will be of any benefit to me.”

Just as I lifted my foot to leave, the Taoist quickly spoke.

“No, actually, I need your help.”


“I am Taoist Hyuncheon (Mysterious Heavenly Taoist) of Taejeong Hall (Grand Hall of Righteousness).”

I was inwardly shocked.

Taoist Hyuncheon!

A legendary figure within the Wudang Sect, one of the most powerful Taoist sects. He has even achieved fame by subduing countless heretical sects and sorcerers in the north. I was excited to even hear about his exploits despite being far away.

‘He looks to be in his late years now; is he still active 30 years later?’

Unless he’s practiced to an unimaginable depth, it would be impossible. I thought this meeting might be of help in a previous life, so after some thought, I asked, “What do you need?”

“Are you willing to listen?”

“If it’s not a pointless matter…”

He smiled warmly.

“I’ve been patrolling a shrine nearby dedicated to the True Martial Great Emperor. However, a malevolent energy emanating from a nearby village has me concerned. It’s a very strong presence.”

“A malevolent energy?”

“A heretical sect.”

Heretical sects are not usually this ominous. Even Buddhist and Taoist figures have been known to engage in odd practices, but if a reputable Taoist like Hyuncheon is concerned, then it’s certainly not a minor issue. I tried to remember if such a sect had appeared in the martial arts history but couldn’t recall any at the moment.

‘If I had to guess, it would be the White Lotus Sect.’

I knew that White Lotus Sect was a religion that had been nationally banned and suppressed, driven as far away as the southern parts of the Central Plains. That was all I knew, so I asked just in case.

“Are they by any chance from White Lotus Sect?”

“I initially thought so too, but that’s not it. White Lotus Sect was suppressed for political reasons by the Emperor, but fundamentally, it was an orthodox. It’s certainly not like the heresy I discovered, which practices human sacrifice.”

Human sacrifice! 

I shuddered and trembled at the terror of that word. Human sacrifice is the act of killing a human to offer on an altar for the deity you serve. Typically, throats would be cut, and sometimes bodies would be ripped open alive to lay out hearts and guts. I remember seeing fanatics suddenly executed on the spot for the crime of human sacrifice in my late years.

“Ah? Could it be… Nain Cult?1

My eyes blinked in disbelief at the unimaginable speculation.

Come to think of it, I had no memory of this time, but when I was about to end my life as a 50-year-old courier, a crazy religion appeared. 

Its name was Nain Cult, a grotesque name, and it was known for practices like human sacrifice, cannibalism, and the use of strange wicked arts. Suddenly, from the southern part of Central Plains, their power grew, causing disturbances everywhere. Eventually, the government indiscriminately crushed Nain Cult, and there was a bloodbath. I was just a marksman who didn’t get involved, but I heard that in other regions the state of public order had reached catastrophic levels.

However, it had been nearly 40 years since Nain Cult had risen. The reappearance of Nain Cult now seemed utterly bizarre. Standing silently, Taoist Hyuncheon continued speaking.

“Human sacrifices have already been made in the village over the mountain and the neighboring one. I’ve eliminated the fanatics, but innocent lives have already been lost. If we don’t act quickly, this heretical force will continue to proliferate.”

“Even if they’re heretics, they’re not ordinary people, right? You, Master Taoist Hyuncheon, should be able to handle it alone…”

I trailed off my sentence.

That’s right. The power of one martial arts master at the pinnacle is incomparable, even if thousands of ordinary farmers come at them with kitchen knives.

Especially Taoist Hyuncheon, whose qi has materialized, seemed comparable to masters like the leader of the assassination group or Blood Iron Gate elders. He shouldn’t be having a difficult time just because of some heretics proliferating in a village.

Then Taoist Hyuncheon shook his head.

“No… it’s embarrassing to say, but I lacked the strength to suppress the mastermind when I was subduing the heretics in the two villages.”

“What did you say?”

“They are not mere fanatics but accompanied by many demonic beings. It’s overwhelming for me alone.”

Demonic beings!

That also matched the features of Nain Cult I had heard about. They were known to deal with unspeakable creatures from beyond this world, and that’s why regular troops had a hard time suppressing the chaos. I had heard that the appearance of these Mamul was so hideous and terrifying that it would shatter your mind just to look at them.

‘Is it really Nain Cult?’

Taoist Hyuncheon spoke with a grave face.

“Though you appear as a young boy, you seem to possess a peerless inner power. You might be an enlightened person who has transcended the earthly realm. Nevertheless, I humbly ask for your help. If you, Baek-woong, assist us, we can surely bring down the monster who controls the demonic beings.”

“What is this monster?”

“He seemed to use sound-based martial arts with a flute to control the demonic beings. He seems to be the root cause of this bloodshed.”

I became increasingly curious.

This was an experience I had never had before in my life. Knowing more about this could be helpful if I were to regress again. However, I took a step back and said, “Wouldn’t it be better to tell this to the officials?”

“Do you believe that an ordinary Taoist like me would be trusted when I say that human sacrifices and demonic beings are causing disturbances in the village? I’ve already tried, and they dismissed it as nonsense… I was pondering and meditating here when I saw your refined lightness skill.”


I paused to think for a moment before nodding.

“Understood. I will assist you.”

“Really? Thank you.”

“However, there is a condition.”

Taoist Hyuncheon’s expression turned from one of joy to one of surprise. It looked like he hadn’t expected me to ask for something in return.

“A condition?”

“In exchange for my help, please pass on to me the ‘secret teachings’ of the Wudang Sect.”


His expression darkened even further. With a somewhat icy gaze, he asked, “Did you know that I was from the Wudang Sect?”

“Is there another Taoist with such exquisite martial arts who isn’t from the Wudang Sect?”

Taoist Hyuncheon looked utterly perplexed.

“…That, I can’t comply with. The martial arts of the Wudang Sect are ‘not permitted to outsiders’. Unless one has officially joined our headquarters, ‘main branch’, and received permission from the leader of the Wudang Sect, I cannot personally pass on the martial arts.”

I chuckled and turned my head away.

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

“Wait. Is there nothing else that will do? I’ll accommodate within my abilities.”

I taunted him.

“You prioritize your own well-being even when innocent people are dying and evil is rampant. Can that truly be seen as a desperate request? Trust in your word would be difficult for anyone, not just me.”


Although my words were meant to sting, they unexpectedly shook Taoist Hyuncheon deeply. No, it was more like he had gained some sort of enlightenment. He nodded firmly and declared, “Very well. Once this matter is resolved, I will take you as my disciple and pass on all of the ‘secret teachings.’ I will take full responsibility.”


It went so smoothly that I found it disconcerting. Nonetheless, I showed no sign of my internal turmoil and smiled.

“Understood. I’ll help to the best of my abilities.”

An unexpected opportunity had arisen.

If I managed to vanquish whatever evil this was, I’d have the chance to learn martial arts from a peak expert of the Wudang Sect, a reputation to rival the legendary Three Great Righteous Factions. Even if the odds seemed unfavorable, I was confident I could escape with my life, so it seemed like a good deal.

Thus began my first mission to subjugate the evil.

  1. I’m not sure how to translate this, so I’ve opted to maintain the original name 나인교(螺湮敎)[↩]

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