Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 59: Formatting

Chapter 59: Formatting

Trudging along,

Jin So-cheong led the way, and I followed him up the building of the Zhongnan Sect. In the midst of furiously defeating the White Swordsman, he seemed to have a rough idea of where the training hall was, showing no hesitation.

“Yahh! Ugh.”

Disciples of the Zhongnan Sect sprang up from all around, swinging their swords at us, but senior brother effortlessly knocked them unconscious with barely a movement, almost like the Shadowless Fist. His hands moved incredibly fast. It was a distinguished martial art that I, in my current state, could not imitate.

‘Is it the Thunderous Firm Fist or the Thunderous Soft Fist? Which of the two fist techniques taught in the Thunder God Style is it?’

I tried to observe more of senior brother’s divine might, but it was hard to discern. The fist techniques taught in the Thunder God Style were broadly classified into firm and soft techniques, but senior brother’s movements were not confined to these categories. Although learning the Thunderous Palm was mandatory in either style, there was a freedom in senior brother’s techniques, characteristic of a grandmaster.

“This brat!!”

Occasionally, one or two would target me with their swords. I glanced at them and tried to mimic something similar.

‘So, like this, I should unleash the Fist…’

I attempted to replicate the technique of swiftly unleashing the fist with a bit of energy infused in it.



“Mother – !!”

Suddenly, a thunderous noise erupted, accompanied by screams. Although I stopped my fist just in time, the force of my punch, due to the pressure of the fist, sent three disciples of the Zhongnan Sect flying through the air. I realized that if I hadn’t stopped my fist, they would have turned into finely minced meat due to my internal energy.


I was somewhat flustered. When did my fist become so powerful?

Senior brother ahead of me spoke, maintaining his cool even in the midst of destruction.

“Junior brother has not yet reached the stage of the Thunder God Fist, so be careful. Using your peerless internal energy recklessly could certainly result in fatalities.”

“Thunder God Fist?”

“Yes. You might not have heard about it, but once one masters both the Thunderous Firm Fist and Thunderous Soft Fist to a certain level, one enters the realm of the Thunder God Fist. Then, one can completely control their internal energy, enabling more delicate combat.”

Thunder God Fist!

A new martial art technique!

“These bastards! How dare they invade our base and chit-chat?!”


While I was listening with interest, a figure suddenly soared from the front of the building. He seemed like a top disciple of the Zhongnan Sect, an expert of considerable skill, probably at the upper echelon of first-rate masters, at the threshold of the peak. His efforts to fend off the Thirty-Six Swords of the Heavenly River looked like deadly raindrops of sword energy.


However, Jin So-cheong once again deployed the secret technique of the Lightning Shadow Step, the Heavenly Pillar Kill, in that brief moment. It was a mere seven-step change, but he deftly avoided all the sword energy and then broke the arm of the top disciple of the Zhongnan Sect, forcing him to kneel on the ground.



I couldn’t close my mouth in awe. His skill was of a caliber that would stand proudly as first-rate in the martial world, yet he was so easily subdued? I could possibly defeat him, but not as effortlessly and cleanly.

“Of course, as you can see, one must also master the secret techniques of the Lightning Shadow Step to enter the Thunder God Fist. The hands and feet are always with us.”

So that’s how it is. I understood from Jin So-cheong’s kind explanation what I needed to learn going forward. Lee Gwang only told me to follow the process he showed me, without any explanation, so this advice felt as precious as gold and jade.

“These… these guys… The elders will surely avenge us.”

Then, Jin So-cheong grinned broadly. There was no hint of fear in that hearty laugh.

“Is that so?”

Jin So-cheong’s grip tightened. Realizing what Jin So-cheong was about to do, a disciple of the Zhongnan Sect screamed in terror.

“Ah, aah, stop it!”

Then, forcefully lifting the arm he had broken, he hurled the disciple towards a building, presumed to be the training hall. He threw with such force that it created a whooshing sound like the wind was splitting.


The disciple’s body, turned into a human cannonball, smashed through the door and even buried itself inside the building. Witnessing Jin So-cheong wreaking havoc so brazenly left me speechless. It was no bluff or exaggeration when he said he would cause a ‘big scene’ in the Nine Martial Sects.


We entered the spacious training hall. There, we saw the disciple, who had turned into a human cannonball, lying unconscious in the middle of the hall, and about ten high-level martial artists (高手) sitting in meditation. Despite the commotion outside, they were silently sitting, watching us, the intruders.

But the moment I met their piercing gaze, I felt a chilling murderous intent. It was something palpable, not just perceived through words.

‘Real peak-level masters! So powerful!’

The ones who attacked us outside were, at best, dangling at the threshold of first-rate, barely stepping into the peak level. However, these middle-aged men sitting here exuded a powerful aura reminiscent of the elders of the Iron Blood Sect. Each one of them was a true expert, deserving of the title of peak-level master in the martial world.

Sensing this, Jin So-cheong also stopped for a moment to stare at them.

An elderly man, who seemed to be in his early old age, sitting in the center, raised his sunken eyes to look at Jin So-cheong and spoke. His energy was outstanding, a fearsome expert far beyond the ordinary riffraff outside.

“I have heard of the name of the Azure Dragon Martial Hall. And I am well aware of its fearsomeness. However, it seems the lower ones rashly acted on impulse and made a mistake against you. We intended to invite you courteously…”

Jin So-cheong, senior brother, replied indifferently.

“Whether it’s an excuse or not, I have come today to take down the signboard of the Zhongnan Sect.”

“Huhuhu… As a disciple of the Azure Dragon, you have the right to say so. But we are not yet prepared to fight to the death.”

Saying so, the elderly peak-level swordsman slowly rose from his seat.

“If the ten great elders of the Zhongnan Sect attack, we could indeed take your life, but that would incur the wrath of the Azure Dragon. With the issues of the Hwasan and Hwangsan factions unresolved, it would be too risky.”

The ten great elders of the Zhongnan Sect!

They were indeed the ten peak-level masters that the Zhongnan Sect boasted about in the martial world. The faction was considered among the Nine Martial Sects because it had more than ten such high-level masters. I could feel sweat trickling down my back. I never imagined facing off against the ten great elders, matching energies head-on when climbing this mountain.

The elder unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Jin So-cheong.

“Let’s do this. We’ll have a contest of martial skills as you originally requested, and stake the signboard on the outcome. But if you lose, you must comply with our demands.”


I realized the situation was veering off in an unexpected direction. Given the intense killing intent that had accumulated just moments ago, the ten great elders of the Zhongnan Sect were undoubtedly furious with Jin So-cheong and me. I thought we would be mercilessly attacked by the ten peak-level masters and killed on the spot.

But it seemed they were making a significant concession. Normally, in such a situation where disciples are beaten and buildings destroyed, the intruders would be challenged to a life-or-death duel, especially by a faction among the Nine Martial Sects like the Zhongnan Sect.

‘Something’s off. Is the Zhongnan Sect backing down?’

Jin So-cheong asked.

“Fine. What are your demands?”

“If you lose, you must become disciples of our Zhongnan Sect. For life.”


“Why? It’s not a bad deal, is it?”

The elder of the Zhongnan Sect, seemingly at ease, laughed, but Jin So-cheong replied sharply.

“You intend to take us as junior disciples and insult our master’s honor.”

The elder, like a cunning old fox, chuckled heartily.

“Uhahaha… Facing him head-on is burdensome, but we can’t overlook the humiliation of losing a disciple. Isn’t that right?”

“Not a very appealing offer. I have nothing to learn from the likes of Zhongnan Sect.”


At that moment, the atmosphere in the room grew tenser. Jin So-cheong’s words seemed to have provoked the ten great elders, as their murderous intent intensified. Anyone less than second-rate might have lost their mind just standing there. However, Jin So-cheong remained calm and asked.

“…But I’ll accept. What format will the duel take?”

“Simple. Best two out of three rounds. The first to win two out of three matches is the victor. You can send out your young disciple or participate yourself consecutively; it’s your choice.”


“We’ll need some rest time, so let’s start in half an hour. Wait here.”

With that, the ten great elders left, likely needing time to tend to and organize their disheveled disciples. senior brother and I were left sitting alone in the training hall, and a disciple of the Zhongnan Sect brought us some warm tea. But ignoring the tea, I said to Jin So-cheong.

“Senior brother, what are you planning to do? This is madness.”

“What do you mean?”

“Facing the top fighters of the Zhongnan Sect for their signboard… How can…”

I couldn’t finish my sentence. The obsession with honor among martial artists was deep, as seen in the Iron Blood Sect, where they even sent out an elder rather than accepting the defeat of their leader. Let alone a duel involving the signboard of one of the Nine Martial Factions! The representative would undoubtedly be one of the top three fighters of the Zhongnan Sect.

Senior brother just grinned and said.

“We just have to win. That’s the law of the martial world.”

“True, but that’s easier said than done.”

“You don’t seem too frightened, do you? Anyone else would be trembling, but since a while ago, your eyes show more annoyance than fear.”


“That’s my junior brother.”

Seeing Jin So-cheong so pleased, I had nothing to say. Even I wasn’t particularly scared. I was confident I could shake off any attack from the Zhongnan Sect’s fighters with my formidable internal energy. My only concern was that this might complicate receiving martial arts instruction in this life.

“Since it’s best two out of three, it would be better for the disciple to go first.”


“Still don’t understand?”

Leaning casually against the wall, Jin So-cheong continued.

“This duel is designed to increase your real combat experience. You tend to improve faster in actual combat than in simple training, so facing off against the masters of the Zhongnan Sect will accelerate your growth.”

That’s when I realized the ridiculous reason behind this direct challenge to one of the Nine Martial Factions. The somewhat aloof and easily annoyed Lee Gwang, fed up with teaching slow-witted me, had decided on accelerated training! He noticed my strength in real combat and wanted me to experience actual duels while transmitting secret techniques.

“But staking the signboard on this…”

“We’ll take it. The Zhongnan Sect is too arrogant.”


“Relax. This is nothing too difficult by our master’s standards.”

What could be difficult then?

I was curious but didn’t ask. Facing a certain peak-level master in the best two out of three rounds, especially a murderous one from the Zhongnan Sect, ready to maim or kill under the guise of a duel, I shook my head.

“Sigh… It’s a long road ahead.”

“Don’t worry. You can do it.”

“I’d rather not, honestly.”

Jin So-cheong smiled knowingly, exerting silent pressure.

“You have to! Hahaha.”


There was no turning back now.

Having resolved to train even at the risk of death, it was better to gain as much real combat experience as possible, even if it complicated this life. The memory of being beheaded at the Iron Blood Sect made me uncomfortable with this kind of duel, but I forced myself to be resolute.

And precisely after half an hour, the ten great elders of the Zhongnan Sect bustled in. They faced us and formally adopted the sword salute. In unison, they declared.

“We stake the honor of Zhongnan and will fight fairly.”

Jin So-cheong stood up to return the salute, and I awkwardly joined in.

“On the honor of the Azure Dragon Martial Hall, we will fight fairly.”


The clash of auras neutralized in the middle. The ten great elders tried to suppress Jin So-cheong with their aura, but they were taken aback when my energy intervened unexpectedly. It must have been incomprehensible for them to see a child-like figure exuding such power to match theirs.

Then, one of the ten great elders stepped forward.

“I am Jinsoo, one of the Zhongnan Sect’s ten great elders! I will participate in the first match of this duel.”

He looked strong at first glance. With a clear complexion, a well-maintained physique, and the distinctive sword energy of a peak-level swordsman, he was likely on par with Jinpyeong, the top elder of the Iron Blood Sect. Although the lord of the Iron Blood Sect once claimed that Jinpyeong’s skills were superior to those of a Zhongnan Sect elder, the extent of this being an objective fact was uncertain.

Elder Jinsoo, with a stern look, said to Jin So-cheong.

“Your skill is truly exceptional for your age. However, I will do my best.”

Jin So-cheong shook his head.

“Your opponent is not me.”

“What did you say?”

“My disciple will face you.”


I walked onto the sparring ground as if being pulled. Not only the ten great elders of the Zhongnan Sect but also a significant number of relatively intact Zhongnan Sect disciples were watching, their eyes filled with shock.

Murmurs filled the air.

Annoyed by their stares, I formally greeted Elder Jinsoo from a distance.

“I am Baek-woong, an instructor of the Azure Dragon Martial Hall. I will participate in the first match.”


Elder Jinsoo’s face turned red and then pale, as if he couldn’t comprehend. He burst out.

“Are you jesting? How dare you put such a brat against me?!”

Jin So-cheong, without saying anything further, gestured to me. I nodded and silently drew my sword (劍). Sensing the escalation of my fighting spirit, Elder Jinsoo quickly adopted a stance. I whispered to him.

“Do I look like I’m joking? Think what you will.”



I held my sword upright and concentrated my internal energy to its peak. Automatically, my sword shone with the brilliance of the Thunder Dragon Spirit, and the sparring ground began to tremble. My internal energy, affecting the atmosphere, rose like a mirage. Elder Jinsoo hastily increased his sword energy but was visibly shaken as my aura intensified.

“How can this be…?”

He struggled to maintain his stance under the pressure of my overwhelming internal energy, staggering back three steps before regaining his focus. His expression was already a mix of confusion and despair, astonished by my immense internal energy, which seemed unfathomable.

I swung my sword, unleashing the Thunder Dragon Spirit.


Simultaneously, the swordplay of the Lightning Shadow Sword Technique blazed like lightning, shattering everything in its path. Elder Jinsoo hurriedly executed a Zhongnan Sect sword technique in defense, but it was a foolish move. My swordplay, refined enough to cover any weaknesses, made defense impossible for someone with the half-baked skills of Elder Jinsoo.


A heavy impact sound echoed in front of Elder Jinsoo, and his body floated in the air. As he was flung about two zhang away, I aggressively pursued him, unleashing the Lightning Shadow Sword Technique. Gritting his teeth, Elder Jinsoo scattered his peak-level sword energy.

Clang! Clang!


A downpour of sword flames engulfed me. I tried to parry the flurry with consecutive strikes of the Lightning Shadow Sword Technique, but being a Zhongnan Sect elder, he was not easy to completely fend off. Instead, I decided to press forward with power and launched a Triple Consecutive Slash.


A resounding explosion followed. When I thrust my sword with a do-or-die attitude, Elder Jinsoo had no choice but to defend, playing right into my strategy. Each time he defended, his complexion visibly paled, and his energy seemed to drain away. Sword lights embroidered the sparring ground, and shockwaves of considerable magnitude erupted, eliciting screams from the Zhongnan Sect disciples watching.


“Ah, no. Run away!”

The ordinary disciples began to retreat in panic as the building seemed on the verge of collapse, overwhelmed by my enormous Thunder Dragon Spirit wreaking havoc. Amidst the swirling blades of thunder, only Elder Jinsoo remained, desperately holding his ground.

Within a mere 50 seconds, Elder Jinsoo occasionally counterattacked, trying to outmaneuver me with the intricacy of his sword energy, but it was laughable compared to the dazzle I had seen in spars with Lee Gwang. I discerned his feints and relentlessly cornered him into a defensive position.

The difference in internal energy was more than 20-fold. Each strike I delivered forced Elder Jinsoo to defend with all his might, or he would instantly perish.

Then, seizing a perfect opportunity, I spun halfway around and struck down with my sword.



Elder Jinsoo, trying to evade my final attack, was instead struck at a vital point and flung far away. He likely used Qi Gong for protection at the last moment to avoid serious injury, but he appeared undoubtedly unconscious. After approaching to confirm, I sheathed my sword.


“One victory.”

With this, I could confirm something.

That I could now comfortably face peak-level masters.

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