Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 61: Formatting

Chapter 61: Formatting

Upon returning to the Azure Dragon Martial Hall, Threefold Expert Lee Gwang looked at the plaque of the Zhongnan Sect and suddenly said,

“Leave that in the Reclining Dragon Hall. I’ll take care of it.”

What did he mean by taking care of it? Both Lee Gwang and Jin So-cheong were people whose way of thinking was incomprehensible to me. While I was grumbling to myself, Threefold Expert Lee Gwang placed some medicinal wine on the table.

“Let’s have a drink. I want to hear how it went.”


Jin So-cheong and I spoke about what had happened, mainly led by Jin So-cheong, with me occasionally providing additional explanations. When we finished, Threefold Expert Lee Gwang seemed satisfied and said,

“As expected of my disciples. You lived up to my expectations.”

“Thank you.”

“Good, let’s have a drink. The liquor should taste great today.”

The drinking session lasted until the late hours and then dispersed. Since Jin So-cheong had to return to his duties as the chief instructor from dawn, he left immediately. I was busily cleaning up the leftover snacks when Lee Gwang spoke to me.

“You seem to have something to ask.”

Despite drinking heavily, he was not drunk at all. He was merely feigning drunkenness. Such a master would not get drunk even if he drank a whole barrel of wine. Knowing this, I cautiously brought up the subject.

“When we visited the Zhongnan Sect, they referred to you not as Threefold Expert but as Azure Dragon. When I asked Master Yeon Jeonghong about it, he said to ask you directly.”

“Why didn’t you ask during the drinking session?”

“It was a joyous occasion to celebrate the victory. Now, during this lull…”

“It’s not a bother for you to ask?”


Lee Gwang chuckled.

“You are an interesting kid. Extraordinary internal energy that belies your age, talent that’s even more incongruous, and an astuteness in dealing with others as if you’ve been around for decades… I thought I was good at judging people, but I can’t figure you out.”

“If it’s impertinent, I shall withdraw.”

“No. As Yeon Jeonghong said, it’s up to me to tell you why I am called the Azure Dragon. Sit down over there.”


As I sat opposite Lee Gwang, facing an empty table, he gulped down a bowl of cold water and began,

“Do you know that before my activities in the martial world, I was the chief instructor and a military officer of the Imperial Guard of the royal court?”

“Yes. You taught me that when I first entered the sect.”

“I think it’s time to tell you why I left the royal court and entered the martial world.”

I felt a sense of anticipation.

‘Finally, I get to hear it.’

Being the chief instructor of the Imperial Guard meant teaching martial arts to the hundred thousand soldiers, officers, nd generals stationed in the capital, Luoyang, and often serving as the emperor’s martial arts teacher. It was a position of immense honor, even greater than that of the Imperial Guards, and recognized as the pinnacle for a martial artist! Leaving such a position to run a martial hall in a modest region like Guanzhong was hard to understand.

In my previous life, Lee Gwang never really talked about this. I had asked him before, but he would frown and dismiss it as impertinent. In my past life, I was not close enough to Lee Gwang to hear about his past.

Lee Gwang spoke,

“What do you think is the organization responsible for guarding the imperial palace?”

“Well, isn’t it the Imperial Guard, the Embroidered Uniform Guards, and Eastern Depot, a total of three organizations?”

“That’s correct. However, although the Imperial Guard is a standing army, it is actually organized under the direct command of the Grand General, so the ones closest to the actual meaning of ‘guarding’ are the Embroidered Uniform Guards and Eastern Depot.”

Lee Gwang paused and sighed.

“However, ever since their establishment, the Embroidered Uniform Guards and Eastern Depot competed too much. Both were created by the emperor who didn’t trust the court’s influential ministers, inevitably becoming his hunting dogs. This led them to become corrupt, wielding power without having the capability to properly guard the emperor against external threats like the White Lotus Sect. It was common for nobles to bribe their way into power by placing their sons in these organizations.

The previous emperor was concerned about this and felt the need to reestablish these two organizations into proper elite groups. He selected the best martial artists, regardless of their affiliation, focusing on their skills and loyalty.

This task was undertaken by the four most outstanding martial artists in the palace at that time. They were called the ‘Four Divine Guards.'”


As I looked at Lee Gwang in disbelief, he nodded and said,

“I was one of them, operating as the Azure Dragon.”

It was astonishing.

If what he said was true, then Lee Gwang, the master of the Azure Dragon Martial Hall in front of me, was originally an extraordinary figure. Being one of the Four Divine Guards of the palace meant he was already a supreme martial artist. Moreover, being entrusted by the emperor to reorganize the palace’s military force indicated deep trust from the emperor and a pivotal presence in the power structure!

As I swallowed hard, Lee Gwang gave a bitter smile.

“At that time, I realized there were fewer than ten capable martial artists in the palace, so I decided to exert pressure on the martial world for stronger martial artists.”

“Pressure on the martial world?”

“Back then, the Nine Sects Alliance and various martial sects were skeptical about sending their best to the imperial Embroidered Uniform Guards. It was only recently that talents from factions like the Twin Gates of Luoyang began to be supplied.”

“Why is that? Nowadays, martial artists are eager to join the Embroidered Uniform Guards…”

“Back then, there was incessant bloody power struggle within the palace. Being selected for the Embroidered Uniform Guards or Eastern Depot often meant being torn apart within a day, or being implicated in treason unknowingly, resulting in the destruction of their sect. Who would want to send their best disciples into such political strife?”


I wasn’t sure when this ‘past’ Lee Gwang was referring to was. It must have been decades ago, before I was born, as the current martial world and palace atmosphere were vastly different. I had no choice but to listen attentively.

He looked up at the moon and continued,

“But still, I had to do it. I convinced various faction leaders that those who sided with me would never be harmed. However, they wouldn’t listen to me. So, I resorted to my last option.”

“And that last option was…”

“I traveled around Shaanxi’s martial world and beyond, breaking down sects. Using sparring as an excuse, I destroyed several faction plaques a day. I think I defeated many martial artists back then, and I killed quite a few, which I still somewhat regret today.”


“I thought that by exerting such pressure, the martial world would yield and present their top masters to the royal court.”

Could it really mean that?

Lee Gwang, the great martial artist of the imperial palace and one of the Four Divine Guards, had destroyed the Shaanxi martial world under the pretext of imperial orders – implying that such a crazy endeavor had existed in the past. And it’s likely that the Zhongnan Sect of the Nine Sects Alliance was involved in that chaos. I swallowed hard and asked,

“Did you challenge even the Eight Gates of Demonic Paths or the Nine Sects Alliance?”

“It wasn’t a challenge, it was a sparring contest.”

“Yes, sparring.”

“I sparred with the Zhongnan Sect, Huashan faction, and even the Wudang faction for good measure. Among the Eight Gates of Demonic Paths, I fought with Black Night Gate, Shura Gate, and Heaven-Earth Gate.”

“What was the outcome?”

“I never lost.”

His answer was exceedingly brief. But I realized the hidden meaning behind his words and shivered.

Lee Gwang, as the Azure Dragon among the Four Divine Guards, had excessively demonstrated his power in the martial world! He was undefeated against the top experts of both the orthodox and unorthodox sects! I now understood the ‘fear’ Jin So-cheong had mentioned. Back then, the name Azure Dragon must have been synonymous with death and destruction, a harbinger of doom from the imperial palace.

In disbelief, I asked,

“How could you open a martial hall after incurring so much enmity…”

“Those who bore a grudge against me and were capable of revenge were thoroughly crushed by me. I left enough room for compromise, so no one dared to challenge me afterward. I made sure of that before descending into the martial world.”

The thought of how frightening he was crossed my mind. To hear him say he handled matters thoroughly meant that for those on the receiving end, it was a nightmare they would not want to encounter even in their dreams. Lee Gwang was not a man to be made an enemy of.


“Yet, even with such pressure on the martial world, they further closed their doors. They used the excuse of sealing their gates and refused to fight me. As my goal of recruiting top masters hit a limit, I grew angry and frustrated.”

Lee Gwang drank some tea, then laughed bitterly.

“… But, absurdly, the situation resolved itself. Once the internal strife in the palace ended, everything was settled. The martial sects began offering their best again, and the distribution of experts in the Embroidered Uniform Guards and Eastern Depot normalized. I was discharged from the Four Divine Guards due to my perceived lack of capability.”

“Discharged… But that wasn’t your fault, was it?”

“At first, I thought so too. Descending into the martial world, all sorts of thoughts crossed my mind. I had devoted my life to the royal court, only to be cast out like this… I was filled with rage.”

A more relaxed expression appeared on Lee Gwang’s face.

“But it turned out it wasn’t so. It was indeed my fault.”

“What do you mean?”

“My duty wasn’t to provoke the martial world and destroy its masters. It was to swiftly end the palace’s internal strife and bring peace to the world. Had I done so, innocent people wouldn’t have been sacrificed, and needless grudges wouldn’t have been formed.

I failed because I didn’t think for myself and blindly followed orders, believing that to be the virtue of a military officer. Not thinking for myself led to my downfall.”


Lee Gwang looked at me intently and said,

“Remember this. No matter how strong you are, you must think with your own mind and walk the path you choose with your will. Otherwise, power is utterly useless.”

Think with your own mind!

That was the most significant lesson the current Threefold Expert Lee Gwang could give me. And having experienced several reincarnations, I painfully understood what he meant. I had died several times before, having acted impulsively without thinking and being swayed by circumstances.

“Life’s experiences and wisdom are indeed essential.”

Seeing my expression of realization, Threefold Expert Lee Gwang wore a peculiar look.

“You really are unique. I’ve told So-cheong this story several times, but he only took it as guidance for the future. But you… you seem to deeply empathize as if you’ve experienced something similar.”


“Maybe it’s the alcohol, but I’ve become quite talkative. I’ll take a few last questions.”

A hint of embarrassment appeared on Lee Gwang’s face. Even for such a stoic person, it seemed discussing his past wasn’t a pleasant task. I pondered deeply and then asked him an important question.

“Do you know the commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards? Is he also one of the Four Divine Guards of the royal palace?”

“Of course. He is White Tiger, one of the Four Divine Guards, and a close friend of mine.”

I mentally sighed.

‘No wonder he was so incredibly strong.’

If the commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards is White Tiger of the royal Four Divine Guards, it means that currently, I have no chance of winning a direct confrontation against him. If he’s a friend of Lee Gwang and called one of the great masters, he must be a top figure in the martial world.

“Who are the other two?”

“One is Black Tortoise, the admiral of Eastern Depot, called Huan Ya. The other is Vermillion Bird.”

“Three, including yourself, were commanders of the palace’s military forces. Does Vermillion Bird not hold a special position?”

“Vermillion Bird is a bit special. He is the true guardian of the emperor, rarely showing himself even to other Divine Guards. He operates in the deepest shadows, as far as I know.”

“I see.”

Lee Gwang, who had been sharing information, then chided me.

“What do you plan to do with your curiosity about the Four Divine Guards? With your current abilities, you can’t match any of them.”

The information I had gathered was a significant revelation. I let his rebuke pass through one ear and focused on remembering everything. Then I said,

“… Lastly, I have a question for my master.”


“If the Embroidered Uniform Guards were to lose their humanity and commit evil acts, would you stand against them?”


Lee Gwang seemed to ponder my question seriously. Perhaps he had already considered such a scenario. After a long moment of contemplation, furrowing his brow uncharacteristically, he finally spoke.

“If it is for the sake of His Majesty the Emperor, I cannot oppose them.”

“Are you serious?”

Lee Gwang nodded.

“I’ve seen and been part of many inhumane activities, even participating in torture. But all those actions, I believe, were out of loyalty and sincerity towards His Majesty. Killing one’s sense of justice and dedicating oneself entirely to the ruler is the duty of a military officer, so I can understand them.”


I wanted to clench my teeth and argue against that.

“The Embroidered Uniform Guards are no longer what you remember! They are driving thousands, tens of thousands of people mad and offering them as human sacrifices!”

However, I held back.

The reason I refrained from saying this was because I thought of Mang-ryang’s fate. If I tell Lee Gwang the truth now, it might be possible to prove the tragedy over time and make him an ally.

But even if I manage to recruit Lee Gwang, there’s no guarantee that we can defeat the Embroidered Uniform Guards. Furthermore, considering his words, he might ignore the truth and look away. Lacking power, I would face a situation similar to when I had to take Mang-ryang’s life.

I won’t depend on others’ strength anymore. I joined the Azure Dragon Martial Hall in this life to grow my own power. I’ve sworn to relentlessly push forward, not looking back or to the sides, for that purpose.

Lee Gwang’s voice reached my ears as I bowed my head.

“Tonight’s drinking session ends here. From tomorrow, I will begin teaching you the Sky Piercing Strike in earnest, so brace yourself.”

Lee Gwang’s presence slowly faded away.

Sitting alone in front of the empty table, I gazed out at the moon through the window. It was a full moon.

“I need to brace myself.”

I reaffirmed my resolve at that moment.

The only one I can truly rely on is myself.

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