Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 248: Welcome Party

Chapter 248: Welcome Party

“Our chef has prepared this dish with great care; I hope it suits your taste.”

The chandelier illuminated the lavish dining table.

Even though Eldrina continued to speak, Lucia, seated at the end, couldn’t lift her head.

The reason was not that she was voraciously devouring the soup in front of her, but rather because she felt so uncomfortable that she found it difficult to raise her head.

“…Oh my, I’ve never had such food before.”

“I’m glad it suits your taste. If there’s any dish you like, please let the staff know anytime.”

“Thank you for your consideration, ma’am.”

The devil hiding her horns pretended to be grateful, a sight that made one’s skin crawl. Bowing respectfully with her hand over her chest to mere humans was something even Kyrie had never seen, let alone Lucia.

“I appreciate you looking after my children, but I didn’t expect such hospitality…”

Glen, who had been casually sipping his wine, chimed in.

“Indeed. My sister-in-law must have put in a lot of effort.”

“No, brother-in-law. As his wife, I should have arranged such a gathering sooner, and I feel rather sorry for not doing so.”

“Please don’t say that. I should have greeted you first. Come to think of it, I didn’t even attend my brother’s wedding… I’m truly an unworthy brother.”

Although Glen had spent most of his life in the demonic realm and the countryside, it didn’t mean he had no social experience at all, as he skillfully handled Eldrina’s reception.

Compared to dealing with Yuma, this was nothing, but it wasn’t just this ordinary scene that made Lucia bury her head and unable to swallow her food properly.


Thump, thump, thump.

The blatant presence pouring over her made Lucia’s heart pound.

Glen had been conscious of Lucia since earlier.

Since when exactly… If she had to pinpoint, it was since she got off the carriage.

Even when he was interrogating Shiron about his uniform,

Even when he was conversing with Yuma separately in the annex, Glen was conscious of Lucia. Even now, as he spoke with Eldrina, he couldn’t help but be aware of her, making Lucia’s stomach twist to the point where it felt like it would bore a hole in real-time.

One might think it was absurd to be so disturbed by one person’s attention, but the fact that Lucia couldn’t meet Glen’s eyes directly was the biggest issue.

Glen knew Lucia’s identity. That wasn’t a problem. Lucia had revealed it herself, and she had long since resolved to face Glen eventually.

However, the fact that it hadn’t even been a week since Lucia had savored Shiron’s affections… that was a significant problem.

Lucia was not Glen’s daughter, and Prient was not a descendant of Kyrie, but Shiron was undoubtedly Glen Prient’s biological son.


How would Glen, who knew Lucia’s true identity, look at her?

It was ridiculous…

A woman dead for hundreds of years not only seduced but also devoured his only son!

Of course!

Since he didn’t know what had happened between Shiron and Lucia, Glen’s exact thoughts were unknown to her.

But you know the saying, “The thief feels guilty”? Lucia’s anxiety was only natural.

Why was he conscious of her? Did they have some conversation in the carriage? Did Shiron reveal that we had sex? But Shiron wasn’t that kind of man…


Just as she was about to bury her face in the warm soup, Eldrina called out to her in a gentle voice. Startled, Lucia looked up at the head of the table.

“What are you thinking about so deeply? Is something bothering you?”


“You don’t seem to want to eat; you haven’t touched your utensils and keep your head down.”

“Th-That’s not true!”

“Really? Then hurry and eat before the food gets cold. Think about the effort Hurstein put into making it.”


Lucia quickly finished the soup and started cutting into the large steak. It seemed excessive for such gentle admonishment, but it was a kind scolding that could be shown in front of guests.

Just by looking at her eyes, one could tell.

The smiling lips, and the thin eyes above them.

‘Don’t ruin the atmosphere of this joyous occasion.’

Satisfied with Lucia, who understood the hidden meaning well, Eldrina turned her gaze back to Glen.

“I hope I didn’t scold her too harshly in front of you.”

“…You don’t have to worry about me. I haven’t been a good family man anyway. I don’t know if I even have the right to scold anyone. Haha.”

Glen laughed lightly at Eldrina’s gaze.

Seeing the hero from 500 years ago unable to say a word and taking scolding was an unexpectedly great source of amusement, but the reason Glen laughed was different.

‘It’s good to see my brother doing well.’

Although Hugo and his daughter Siriel weren’t present, Glen could see from Eldrina’s demeanor and the household’s atmosphere what kind of woman she was and what kind of home this was.

A smart wife. A harmonious family.

These were things Glen could never have.

‘I’m envious.’

Hugo, who always had a grumpy expression when facing Glen.

And Glen knew deep down why his brother disliked him so much.

Inferiority and admiration. Those primal emotions existed between Glen and Hugo.

Although those feelings seemed to have faded somewhat in the last image he saw of Hugo, Glen could still vividly recall the scene when Hugo stormed out.

20 years ago from now. It was the day of his coming-of-age ceremony.

The giant Atmos looked at the young Hugo and said,

-It’s yours. The Greatsword of the Fairy. Use it well.


A sword fell at Hugo’s feet. A large, thick greatsword, quite different from what Hugo had used so far.

But Hugo did not pick up the greatsword immediately.

-The most excellent Prient, a sword just for you. The Star Sword, Ligel.

“Congratulations! Congratulations!”

Clap, clap, clap—The one-eyed fairy Dolby flew over and handed the holy sword to Glen.

“Do you know how hard it was to make this? Cherish it and treat it like your lover, always careful! It’s a sword that will protect you, so cut down even the apostles with it!”

“…Thank you.”

“And stop with the formal speech! The moment you receive this sword, you are the head of Prient! You don’t need to bow to anyone!”

Glen nodded silently at Dolby’s command. Then he swung the sword, slicing through the clouds.

A thin white line appeared in the blood-red clouds, creating a massive whirlpool as a storm surged.

Hugo could never achieve such a spectacle.

Hugo turned his gaze and picked up the greatsword that had fallen on the ground. Like Glen, Hugo demonstrated his swordsmanship. A blue aura surged on the blade, and a storm raged around him.

Compared to what Glen had achieved moments ago, it was a pitiful result.

The guardians of Dawn Castle expressed their disappointment, and the giant Atmos and the one-eyed Dolby didn’t even glance his way.

“That was splendid.”

Only Yuma spoke to Hugo.

“With such martial prowess, you will do well in the secular world. You might even be considered the strongest among humans.”

“…Thank you.”

“Your father in heaven would be proud.”


“And I believe you’ll do well even after descending from the mountains. But before that, you should return to the castle and hold a banquet…”

“Thank you.”

Hugo didn’t let Yuma finish. He crossed the mountains alone, and Glen felt many emotions as he watched Hugo’s back at that time.

When they returned to the castle, Hugo was erasing his traces.

He packed his clothes into a bundle, cleaned his room, and burned unnecessary items in the fireplace.

“Brother, where are you going?”

“…Go away.”

Hugo walked past Glen. As he walked down the hallway, Glen could hear him grinding his teeth.

Glen couldn’t stop Hugo. All he could do was watch Hugo’s hasty departure through the foggy window.


Glen’s vision darkened, interrupting his reminiscence.

As the black veil lifted, his vision cleared. But the scene before him was no longer the dining room he had been seeing moments before.

A quiet field.

A gentle breeze brushed against his skin. He looked down and saw his hands were stained red. Lowering his gaze further, he saw a red spot growing on his chest.


What was that sound echoing in his ears…


Glen didn’t waver. It was a familiar sensation. However, it felt slightly foreign, probably because it had been so long.

A prophecy he hadn’t seen for months.

‘So, this is it.’


Glen coughed dryly and looked straight ahead. Across from him was Shiron. His black eyes had been fixed on Glen since earlier.


Eldrina looked at Glen in surprise. Everyone at the table widened their eyes. A stream of blood from his nose dripped onto the white tablecloth.

“Blood, blood… Someone fetch a warm towel. And Shiron, treat your father immediately.”

“…It’s nothing, sister-in-law.”

Glen stopped Eldrina, who was about to rise.

“This happens often. Please continue your meal. I’ll go rest now. Yuma, you stay seated.”

“I’ll accompany you.”

Shiron led Glen out of the dining room. As he supported Glen, he quietly murmured.

“How was it?”

“…What do you mean?”

Glen asked Shiron with a half-raspy voice.

“Did you see what you need to do?”


“Playing the role of a knight in uniform is fine, but there are more urgent matters. Haven’t you written down things you must do before you die?”

“Did you… see it too?”

“Not at all.”

Shiron brought a bright light to Glen’s face.

“How could someone who isn’t fit to be the head of Prient see the future?”

“…I miss my brother.”

After the large hand was removed, Glen saw Shiron’s bitter smile first.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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