Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 181: After the Attack

Chapter 181: After the Attack

"They're gone," Vincent said, breaking the quiet.

Velara's eyes scanned the rugged terrain, narrowing. "For now," she replied, gripping Stormbreaker tightly. "But they'll regroup. You know that."

"They will return stronger. But don't worry, we just killed one of their Generals."

"How can you be so sure?" Velara flickered her gaze to Vincent, seeking an answer.

Vincent couldn't tell Velara that he received a notification stating that the Demon King General Morgath was killed in combat. That would make her confuse. So instead of answering in that way, he came up with another.

"Well you couldn't see the body where he was last found so that's our proof. I don't how many Demon King Generals are there but the ones that attacked us earlier must be all of them. So assuming they were six Demon King General...and we already killed two of them."

"Really?" Velara raised her brows. "That's a huge feat in this generation. To be able to kill two Demon King Generals within 100 years.'

Vincent gave a small nod, his gaze shifting back to the mountainous terrain before them. "It's a start, but it's far from over. But this suggests that the Demon Forces are getting desperate to get what they want. If not, then there was no reason for the Demon Forces to use all of their powerful chess pieces in a single campaign."

Velara's expression hardened as she processed his words. "But what are they after? The Dwarven Kingdom? There must be something more."

"Exactly." Vincent crossed his arms, his eyes scanning the horizon thoughtfully. "They've never been this aggressive before. Something has changed. Something important enough for them to risk losing one of their generals."

Velara tightened her grip on Stormbreaker, her eyes narrowing. "If they think they can break us by throwing everything at us, they're wrong. We've stood our ground, and we'll keep standing."

Vincent nodded, agreeing. "And now they're down two. But the others will be more cautious. They won't let their emotions get in the way. We need to be ready for that. In fact, I'm quite surprised that you were able to hold off three demon king generals."

Velara glanced at Vincent, her expression serious but with a hint of pride. "I didn't hold them off alone," she said. "Your air support made the difference. Without that, I'm not sure how things would've turned out."

Vincent gave a small nod, acknowledging her words. "Still, it was no small feat. Facing three Demon King Generals at once... not many could have done what you did."

"Facing them was one thing. Winning, though," Velara muttered, her voice trailing off as her eyes scanned the distance again. "They're retreating, but you're right-they'll be back. And they won't make the same mistakes."

"Which is why we need to prepare for their next move," Vincent replied. "We can't afford to let them regroup and come back stronger."

Velara turned to him, her brow furrowed in thought. "What's your plan? We've weakened them, but they still have enough power to cause serious damage if they return."

Vincent's gaze shifted back toward the Dwarven Kingdom, his mind already running through strategies. "First, we solidify the defenses here. They attacked the dwarves for a reason, and whatever that reason is, we need to make sure they don't get it."

Velara nodded, her grip tightening on Stormbreaker. "Agreed. But we also need to find out what they're after. The Dwarven Kingdom isn't just some random target. There's something here they want, and until we know what it is, we'll always be on the defensive."

Vincent's eyes narrowed as he considered her words. "You're right. It's not just about territory or power. There's something specific. Maybe something hidden in the mountains or deep within the dwarven vaults. We'll need to work closely with the dwarves to uncover it."

"The only thing we dwarves have to offer is our treasured vaults and minerals. I'm guessing that they will need those for their equipment? I don't know..."

When Velara said that, an idea popped up in Vincent's head. "They stole weapons from the elves, the rifles that we gave to them was the weapon that was stolen. If they're trying to reverse-engineer the rifles and they need dwarven materials to do it, then it makes sense why they'd attack the Dwarven Kingdom so aggressively. Those materials are rare, and the dwarves are the only ones who have the means to refine them properly."

Velara furrowed her brow, considering his words. "If that's true, then we're dealing with a much bigger threat than we realized. They're not just looking to wage war the old way. They're trying to blend magic and technology-demonic power and modern weaponry." Vincent nodded. "Exactly. If they succeed in doing that, their forces will be unstoppable. The rifles alone were dangerous enough in the wrong hands. If the demons manage to mass- produce them with enhanced materials from the dwarves, they could arm entire legions." "Then we can't let them get their hands on those materials. We need to protect the dwarven mines and vaults at all costs."

"Agreed," Vincent replied. "We need to work fast. We should fortify the entrances to the mines and vaults, set up traps, and have the dwarves arm themselves. If we can block their access to the materials, we can stop them from advancing their plans."

Velara gave a determined nod. "I'll gather my people. They'll fight tooth and nail to protect their kingdom and their treasures. But we'll need your forces as well. The demons will strike hard, and they won't be so reckless next time."

"I'll have my team ready," Vincent assured her. "We'll also keep Spooky-1 in the air for reconnaissance. If the demons try to attack again, we'll be ready for them from above and on the ground. But for now, we rest as this is a hard-fought victory," Vincent finished. "We've bought ourselves some time, but that's all it is-time. We need to make the most of it." Velara nodded in agreement, her eyes shifting once more toward the Dwarven Kingdom's towering fortifications in the distance. The toll of the battle was visible, even from where they stood, but there was still strength in their defenses. "Time, yes-but not much of it. I'll mobilize the dwarves, and we'll reinforce the key areas. The vaults and mines will be our priority."

Vincent's gaze followed hers. "And I'll coordinate with my team, have them set up strategic defenses. We need to prepare for another attack."

Velara shifted, ready to move. "We don't have much choice. If what you said is true, and they're trying to build an army with that kind of weaponry, then the stakes just got a lot

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"They did," Vincent agreed, then added, "but that's why we're here. We'll stop them."

Velara looked at him for a moment, measuring his resolve. "Don't make promises lightly, Vincent. This war isn't just about stopping an invasion-it's about survival. But if we can hold them off here, it might give us a chance to find out what else they're planning."

Vincent nodded, his mind already running through possible contingencies. "I won't make promises I can't keep. But I'll make sure we're ready."

"Good." Velara gripped Stormbreaker with renewed determination. "I'll start mobilizing the dwarves. We'll have the entrances to the mines and vaults reinforced by nightfall."

"I'll check in with my team," Vincent said. "We'll set up traps and place sentries. I want our aerial support constantly scanning the perimeter for any signs of movement."

Velara turned to leave but paused, her tone softening slightly. "Thank you, Vincent. Without your help, we wouldn't have survived this battle."

Vincent looked at her, a small, earnest smile crossing his face. "We're in this together, Velara. No need for thanks."

She gave a sharp nod, then strode off toward the dwarven fortress, her pace quick and


Vincent watched her go before turning back toward the distant horizon. He knew the battle wasn't over. The Demon King Generals were regrouping, and their next move would be far more devastating if they succeeded in getting the dwarven materials. He had to think ahead, plan for contingencies he hadn't yet considered.

Reaching for his communication device, he spoke into it. "Alpha Actual to Spooky-1, maintain constant surveillance. We're moving into defensive mode, but I want eyes on every inch of this terrain. Report anything unusual immediately."

"Roger that, Alpha Actual. We're on it," came the calm reply from the AC-130's crew.

As Vincent stood alone for a moment, the weight of the next steps settled in. This wasn't just about protecting the Dwarven Kingdom anymore. It's about the existence of human races and others. The Demon Forces have one mission only, and that is to conquer the world and he already knew what would happen if there is a one force dominating the rest of the world: tyranny, oppression, and the complete eradication of any hope for freedom. Vincent wasn't about to let that happen.

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