Reincarnation of the Celestial Bastard

Chapter 70: Unmasking the Darkness

Chapter 70: Unmasking the Darkness

Li Tian crouched in the shadows, still as stone, watching the rogue faction continue their strange rituals in the clearing ahead. The hooded figures moved methodically, occasionally murmuring chants that sent a shiver through the air. The leader, the tall figure radiating dark energy, stood at the center of their circle, his presence commanding respect and fear.

[System Message: Quest Reminder.]

[Objective: Defeat the rogue faction's leader.]

[Reward: Dark Flame Palm Technique.]

Li Tian's eyes narrowed as he studied the leader. His aura was potent, and from what Li Tian could sense, the man was not to be underestimated. But the reward... the Dark Flame Palm Technique sounded powerful, and Li Tian never turned down an opportunity to increase his strength.

A quiet rustle behind him alerted Li Tian. He remained hidden, blending seamlessly into the shadows, as two more figures emerged from the trees. They moved to join the group, their expressions grim beneath their hoods.

"Everything is in place," one of them said, his voice low but carrying an edge of anticipation.

The leader nodded but said nothing. His attention remained focused on a dark orb that hovered just above the ground, pulsating with malevolent energy. Whatever they were planning, it was nearing completion.

Li Tian knew he couldn't wait much longer. He would need to strike soon if he wanted to stop whatever dark force they were summoning. He tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword, preparing to make his move.

But before he could, one of the robed figures spoke again.

"What about the Li family? If they discover what we're doing, it could ruin everything."

The leader finally turned to address him. "The Li family will be dealt with. Their strength means nothing against the powers we've aligned with. The shadows will consume them all."

Li Tian's heart skipped a beat. So they were targeting his family. The rogue faction was more dangerous than he had thought. His grip on his sword tightened as a surge of anger welled up within him.

Enough waiting.

In one swift movement, Li Tian leaped from his hiding place, his body moving like a blur as he activated the Shadow Walk technique. Before the rogue faction could react, he was upon them, his sword cutting through the air with deadly precision.

The first robed figure barely had time to gasp before Li Tian's blade sliced through his chest. Blood sprayed onto the ground, and the man crumpled, lifeless. The remaining cultists scattered in panic, but Li Tian didn't let them get far. He darted through the clearing, his speed enhanced by his cultivation, cutting down anyone who stood in his way.

"Intruder!" one of the figures shouted, but it was already too late. Li Tian's movements were too fast, too lethal. The clearing was soon littered with bodies, and only the leader remained, watching him with cold, calculating eyes.

"So, the son of Li Feng has come to play," the leader said, his voice calm despite the massacre of his followers. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

Li Tian didn't respond. He pointed his sword at the man, his gaze steely. "You made a mistake threatening my family."

The leader chuckled darkly. "Your family is already doomed. The darkness has chosen us, and soon it will consume everything. You are but a speck in the grand design."

Li Tian's eyes flashed with determination. "We'll see about that."

Without another word, he launched himself at the leader, his sword aimed directly at the man's chest. But the leader was fast—faster than Li Tian had anticipated. He sidestepped the attack with ease, his movements fluid and practiced.

"You'll need to do better than that," the leader taunted, his hand glowing with dark energy. He unleashed a blast of shadowy power toward Li Tian, who barely managed to dodge in time. The ground where he had stood exploded, sending debris flying.

Li Tian gritted his teeth. This was no ordinary opponent. The leader was clearly well-versed in dark arts, and his power was formidable.

[System Message: Crisis Mode Activated.]

[Temporary Boost: Strength, Speed, and Reflexes enhanced.]

Li Tian felt a surge of power course through him as Crisis Mode activated. His muscles tensed, and his senses sharpened. With newfound speed, he closed the distance between himself and the leader, striking again with a flurry of sword attacks.

The leader was forced onto the defensive, his smug expression replaced with one of focus as he blocked and dodged Li Tian's relentless assault. But even with his dark powers, he couldn't keep up with the enhanced Li Tian for long.

"Impossible!" the leader hissed, frustration creeping into his voice as he struggled to fend off the onslaught. "How are you this strong?"

Li Tian didn't answer. He didn't need to. His movements were swift and precise, and finally, he saw an opening. With one final strike, he drove his sword into the leader's chest, the blade sinking deep into flesh and bone.

The leader gasped, blood spilling from his mouth as he staggered back, his hands clutching the wound. He stared at Li Tian in disbelief, his body trembling.

"You... will... regret this," the leader wheezed, his voice barely above a whisper. "The darkness... will come for you... for all of you..."

With that, the leader collapsed, his body hitting the ground with a dull thud. The dark orb that had hovered in the center of the clearing flickered and then dissipated into nothingness.

Li Tian stood over the fallen leader, his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. The battle had been intense, but he had won. The threat to his family had been neutralized, at least for now.

[System Message: Quest Completed.]

[Reward: Dark Flame Palm Technique.]

Li Tian felt a wave of satisfaction as the new technique integrated into his mind. He could already feel the dark energy of the technique swirling within him, ready to be unleashed when needed.

But as the adrenaline of the fight began to fade, a sense of unease crept over him. The leader's final words echoed in his mind.

"The darkness will come for you..."

Li Tian glanced around the clearing, the bodies of the fallen cultists lying still in the grass. He had defeated them today, but something told him that this was only the beginning.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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