Resetting Lady

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Inside the office, Raymond sat down in a chair and held back a groan. This had become something he usually did now.

Dont tell me. With the situation were in right now, are you going to say that you want to live your own life?

Even when it came to households that hadnt fallen to ruin, there were many men and women out there who had to marry each other according to each others terms. The two brothers parents also decided to marry each other as they were introduced by their families.

Raymonds marriage was decided upon much earlier than he thought itd be, but this was commonplace. Its not something to despair about.

Its fine.

Its alright.

Of course not.

Thats right.

Yes, it was common. But the baron needed to explain. Just how much was he worth.

How much is there to receive?

Thats not something you should be curious about.

Im just asking how much my body is worth. How much did you sell me for? How much did you receive for selling me to a girl who I dont knowa girl who Id make children with and give our surname to? Just to maintain your swollen, bloated body, Brother, how much did you get?

But Raymond pressed down on these words that he could not utter.

I dont like that man.

Disliking him is your own emotion, sure, but dont let it show in front of others.

After the deal had been finalized, the baron looked to be quite at easefor the first time after a long time. So, Raymond felt more pressured. As he had an expression that seemed to say that his stomach was fully satiated, just how much did he receive?

He looked at me like he was choosing livestock.

And right now, it seemed like his brother was looking at a defective product.

Listening to Raymond, the baron waved one hand inconsequentially. Like waving away a fly.

Nonsense. The important thing is that he decided to buy most of our estate.

What? Raymond stared at the baron with his eyes growing wider with bewilderment. Meanwhile, the baron looked back at Raymond, staring him straight in the eye. One of his cheeks twitched.

But why did you sell it? You didnt consult No. I know that you dont have to consult me, but. Still, Brother. The land has been continuously deteriorating. Why all of a sudden?

As Raymond spoke, it felt like his throat was closing up. He was being married off and their land was sold, while his brother was drinking every night and no longer went to church. His brother did not care about their territory anymore. Why. If its like that, then just stay still, as you already are.

Our lands condition is getting worse and worse now. That person is buying the land at the price hes giving now, so of course it has to be sold. Its even been decided that the price will be doubled. I have to sell it before he finds out.

What was his brother talking about? Raymond tried to process what he heard just now, then he looked up.

So, Mister Verdic doesnt know the illnesses we have in the territory right now?


Thats not fair. Its not good to hide anything while selling something. Thats the basis of any business transaction.

Raymond heard what the baron said just now loud and clear. But it just sounded so petty and cowardly.

I got it.


I have to tell Mister Verdic. This is fraud.

Sit back down.


Sit back down, Raymond!

A thick hand shot out to Raymond. The baron grabbed at the end of Raymonds hair. However, that was all. The barons hands were too thick and Raymond was too fast. Some of the childs golden hair was pulled out. Even so, Raymond kicked the door open.

Stop right there!

He ran. He ran and ran. Raymond realized anew that he was tall. His joints started hurting not only because the baron beat him.

Raymond yelled as he ran.

James! Xenon! Anyone, listen to me!

Anyone who listens to him will die!

Raymond ran.

The baron couldnt stop him.

It sounded like there was a thump behind him, but it didnt matter. Raymond ran to the entrance of the mansion. A horse was standing there. Raymond jumped and mounted the horse. He didnt need a step stool to do so. He clicked his tongue and kicked the stirrups to launch the horse forward. It was raining outside.

Embarrassing. Embarrassing. Everything was embarrassing and painful.

He was ashamed of the baron, and he was ashamed of himself. Was the way that the barons body changed a minor thing? If his body was alright, would the baron be the one sent off instead of Raymond? In the past, if their father was still alive, would the same fraud be committed?

Verdic Evans!

Raymond urged the horse to gallop. The rain kept the fancy carriage from going too far away. The coachman turned his head and saw Raymond, and so, the carriage stopped. Raymond led the horse near the carriage. The carriage window opened. From inside, Verdic stuck his head out.

Goodness, its raining, but whats going on The baron will tell you all you need to know.

Raymond swept away his soaked bangs. His vision was blurry.

Please cancel the contract.


A strange sound came from inside the carriage. Raymond went closer.

There is an epidemic among the sheep in our territory. My brother didnt know about it.

Even if he had no money, even if he lost his family, even if he were to lose his health, and even in spite of rebuke.

Raymond did not want to lose his conscience. It hadnt been long since his parents, who taught him this, had passed away, and Raymond was young. Above all, he was just that kind of person.

Raymond thought that he might cry amidst this downpour, too. But he felt relieved. It wouldnt be obvious if he did cry. And the offended merchant wouldnt notice.

I apologize.

He didnt need to live a shameful life now. As long as he would adhere to his morals, then it would be just like the time when his mother and father were still here in this world with him.

My word

Verdic stroked his chin. A little girls small head popped out the window as well. Was that his daughter? Raymond was taken aback. This kid was obviously younger than him, and he even wondered if she could even already read.

So you mean that the Baron deceived me.

Raymond dropped his head. He couldnt keep his head held high at all.

Verdic didnt say anything for a while. No, it wasnt that he didnt say anything. He was consoling the little girl next to him. After that, he spoke to Raymond again.

Very well. Then, youll have to pay for deceiving us.

But I dont wish to cancel the engagement.

Raymond returned. Xenon was standing at the corner of the street, and he told Raymond that it would be better to stay at his house until the barons anger had abated. And so, Raymond did not know how the contract between the baron and Verdic had been decided. Even if the subject of that contract was his own life.

Soon after, Raymond received an admission letter from a military academy. Verdic recommended that he went. What Raymond wanted to do was not an important factor here.

The moment Raymond showed his face to Isella Evans while she was in that carriagehis fate was sealed.

Because this was what Isella Evans told Verdic Evans.

Hes like a knight. He's gonna look good in a military uniform.

It was for this reason that Raymond donned a military uniform.

* * *

Its fine.

Brother is sick.

Thats why Raymond did not resent Baron Saytes. Whats the use in loathing a sick person? And its just the two of them now, isn't it?

A sick person had a way to make it turn out like this.

A sick person could do that.

* * *

Life at the military academy suited Raymond better than he thought. Truthfully, he had no other such opportunities, so he couldnt compare this experience to anything else. Still, he was well distinguished here, and he could say that he fit well in this place.

Though he had the pessimistic notion that this was not his choice, that sentiment quickly disappeared. There were so many other students in this military academy that mirrored his own situation. What Raymond was facing right now was not so different.

Its as if he was born to move his body. He was serious about his studies, and he had the looks to back him up, too. Thats why there were many places that called for Raymond. Whatever chance he was given, Raymond was objectively decent at what he did. And its impossible that Raymond himself did not know this.

I was told that Verdic Evans is your father-in-law?

Who said that.

Everyone did, Zion replied pompously.

Then is there a need for you to inform me of that fact?

Isnt it better that you know?

Whats the point of hearing about that. Theres nothing special about it.

Zion chuckled.

Of course its better that you know. Since youve claimed the top spot for three consecutive years, theres a lot of people who are jealous of you.

I just need to do well.

Raymond patted Zion on the shoulder once and ignored what he said. He was too busy to care about any jealousy flung at him by the other students. Its impossible to take the top spot without studying. Its impossible for ones body to be trained without moving it. Effort was something that anyone could muster. So, Raymond worked hard and exerted himself.

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