Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 177: Suzerainty of Goodbyes

Chapter 177: Suzerainty of Goodbyes

Suzerainty of Goodbyes

A tiny sea of people streamed across the massive compound that had expanded even further since Cain's last stay -- it had also included a full-scale graveyard now. Shortly after Rick began forming other groups to go into the Tower and collect materials, he realized that the chance of dying... was remarkably high. As such, rather than towing everyone into the distant hills, he decided to dig up an entire nearby section of the city and turn it into a graveyard. Just two months in, and there were already twenty-three graves standing.

Today, however, ten more were being added -- much larger, central, and all-encompassing. Save for Rick and the few people in his immediate circle, most of those who were attending the funeral had no clue who those being buried were or why they required such a massive gathering. Yet, it was the direct order from the boss himself that everyone show up, no exceptions.

Rick stood by the edge of the carved-up ground, staring at the ten holes with hollow eyes. Though he didn't know eight others, he was fairly familiar with Diya and Lukas. Both were kids in his eyes, the ilk that was full of life and potential. He had a hard time believing when Cain told him what had happened, and even harder time believing when he added that eight more people, among the strongest in the world, also died.

The sound of the grinding tires snapped his attention to the side where he saw Emma, Lana, Senna, and Cain leaving the car. Behind them, another two cars brought in the remainder of the party, Daniel, Jamal, Kramer, and Sigmund. Cain and Kramer slowly walked up to Rick while the others joined and walked to the other side.

"Hey," a brief set of greetings later, the silence enveloped the three. The words, in many ways, were even heavier than the nothing of the moment. Yet, the silence could not last forever.

"Did you get the list I sent you?" Kramer asked Rick.

"Yes, thank you," Rick nodded; Kramer was an inexhaustible source of info on Lander's group, providing Rick with likely years of investigations within the snap of a few short days. "And, again, I'm sorry for your loss."

"... we're soldiers," Kramer replied. "Soldiers die."

"Doesn't mean they should." Rick sighed. "What about you, Cain? How you doin'?"

"... like shit," Cain chuckled. "Emma forbade every single coping mechanism I have until after the funeral."

"Ouch. Every single one?"

"Yup," Cain nodded with a sigh. "Cigs, booze, sarcasm, denial, long showers. Everything. I'm losing my fucking mind."

"Eh, maybe she's trying to finally get you in line."

"She couldn't have chosen a worse time. Anyway, how are things here? Anything changed since I left?"

"Not really," Rick said. "A few minor skirmishes here and there, more and more 'strong' Conquerors making demands of their countries and all that. Luckily for us, most of them here haven't said much, courtesy of one particular madman."

"Oh? We have another one besides me?"

"Didn't she say 'no sarcasm'?"


"Anyway," Rick chuckled silently for a moment before continuing. "There's nothing for you to worry about. Especially not now. I know you cared about those kids. You need time, just like everyone else."

"..." Cain remained silent, deciding against saying anything. He'd learned to deal with a loss fairly quickly throughout his life. In reality, one had to; there was no room to spend months if not years grieving, and most, if they would grieve at all, would stuff it all within the frame of a single day or week at most.

Though he would never say it to others, he'd already 'dealt' with their deaths. He'd said his goodbyes and made his peace; it wasn't as though living through today didn't sting, but it was far from enough to break him. It could be the closing chapter, though, he mused inwardly;

In the distance, perched on top of a wall, a man was huffing and puffing -- having just climbed the said wall -- while staring at the funeral. His eyes quickly located the figure he was searching -- medium-height, blonde-haired, and the eyes that pierced the void -- just as the pictures.

Chuckling happily to himself, he grunted as he vaulted over and began climbing down; because of the funeral, he didn't even have to be particularly stealthy, and just had to ensure he didn't make all that much noise. He quickly moved back into the compound and found the central building, easily entering it as the security this deep in was quite lax today.


"HIYAAA!!" the man screeched in terror as he slipped on the floor and fell down, his view going back where he saw a figure standing, hands in pockets, curiously looking at him.

"Wow, that was a high pitch." Cain walked up to the strange man and crouched down; from the looks of it, the man was roughly five-eight, fairly thin, black-eyed and haired, and of Asian descent. "I don't wanna sound racist, but I... I'm fairly certain I don't know you."

"--w-why is that racist?" the man asked.

"Well, you know, all Asians look the same and such."



"Y-you don't know me."

"Good," Cain nodded. "So, I can behead you with clean conscience then?"

"Ye--wait, no, no, no! I--I can explain!"

"Please, do."

"... can... can I sit up, first?" the man asked.


"O-okay," the man nodded, still lying down, feeling somewhat awkward. "My, my name is Yuki--"


"I'm, uh, I'm from Japan."


"I saw you in photos."

"... what photos?"

"The ones you stand in fire."

"... eh? How'd you know it's me?" Cain asked curiously.

"Uh... I... I just did? I recognized you..."

"Alright... I guess," Cain said. "So, why are you here? You want an autograph? To kill me for fame? To blackmail me?"

"No, no, no, I want to join you!" Yuki said, swiftly spinning around and sitting up, his eyes suddenly alight with fervor, startling Cain. "I--I want to be in the party with the strongest man! I want to be the best, and to be the best, I need to be with the best! It's the best way to be the best!"


"I--I am level 46," Yuki continued. "My class is 'Surger', I--I am pretty good... I think? I--I mean, I know I can't join you instantly... but, uh, maybe... maybe test me? I mean..."

"..." as Cain continued to listen to the man as the latter stuttered on, he paused for a moment. A Japanese 'Surger'... was hardly a rarity. It was wildly recognized as one of the best classes of the Japan's Tower, and was, objectively, viewed as the best support-oriented Class in the world, at least baseline. "And you thought... sneaking into my home was the best way to get my attention?"

"... uh..."

"Why not just go through the official channels?" Cain asked, sighing.

"I--I did! But... but I haven't gotten any replies..." Yeah, Rick's probably in the process of still researching the Classes...

"Why not wait a day or two? You did see it was the funeral, right?"

"... I... I was just going to leave my info... in front of your door... and leave. I wasn't going to disturb... I'm sorry," the man seemed genuinely apologetic, even on the verge of tears for a moment.

"... aah, forget it," Cain sighed, standing up. "You're here. You may as well join us."


"What? I need to see whether you know how to respect the dead."

"... I'm from Japan." Yuki said, standing up.

"Oh, yeah. All the same, you do this, I'll evaluate you tomorrow."

"Okay!" Yuki nodded. "Aren't they gonna realize you are missing, though?"

"If they did, would I still be the best in the world?" Cain winked as the starry-eyed eyes returned. "Come on, I'll introduce you as my new item-carrier or something."

"Ooh! That's so cool!"

"... that's... cool?"

"Yeah! I'll be super-respected!"

"..." Yeah, another loose screw. Aah, why am I not even surprised by any of it anymore?

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