Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Chapter 3556: 【3556】Another Romance

  Chapter 3556【3556】Another Romance

  It’s like people with high blood pressure blooming almost everywhere. If many people have it, it’s rare and common, so don’t be surprised at all.

   Leng Ruzhen let out a breath.

  If a person has a problem, it is not easy to get the understanding and understanding of others.

   Fear and discrimination against unhealthy people are common. You can’t believe it, but in fact, not all doctors suffer from cleanliness. This kind of cleanliness is a “cleanliness” towards diseases, and they instinctively repel the approach of unhealthy people for fear of being infected with the breath of death.

  Taking away the mobile phone from the sister-in-law, Cao Yong went out to talk to the boss Cao Dong.

  He personally thought it over clearly, and he didn't believe that the elder brother who is a doctor would know nothing, after all, she was his wife.

   It can only be said that Cao Dong knew about it and kept it from everyone.

   Don’t think that Cao Dong is not a neurosurgeon and doesn’t know anything about neurology. The old man in his family was a neurosurgery boss and most of them were neurosurgeons. The academic exchanges at home can make Cao Dong half a neurosurgery expert.

  Thinking of this, Cao Yong frowned and stood outside the restaurant and questioned his elder brother: "You didn't tell me?"

   "I don't want to say anything?" Cao Dong was full of doubts about his brother's meaningless question, and then thought, "Why is my daughter-in-law's mobile phone in your hand?"


  Cao Dong gradually realized what his brother was talking about, and said softly, "You didn't scare her, did you?"

   "Did you say earlier that I can scare people?" Cao Yong asked, "Does she know that you know?"

   "I told her about it, but I don't know how much she listened to it. After all, she didn't want anyone to know her problem since she was a child." Cao Dong said.

  It may be hard for outsiders to believe that the boss of the Cao family and his wife are famous for treating each other like guests. It is easy for people to mistakenly think that the two are married by a blind date introduced. In fact, these two are childhood sweethearts, and the two parents have known each other since childhood.

   "Sister-in-law is born with face blindness?"

   "Yes, grandpa diagnosed her."

   "Is she unable to see clearly or recognize other people's faces?" Since the topic was opened, Cao Yong simply asked.

   "It should not be recognized. She has no other problems, her memory is very good, and her academic performance is very good."

  Leng Ruzhen is also a medical researcher, so she can only be a top student with first-rate learning ability, Cao Yong believes in this. Therefore, it is not that the whole brain function of patients with prosopagnosia is finished because they cannot recognize faces. In contrast, many prosopagnosia sufferers simply cannot recognize faces. Therefore, for such patients, as long as their occupation has nothing to do with face recognition, there is no obstacle.

   "It's okay." Cao Dong said, "She just can't recognize my face, it's not that she doesn't recognize me."

  Cao Yong squinted his eyes, and suddenly admired his eldest brother.

  As expected of a member of a medical family, Cao Dong probably feels that there is another kind of romance in his relationship with his wife.

  Patients with prosopagnosia can't recognize the other person's face, but they can recognize the other person by distinguishing the other person's voice, clothing, behavior and behavior. "As long as she hears my voice and doesn't see me, she can quickly know who I am." Cao Dong recalled the interesting scene when he and his wife met when they were young.

  You have to know that ordinary people may not be very accurate in identifying people just by listening to their voices, especially when two people have very similar voices. It can be said that Leng Ruzhen has made great efforts since she was a child to make herself look like a normal person.

  (end of this chapter)

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