Revenge of the Iron-blooded Sword Hound

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

Chapter 354: Outside the Tower (4)

“I don’t know what it is, but bring it, my son.”


“I wish I could go myself, but I can’t leave my post due to the ongoing standoff with Morg Clan. If necessary, mobilize all the knights.”

Hugo, busy analyzing who the Morg’s head for Dark Faction was, had entrusted Vikir with a task.

It was to retrieve the Ghostwood.

Vikir had received all the military authority of Baskerville from Hugo during that process.

Although it was merely a power to summon the army within a certain distance at the right time of the whistle, valid for only half a day, it was practically immense power since it could summon all seven knight orders including the Six counts.

In other words, from the moment the horn sounded, Vikir became the de facto military commander of Baskerville for half a day.

“Please give the order.”

As Young lord Osiris politely bowed his head, the six counts behind him also bowed.

Vikir gave a short command.

“Bite him to death.”

The hunter had released the dogs.

Terrifyingly as Vikir’s command fell, the shadows behind him surged forward.

The prey was none other than the Fifth Corpse Amdusias, who had just broken out of the iron chains!

…Bam bam bam!

The first to attack Amdusias seemed to be the triplets Highbro, Middlebro, and Lowbro, who were probably the closest.

Triplet sword (The artifact they got from the University league). The swords doubled their power when gathered in one place.

Highbro, Middlebro, and Lowbro put all their strength into their swords and unleashed their attacks.


However, the aura that the triplets had exerted with all their might could not penetrate the iron-like skin of Amdusias.

[Hmph! Just tickles…!]

When Amdusias was about to snort in response.

“Those were just our cute puppies.”

“Shall we see if this one also tickles?”

Two giant shadows rose behind the triplets.

The Commander of the Pitbull Order, Bostonterrier Le Baskerville.

The Commander of the Mastiff Order, Greatdane Le Baskerville.

They, the most hostile and fiercely competitive among the Seven Counts, bared their teeth towards the same prey.

Clang clang clang clang boom!

The attacks wielded by Boston Terrier and Great Dane were not as soft as those of Highbro, Middlebro, and Lowbro.

The highly concentrated aura pierced through Amdusias’s skin.


Amdusias let out a painful scream.

There were a total of twelve teeth embedded in its body. Not content with just piercing the prey’s skin, Boston Terrier and Great Dane tore it apart.

Then four other Counts joined in.

Isabella le Baskerville, the commander of the Doberman Knights;

German le Baskerville, the commander of the Shepherd Knights;

Metzgerhund le Baskerville, the commander of the Rottweiler Knights;

Cu-Chulainn le Baskerville, the commander of the Wolfhound Knights;

It was quite unusual for all the heads of the knight orders, except for the vacant Cane Corso, to gather in one place.

“Hehehe… I’ve been seeing your faces a lot lately. Feels like just yesterday when we executed that scum, doesn’t it?”

Count Boston Terrier chuckled softly. However, all the Counts, including Great Dane, didn’t bother to respond to his words. Instead, each led their hundred graduators to intercept Amdusias.


“Break its horn first. Then it’s neck. Then its hind leg. Then its lungs and liver.”

Vikir was issuing orders methodically.

The Six Counts and Young lord of the clan, Osiris, faithfully followed Vikir’s commands.

Upon seeing this, everyone eventually realized.

“Vikir, that guy… he’s from Baskerville?”

“I’ve never heard of such a person in Iron-Blooded sword Clan?”

“Yeah! I heard something about it! A prodigy appeared in Baskerville!”

A few well-informed individuals shared rumors from the public.

“At the age of 15, he rescued a noblewoman from Morg Clan and died heroically!”

“Received commendation from His Majesty, the Emperor!”

“I heard he even had a golden statue somewhere in the city.”

“What? Wasn’t that just a rumor?”

“I thought it was just a rumor spread by Baskerville to boost their reputation…”

“Now that I think about it, why would Baskerville do such a thing? That closed-off family.”

“Turns out it was a real person… and we went to school with such a guy…”

The public was astonished.

But Vikir didn’t care about such reactions.

“What’s the matter? It was this demon that almost dragged your sons, daughters, and disciples into the abyss.”

Upon hearing Vikir’s words, everyone quickly came to their senses.

The first to step forward was Professor Morg Banshee.

“Professors, listen up! The top priority from now on is to protect the students!”

At the same time, Banshee exerted all his might, releasing his magic.

Six magic circles were drawn, and within them, the magic of earth, fire, wind, water, iron, and wood poured out, beginning to restrain Amdusias.

Upon seeing this, other professors also drew their swords and magic.

“Heh heh, I was momentarily lost. Shameful indeed.”

“I will severely punish those who dared to touch my daughter!”

Cervantes Donquixote and Roderick Usher also emitted their master aura.

Clang clang clang clang boom!

Countless people gathered their strength to attack Amdusias.

Even for a demon strong in one-on-one combat, this number was beyond reckoning.

Moreover, after the Abyss Tree, its ultimate weapon, was broken, it was even more so.


However, Amdusias didn’t give up.

Despite having nearly twenty holes in its body, it stood up on all fours.

And raising its broken horn, it aimed at Vikir.

[I cannot falter in my mission. You must die here, no matter what.]

An eerie level of conviction. It possessed a steadfastness that was in no way inferior to Vikir’s.

Even as its body was torn apart and its soul shredded, Amdusias stood up.

By any means, with its four legs, with its four hooves, it stood firmly on the ground.


Amdusias began to move.

Even amidst the storm of aura pouring down like a waterfall, it ran straight towards Vikir.

A Demon Lord prepared to sacrifice its life. Its final dive couldn’t be stopped by the combined strength of the many gathered here.

“Vikir! Get back!”

“Husband! Get out of the way!”

Camus shouted, hurling fireballs at Amdusias’s body.

Dolores also infused sacred power into Vikir’s body as she shouted.

However, Vikir remained in place.


He was just looking for that one momentary gap in Amdusias’s resilience.


Amdusias ran. It charged forward. With its crumbling body, it advanced fearlessly, unafraid of death.

To eliminate the hated enemy in front of it, and to remove the variable that might become the biggest obstacle to its mission.



Something huge fell from above Amdusias’s head.

It was made of a heavy and sturdy metal that wouldn’t be destroyed even by Amdusias’s charge.

[…A vault?]

Suddenly, a vault, made of adamantium and orichalcum, appeared out of nowhere, obstructing Amdusias’ charge.

This giant vault, known to Amdusias as well, was undoubtedly Belial’s.

[This is Belial’s…?]

In an instant, something stirred in Amdusias’s field of vision as he turned his head.

A girl with white hair.

Sinclaire stood with an expressionless face.


Sinclaire placed one hand on her hat and began to chant a spell.

Then, the vault that had fallen on top of Amdusias’s head seemed to melt away for a moment before starting to transform its shape.

A rabbit holding a pendulum clock.

This rabbit lashed out at Amdusias with a club (Having a clock face on it’s end) made with adamantium and orichalcum.


Amdusias’s leg snapped.

Above it, Camus’ black lightning struck down with terrifying force.


Amdusias screamed in agony.

The onslaught of heroes pouring in from all sides was gradually wearing Amdusias down.

And then, finally…


Vikir took a step forward towards Amdusias.

His hands, shining brightly thanks to Dolores’ protection.

Vikir slowly caressed Beelzebub

A crimson aura ignited. Soon, it extended and took the form of a gigantic greatsword.


Finally, the overlapping auras accumulated on Vikir’s blade exploded.

Clang clang clang clang boom!

The sun rose, filling the airspace above the academy.

This massive dark sun, formed by the convergence of eight teeth, was the result of Vikir’s power reaching its limit, having reached the pinnacle of Mid-tier Swordmaster since leaving the tower.

“I will kill you.”

There were no exceptions.

From the moment he took the first step, to the moment he struck the final blow, there was no room for any hesitation.

The demon simply had to be slain.


With a dazzling light, the dark sun descended.


It slowly sucked in Amdusias’ crumbling body to its core, and soon engulfed it in an endless chain of pulverization.

[……! ……! …………!]

No last words, not even a final breath.

Complete annihilation.

‘Amdusias of the Abyss,’ the fifth of the ten Corpses, One of the ten supreme demon lords, met its end here.

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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