Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Ibro didn't look back towards Gorsag as he ordered:

"Then begin immediately."

Gorsag didn't move, but Erond and the alpha death knight beside him moved. In the upcoming minutes, a large number of cultivators soared high in the sky. 

Their appearance had caused more noise at the city side. On that side, four people appeared flying in the air. Ibro didn't need to know their identities as they were the four he guessed before. 

Nearly 5k cultivators were facing only four. These four weren't alone, as there were also a lot of towers that could threaten these cultivators. 

That was the reason why these 4 NPCs stood motionless above the center of the city. They didn't move to stop the newcomers. Ibro knew how intelligent the NPCs were, so he didn't underestimate them. 

When the cultivators entered the range of the defensive towers at the walls, they were welcomed by huge attacks from these towers. They started to evade all the rapid incoming attacks, like arrows and fire bolts. 

When they neared the walls, they got under another attack from the defenders on these walls. Some cultivators got shot and descended from the sky wounded. The numbers of fallen cultivators got more and more. 

When these cultivators passed the walls, they didn't even have one quarter of their numbers. The first trick Ibro planned appeared here. 

When everyone was focusing on these flying cultivators and waiting for their next move, all the fallen cultivators changed their course of fall to fall precisely towards the walls. 

This small detail went unnoticed from everyone nearly. The only ones who noticed this small detail were the four leaders of this city. Although they knew, they didn't have time to interfere. 

Once these fallen cultivators neared the walls, they started using their strongest destructive techniques at once. Their target was the walls itself. 

Over 3000 cultivators at nascent soul stages and higher had starter to hit the walls in over 200 locations. At once, the walls began to crumble like dry rock made of dirt exposed to mighty water current. 

In seconds, those huge walls had 200 breach points at the same time. Once these breach points had been made, a huge army of skeletons moved towards them. 

Although players and NPCs over the walls had overcome their shock and started to attack these skeletons, it was too late. 

The skeletons once passed the walls, they found huge players and NPCs waiting for them. At once, the city governor voice echoed throughout the battlefield:

"All the citizens and players move to kill this undead plaque."

That was the reason why Ibro planned his assault to be against the whole city. This game was under the arrangement of that mysterious voice. Ibro's presence here wouldn't be mostly welcomed at all.

"Your turn. Be quick and decisive. This battle's result will depend on your actions."

"I won't disappoint you, my king."

Gorsag moved at once, flying in the air accompanied by over 100 cultivators. They moved in different directions of the city, but Ibro who kept watching them wasn't surprised by this. 

When they vanished from his eyesight, he focused on the battle inside the city. the city governor didn't slack off as he started to use many scrolls and skills towards the invaders. 

He wasn't alone, as the other three companions started to do the same. They weren't the only ones to move, the flying cultivators also moved towards the nearby defensive towers and began to make these towers busy with attacking them. 

The towers inside the city were few actually, so more than half of them began to bomb the ground defensive army with various techniques. 

Attacks from the front and attacks from the sky both made the defensive army got more chaotic. 

Even after many used their strongest skills and scrolls, the players and NPCs started to retreat deeper inside the city. 

That was a sign about losing this battle, so it was normal for many players to leave their locations and retreat deeper to safer places. That put huge pressure over the NPCs army. 

As Ibro expected, the next logical only move for the city governor was to move his two army leaders to join the fray. He left the great magician beside him. Ibro didn't feel any worry at all. 

Although the great magician had claimed more souls of his army than all the defenses of this city, he didn't care. his eyes never left the governor or the great magician. 

In the middle of this, huge numbers of skeletons managed to enter the city without much trouble. Part of these skeletons moved to conquer the walls and finish any remaining resistance there. 

Other parts moved to help their frontlines in the battle. Other parts started to gather the drops of the killed players and NPCs. The flying cultivators also divided themselves under the leadership of Erond. 

Part went to help the ground skeletons. Other parts moved to intercept the two incoming NPCs. The last part headed directly towards the city governor and his great magician. 

Under this threat, the city governor chose to move towards the cultivators and prevent them from reaching his magician. The battlefield became more chaotic, but the upper hand was for Ibro and his army. 

At this moment, when all parts were busy engaging with their foes, a sudden action had disturbed the whole battlefield. A small group of cultivators appeared miraculously from behind the great magician. 

Their appearance was like a bomb that was dropped in this battle. No one was able to move and save this magician from his sealed fate. 

Magicians were deadly killers at big wars, but their unique weak point was always their low HP. Gorsag and his boys had taken a long turn around the city then invaded it from the opposite side of the battle. 

They entered the city with no resistance at all, and then they landed. They moved on the ground and hid inside one building till a chance presented itself when the city governor chose to follow Ibro's bait. 

The over 50 cultivators took less than one second to finish off this magician. Gorsag collected the drops then joined the fray with his boys. This battle fate was sealed. 

This city was doomed to raise Ibro's flag at the end. Once the great magician died, Gorsag raised his head high and shouted with a very loud voice for the entire city to hear him:

"This city fell into our control surrender and we will spare your lives."

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