Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Ibro moved to stand over the walls waiting for the enemy to come. After a few hours, a huge rumbling noise erupted from the horizon accompanied by a big dust cloud. 

From the shape of it, Ibro concluded this wasn't the main army. He knew that the initial estimates of his enemy's army were around 1 million troops. Those incomings were moving very fast. 

Ibro didn't leave his place as he spotted the true nature of these enemies. They were the vanguards. A big number of cavalries were moving very fast towards the city. 

Ibro didn't need to issue any order as he noticed the rapid response of the death knights below. After all these wars, his death knights number had escalated to reach a terrifying 1 million in number. 

He wasn't worried at all, although he had only one-fourth of them here he was pretty sure of their abilities to stop these cavalries. A heated battle started from the beginning of the clash. 

Both sides were very strong and elite. The upper hand for this fight was hanging between the two sides non-stop. Their battle was far from the walls, so the defending troops standing on the walls had no role in this. 

Ibro kept watching the ongoing battle from his high place. The enemy's vanguard was around 250k like his defending knights. After some time, the advantage of his death knights began to show up. 

His death knight had seen countless battles, so their war experience was a notch higher than their foes. This battle wasn't a short one, so it continued till the main enemy troops had appeared on the horizon. 

The vanguard didn't retreat but an order for retreat had been issued for the death knights. Gorsag, who was standing beside Ibro, had issued that order once he saw the front of the enemy army. 

It wasn't wise to keep fighting while the death knights would enter the attack range of the enemy's archers and wizards. After joining the game, Gorsag spent most of the time checking the forums. 

He read many posts and saw many battle videos. He got a general grasp of the nature of battles here. At once, the death knights retreated to the main skeletons army which was surrounding the city from all sides. 

This city was in the open, so it was easy to attack from any side. The vanguard cavalry chased the death knights for some time before retreating as well. 

If they continued their assault then they would enter the range of Ibro's archers, magicians, and defensive towers. Although the city had a huge amount of siege weapons, Gorsag didn't use it to kill these cavalries. 

He kept them for the main army far behind. When the incoming enemy troops got near the city walls, they began to fan out. They surrounded the city from all sides. 

The battle didn't start at once, as a few NPCs flew from the enemy army and stood one by one in the middle of the air in an intimidating move. Their number was around 1000. 

Ibro knew they were the head of this army. He wanted to kill one of them to see how many SPR units he would get. 

In front of all of these enemy commanders, one man flew in the air leisurely as he didn't care about anything on this earth at all. He wore a majestic coat that added to his demeanor appearance. 

Ibro knew his identity at once. He was the northern overlord, the leader of this army. Ibro felt his blood boiled when he saw this man. Ibro wanted to kill him badly.

Although he wanted to, he knew the task of bringing down such a mighty man would be difficult. When that man stood in front of his men, he pointed towards the city as he said in a relaxed tone:

"Bring me this traitor head."

At once, all the men around him moved. All his troops below moved. The war drums echoed in the battleground loudly. The war has just begun. 

Ibro didn't stand in his location anymore as he exited the city and the city gate closed after the last man of his personal squad left it. Ibro took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. 

He was trying to calm down his excited mind. The first minutes of this clash was a long-range battle from the city defensive towers, archers and magicians with the incoming enemies in the ground and the sky. 

Also, a group of 2000 cultivators moved from the city in an intimidating way. The battle was hot from the beginning. 

After nearly 10 minutes, the two frontlines engaged in a hot battle. Ibro didn't stop in his place as he led his 10k squad towards the front.

"Fan out behind me and don't cluster around me like this. You are eye-catching."

Ibro was sure this arrangement was the orders of his three trusted aides. He didn't mind their protection but he was afraid that would attract unnecessary trouble. 

Although he wanted to kill the northern lord and his flying men badly, he needed to raise his strength first. The road of his first million PSR units had just begun. 

When he reached the chaotic frontline, he didn't hesitate to use his newly learned strike to kill the closest enemy to him. One strike killed that enemy without any hardship at all. 

Ibro then moved to the next enemy then the one after him. He kept moving unhindered in the frontlines killing all those standing in his way. 

He didn't delve deep in enemy lines as he was afraid of getting noticed at this critical stage of his leveling up. Ibro began to circle around his city countless times killing all the enemies he could reach. 

He now was sure about his previous hypothesis he could continue to fight like this for hours non-stop. Although there were countless skills thrown at him, he evaded them all. 

Sometimes he got hit by a skill or two, but the energy that entered his body after that was enough to completely heal him. it was like every enemy was killed had given him a fresh start again in everything. 

That was a wonderful feeling. His strength kept rising non-stop all this time. The air battle was also heated up. His cultivators had more advantages in numbers, a variety of tactics and teamwork than their foes. 

That helped them to have the upper hand in this battle. After the passage of four hours, the initial number of 1000 flying NPCs had shrunk into less than 400. 

At the same time, the number of flying cultivators stopped at 1800. The gap had been widened a lot. The ground battlefield wasn't less advantageous to Ibro's men than the aerial one. 

During these hours, Ibro's army managed to kill nearly one-fourth of the enemy total troops. Ibro knew that this northern lord wasn't concerned about this battle. 

He was only playing a distraction tactic here. His main attack had already started on Ibro's village at the basin. What he didn't know yet was that Ibro was ready for him there. 

Ibro was sure that this northern lord would know about the news of his surprise attack failure soon. He was waiting for his reaction. Would he retreat? Or would he start to fight more seriously? 

Ibro kept his killing spree without any rest though. His personal squad tried to keep up with him. They didn't have his amazing rate of one strike one kill, but they killed a lot too. 

Ibro's main aim was to decrease the size of this enemy army in the shortest period of time without revealing any of his trump cards.

Ibro kept his high rhythm without stopping. He depended solely on his strikes without any aid from his cultivation techniques. He was afraid of being watched by this northern lord. 

He tried to hide his true strength away from him. After another couple of hours, the news of the northern lord scheme failure had reached his ears. 

Ibro heard a soft sigh coming from the sky followed by a gust of wind. He looked up to see the face of this northern lord was unsightly. 

He was holding a scroll that he just used to cause this storm that hit Ibro's army. Ibro was standing away from the area of effect of this AOE scroll. 

He stopped in his tracks while observing this lord next move. Surprisingly, this lord was also looking straight to him.

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